HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-08, Page 10;PAGE! TEN h .�• � 1..;:c • •'' t ... Iessengers;0!c w Of#cers OLIVET 'NEWS The Olivet -Messengers held their meetig On-Sunday.--Nanc Y ' McGuire*o ;tined: the Meeting and -, P g read a meditation,• Wendy Hamil-• ton 'the scripture and Brian Coiling led in prayer. Joyce Osborne read a story and.Joan Osborne a poem Election of officers' for the'.new' season resulted as follows: Presid - tint,. Wendy Hamilton; . Vice -Pres. , Brian Coiling; Treasurer, Nancy. McGuire and press reporter, Joyce Black The recent Rummage Sale was. a great successassuring their. sponsored child of continued• supp- ort. Peneral LijcknoijJ • The Genera 1; Meeting. of Lueknow United. Church: Women washeld:in the. Fellowship Room onT'uesday' evening. Mrs. J C. McKim presided. for •the devotional part of the meeting, using'a hymn, 'a responsive prayer. of ,invocation ..:and illustrating the. meditation•'with: posters ..embracing the . theme • "God Calls Ufs" Miss , Margaret Rae favoured. with a solo and Lorraine Boyle , a. piano instru�'. mentala} The Christian Education convener Mrs. Gordon}: Johnston, presented a film strip The Church Plans' for rs , Glen Walden' . Children" ': M . introduced the film'and after the • showing 'of :the filen led in a pertin ent discussion in which many part- icipated-- MrsHHarold'Tr-e eav-erl-1 read the poem., "For: a: Child" . The president,.. Mrs..Vernon Hunter . presided for,,the business. Rev J..E Hummel ;installed, . Mrs. 'Wm. Wharry, 'supply : 'the :officers Mrs. Alex Hackett . umiumimr :THE LUCKNOW'.:SENTI,NE1..,. ;L.UCKNOW, ONTARIO 4 rs, . Kooney bKnIOss VIII... Organize UCW At Ashfield Church • The first general U.C. W meet- ing of Trinity United Church. Ash-- field,was;held October 1, 1969 in marl—Mug/all reported�on a�workr ..he.0ctobe�metirtg Kinloss 'W. M. 'S. • was held ,at ,the home of, Mrs, Gilbert Hamilton .on Wednesday afternoon, October 1 .. with a good attendance. Mrs; Frank MacKenzie, opened the meeting and:Mrs, Evan ,Keith - read the. correspondence: Business matters. were dealt, with and ,Mrs.. Ira Dickie"and.Mrs. Allan . the Church basement.. Chas.::T Wilkins opened the meeting.. The, scripture was given by Mrs ..Donald ,Hackett.' A cornmentary on. Service to the. Church` was .given' . by M rs . Chas. Wilkins and Mrs. Warren Zinn lead in Prayer. ' Rev. J.! E. Hummel opened the shop they atte'ndedin•Paisley: The Bible Study Was .1" Corinthians 3 with the roll call being a'vers•e` < , with "Build , . • y• . ,The:guest speaker;:, Mrs, Rooney of Ripley; was introduced' by Mrs. Douglas Graham and she opened her meisa. ge by referring•to a business portion. Recommendations, custom of the early pioneers at, from the executive meeting were • Thanksgiving of putting 5 grains read by Mrs. ,Cliff Menary', and , of corn at each plate: to remind ;approved and adopted by the _mem- : • them of first privations. She divid hers. Those elected, to office' :will P take, offices irmnediately compiet- ing.1569 and until. December .1971. Mrs. Donald Hackett'gave'the • nominating committee report with _the executive as follows:. President, • Mrs Mrs Alex Hackett;Vice President, Mrs. Bert Alton;• Recording and . Corresponding Sec.:, Mrs. Frank ed her talk under 5 headings, Peace, Thoughtfulness,"Generos- ity,, Contentment, Reverence. She Was thanked by Mrs. Frank Mac Kenzie and. presented with a gift. Steer contributed a solo accompanied by Mrs. Buckton Mrs ; °Burt had charge of the Prayer Circle and Dean MacLeod closed. the meeting with prayer after - which the Directors. served 'lunch Ritchie, Assistant, Mrs.,. Allan Ritchie;. Treasurer, Mrs.• Warren. Zinn; Ass't., Treasurer, Mrs. Cliff • Kilpatrick-, The chairman •for the 'following.. offices with one convenor :from each of.the three units for•each office are: Finance, Mrs. Warren Zinn; Program, Mrs Chas. :Wilkins;. Sacia'l, Mrs, Andrew Ritchie; Nomination,: Membership, Co-operation in Christian Mission- ary Education;•,Mrs. Livingston'' Menary Citizenship and Social • Hold,t. . . Final Meeting fLANGSIDE NEWS • On Friday evening the Langside C.O.C. held their final•meeting. Actions, Supply and Welfare, Nils. -itrthe-H-all -and' invited the. ladies Donald Hackett; Community' Friendship and Visiting, Flowers (such as church), •Mrs. Wrn. Andrew; Literature and Communic= a ,tions, .Press and' Publicity, Mrs.' im Hunter Stewardship.and Rec- ruiting, Leadership and Develop' ment, Mrs.' David;Hackett: • • convener, announced that ten bales gave, a few words of thanks. The of good/, used clothing had been meeting closed with the hymn 36.2 'sent. for Overseas .Relief. Plans and Mr,' Hummel pronounced the were made for the Autumn Thank- Benediction. offering 'to':be, held .Tuesd"ay.; October 28 'w with Miss Jessie McPher son,' retired Women's Prison Admin' istrater . in Winni Deg, as guest; speaker . Plans were •made. also , for: a hot fowl supper to be'held.on Tuesday ; . October 21st. The meet' ing closed with:the Nlizpah Bened-; etion. • SOLD -IT THROUGH -TN WANT ADS: of the congregation to attend.. .1 Freddie deBoer presided for an int= eresting prograrn of songs ;devotions, a story from the. Study Book and a .• film. • _•-Son s_iiere led b rMrs. George._ .g.. Y Young.-. Helen'Wiersma was secret' any:: ,Ja',me"s Young read the script ure,and Keith'Bregrrian ledin prayer: '. Nancy-deBoer• gave the storyand•' Joanne Bre man received the offering.' '•Certificates and pins Were presen! ted to all; methbets'. After the meeting was Closed 'with prayer,.. .some game's' were 'played.. • The leaders., .Mrs.;: George, Young; Mrs. rm. oung an' "is. r.ra., thiffman'served'lunch.. ..Mrs. Bob Bregman rnove'd a,vote of thanks to the leaders:fer their work with .t1 CQC . E 'R ®VE Calvin Robertson is, preparing his new home, a trailer, on the farm of Roy Collins. Calvin sold .his farm recently. . , Mr; and Mrs. Don ;Robertson. visited .with Mr, and Mrs. George Harris andfamily of Scarboro and Mr. and: Mrs. 'Ivan Harris and fam- ily of Milton.. J., and,- the nd-the weekencrivith Mr. and Mrs, Clare McDougall of Markdale .. Miss Joan Courtney spent Friday. and Saturday with Miss Margie Collilns, Vicki Dore spent Saturday with Mrs. DonMcCosh. SEND FOR EW FREE CATALOGUE. OF COMPLETE UG -HOOKING ' KITS! 4.4,gasy-to-moke'deep-pile. hooked rug designs, available in complete kits of: ' •• Pne-cut yards . • 43 gorieous colours ,Stencilled rug canvas. f • , Latehet.hook • 'Illustrated instruction sheet • ,Fully guaranteed .•• I. MARYMAXIM SARIS, Ontario. • "I' Please send ane .FREE, the new Mory I • Maxim book of"Hooked Ryas 1°4443: can I ;:make . from complete kits . NAME. ADDRESS 1 CITY T Lucknow.;;, ernoon 'WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER $tf..t,. 1.969 •.l. the Lord Simcoe Hotel . : . in the heart of downtown Toronto, wi in wa ing 'distance to the major shopping district.... • andrwith-the-subway. ., right at the.door, .. You'll .enjoy the friendly service and s"ensible prices; too. Next time you visit ,Toronto enjoy it more than ever . stay at ° the Lord•S mcoe, v',University and King Streets, Tel, 362=1848 ' twcae.vle' The .October meeting of. the LucknowWomen's:.Missionary • Society' met in the church on Wed - nesday , October lst. , Mrs•.' James Little presided 'and opened -the meeting by, giving a: Thanksgiving verse and. prayer Hymn 139•was sung after which Mrs. W,. Porteous, gave the Bible Study ' 1 Kings , 7th chapter, about the Queen of Sheba and good King Solornon. • She said although we cannot claim that the .Queen of Sheba was a"Christian. woman yet she was greatly interes- • e-i*Selo•rnaiils-wok•— -.duet-•by Mrs P. Stewart and •Mrs: A : Loree. namely "Near to, the heart of God" was well rendered, • Mrs. M: Henderson read a letter on Thanksgiving which was prep- ared by Miss' Mary MacLeod. It -told' of:the Early Settlers, their poverty..and hardships and how they helped one another; The Prayer Circle was givenbyy Mrs. R. Reid' and Mrs: 1-1, Nixon. A hymn'was then sung, 'An invitation was extended from the t< nlrnmgi their Thanksgiving Meeting on, Novernber 15th and asked for a •I• number from the Society. Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Loree were appointed to' give a ' duet ;—'I'tto'se_ who wish 'their "Glad Tidings" ren- Church Services UCKNOW • JNI.TED' CHURCF Rev, Robert Nicholls, B.A., Minister OCTOBER 12th: Thanksgiving Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Sunday. School -1100 a.n . ,Morning - ,Service-, Anniversary Services • October 19th Thou that bast given so much to. me, Give one thing more - a grate- ful heart; - Not thankful when it pleaseth. me, • As if thy blessings had spare• lays; But 'such a heart, whose pulse may be. Thy Praise • ' George Herbert r n Lurknow Presbyterian `'(Burch Rev. Glenn .Noble, BA. B. 'Minister Phone 5284740 . OCTOBER 12th ThantEsgiving • Sundair 10:00 a.m.'No: Sunday School'. 11.00' a.m.. Morning ° Service Sunday School will ,meet at Y 10:45 .School ` to attend the church service. 4* S T. P-ETER'S ANGLICAN' CHURCH Rev; R, .T. F.-Odendahl Rector OCTOBER 12th Ttij#y .19 • 10:15' church 'School LUCKN-OW 'CHRI'S'T'IAN :REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor x• Ser'vice's: • 10:00 'a.m. (English) 2:30 p.m. (Dutch 2nd and 5th Sundays). RS-WELC Denominational Radio Broad- cast, "The Back To. God Hour", -every-Sunday: C—JCS--(Str-atfor-d 2:00 p.m..; CFOS ' (Owen Sound) 6:00' p.m. • A',broker, was originally a retailer of goods belonging to another; sewed were asked to do so through Mrs., Porteous , the. Secretary A flew Study Book was in the ordering ,,and the Thankoffering or. -October '2nd . The :offering, was received and the roll i.call was answered with a verse from 1st'Peter, 'Hymn 147 was sung ,and. prayer by Mrs. James Smit"h'brought--the_Meeting to.: close, •