HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-01, Page 1$5.00.A Year 1n Advance
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Best` Trike At ;Ripley Fair
At Lucknow Fair
• Lucknow 4-13 Calf Club held
theirachievement day at the Luck
In; the' dairy division, Holsteins
calves born prior to January lst of
this year, Lynda* Walden of Luck
now .placed' first, her sister Nancy
Walden placed .Second,: Catherine.
Chandler of R. 3, Wingham. was
third and June Alton,. Lucknow was.
Helen Chandler of R. 3 Wingham
had the' top Holstein calf born after
January 1st of this year, Paul
Elliott, R'..1 Lucknow, was second.;
In the showmanship •c lass In the
dairy: division, cy, Waen
placed first. OthersNan, in ordeldr,
were Lynda Walden, June Alton,..
Paul Elliott, Helen Chandler and
Catherine -Chandler--.- a::
In the Beef Steer class, Hugh •
Todd of R. 2 Lucknow placed' first,,
Doug Mewhinney, •R 1 Lucknow
was second, and Kennyy Mewhinney; '•
R. 1 Lucknow , third. Others in
order were:, Murray Mewhinney, 'R
1 Lucknow; Lloyd Morrison; R,• 1
Lucknow; Murray: Morrison, R. 1
Lucknow; Stuart 'X1ton, R. 2; Luck
now; • David 'Mewhinney', R. 1 Luck-.
now, Barry Morrison, R. 1 Lucknow,. •
Hugh Todd also placed first in'
the Beef showmanship class,. Others
in order were:. Doug•Mewhinney,
Kenny lvlewhinney, , David Mewhin -
ney Murray Morrison, Lloyd -Moir-
ison; .Barry Morrison and Stuart •
A .
Last Saturday was ,"Ripley Show
Day and early jn the morning; .
from 5 a ; m, through till after
7 a ,, m . , intermittent downpours..:
presented a .bleak .picture .for its
success. •
Down on the grounds there was
not much stir. Caretakers Murdock
MacDonald and Hamilton MacKin--
• • non were respectively at the Ripley
District High School and the Huron
Township Hall, butside.a solitary
..young; girl was placing her'pet cat:
in a wire crate at the east side of
the hall .. ' The rain had stopped.
but the grounds were ;wet and cold
Then along came James'
Aitchison and Lyons 'Mothers, both
'Fine' Fall weather, a latge crowd
• in attendance, a large entryof
race horses along with an interesting
grandstand show all combined to
make the Dungannon Fall Fair one •
,' of the best in recent years . , Fair, 1,
Day was Tuesday .of this week
The Fair was first, organized in
'1858 and since that time has attrac-
ted wide interest from people near
and far'- •
President this year•is Gordon "
Smyth., Theodore Redmond is 1st •
vice president and Stan McGratton
is Second vice, ,. Secretary-treasur
er is Marvin Durnin of Dungannon
who for many years has. served 'in
this'pos'ition and has done much
through the years in support of the
Fair: He is ably assisted' by his
A:shool children's parade left:'.
Dawson's .corner led by Lucknow'
Pipe Band Abouf 25 horse and
..ponies,' many of the riders memb•-'
,ers'of'the :new Huron Trail Riders
club, were in the,,parade as were
the pupils from St. Joseph's Separ-
ate School, Kingsbridge ,and • Brook
side Public 'School.
I� Nursing Award
Bob Meyer of Teeswater was
master of ceremonies, and situated
-in . the judges stand , kept things
rolling smoothly,:
The president of the Dungannon ,
Agricultural Society, Gordon
Smyth, spoke briefly' as did Murray
Gaunt, 7v1. P. P: for Huron -Bruce
and Bob. McKinley, 'M.p. for
Huron: Mr. Gaunt officially open-
ed. the•Fa•ir•.
Both St. Joseph's ;School, Kings - 1
bridge, and Brookside Public School:
performed' their school chorus and
yell on the track, Brookside led
in- "O. Canada" .
• In the:�open: para • sie_c
horses; Mrs•. Ron Alton of Lucknow
placed first', Doug Campbell of
Lucknow was second, Marg'Shaw-
brook of Blyth was. third, Ron Alton
of Lucknow placed fourth and
Donald Curran:•of Ashfield was
fifth Elmo-Pr-iteha-rd-of-West
Wawanosle judgedall horse classes
during the day:
Jim Nivins placed first.'in:the
bicycle race,,
Graham was
second . and Steven Howard third.
• George. Galbraith' of ,n.. A .
•. g ..,Wi gham .
had the winning horse in the first
heat, of the\ harness races. There
Were eight entries
As this is written early Tuesday •
afternoon,•the. full' report of the .;'
Fair -will -not -be -included
However, all '.pointed to a Very
successful Fair, '. A midway was on
the grounds ;withthree rides and
about fifteen concessions of various.
games oc of c ce : The 4-H judging
was in,progress and a keen interest
was being shown in the inside
exhibits. '
Mrs: Bill Farrish and son. Gordon
of R R: 3 Lucknow, have 'returned
from a visit with relatives and
friends in England and Scotland.`
T -hey -were• -away --air iost•®fou•r-Wee is -rite prlarin-the zi l '
' Mfiche 1e B'urnett, 3 1/2
of Mr.• and Mrs. Reuben Burn-
ett of Ripley, won first prize in the
decorated tricycle contest on -
y s •
urdfay at the Ripley Fall Fair. Mr.
Burnett is a teacher at 'Ripley.
District High School
:oupI Observed'
tacker dale:
Mr,.- and'Mrs. T. •A •Cameron .of
Lucknow 'observed.their. 59th wedd-
ing anniversary on Sunday„ Sept
ember ?8th
, They. were entertained• at dinner
at the home of•their son' Ralph and•.
Mrs. Cameron, in Ashfield Also
present' was'their' daughter Mrs. .'
Mason (Jean) -Robinson and Mr
Robinson of Belgrave. .
Theatre Attendant "Haven't
you tickets for your two little
Parent "No, you see they prefer
Radiating happiness and know -
ledge,of their profession, 31 grad-�
uates of the '69 class of Greater.
Niagara General Hospital School•of
Nursing.received their diplomas
the evening of,September 11, 1969..
This year's graduation marks the
end of the traditional, three=year '.
course which has been a part'of the
'school since the early 1900's.
Y . •
Among; the graduates was Nancy'
• 'Ellen Elliott,' daughter of .Mr ..and
• .Mrs . Earl Elliott of the 10th. conces-
' sion Of Huron., She previously
attended •Ripley,,District High
390 head': went through the auc-
tion ring at the Lucknow. Commun-
ity Sale stocker cattle"sale on ::,
• M. qday ..�Bo&Mclntosh is sale_
'manager. Another sale is planned-'.
for' October 20th.
Top steers were .14 Herefords•con
signed by K; L. MacKenzie of •
Ashfield weighing 765 which sold
to Culbert ,Brothers. o f Dungannon
for 3.1.70. •'
There 'weren't too many.heifers
in the sale.. •Jirri Finleon of St.
Augustine .sold -three heifers weigh -1
ng, 590 to Graeme Anderson of
e grave • or
SelIs: General
Insurance 'Agency
T. A . Cameron of .Lucknow has
sold his General Insurance agency •
to 7 A . Mcbona'gh -Insurance of
Lucknow' after twenty-three years
in the business. .
Mr.• Cameron's association with
the insurance business actually goes
back beyond' that . , • He commenced
selling life.insurance; while 'on the,
farm in Ashfield .
He moved•to Lueknow twenty-
three years ago and established the'
generaiinsurance agency . "fie hf
been selling life•:insurance for
about ten years before that. ' About.
five years ago,' he ceased selling
life insurance but has continued °'in'':
the general. insurance business ntil
selling to the.McDonagh agency .
this week;
• 'Mr': and, Mrs, Cameron came to,
Ashfield from eastern Ontario' 51
years ago ' Their son Ralph'is now
on the family; farm on the.lOth
concession. 'After 20: years on the;
home place',:'they moved to the •
Henry Mullin farm , now owned by
Clifford Menary, where they spent,
sa ght years he foreamovingst
Taxes, will be up 10.6 mills in
the Township of Ashfield this year
for those ratepayers in the former
Goderich' District Hi
Area. For those in the former ; .•
Win ham District High School /
Area 'taxes will increase
12.1 mills.
rhe._followingiaxrate_iias been
set in Ashfield:: For Township pur-
poses , the 1969 •rate is 17 mills
for farm and residential and 20.5
mills for•commerC,ial. This repres ,
e, _al inertia,,4e of taco
last year.
• For county purposes the 'rate is
22 mills. . The county rate is up
3.3 mills from last year,
The public school rate for farm,
and residential is 16.5 ;mills and
18.5 mills for commercial. This
is an increase' of 3.7 mills.
e •ndar_y schooLrat-
20.2 mills for farm and residential
and 22; 5.for. Commercial. This is
tip 1.6 mills for ratepayers in the
former: Goderi'ch'District High
School Area., and- ,r1-m� 11s� for those
in the .fotn er Wingharrm :bistridt
High School Areae.
The total mill: rate for farm and
residential will' be_ 75.7 and. 83.6
for commercial..
The Huron -Perth Separate.School
Board were not able to strike a
realistic mill rate for.1969 and'
have -advised -the -township to -use
the same rate as the public school.