HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-08, Page 2O LUCKNOW AND AREA RESIDENTS
The 'Lucknow and District Lions Club' would appreciate•your
gathering up any items you have "around the house" that that would
be suitable for their Rummage • Sale which ti
s' . to be held'
October 17 and 18:
' Lta Sapnh T.oaat►" - On he Huron-sru a 1!<RS11d8rit
Second Class MailRegistration Number 0847'
Established 1873 - Published •Each, Wednesday. Afternoon
Member .of the, C.W.N A.. ,and O W.N.A..
:Subscription; Rate, $5.00 a year in advance to the U SQA., $7.•
Donald C. 'Thompson, Publish*
Preliminaryorganization for Lucknow Minor Hockey for the:..
1969-70 season took place at a meeting on Sunday. It appears that
there .will be plenty of hockeyfor all boys in; the 'district in the ' up -
corning season. Be sure to register . at the municipal office in Lucknow
sometime between October 8 and. 15 during' regular office hours.
The Sentinel' invites all hockey teams to keep us posted on games
and activities in the season , ahead. As we have repeatedon many oc-
casions, we, cannot personally cover all sport activity in the village..
This is humanly impossible. We do not have the tune. nor :the. desire
to even attempt it ._. We—must—rely on —representatives —from—
eaawe ch games ' and : their results. In recent
js manhockeycaches and management' have done: an 'excellent
ob in this yregard. We. hope. for a continuance of this in the .season
We're anxious to carry as much sports news as possible; By
keeping us posted on events, you will 'be making amore interesting
paper to read, but most iMportant of all, you will be promoting your
.own team and attracting larger• crowds to , the games. The boys like
to be.recognized and we're willing to do this on the sports page;
The'miracle of clear communications between earth and bodies
m space is: demonstrated week after week: .
--Screens--come-alive - with-men.'walking on the _moon. Across.' 60 .:
million miles : of space /come .'.television' images of the planet Mars..
ea' into•s ace for'
Soon pother Apoho craft With men.aboard will�li d p
the moon for` further exploration of the moon's surface.
Yet all these amazing feats bring in to` -glaring focus ;humanity's`
greatest ' weakness.. Good communications among "nations, among
races; between rich • and poor are, still lacking.
The earthly plaquenow on;` the moon: says',' "We came in: peace
for all 'mankind.. - • •
But,;in too many of the world's nations, peaceis .a forei" gnword
In Vietnam;.: in Nigeria, . in Israel and: the neighbouring Arab lands, men
with hate 'in _their hearts and weapons in their hands continue • to kill
each .:other.
The. dispossessed and the poor may, see space exploration -as a I
• Herculean technical' achievement. But,, they can not share. °,either ; the I
intense interest and enjoyment of the world's affluent people, Or the'.
real` sense of achievement and •.' national pride : of most ''Americans:
"For them, the problems of day-to-day existence are too pressing,
too harsh The vast majority of mankind lacks nutritious food and
I INI! W I,I111I IRI.JRl 11/11111111 18119110111111110 I i
.MernorXLs are .short!; It •would;
the many, who thought that last
weekend's summer -Me temperat-
ures were quite unusual for Octob-
Last Fall, in 1968, we enjoyed.
five straight days of summer
weather in' mfd. October. On Oct-
ober 13 it was' 72 degrees; October
14,. 78; October 15 $0; October 16,
79;- bctober-17 , -7=9 • October=28th
last year was•the first day of any
"killing frost It was:. 31 degrees
These records were secured ; as
a .point of ,interest', from Harold'
"Toby" Greer of Lucknow • wt o .
keeps weather records for the
.government weather bureau, aW
public service position which his
late father 7 '. M. Greer held for
many years. Toby reminds us that
.he was swimming on. the 14th and
1?th'ofOCtober• last year. '
So if you thought : that last
Sunday was,an unusual day, then.
you. hay e. a :short memory like. we •
have, It .was 72. degrees•.:
A n111111N 11111I.EI1111181111111111 111/1111111111CIN
4th For C�If
In five CoUntieS
Lynda :Walden, .daughter' of Mr..
and Mrs Olen; Walden of• Lucknow.
placed welkin the 4-14 Dairy Calf
Silver Dollar Competition at Tees`
water Fair. The competitionis
sponsored -by Teeswater Fair Board
And United Breeders 'Inc: Lynda' is
a, rnernbei of the: Lucknow 4-H •
Calf Club,. .
• The:comR petition is Open to . five
counties, .Waterloo, Bruce.,, Huron,
Perth' and Wellington:.
,Lynda's calf placed fourth:in the
competition: with.the three winners
all'. corning from, Waterloo County..
This indicates.' that she had the. best
calf from Huron; Bruce,_ Perth 'arid
Wellington.: ,•
P ,
' • In: -the -showmanshi division `
''Lynda placed .third in the compet
itio:n . . , •
• She. had* previously won the Huron
County 4=1-1..'.DairYShow at Blyth.
. Y
with::her;: calf, reported;to .be"the
largest calf ever exhibited at the
adequate. shelter. There .arenot iaugh- deetor e t thy` lis of-tlre =M
people: Most' men are rewardedpoorly for their -long hours of work
particularly in A•sia, Africa and Lat•in America.
And the fault lies with communications among people. Men are
Only. too . eager to listen to what is being .discovered on the moon or..
near Mars, but too often: they do not• wish to hear about - the troubles of
the f amil. next door or about the dilemmas of other nations.
'asses Monday
I • rs =01i !Mrs. Angus MacLennan of Lucknow.;
died early -Monday morning at Si.:
Michael's Hospital in Toronto. he
was the former • Dorothy isobel. Kerr:
ernoon, OctoIer 1 3th.:
ForBlird Appeal
Senior students at the Lucknow,'
Public School. will once again
canvass for fgnds in:support'of
the Canadian National Institute for
the ,Blind. The local• canvass will
be held' from October 10th :to. 17th .:
?rincipal Stuart Collyer. is in
charge. '
library serving the.nation° hut•
never a page of print - that is the.
library Of .The Canadian National
Institute t �the
for Blind ; Though it;
has six thousand 'readers , you seld
om see anyone browsing around for
thei' live as far away as the ,Yukon
Y Y,
and Labrador city.::' : Even those who
live near prefer to' receive their
book's �throu 'h the mails •
, i •
Barriers of 'language, or racial: and economic' differences :• Of.
variations in tradition.and culture divide:men:who ma • live veryclose
to each other. When astronauts' speak. to earth from space, all of us.
feel close to them despite the quarter of a million miles separating.
them from our' planet.. We communicate. with them: Now it . is time :to
begin communicating with each :other down here on. earth.
. The funeral service was'ih• Deer
I` Park 'United Church , • Toronto on
:.i..v..• •' , : «:•i..•• : • 1�►�s �wr.:♦ i +�`•�.''•'J:'i 'i�'i.'i �"i"♦"i i. i"'�'Js"Ci•.i'•i•1 i"►"i"i iwi i
Wednesday at 2 p:: in . Burial: was
in Mt.' Pleasant Cemetery ; •
Historical Society
P1a.aris�ashPzs�of..l,uekn'• .' "�
i been re-elected president .of the
John and'Marlene Crow•of West-' !Bruce County; HistoricarSociety.;.•
COOK - T ri_ . W i n ash a rn and Dist, ict-l}an ! fi very_p.leased-to--H a rain
e..:w-na-rtaed-=at-LLt-he- ualee
Hospital on Monday',, Octobe'r 6 to 'announce the arrival of their -second• ing•of the association'in'Red Bay..
Mr.•.and,Mrs. Bev" Cook ,• Lucknow, adopted daughter, Sharon Lee, bori ..other officers are Mrs. James
(nee Lynda Carter) a` son Timothy 'September 16th, 1969,, •a sister for •McClure, of;Chesley and Mrs; Byron
Wayne•: •y
Heaths L n
r Yn Gregg of Lions Head , vice-•presid.
I:Merchandise,' To-: V olesal
ents; Mrs, George Downey,secret-.
aryy; , Mrs. Margaret.'MacI<enzie,
treasurer, .both of TiVerton`arid Dr.
J F . Morton• of Southampton hon_'
• ;:orary adviser.
Directors are Gordon Hepburn,
Wiar'ton , . Beulah Ruthyery ' Chesley
y n
Archie McKinnon,.Walkerton,,
Guest 'speaker was Dr, Leo:
Johnson of the University of
Waterloo-history-d-epartm - ' .` . t .
spoke on early Indian history'.
"If you v'isited'the C:NI'B library.
in Toronto," said, Stuart Collyer
campaign chairrrian for the Luck -
now C N 1.B: a eal••You
wouldn't see a: sing1e-book."• Irist
ead' you would' see shelf after
record containers' and shiny
metal cassettes "that; hold up/to ,
twenty hours of recordedreading.
If'yott open one -of the large Braille •
•. are also' t of the
provolugrammmesthate , ou, will:seeparno 'pictur=
es_•aand ii inkprint Raised dots
may swim before your eyes, bat
the trainedFfngers• of blind reade
they spell out. the 'unabridged teN
of every'kind''of book from' the..
Bible to Tennessee Williams;`.•
The 'library is one of many CN
services that is mulch enjoyed by
blind people right [fere in this:
:comm.unity. When:you give to t
annual appeals for funds, you he',
supply this •important':programme
A volunteer canvasser will be ca
ing on you': . Rernemher. the Libra
when she calls and please be
SIlv1PSON - Mary. Jane- .Graharn,_
Monday, October 6th/, 196) at
Huronview Home, Clinton'; `Onta
io after a long, illness, Harp Jan!
Graham in her 96th, year,' widow
Henry-S-irnpson4O-f Wfirniperg,'-elti
daughter'9f the late'John C;rahan
and Mary. Rennie :MacKenzie of;
the 4th concession;: Kinloss; sistE
Of Margaret Beaton and •Nellie
Annis of Vancouver and the late
Elizabeth: Lockhart, Angus, John
Wllarrl; lames and EwenGraha
A private. ,family service' was bel
at the home .of her. nephew ,Altar
Graham, 4th concession J<.in.loss,
on Wednesday,• October £Sth at
2_p r _ 1n nL Sol Kinloss
I am prepared, as :a registered and authorized . sub agent of
`' the Bank of Canada, . to: accept applications at my home ..or by.
' appointment, . upuntil! November 14th, r /to the sale of Canada,
• . , . � ...
Savings Bonds.: I would'appreciate: your, patronage•
PHONE 528-3208
Ofl,a 10