The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-03, Page 138,543 3,980 • 9,918 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, '1909 .. 4 LOCAL BOARDS AND OTHER FUNDS'. _:Public -Utilities. Commission. _,_--. Hydro. ..... 3,863 -- Public Utilities Commission Water . 2,121, Hur-an-.-Br-uee-District—High—$chooi.... ,..... ......... 140 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TNIRTltN .OT,HER Trade accounts payable /a, 4,633 Principal • and. interest, on; long-term liabilities 5,246. 6,124 • • • Other Liabilities '9;879 8,755; • CRAWFORD MOTORS CRYSLER- DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO ;2,441 '6,577 8,.577 Capita!- fonid.13.010600, heat as' at Dec4mber; 31, 1968; CURRENT•ASSETS LOCAL BOARDS AND OTHER FUNDS, ,Arena Board 3,362 1,761 • • 5,123 7,334 7,:334 2Q 91OT 21,261 23,220 ..270.: ' ' • Future recoveresyfrom levies of—rates, • Municipal—enterprise ... School boards ....... ... .....' Fixed .Assets', • CURRENT L4A.BILITIES:• LOCAL BOARDS' • AND OTHER. ,-FUNDS' ,Revenue fund 'Net long term' liabilities '• General municipal activities Itlunicipa1 enterprises •... • School boards • • 63,401:. • • 2,750, $ 2,750, . • -6009. ;.,155,004 WE 969 MRDEEATBGSUAT AOL ** . 6.3 TO MAKE ROOM 'FOR - 1970 MODELS *******a<****'', .**.***i**' 63 9 ' CHRYSLER. Newport Custom,' 4: DODGE door hardtop, power 'equipped and radio. �E stationwagon, 8 cylinder automatic and ' radio 65 CHRYSLER' 4 door, hardto • >Ps power .steering, brakes and ra.10 $171,413'. ..,$1.19,665' 6$293,728 2,750. 2,750' •: 59,500, 1 ;4W(f9- 155,004. • • • $230,913'° Equity in ffaed. assets 60,065' 44,751 164,429 J1V1O T -4.. Icor, 6=avtomatic and radio . • CHRYSLER, .2 doorw hardtop, power steering, :brakes and .radio FORD, ‘t door sedazi;.. 6 standard; '62 PONTIAC,..6. automatic' TRUCKS 6S ` .DODGE dump .truck 64 DODGE . D500, chassis and cab • • tom -express HITECHURCH and P!STRICTI • Mr. and '\4rs. 'Chester Feagan of God.erich were Thursday .visitors' with ,Mrs:- Bi11 .Evans and other former Langside residents:.• .r,. and M'rs' Ken King, and family of Woodstock were. Sunday visitors•With 1v9r..and i1rs..1-30n Ross - Mrs: Charles Tiffin.of Wingharn visited Sunday evening: with and Mrs, Clark loh'nstori.: ivtr. and Mrs. Bill Evanson.'. Saturday: vis ted .with M andNlrs: 'Ralph Wernhan of Komo:ka and • Mr..••'and,.M•rs. Ironside of Arva. Mts.. Doris :Albert of Dungannon visited Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. ;Albert and family.; $293,72 • W NS_CA,ME1?„. . . • • Congratulations to Bob Solomon • on winning,a 'polaroid: camera, on 'the lucky draw at. the •Water•Show . . on Sunday at' Wingham, • Mr. and .Mrs'. Eric' Evans and . • h1'.el.vin of Hyde•,Pai k were.; Sunday: visitors'with'his parents 1`nr and lilts. •13i11 Evans .and with her father_ Bob' Donaldson of Teeswater , a''• patient. in Wingharnand District.' Hospital. " Douglas Ross accompanied Mr.'• and 3 It -GeoT ru►rt uf:E'xet •r..:and Mrs: Jirn Gaunt and Janet. Of, Centralia ori a week end trip'to m 'Moosonee on Saes‘ Bay. "On. Wednesday:Mr:. and Mrs. Wesley TiftinI,'Mts. (.ear% Falconer,,.h4ts. Art :Cronin and, Mrs. 'Aldin Purdon visited with Jinn. Palconer, a 'patient• in. Victoria klospita l , London.' The .foregoing extracts from the 'Auditor's Report and Financial Statements .:are published. in accordance with the provisions of Sec- tion 223 (A), of The Ontario 'Municipal Act, effective January 1st, 1963.. Ratepayers may :examine the full text of ,the Auditor's Report and Financial Statements 'at the Municipal Offices. 8949 r4 '>A47 29,165 .434 ,; $ .30,446. 2,,750` 117. T-2786 • Gemma ,DeBruyn, Ruth .Elliott, o ce Tiffin .IS CheryhH' tl Denise Hill Elaine '11 I Brenda K'i.r}g ;: TCathy •.Fordon—, 4-H President Linda Purdon, Thelma Piirdon, W 1-11TEC11Lf 12C;I1 NEWS WhiteShurch 4/-1-1 Club held :their: first meeting',for the course Needle craft on, Thursday evening, at. the ,home cif 'the •leader Mrs . Walter. . Elliott with the' 'assistant 'leader Mss'. Ehler Slerghtholm assisting.:•. `4-1-i officers elected were; Pres- ident ; .Joyce Tiffin; .1st Vice Pres :. , ..Brenda King; Secretary, all are to have a turn; Press Reporter,,. Irene defoer, t.Those attending the'cass. •. are'Mary Lou Adams,'Irene.del3oer., Darlene•.Simpson, Janet '' 'Sle•ightholni ; J'oyce.Tiffin. and .Marlene Weber. • The roll call fb.r next; meeting • A name for theclub ,and', the • article they.cho'ose to. m a.ke . •'The next meeting is Septeniber 6 at 10 a.nn,. at the home of Irene de13oer., A'discussion 'on' the general outline' of the. project and the story of embroidery;> color• anal Color' scheme, on'th:e:Yearning stitches,. of article.to .be Made and •embroid- ery•Work :box which each''is,•to have. 10,134• 10,279 '.$ 63,401. $ .3'4;.400 LUCKNOW A Ivlr. and bins ,R Lison Falconer., Lynn, 'Brian and Paul of..S'arnia spent the. week' end with his mother Mrs. 'Cecil Falconer.. 'On'Satutday Lynn remained with! N1rs. •Falconer; while the others visited' with the -foiiner�$, sister., whaissldei a serious arthritic ,operation in. Tannic)... M � .rig..,?: t�A��Dpnc i. s-pe.p • holiday weekend with' her husband,,. j ho is on construction work ins Northern Onit ri'd near'Btarwash: Mr. and. .Mrs .Neil Faw, and.. • family.and his mother. Mrs. Faw .of: •T:hornda.le were Thursday visitors. with Mrs. Bessie^:Mullisand Wilford'. Clipperton Miss jean Campbell and. Mrs. 'Robert Ross returned on We'dnesday'' to' London after .visiting a. few weeks wrth; Mrs Pete Naismith'of ForestGrove', .Oregon. On ' • Saturday Mrs ..Ross returned to her home _here. .• Robert •Mullis `of Thorndale,. R; R 4 spent the week end holiday:with. mothyr Mrs.,. pessie.1vlullis and Wr.l of"�rd-Clipperton. . In Saturday Rockford and . 'Whitechurch Jr. C'softba'11 teams .. . played•in••Wingham With. a score 11 2 in favour•of• Whitechurch, This i • an O.'A . S . A,; series and each have wona game,.'. The deciding: ga.rne will be played, in Teesw'ater park at 8.3O Saturday,. Septembel• 6th,.:.come cheer our team td victory: Best ;wishes 'and congratulations to N1r and Mrs: Garry .Chaprtian whose marriage was on Saturday, A.ugus 30 _in -t 'e ±)'rated -Clyne . - Guests were present from Liverpool•;• ..' England; Wasaga Be. ach.,• Red 4Jeer, Alberta.,- Markham, Hamilton ,1 PLOW Al -DOWN 0 RaL HAY and PASTURE For increased farm income'. affairs this Fall Fertilizer,_Program for the most economical' use of fertilizer on "spring crops; Mr, and Mrs. .Ca1r er.on Simmons ;and.Lorrnie of London spent the' week end with. Mr: and •Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and 'family, Mrs Ezra. Scholtz and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Simmons of Wingham. Ori •Sunday they were°joned by Mr, and Mts.' Howard. Long of London. ' Mx and Mrs, Jack Tierney and RECOMMENOATIONs OF FAZE FERTILIZER your practices and in analyses based on Department • • of Agriculture results, for cash and the convenience'of LOCAL'SERVIGE: For your fall fertilizer needs and for FREE soil sampling.contact 1,092 7 1,099 PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRIC WIRING. Karen of Port ,Elgin were Friday visitorsowith'Mr. 'and Mrs Torn' Ma g , Mrs. Stewart of Wingharn was a Sunday yisitor with Mr. and Mrs... Dan Tiffin and family, now District lhone 528 -2125