HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-10, Page 7i,• 1969
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TORONTO _ 372 Bay Street
BARRJE 4. 35 Dunlop. Street
ORILLIA -- 73 Mississaga. Street, ..Fast:.
• 'Member: Canada' Deposit Insurance Corporation
Whitechurch .U.C.W
Whitechurch United' Wo:men'held
their meeting Wednesday
Septeriiber.3'.at;the borne 'of
r_Mictrae tRoss , Bittevaler.: -The ---
theme and call•to worship: was..
'given by Mrs; Garret Farrier on. .
"The: Whole World God and Our• "
• The'scripture and meditation.
was'.given by Mrs Carl Weber . ' '
= Mrs ., George Thompson led in'
Qw Ceremony.
U C ..W: She also gave a report
on 15 ladies opinions and ,suggest-
ions on the U . C , W. There was
a great deal for each to 'think.
about and plan' for different eet-
tngs in the '.future
----mrs ,- terrier a so- r a =-a o •
let on;Refug ee Children, and. what
we could s.end,for•overeas relief.
A 'new, 'chorus was learned, sung to
the tune of The Happy: Wanderer •
.The closing .chorus was He's got.
the. Whole World in .His Hand. .
A reception was held. Friday
evening, September 5 in honour of
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Chapman (nee
'Dilys Irvine), newly weds; in
Whitechurch_Conmunity Memorial
I all'
A large crowd thered to POO
dancing to: the music of Tiffin''s.
orchestra:, Brian'Rintoul did the .•
cal. in ;°,off:
At lunch time Garry, and Dilys
were-called.to the -front- comfort-
ably seated on the platform, while,
Wayne Martin spoke words of app
reciation.on'behalf of the audience,
extending congratulations and' best
wishes, of.all,in the years to come
for health and happiness. On be-
half of the gathering Jim Morrison
presented them with a gift of
money. .
Garry and ;Dilys both`replied., •
thanking.all, for their kindness in
attending and remembering them'
i►i this -way, ; - A i sang -for -They -are
Jolly.Good Fellows and dancing.
was resumed•:till the closing hour
• An exceptional" crow .
gathered at Whitechurch Cornmu -
ity•Hall on Saturday evening Sept;
ember':6 to •1ionou'r Mr. and Mrs,
Mac .Conley (nee•'Lorene Errington)'
newly weds with a reception.
Dancing was enjoyed to music by'
Al Miller.'s. orchestra .,
At the lunch hour Mr.. and .Mrs..
Conley were 'called .to the platform
and given ;seats. of: honour while. •
Harvey' Miller read an address' to.
'the newly weds wishing them '
Congratulations and Best Wishes.
or ea th-and-hippiness. .
Both Mac ,and Lorene 'expressed. , ..
their thanks to the sponsors of the
'rece .tion, to the audience for: •
coming.. and for their gift. °TheY
invited their friends to .visit' them
at their apartment,at John
Mrs. Garnet Farrier gave the •
topic ,• Why the: U . C .W . ? ' . Why
belong to •U..`C W .? A reading .:
was passed around and each read
,a portion'telling.wby the>women
of different occupations joined the
Eleven Members answered the•
roll call with a verse containing
the word Love • Mrs. Albert
Coultes• •gave: the.treasurer's.
report. The courtesy remarks and •
closing, prayer was given ;by Mrs
Garnet Farrier;'
Crowstons in, Lucknow. •
All sang For, they •are,Jolly.'Good
Fellows. Dancing •was resumed' till
the closing°hour
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"We've applied for our
winter wheat insurance.
What about you?"
Dave Wright, Farm Operator, •;t
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Are You . going to take a chance this year tAre-:you For full info. ocal aye�iG.
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disaster. Are, you able::to take the 'rink? You don't
• ..have . 10. Protect yourself with : tow -cost • crop
insurance. And,don't forget.— your crop insurance
premiums are income tax deductible. ;
Mary 'Immaculate Church in
Chepstow was the setting for the ...
'marriage of ,Fibrence Ann Phillippi.
and. William • Andrew' Zettler on.
'August '30th at 12 9' ctoc l
'Rev N Ruth; Windsor'assisted
by Rev. J . P l Ruth , Rochester ,
N:Y.','U.S..A,'., performed the .'•".
ceremony:., Organist..was Mrs;
Soloist was Mr. gasper Manshanden
Of R. R. 2 Kincardine. '
• The •bride lethe daughter of Mrs.
Mary Phillippi_ of. Chepstow and the
.late •Louis• Phillippi.. :Thegroom; is
the'son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben • -:
Zettler of R. R. 2 Holyrood.
The bride was given in, marriage
by her uncle, Edgar Fisher of
Wabarnun, ' ¢1berta She wore :a
full length gown, of white silk
crystal crepe with ruffled silk lace.
-trim-on-lTerd . '
long silk, .illusion veil was held by
crow' of.wh•ite flowers decorated
with seed. pearls... She carrieda •
bouquet of white carnations, white
mums and ivy, trimmed' With col
oured' net and, silk cord. .
Photo by. Hingley •
camellia " corsage
g.. ,.
Out of town guests were present
from Windsor , 'Edmonton, Alberta,
-Rochester; • .'Y'; ; Watford , 'Hep_.
:worth,: Kitchener.', Waterloo;arid •
Sarnia. . '. .
After a,wedding trip ''to Northern.'
Ontario they will ;snake their home
in Riversdale: ' •
He's' ,
NOTE,`. You must apply for;crop insurance by
October 1st or 10 days alter set ding' - whichever
• comes First,
Parliament Buildings, Toronto 5, Ontario
Crop Insurance details and application forms available.. '
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Luckno ir, Ontario
Phone 528-3423 or. 395 326.
The four attendants were similar•
.ly dressed in floor, length gowns of •
crepe with .matching sleeves. : Peg
Schuett , Walkerton,.' dressed in
;green , was maid of honour. Brides
maids were Doreen Matte., R.R. 1
Mildmay, dressed in;gold, friend
• of the bride;• `Mrs. Clare Phillipp
R.R.. '4- Walkerton, dressed in
burnt ger siste i law -of the,
bride; a d Helen Zettler, R. R. 2
•Holyrood dressed' in yellow, sister
of the giou •. ` e-matc
ing. individual flowers in their. hair:
and carried baskets of white and .
yellow mums. •
John Zettler of R.R.. 2 Holyrood-,
brother of the groom', was best
man Ushers were Clare Phillippi ,
R. R: 4 Walkerton , Francis '. '
Phillippi, Clyepstow, brothers bf ,
the bride and Harry Stuart of -
McKellar, Ontario friend of the
groom. '
A. reception was held at the "Formosa Community Centre,
Mrs. Jim Barbour of L•ondon•and . .
Mt.' and Mrs. Charles Sherwood.of•
Detroit spent the week -end with '' '
Mr. And •Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. On
Saturday.they were guests at .the
•Dawson-Sherwgod'wedding. at,
Nile .United Church... •, •
Mrs. Wm. Rutherford is,s•end-
ing a few days' at Meaford •with '
Mts. `. Mary Taylor. Mrs., Taylor, has
'vis'ited her'St. Helen's cousins
the past few.: weeks.
' M r --a-•Mew-h-inne 4le•ft' th'
week, for the Peterborough district,
where he 'is employed at the. Wib
• Donaldson Shorthorn Farms
• Barbara Purdon, who has taught
the .past two�•years in Preston, is
this --ear teaching at Lincoln .LL
• 'Heights School in 'Waterloo. ,
The bride's mother wore a gold
coat and dress ensemble', brown
accessories and 'white camellia
corsage .., The groom's mother wore
a green: ensemble, brown access-
ories', and :a white and yellow
Mrs. W. A. MacWilliams, wife
'of the ;late--Rev=W ,A.
`MacWilliams passed ,away in St
Marys 'Memorial Hospital on Sat-
urday, Septe i er 6, in her ,88th
year, ;She. was the former Sarah
C. Calder' of St. 'Marys,.
She istsurvived by two daughters
Mrs. Morley (Marion) Wadsworth
'Ainsa.Craig and Isalbel of St:
Marys.; two grandsons .and two':\ seat
Funeral service was held at the
Lindsay Funeral Home,, St. Marys
• rrr-`guesday %` -ept-errrber-9th,
Interment was in •Mount Forest
Cemetery.,.- • • '
Rev.• W. A , MacWilliams was
minister at Kinlough andRivers
' d aie+resbyte Tian -G—Kura-es-so-ni'e'.
years ago.. ,