HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-17, Page 110th;. '1969 24c. ilVE $5.00 A Year. In Advanea $2:00 Extra To.0 S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1969 Single ..Copy .15e, 24 Pages Estimated Cost Rises From $50,000 to $58,000 .... .+ + 4++*+++++ 4-14++ .4. COUNCIL Lucknow Village Council at their regular September meeting, approved a resolution to the Ont- 'ario: Municipal 'Board seeking approval to debenture additional, funds to be •used in the repair and remodelling of the Lucknow arena. Origina l approval :from the. Ont •ario Municipal Board called for, an. expenditure of.$50,000 before grants to be divided with Lucknow, • paying 501 and Ashfield and: , Kinloss, 25 10 each: • The resolution, passed' at .__Lucknow_.�Quncilsneeting on Tues day, 'of last. week, sets the •estimated cost of the .arena renovation at • $58;000 andrequests appLowato• debenture additional monies for this pur ose . p p: , . The resolution read: "Whereas approval has been . received in the. • ;amount of $16 ,874,under.the Ont ario Municipal, Board order•No. G- 8098.-9 dated July 10, 1969' for the renovation of the arena in the Village of Lucknow: ,Ando .Whe eas the estimated cosy r � t y of $16,874 has now been exceeded by the amount'of $4;126 with schedule,' of additional expenditures attached hereto Now Therelbre-the Municipal - Council';of the Corporation of the • Village of Lucknow does respect- fully request' the, approval of the' '':• 1-3420' Ike Courtne ►t Wookey Tryouts • . ' Mike Courtney,Y 17 -year-old ear -old son .of Mr. and Mrs.. Leo Courtney of '. Ashfield; has been training with the. St. Catharines junior hockey 'club having.gone to St. ,Catharines on the 'weekend. • Mike: was still. there -0n Tuesday' as this was written. .Accompanying him to. St. Cath r' . r.. and -m Mrs. 'Leo Courtney and last,year's Midget 'hockey coach Keith - Kilpatrick o. They, returned that day Mike'hras been employed. at the sere-ice-statron-�of-J . d- -- in Lucknow -. F Ontario Municipal Board for these additional.. expenditures_to_be deben- tured in the amount of $4,126 to be debentured in conjunction with approved expenditures of $16,874 making a total of $21,000." The figures mentioned in the resolution arenet figures after. grants are applied and:, $21.,000 will be the net amount of money Luck-, now will haveto• raise• locally.. • In addition,. Ashfield and Kin Inducted.As Minister Of Thr LocalChurches loss Townships, who are participat- ing in the project. will have to raise additional' funds. A breakdown of funds follows: The total estimated cost "has increased from $50,000 to. $58,000. Lucknow, under theoriginal schedule submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board, would raise a net amount of $16,8'74. They are. now proposing to raise $2L000. Kinloss, under the original schedule, was to raise a net amount will The. new figure w 11 see them raise._$9-,-724: Ashfield, under the original schedule, was to'raise the same Rev.. Glenn A..Noble, B.A B. D;: , formerly of Kitimat, British Columbiawas inducted into the • pastoral charge of Lucknow, South Kinloss and Dungannon Churches in Lucknow Presbyterian Church last. Thursday evening; September 11th.. The congregation was cited by Rev.; J A. Weir, . Kincardine. Rev:` Everett Hawkes• of Bluevale .,gave the sermon: Interim Moder atoeRev, K. t. Rooney of Ripley ; and Ashfield gave the narration •of' steps. Induction of the minister' erect was conducted by . Rev. D.: G. CONTINUED: ON PAGE 2 asons hr Week Trip Abroa • Mr and. Mrs. Charles Mason of Lucknow left Monday for a: three week vacation in Europe They were part -of a' Hanover, Ontario to Hanover, ,Germany tour which had it origin locally in Han -- over. t Through the arrangements Hanover in Germany's expected to :have the "red carpet' out for mem e -r -s=o: t -he -tour= arty: •'The trip, which is by plane both ' ways, will include several countries on the, continent . 'Dave Johnston of Lucknow is in c arge o' t e garage w Ile Charlie is away. , CONTINUED•ON PAGE. 23 IEIIIEIIIUIIIELIWIIEIII■III.III■IIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEI1IU!IIEIIIUIIIUIII�I1IUIIIUlii•ii•1.IEII11 HAD SUPPER A "STONES THROW!'..FROM. •$200,000 RANSOM Area Couples, Judge At Northern Fair, rs.:Oliver McCharles OpensEvent f. an,!—Mrs., Oliver McCharles of Lochalsh and Mr, and Mrs Bert.' Mason_of Kincardine,• and' formerly of the 2nd of Huron, were judges last week, at the McKellar Fair, • north of Parry•. Sound; Mrs. McCharles,, as representat- ive from:district 10.of the.Ontario :Association of Agricultural' Societies, officially opened the:, Fair.' • . The men did two.' full days. ,of judging both inside. and outside exhibits on. Friday and Saturday:: The ladies judged: most of Friday at the Fair which has 2500 entries. The ,local foursome were the -only judges for .the two' day event: • On the way to McKellar, ,.the two• couples had supper at the cottage of Mrs. McCharles ` sister and her husband , d : rs.' artley. ' McTavish'. Mrs. McTavish is the former, .Marjorie cGillvrayand both were natives of the Ripley area The site of the cottage was, a mile: or so :from, the area where • the ransom money'of'$200;000 was discovered by police in connection,' . with the kidnapping which was a headline story all over Ontario last week. While there, the two couples heard the dogs who were, at that time, involved in the.. pollee search. The moneywas found about noon Friday, about a mile from,' where the McTavish cottage is located, Mr. and Mrs.. McCharles and Mr and . Mrs. Mason returned to the cottage Saturday night and spent ' the night there . . . They were assured„' by that time, bya.local store -keep er that .the last` of kidnappers had: been arrested and so , probably slept more peacefully knowing this. 1tIUI11UI1IUIIIUIlIUI1iIIIIUIIIUIIIUIIIUIIIUI IIUI1IUIIIUl11■11!UIIIUI IIUI II■II IUII IUI I IUI I IUIIIUI I IEIIIUI I IUU LEI IIUI I IUtHUII IUIIIUII IUII III I I■FI IUI Purchase Price Is X27 9. 00 Kinloss Council met in special session on September 8th to open tenders for a new: grader: All 'council were .resent.. Reeve, Evans was absent. Duncan' Campbell was appointed reeve pro tem for the meeting.. . Two tenders were received,... Wabco and pominion Road Machin- ery Council' agreed to p tchase_. D-600 grader complete with plow • andwing and a one way plow from: Goderich at $27.900.. according to conditions' of the tender:and subject N to D : H 0; approval:. The D . H'.0;. was requested to.. :alter the r oad construction program ,by. $4,,800.,.' and apply it to new . machinery. purchase,. By-law 19, 1969 was.passed t'o borrow money for :current expendit- ures . for balance' aUyear ." Hold back cheques on the Stanley Drain.,Improvement were ordered released to G, 'W : Clarke in the amount of:$3,557..and 'W 'I Shantz '$650.. otion vas -passed -to return ' deposit 'cheque to Saugeen Spraying Co. of Durham as this contract is • complete.:: The meeting was 'adjourned to RA.DER • meet on ,October. ; 6th at 7 P.M., . or '- : ai the call of the reeve; , ' • Fraser MacKirinon,:,. `Clerk: • STUDENTS. GWN HERE AND THERE 1 Continuing our .column- from • lait week, here.are,a few more of _.the. corrin .s_and goings -of -area g • students ' • John McKenzie, son of Mr.' and Mrs:. Donald H. McKenzie of R. R. T Dungannon, has commenced a two .year,course' in Agriculture at Guelph •. Rod McDonagh, son of Mr and Mrs Jack McDonagh of •Lucknow', h'as commenced training at the • Electronic Computer•. Programing Institute in London,' OME '7`!D 111 AnrWili ssusetwanhww VaNawwaw nnrwwrw auris mmt iRMaut wwwnn� • Wcathei t gti uc now Agricultural. Society's 104th. annual Fall Fair this Friday and Saturday,_ September 19 and 20, willbe/the best ever, ' Fair officials have been working for months toward thesd. two disappointed. days and Fair goers won't be Y • • Fair president is Bob Campbell Of Lucknow who is serving his first term. The•secretary of the assoc- • iation is Mrs. Bob; Struthers of Lucknow who Will see very.: little:o'f the end results Fair Day from her _office -at -thy pa , v _ re: s,e w be kept extremely busy', e Entries will be placed Frid` ay •a.nd:..a...pra.ze-last-sktould41e used for detailed: information ria ay nig t wi 1 see the arena open for the viewing of exhibits' while theyoung crowd. will be "swang n i g •it" at a dance at•,the . Lucknow Public School; Music will be by the Magic Cycle'and dancing'will be. from 10 to 1., Music, Music and More Music will be the' theme of the Fall. Fair • parade which kicks off at 1.p.,•m. from the east end of the village near the public school. Parade: • chairman Charles Webster has been working on•the parade for• many '; hs anti weltomes•alrfl• entries, etc. wf iich •should be in p14ee by .12:80 psrn.; Small child- ren with tricycles and bicycles are; asked to join the 'parade at Bill • Glenn Ferguson, son of. Mr', and . - Mrs.. William Ferguson .of Anlberley, , has entered. Stratford Teachers •College.' . Ronald • CONTINUED ON•PAGE :2 Iu111u1i11111N1111111�1�1i111�1W11III�i1111111�N1u1; Arena 'Gets OK. From Engineer dor Fair Dui se Ernest Gosling; of the engineer i' g .irm o os ng. an 'Associates' of Toronto', visited Lucknow on: Wednesday of last week and offic- ia y ;approved the.Lucknow arena's safety for use: on Fall Fair Day. In connection With the repair and strengthening of the Lucknow larena,, .the contracting firm of Murray McDougall of Kingham has been Making repairs to the ,building • as outlined !.by the enginee. ' Cop'ies of the approval `by Mr. Gosl:ig were to be sent•to the village of Lucknow and other' partic• ipating munc:ipalt.ies ' their -work- is still -fie -done -at. the arena in connection with prob- lems' of snow load in the winter but the building as it stands today has been officially sanctioned -by he engineer er f r Fair',Day use, Siliiiiii111011114iiii111i10111 401441 ,0411111, CC)NTINUE6- ON PAGE 22: Mrs: 5. ordon o ontgom- ery of Lucknow are among the 155 relatives who are visiting war , graves in ,Holland on the Royal Canadian Legion's 14th Pilgrimage. -The-gmup lefr`I orvaT on September 9th and; will be in Holland for 10' ays as guest of Dutch Families There is a total of 6,331 Canadian graves in Holland and 1600 • relatives have made the Legion - organized trip to the Netherlands Photo'by Royal Canadian Legion i.W1Yi.L Ywkt..,...* i•t• '.. bh:TGfq'a�7_" '