HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-15, Page 11l)�'n BS • ids:: neer. • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER,JStb, 1! ! y THE; LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN TIC UCKNO fi-ASN.D-AR R;ESJDENTS--.- , The, Lucknow and District Lions Club would appreciate .your gathering up any items you have "around the house that would! be suitable for their Rummage Sale which is to be held October 17 "and 18. SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY` LUCKNOW PLUMBING,. • • HEATING . r ELECTRIC' WIRING C.G.IT. Organize With 26 Gids Lucknow C . G . I . T , are now meetingin the Lucknow. United Church from '7:0P .8:30• on, •lvlondays•under the leadership of Mrs. R G.. Nicholls,, Mrs. 'G.'.' Cayey, Valerie: Morningstar and • Bonnie: Maize and with an attend ante -of -26 girls. , The United.Church is••sponsoring•. • • the girls, but as in other years, all girls in the_communit-y' between; 12 and 17 are welcome The prog:-.. ram consists of•:games, songs, worship; business' and projects such as Bible and Mission studies., crafts and parties'.. The purpose of ,the ' group is to learn to cherish health, seek; truth; know God and serve •• •others .• 5t, : v. gustine :C: The October meeting of•St Augustine C . W.:t. was held in the I alXwith-144nember-s=present Mrs;: J.. Hickey, the president; opened ened the-meetin and Fr. ;Galea P . g. 'led theprayer..The' minutes•of the September. meeting: were read. :by Mrs Wm , Kinahan. •The treas- urer.' --s report was read by:Mrs G. WVan aken.• Mrs:.; Wm.; Redmond read the correspondence Roll. call was taken by Mrs : Cyril'Boyle Mrs.. Win. Redmond gave•us an'• interesting summary.of the ' Hi- • ' lites'of the -Deaner . Meeting!' of the Stratford branch held at Seaforth a couple of weeks' The:,bake sale, Variety sale .and Tea was discussed in detail; This will' beheld in St /g.Au 'ustine Hall; • • on Saturday, October '18th at 2 , ..tee able,V table , ,candy table and Fish .pond for the children will beset pp. • `Everyone' will be welcome'to have, 'a.cup of tea at ,the tea tables, alse-set-up irthe aiJ �-Th pro r- Beds •of this event will. go• towards.' a C. W.I project; Fr. Galea told of the Thanksgiving Mass,to ' •be held : at'St . Augustine at 8:30 p 'm: on Thanksgiving evening: He would•:ilike everyone to come•. and participate :in this Mass , The meeting was adjourned and closed with. prayer. A delicious lunch •was served by the'hostesses in charge. • The lunch convenors for. t e ..ovember meeting will be • Mrs G. VanAak'en and Miss Alva Kearne • KINGSBRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hogan of • Toronto ' and Miss Irene Hogan of London were.weekend visitors with Mr.. and Mrs. Dennis. Hogan and family and Basil Hogan,. . . Seven ;Boy Scouts and their lead- ers. Kenny Fitzpatrick enjoyed three day hike in the Goderich area over the week end ' :A number of people gathered in the Church basement on Sunday after both Masses, and • enjoyed a 'a social visit with the Catholic. • Women's League, serving coffee :.. g g , and doughnut;: Leo Moerbeck has returned 'home after being a: patient .in the • Goderich.hospital for 'some time .• ' Mr and Mrs Peter Martin of Hamilton spent' the weekend' with ,Mrs. Blaise'Martin and Mr. and rs. Walter :Dj(ter Gives,Travelogue . Mfrs L wrenee M-acLeod-was- hostess for Unit 2 of Lucknow • United .Church. Women, on October ' 7tli at 2:30.' `Mrs. Orland Richards welcomed members°and read a 'Prayer of Thariksgivng. •A hymn: was sung:: The• devotional service• was con versed by Mrs.•Vernon Hunter, the thetne being "To Represent Christ" The:",scripture was read by Mrs.' Jake. Hunter', with prayer by Mrs'.. V, : ,Hunter. Mrs . V:. Hunter spoke on .the T. V' ,' program Man Alive. , The toll 'call . wasanswered by An Everyday ,Blessing, .'The :announce rnents were the fowl supper .ort October 21st; the Thankoffering meeting on October 28 at •8 p', m.; t -he-I I � -' d : oii a aerry swat e--�-• • e�to�b taken to the November meeting. • Committee Conveners reported. A :hyrnn was sung. Mrs. Walter Deicter gave a tray= "elogue. on,trips s e: 'a. enjoyed. the last few years, showing some. pictures ' and, articles: -from Ireland. The meeting. closed w, ith the 'rep- eating ep.-eating of the Mizpah: BenedictronN in unison. Lucknow Unit:4 W d The October Meeting of Lucknow U.C. . , .Unit`4, was held .at the ,„ home of Mrs. Clarence Ritchie with an attendance of 20 members and several guests. Mrs. Arnold opene the Meeting with a. Thanks= giving poein. The hyrnn "Come • ye tha "n kful people come" was sung the great significance 'Of the. Life of Jesus'', although by our 'standards his life was very, insignificant. Mrs. Nicholls then spoke on the* rherne ship was: also.led by -Mrs; Nicholls • andit took'the forrn of a litany entitled ':Let us'J ernemher-eesus'"- The•hyrrin '`Fairest Lord Jesus" closed this section of the meeting. Mrs Arnoid•'presided for the business Funds were 'Voted. to the Friendship Committee to carry on their work: The Autumn Thank-` offering date, was announced to .be`. Octobef 28th. .An .".Inspirational: Day" is to be held in Chesley on October 23rd. The Fowl Supper following' Church Anniversary, Will •• be held October. 21st. • he efzpai on c ose -. the meeting and refreshments were served by they Committee in charge The November meeting Will be held at Mrs. E. Ackerts. Note Chane: of :place-. $- ZION A "successful, ".Shooting Match' was held at West Wawanosh Gravel pig on Monday afternoon. _ A large crowd attended and carried off T"" iheirplrizes-ef-turkeys ,, d ucks. and----- chickens. .Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steer of London spent the week end in,Luck-. no. area and visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook.. • Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Helm visited Mr. and Mrs.'Lloyd Whittock and family of Wawanosh on Sunday.. 'Grant Helm ,of. London spent'the. •w.eek=end at 'his home ' orn Helm returned ,home. on. Saturday night„ :from Stratton:;in.,Northern Ontario and 'other points west where he.. ,att ended a feeder and stocker sale; Wanda Hunter of ' Windsor, :Donna Ritchie,of London' and., Marion Reid of Guelph spent the week -end at their respective homes here: • ,'Mr. -and Mrs'. Dan Nicrholson and 'Mrs. W. , .O . Hunter of Luc know. visited Mr. and Mrs: Jim;Hunter and Wanda on Sunday. • Ken Kirkland's saddle ;horse "Cherikee" died suddenly' on .S. at urday p.m. She had taken an. :active' part_•;in'the,surrounding area, rodeos and ,fall fairs in ,the past, months . Mrs:. Mark -Dalton. A number of men from the Parish formed a" bee" to do some• work on the. cemetery. grounds on Monday morning. Thanksgiving:.weekend visitors with Mrs. Genevieve Kinahan were Mrs. Morris Edwards and three Children of London,: Mr. and Mrs: Michael Kinehan- and lamily'of Lambeth, .Mrs. r • U sola •Hebert and ' John; O'Connor and, on Monday; • " Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kinahan:and; family of St,, Augustine visited • with Mrs. Kinahan.. • We are sorry to hear `that Frank Austin and Mrs JlmMartin "are' not: enjoying the best'.orliealth.: Mr.' ;Austin' is a patient in hospital .in, Wingham .arid Mrs.:: Martiii is a• .1 patient in 'hospital in. Goderich Spu• e r • S'ewu • •"S .P WHITECHURCH NEWS Whitechurch Super Sewups held their 6th meeting Saturday at :9.30.. ir! Whitechurch Community'Memor ' ial Hall with ten girls in attend ance . •. Absent were. Gemma " deBruyn, Joyce Tiffin and. Marlene Weber.. in the absence of president' Joyce Tiffin, :Brenda King opened the meeting Wwith,the-4--- pal dge;rep; eated 'inunison Darlene Simpson :read the, minutes. The next meet- ing is ,Saturday October 11 in the , Devotional part of the program, using' firstly, a quiz on the Histor-. , ical facts of the fife of Christ, .. followed by a unison reading of "O ile_Solitary Lifet--which-stressed Hall at 9.30. The roll .call was. answered by"giving •uses, of .fly and roman stitch, A discussion was held on theuses of,these stitches Pians were made' ICI Achievement Day. ' Demonstrationsmade were;, How• to do the 'cruel stitch, how to com. .plete'the runners, how..to transfer -a-design to mater alfor-the'"fr choice article. As Group work they. did the cruel stitch on sample and worked :orf, • rrunners ,They,wrote on sample. sheets the uses of fly and roman stitches. • The meeting closed:with 4-1-1 creed . Stitch n .Time The sixth meeting of ' Stitch.' -'n Time 4-1-I Club was held in the • Lucknow Town Hall on October 8,, at 4;00. • We, opened the meeting with the Pledge. Gail Pritchard: save the secretary's report. 'The. roll call "Placef the fly and roman.'. tehes arbC_ uisedw.1 -?.-M3 —= ed' by seven girls. "' Terri Sisler. •w,as absent. ° We discussed the places' the.fly and roman stitches• could be used'. , Achievement Day is: to be Sv er Sewv s . R P. WHITECHURCH NEWS i techurch• Super Sew hel; Whit pe a Ps .d . their ;seventh meeting Saturday, .' October 11 at 9.30 in Whitechurch Community Hall. , President Joyce Tiffin opened the. meeting with all repeating the 4-H Creed . Kathy Purdon'read the minutes., Discussions were, the uses of the , crewel stitch, Exhibit for Achieve- ment Day in care of Marlene Weber, Achievement: Day• November. 15 , one weltekearlier than formerly announaed, bring ..•, ideas, for Book Covers to .next meet- ing, selection of stitches to be used in designs The • Demonstration was how'' to iron the completed runners and different was to f ' h the runners .mu and free choice articles. ' In.g rou ,_wark••all: filled -in-the. -- g P. uses for therewel stitch • on the illustration•worked see t and. ori: their free choice article..: The leaders Mrs.. Walter Elliott and.Mrs. Elmer Sleightholrn and twelve members were present for the, meet tng which' closed with the •4-H Creed. a H:c n.dicra'fters On:Oc'tober 7 the 'Si Helens' Happy Handicrafters held their font-Ili:Meeting in. the Si. Helen's' -' Hall. On September '3U there was.>. a work Meeting in;the hall._ The. meeting was 'opened -With the'4-H pledge. ,, Vera 'MacDonald. read the. minutesofthe .last Meeting The roll call - Places the.' Feather •'', held' on the 15th of November in. the Lucknow';Public School.' Our record books must be in to Walker- • ton•on November 5th We are to do an exhibit ori "Creating . your • own design" for Achievement Day. Gail Pritchard is to give the comm. entary. The leaders showed us•how to. do the crewel 'stitch ' and-, how to makea twisted cord:.. We closed: the meeting with the creed, Learning -Lassoes, The third meeting of he Colwan ash Learning -Lassies was_hel Lon October 4, '1969 at the home of Diane Zinn . The meeting opened with the 4.14 ,pledge, ' Irene Hasty took the roll can and rea d the minutes of the last meeting: All Members were present;' It was'dec ided to have the next Meeting October 8, 1969 at 2 : p : m . at the home of lrene Hasty. We discussed, the uses of blanket stitch and how ge ,a design.. - The Leaders:: demonstrated how titch and two 1 variations., of it • • For 'Group Work we put' the uses of the blanket stitch on illustration:' sheet did our sam .les and started our runners The meeting closed with the Queen: • Stitch could be 'used was answered by nineteen girls . „ The next meet- ing is eet-ing"is to be held on Octo4er:16 at; 7:00 in the hall. Discussion - The girls . decided that the covers,of their books would' be green4or turquoise bristol board:. •. The egirls 'discussed . makin :adesi n and':, g nga design. making $ :.,,. Demonstration. The leaders ,, demonstrated the Fly and Roman Stitches to -the gi Group Work The girls worked g on their runnersand'did•their. sample lpieces. The meeting P P ng,• .. Closed with the ,4-H C/eedi . CRAWFORD MOTORS CRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO 4 DODGE D500,' chassis and cab 9, • DODGE 4 door,, 8 automatic, power steering and power brakes,. demonstrator. CHRYSLER Newport , Convert- • ible, power equipped and radio. i9'..'CH ' '• ;CHRYSLER, 2 door hardtop, power steering, power brakes and radio • 69 PL—YMOU'T'H Furor, floor 8 aot onatic with radio. 68 PLYMOUTH Fury h1, 4 door, q 8 automatic; power steering and radio 67 DODGE stationwagon, 8` cylinder, au oinatic and radio' . DODGE, 2 door :OD 64 PLYMO U'nH,, 6automatic auto-, 63 . FORD,.11 door sedan, 6 standard •