The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-03, Page 8on,' piss The Exhibition • • THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, IunIay Afternoons Septembe at 2:30' p.ni... CALEDONIAN • PARK, LUCKNOW BELFAST vs SANDY3 CLIPPERS, 60DERICH Sandy's Clippers team is a 'Goderich Industrial' League Team. and features; sports personalties: k HENDERSON'. ARY:..JEFFREY.... ARY DOA LOCHALSH r• hRod Finlayson of Sarnia-has-been- olidaying at-home with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Gordon: Finlayson. Mr. and Mrs:. 'Eldon Bradley spent a week erj in :Flint, Michig- an recently 4%d d were guests at the• 40th, Wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mb's, Adrian Hardenburg., Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie and family enjoyed 'a holiday trip as far as, Kentucky. Recent;visitors with Mr., and Mrs .f Ewen .MacLean were Mr and Mrs; .Ross Calvert and family ,6f Wyoming: •Mrs Henry MacKenzie -and, Mrs.. Bill Hayden spent .a couple of days. in Owen. Sound with Edna and Eliza, oolt. ea Webster has :returned home: "from a Hunstville district where. shewas employed,, for the summer. Tom, Farrell. spent a day with Mr, and Mrs. Murray McGril and family in Goderich, and upon ret urning home•, .encountered a ' couple of pranksters: on the -side- • road, which gave him a scare. rs.. To—r FM'acbo" nala,spent -a few days; with Mr., and Mrs... l,en Houston .and. family „at Bethel, ",T1rath. Johnston' of ToTonrro-a-ii`' Walter :Murray f. Detroit iiavin spent :the holiday season with Mr. and .Mrs,. Finlay MacDonald ,. returned to their respective homes on the week end. A SILVER COLLECTION WILL BE.TAKENV IN. AID.OFJLOCAL. : MINOR SPORT. ••••••••••••••• This ;Ad :Sponsored As'A. Community Service ..By:,'‘ KINCARDINE AGRICULTURAL WEDNESDAY,IEPTEMBER.3 1- } /Week .erid visitors'with Iver and' Mrs. .Oiiver,McCharles were John McCharles.of'Petrolia•and Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCharles and:Tarn ily of Brantford and Mir and Mrs:,' • Allan` McCharles and 'family of Beaconsfield, Quebec Donna:E1phic•; spent a. few days i ith-her graanaparents 7Mr • a�` an 1v-iis Bert Alton OCIETY PRESENTS....... INCARpulE FAIRGROUNDS. t ADMISSION ADULTS $1.00 „STUDENTS/50c ,PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN NOT .MARCHING 25c • BEGINNING .AT1230 Includes Floats, Decorated Cars,- Bicycles and Tricycles, Antique Vehicles, Costumed Riders and, Clowns FRIDAY NIGHTJ, -SEPTEMBER- In The 'Kuuicard ne Beach Pavilion' • ;T y`Ilfi PSTTE RSO N`A N D` H I S NORTHERN GENTLEMEN, Albion .Midway :From Bolton. Elgin" Regiment Trumpet..Band,, From St. Thomas • Bruce County Junior Pipe Ban • Moncton marionettes Horse Show • 4-HHCOMMERCI� .. AL CLASS .. BEEF OPEN TO:,BRUCE COUNTY• -GasUp Where You Drive in here where you get.quality .gas; plus fast,complete service •no matter what,. your auto need! You'll like the difference, and our .prices too. ,1969. WHITECHURCEL' Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. . peter.' Verbeek of Lucknow R.R;: 5 on the arr' in Wingharn Hospital: ort. to . ay, August.30_ of a baby. b 7 a brother 'for, Donna' and Daryl.. Somebody? Ever so.many`people are talking about'CO-OP Home Heat Service, and what they're'saying isvery nice to :• hear; especially since we're not the biggest advertisers:: in • the 'business: ' As any COOP*customer will tell you our .Home Heat Servtce;•:is.:a comp/ete service, offering,'free oil, burner' inspection and service and regular mtered deliveries of top .s' quality fuel oil We care enough to want to make your home he&trng.ca.re_fie.e, so switch to 'COMP Home Heat Service .;the service that's got folks talking ..; . favorably,. • M _. r7te rs�maC�-Trane-M� , 3 •: ••:.'i i• , . i • it•i••i U '•i i :-:-:-: ++++++++++.:4+++++••:'+'': ki District Gogo