HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-05, Page 2.The LUCKNOW S NTINEL-. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO.' "The. Sepoy Toone •fin iia f uron•Bruce Boundary - --Second-Class l i'T,Regiatratiof-Number-084 . Established 1873 Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of the C.W.N.A..and O.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $5.00 'a year in advance -- to the U.S.A., $7.00. • Donald C.: Thompson, ., 'ublisher. : l THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1969 TwoMen.Rec,eIve Bachelor Of Arts Degrees 4n• Sunday Two area. men received their Bachelor of Arts•Degree at the Fall Convocation of Waterloo Luth- eran University on Sunday, NOVr ember• 2nd, ' " : • Angus, MacLennan uckn g a nnan of L ow�. } .. pt. pal of :5001We Jic ScI oot,and William Black Of R. R.,1 Dungannon ,°.principal of Col; borne. Central School and, formerly principal .of Kinloss Central both redeived degrees, Angus majored in psychology and histoy.and • Bill in psychology: During recent verbal and�w ��>id�received many comments; both who would favour a' reunion in'Lucknow. in 1970. It appears that many people .living at a distance would be keen fer such an event .and. have encouraged. The Sentinel' editaiR away in the hope' that, some enthusiasm can be A true'eoammnnity reunion would include residents and former _rneldeom_.ai-the .townships as well-•-as-tire, ofllage. A reunion: committee ' might include atemberstiip from ebe a�uroundio rural .m • _eavbos-ariicies, The -Sentinel still-hal-not-receivect Tillage W1& or residents. 'We'll give. it another try tilill week 'ass many 'smog vidEors.to. the village: urged us to do. 441444.444+4.4.4441.. [poLiCE.EARNED,c.uR.;THANKS.I. There was no lack of publicity, over the weekend, so far as.. Seaforth was concerned. Radio and TV newscasts through Sunday and daily newspaper headlines in Monday editions carried the name of the town over a wide area :in reporting early Sunday morning' exchanges But ` it is the land:' of publicity with which we could well do without. Nobody, likes . to ;have things said which emphasize the prob- lems and . difficulties which face either . individuals or communities. And yet at the ' same time problems and difficulties, unfortunate as. they may be,: are part and parcel of the days :activities. In reporting, the week -end events : as they did, the news • media was only doing :its duty and_carrying, out: its responsibilities to the public: All the ingredients for a full scale riot werepresent and Seaforth is fortunate that the trouble was not more extended than it 'was. The fact that is was cleared up so quickly and the trouble makers dispersed. with relatively .;little` damage reflects great credit on the local . police force and on members of the OPP whoco-operated so fully.` A com- bination bination' of force coupled with restraint, despite the abuse ; to which : the men were subjected, held participation to a• minimum and resulted in .an early end to hostilities., ; Certainly Seaforth can be thankful that the local force 'had; taken necessary. steps to provide for'. assistance if needed, and for the so effective and ready co-operation 'extended by the Ontario Provincial Police SEAFORTH HURON' ..EXPOSITOR -• MEET COUNTY not enforcing. their dog control The, graduation was, held at ." Kitchener /Memorial Auditorum at 2.30 p.m. 'with. a churchsere ice,preceding the. event in the. morning in the. theatre auditorium on, campus, Approximately 400 received. degrees. Honorary. degrees were granted Mrs. Roland'Mi:hener, wife of the governor-general of -C-anada Paul -Emile Cardinal Leger;' forrn7. er larclibishOp of Montreal and Frederick• Mink1er ,. retired. North York educationist-: Mr, Minkler was.the keynote•:,speaket.` Guests .of Mr.' and, Mrs. MacLen- flan at the convocation were his mother, Mrs. Clarene. MacLenn- an of Glammis; his brother Mr., and'Mrs.. John K.. MacLennan of Kitchener; his••father=in-law Oliv- er Vokes of Toronto and this sister-' in law Mrs: Mel Watson••of Toronio WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1969. WtCC"B'ETREC.EIVED. UNTIL NOVEMBER 12t1i FOR THE POSITION OF I APPLICATIONS SHOULD -BE SUBMITTED TO • . . T. H. ALTON, BRUCE, COUNTY TREASURER Walkerton, Ontario: Further information on the position available from Mr. Alton.' Stocker Sale Held Monday 425 head -were sold at the stocker sale at the Lucknow Community' Sale barns.on Monday of this. week. Twenty steers consigned by Dennis Hogan of Ashfield , averag- ing 680 veraging'680 lbs , were sold to Elgin Josling Londesbbro-for "33.210 Six hei fers , consigned by Ken , Farrell of Ripley, . averaging 690., lbs.twere sold to Wayne Fear of Wingfharn for' 26.20 . Seven steer calves consigned by, Geert Logtenberg of R R 1 `Dung- annon:, •averaging x,410 abs : were . :sold to James' Cou. ltes of Belgrave. for 3.7.00'. • Four heifer calves; consigned by Geert Logtenberg . averaging 465 'lbs , -were sold to C . R. Cour= tes,. Belgrave.for 33,00,. ENGAGEMENTS NIVINS CULBERT Mr .--E1don,-Culbert-of .Gude, rich •wishes to announce the engagement of his daughter • Carol Marie' to Mr... Joseph ' Allister Nivins; son of Mary •Nivins, R .R, 3 Auburn.. The marriage will take place at.Dungannon United Church, Dungannon at 3 p.m, on Saturday ,' November .29th . Guests of .Mr . and Mrs : Black,\ • ,,wete hisbrotheron-__ Black: of Goderich; his sister Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stanley and girls` of St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs Gord' Bosman of Belgrave... • CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 construction. • Elmer 'Hayter ,-Stanley Town ship Reeve and chairman of. the • road committee :told council. the ' `: . committee 'had authorized' repair work at Irvin's place: of business • as well as his home .•:' ••. He said the Committee had en deavotred to snake, the, job as bylaws, He •said the town' of Exeter 'and the township of Stephen were' the only:two rrmnicipalities'<iri the. "cquntyy that were' coinplying=.with, their bylaws,, nearly. perfect as possible and sug-i gested that some .of the difficulty:' could be..zesoived' if. Mt ._Iry • • 'would consent to lower his gas pumps Reeve Derry Boyle , Exeter, asked Irvin for suggestions to correct the situation. Irvin said the height of the road should be raised "reasonably" and estimated the cost would be about $15 , 006 Engineer Jim Brintnell• agreed, and .put the cost bf the work at somewhere between $10, Cot and $20,000 . , •The matter was referred back to committee, Dr; W, r. Thompson, Seaforth,, federal veterinarian, scolded. Huron County 'municipalities for Dr Thompson said :incidents of rabies continue to .rise, and Noted that dog control ,is'a'factor in 'the rabies question. P1:an;Remiti.rance. Day Observance Lucknow,' Branch of the Canadian Legion will, observe. Remembrance' Day next Tuesday, `Noyember•`ilth' with.•services at. St. Peters Anglic- an'Church in Lucknow at 10.a`..tn followed by a service at the Luck - now Cenotaph at 11 a.m.' Veterans, Ladies' Auxiltary,.Gir1 Guides Brownies, Scouts, and Cubs. will , meet at the Legon•Hall'at.945.. Lucknow School Band will head. the church parade4h0 fdllaw.kng the chiirch: service ' to the cenotaph,. Places of.'business in•Lucknow will remain closed on Tuesday morning and will re -open ' in the•afternoon . • This Sunday, November,9th•, Legion members will form part.,Of a Remembrance Service.at.St;. Clinton Reeve James Armstrong_'Ielensaat_2�3Q:n saidpolice in Clinton were shoot- ing stray dogs. ' "T ;as.4 all ght.,.`'.teniax d Dr Thompson "but some munic-- •ipalities dont have anyone to do, the shooting . " Hugh Flynn, r iullett reeve, • said there should be more restrict-,' ions' on pet owners.: 'If itcost more to have a dog, fewer people would have the'r , ` Flynn told council.: • Also visiting county council was Hugh Hill , country tree inspector. In addressing Council -Mr. Hill • The annual Remembrance ban-. quit--and-id-ance ;--fo -Veter-ans--and their .'wives, Ladies Auxiliary and their husbands:; will be held at. the. Lucknow:Legion Hall on Satur .day. evening, November .15th • Gordon Montgomery,of Lucknow will show slides of a trip to the Canadian • War Craves in .Holland spoke out against 'regional govern ment. He called it the "damndest4 piece of legislation" the provinc- ial government had dreamed up in• a long while and'pred,icted it would be '"a hellova, lot more ex- pensive' JANES y to Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Janes (Isabel•Ritchie) of Seaforth` •on Monday, October 27th' a daugh- ter, augh-ter, /Linda Patricia , a sister for Erie' and John , SERVICE Tuesday, November Prada of Veterans, Ladies: Auxiliary, Guides, Brownies, Scouti and Cubs from the t.egion' .Hail; Lucknow.. at 9:45 .0.M., to St. Peters, Anglican Church. ;" SERVICE AT CENOTAPH' AT' 11 A.M. REMEMBRANCE SERVICE — LAYING OF WREATHS Members of 'organizations and citizensare urged to ,attend