HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-08, Page 6PAGE .SIX. deputy -reeves, found it a time for' gathering information.. Delegations on hand to discuss county welfare and regional health.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, unitswere receivedand heard with ` .:In The Estate Of '• ,ISA$IEL-L VIa„cDONALD, +r"RM !!eil a:4.a. 4 �r!F.T.��lr' rt wc. .. VSs...-..!•.sA.,.. 'THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,: LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER 8th, 1969 Mice To Creditors • Put your money into our .guaranteed investment • certificates now paying the never -before interest of eight and one half percent. • • :100 KINGSTPN STREET • • .HURON COUNT'? CONTINUED FROM ,FAGE 2 for working 'Oapital.in amonnt of 'money aVallable as ready cash "I 'would strongly recornmend that in.considering:the budget f9r. 1970; " 'Berry continded.,."every a result .save. on intereit." Just as a• matter af interest, Berry told cduncil the ,ayerage cost Ter' delegte,to conventions 1969 Was $165.08. :This doeS not seein extravagant" .Iri a 'quiet session .of County. counCil-Friday., anion reeves and it • • no resulting decisions.° The property cornrnittee reported on the completion of the work on the court, housewally and advised that repairs, to the roof will be • carried out by Dobson roofing Exeter. The,Dobson•tender was $2,598 and the department of • public workshas agreedto pay its • •ikare•-of, Deceased • All persons.having claims again- st the ,Estate of Isabella MacDon- ald, late . of the Village of Lucknow, blithe County .of Bruce, Widow, de- ceased,; who, died onor about the 19th ' day of September, `1969, are hereby notified to send full partic- ulars of their . claims to 'the under- signed. Solicitor for the Estate • on or. before the `20th day, of October.. sr-wd rtFale```F tate-, istributed amongst those.. entitled thereto having regard only to the 'claims of which the Exe- cutors shall then have notice: , Dated :at Listowel,.. Ontario, this 90th day of 'September 1969. R.W.`ANDREW Llstowi, Ontario. • Solicitor for the Executors The former department:Of .edwation office suite will be (kg, paying 59'..68 percent of all main- tenance on the building plus the rentals for the various facilities in the court house. . A private,office will be built for, the county registrar at a 100 . .percent cost to the province New lighting at the registry offiCe has also .been financed 100/0 by the . Furnishings at the administrative. building have been purchased by. commenced his. dyties there July .24, ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS , In'the Estate of RUBY ELIZABETH PLOVVRIGHT' Deceased. • ALL persons having claims •a- gainst the Estate of Ruby Elizabeth Plowright,\ late of the Village of Luclmow, in the County of .Bruce, Widow, deceased, who died or about the 1.4th day.. of July. 1969, particulars of their claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the Die- cutors of the Estate, on or before museum. Raymond Seotehmer gave which , the -24th day of October-1969rafter date the Estate will be dis- tributed , amongst those entitled thereto having regard Only to the 'claims of Which the Executors Shall then have notice. ' Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 30th` day, of September p69. ' Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors 'a glowing report of muieurn visita-• tions and receipts. He said more people than ever. before toured the:' $550 'over lasi year. Total visitors ment•commissioner , said trailers will become h',spe0.al concern of the Assessment department scion. He advised that trailers whiah have becorne a part of the, land (on foundations,. for instance) will be,, assessed as pernianeht hgrnes. "the -extra .aSieSsrrient will ''go the owner of phe:land7 , expiained, "and 'the, trailer owner a the Piop_ertyLoWner: will have to work. it out betWeen them:" Roy.Paiiisod, chairman of the county development committee, . gave a brief report on the official tour of CFB Clinton, again solicit- ing the cOunty's co -Operation .Exc.ter deputy -reeve Mery Cudrnoie,.,,reported-that the total stun for the officlal plan of the • In,fhe Estate of , W.INNIFRED NIXON Deceased jog_ claims , again- st the Esta e of Winnifred , late of the. Village 'of Liicknow; in the County of Bruce, WidoW, de- ceased, who' died 011 or about the 23rd day, of September'•1960; are hereby notified to send full porde- ulars•of their claims to the under - .signed Solicitor_for_..the_Executor.1 , of the.Estate,. en or before the.25th day of. October 1969, after which • .date the Estate will be. distributed amongst those entitled thereto hav-. 'ing regard only to. the claims of which the Executoe'shall then have Dated at Listowel, Ontario 7th day of October, 1969.. . Listowel, Ontario • • Solicitor for the Executor MONUMENTS For=sound counsel -and= -a -fair price-Wa Monlirilent corner lv des armed from qualityin ten:rely ial on SKELTO WALKERTON Established Over Siity Years PHONE 881-0234. LS ONTARIO 130" stoats E OR SHORT gm' 'Ito sie FRESH GROUND BEEF FRESH HAM ROAST , FRia-171—BUtf c LB. FRESH PORK iTEAIS 9c L . FRESH HOME MADE SAUSAGE___-_ LB. 9 our r CHOICE HOME BUTCHERED BEEF AND PORK LIGHT WEIGHT i county of Huron will be sdrnewhat . . NOTICE' To CREDITORS I Lid .., ; :London , has. been 'engaged -,' 1 . Deceased „ AlLpersons-having dolma against. AIRY QUIPMENT *** MILKING PARLOURS STANCHION PIPELINES 'BUCKET MILIcERS ACUUM PUMPS *Jut TANKS. *ATEA. CONDITIONFN,G ria HARPER rya FilLL Fronts' in the .County of .Bruce, Retired Farmer, .Who died on or about the 8th day, of -September, 1969, are hereby notified to send, partici- ulars Of their claims to the under- signed Solicitor for the Administra- trix of the Estate, on or before the 25th day of October 1969, after which date the Estate will. distrib- uted amongst those entitled there- to, having regard, only to the claims of which the Administra- trix shall then have notice. Dated of October, 1969. • Solicitor for the Administratrix es lb. 57c de or hole or adger Silo lUnlOaders 'laic Conveyers +Bunker Feeders • LI infr.********4,**-ontntrack****. E SIDES OF STEFR BEEF 1:11:1 LB. PR OVER hile They Last ! 1 CUT, WRAPPED AND QUICK FROZEN AT NO EXTRA,,CHARGE • Ei SS str-aight, -all right , your head that's crooked! " •