The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-03, Page 4,Fatilk • THE :LUCKNOW tycKN,0•10,4- 'ONTARIO' • .WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1969 ' 1.37W—.."-'-6411110477X--.9tA trit.Z.Vat'at.a"71.076/19419 10%6,7,000E,"60 WOO' 000; 1011tititAll-REEKIVIL CLERK 10 000t C •'',1Ett,E$ 8-6 RV lin VI 160 Itvi ••••••• aly6$k4=17.741J601 11!4,19" to o" 6 ' orake MitictIIOBw6, _ ,......1.0.5.,,v, ,,...AKKk,!7.45m,_1.19_101,._tat.,ktito',„,,,, ,,,,, 1_,,ii, .,!,?...p.‘plitolt 11/1101$103709! 01an 11111n0orpt), Clif ElIG-REC GRADS, TO 470 CLERK Kh0011196, & 11.00100 .tuotor .., '11„..,Y,E.:A.M.1.c.r.....174.-r-," fi-.---.- ..5 itarryt-stro: low a. ire od, .‘ Bi'.:E.-U,1"`'' 91...?..,!! PI 0 cis",- E ITE, Acct 91 • alas Imo 10 pis, 0.,-- 41141i1P-4iirli' TORI 'iltiiid7 0 A, 011114t Ilron. slice! fltf..,-Ilimn km06 .509, 3111 9cncr. 475 51 Upon IR rAN • ER T ,P ea 17r. C 11414 W4.44 066.4.4 66Y 4. BOY, S 411.44.1.01!.:7,1g.6kp • As45FS116 Mart Pl. ).,1T111 16105.4104 c 99.CIAMIltittEttiCI‘Ift)ttl JIMoh ‘4, • FOR SALE 14718C7 Agent•MIT E 41 MU 41674 tCASHIER•CHECKER (166066 0* o 04 c.°' c.511.044rair.,1a:s79:94.; .1k115ii#4114A.roc. i-Lde.lAg7:61rag 141•01,6,.:66t ciErtIc45.'Ac4c4 w • " EAVESTROUGHING on house or barn. Metal flashinis. Roof re- pairs. CHTMNEYS built. Free es- timates, Morrison Bros:, 525.2546. =‘- BERG-STABLE-EQLIIPMENT Contact Lloyd 'Johnston R R 3 Holyrood, phone, 395-5390. - VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service for all makes, R. K. Peck, Varna, Phone 262- 5350. ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL for sale at Mel Stanley's Supertest in Lucknow. Pick up an extra copy from Mel. •PREATLY REDUCED PRICES plearance on Men's * res_s_a_nd LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP . vr( 3. SALE OROF*.7t, Are Now I3eing Taken ' • For SEED WHEAT 'At the. • .• . - Li; C K NOW DI Stit litt CO:OP COMET -WELDERS, (180 and 300 amp.) compressions, grinders, fer- tilizer augers, power bin, cleaners, ,rOds and accessories. George Mes- senger, area representative,'R.R. 1 Ripley, Phone 395-2815. • Smith Roles. Ltd. ..London, Saskatoon. Try. CorneCbefore you buy. . MOBILE HOMES 1 AVE, 11;1. 41. 140.171/ tte9 41 NT( tal nth 0 110 Ouse tO9f, ' LO 31331 6":1V6ot eT9fltr0facrli Vt.11111 E /*a "CI •"f' IM Tr` 044 '..P.R,FTWIN sluZruita, i11! FOR SALE _ ,FOR SALE - 3 season .orl heater, automatic electric ignition, , •less 'than a year old. /Jack MeGuire, R. 'R. 5 Luckndw, phone 395-2827- DUMONT' •ALUMINUM .SALES and SERVICE, windows, doors, awnings, sidings; For free estimate call Roy Emberlin, your local .dealer it.. • WOOD' O' SALE' - hardwood slabs, truck toad lots, 6' Cords $24, softwood $1& Craig's Sawmill, Ati- burn.. phone 526-7220. FOR SALE 7- 5. room house on Inglis Street, Lucknow. Contact Mrs. Charles Congram, Lucknow phone. 528-3212. , •THINKING 004 A MOBILE HOME FOR SALE - a complete dispersal RECREATIONAL VENICL of Registered Jersey •HeTd, mclud- 4..• JUMBO -PLAYING CARDS .... ,..... 'Many makes and Models to , choose ing one 'cow freshened September ... , ............ better deal, drop Us a 1st and tWP. More 'within 'a week. available. from .the Lticknai,v Scht-1":ropi.. For a :• line -or telephone . Phone- or ''seeiDok_Seatt., R.R.' 1 . Mel; at ...$t. ' ' e . deck, H. Poor (rf).TL • . Ripley, '395-2873., • . • . . eyeSight reve s • you from enjoy- , ing a cardNg:am hese cards • large. numbes---s---'ir. inir illustrations may be just .what you, nee0. INCOME • • . FOR. SALE -•-• 5 unit apartment • building,. new interior.. Income. of • over $300 a' month on lease •basis,. $15.,,000 clown payment, the remain- ing,$.14,000 to be'paid off at $200 a month. I4ocated at GodOrich.. Vern - ',on Glenn. 524-7314. ' • CHIMNEyS and repair, , small brick and block Walls, roofing and siding. Harris Bros, -phone °Brus- sels. 351W4.. . • CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING . E‘'ery-Tuesday• and Thursday :Pigs and. Cattle; Tuesday ' ' Cattle Thursday' in by. ,.MEAT MAR '4 RUSTON . MOBILE 'HOMES LTD. 547 PLAINS .RD., EAST. BURLINGTON. Tel (Code 416) 6324400 BRIAN. RINTOUL " , •LICENSED AUCTIONEER • • WHITECHURCII PHONE 357-2349 • f CUSTOM BULLDOZING - Con tact' .*Cheiter Nicholson.. '.phone.' 528-6745. 'DEAD STOCK Fresh dead. cows over 1..1,006 pounds, 812.65 each; 'dead horses, . 20.00 each; over $00 pounds ac- . cording to size: • • LORENZ RENT/AL: DURHAM , .„ Calf ,Colleet 369-241.0 • FOR SALE -- hot water tank with ,band heater and therni- o.tat, phone:528-2/14. ' • FOR SALE •• Farm Wagons -- Bale Stookers And, / •Grain Boxes • 135 Bu. and 160 Om ••,, . . , '<INT/AIL GENERAL. STORE one '5297600, ' CLOVER AND GRASS:SEED 'We are now buying .Clover and Gras Seed Bring in 'a sample. for price quotation. LUCKNOW:. CO-OP .FOR Talbot seed.. Wheat,: gotad:samPle. Lane Gardner. -R.R: :3 Lucknow, phone 529-7226, i FOR SALE - 8 acres of, second cut hay and re t land for crop. , Russel Johnston' R R '7' LuckrioW i'QR 'SALE - house, barn ' and three acres. of land with drilled well: This house has 4 piece bath, .three bedrooms, living room, •din - it* • room, kitchen ,and. laundry •room; near to Lucknow". Contact owner. G. Glenn, Dungannon '525: 7656. FOR RENT FOR RENT' 7: 'ari apartment on Main . Street Lucknow, $50, per Month. available..at . Once.. Contact •Wk. 'Janet .•Lucknow phOne 5210933, • . • • .„ • . ,POR- RENT - heated apartment available immediately. Apply ,derson. APartments Lticknow, , , phone 528-3045.. NOTICE NOTICE'. . . ATTENTION BOWLERS.' ' All 'persons 'wishing' to spare' in the .6:30 pin. .:ladies bowling 'lea- EVENTS NEVI CASH BINGO Legion "Hall, Lucknow, :Thurs- day, 8:45, p.m. 15 regular games, $10.00 each. 4 Share The Wealth games with, jackpot included.' in each game. Jackpot_tigweek $10_ on 58 calls. ' . RECEPTION A Reception will, be held in the Whitechurch Hall on Saturday,' September 6th it honour of Mr, 'and Mrs. Mac Conley '(Loreno Erring- ton). Ladies'„ please bring • lunch.. Everybody: welcome.'Music by Al Miller's Orchestra:. .• FALL FASHIONS' _,_ Fall Fashions by Letteaus ;of Teeswater,' sponsored by the Dun- gannon U.C.W.. will be shown in 'Brookside School on Tuesday, Sept - ,ember • 9th at 8:15 p:m; Dessert. lunch. Admission • WANTED Bulldozing, ' Skidding ,Logs, Hawthornes and • Willows and Blade Work. Archie Nicholson, Lucknow, Phone 5281 •36f1.. , ' „ WORK- WANTED - all -kinds of -- sewing and knitting. Contact Mrs, Anne Wisser, Lucknow 528-2906. . . . WANTED • , custom combining, new combine. Contact Max Rieg- •ling, phone 5*9-7427. WANTED - day -time baby-sittirig in own home. ,Contact Mrs. *Don Willand, Lucknow 528-2447. 'WANTED- Pin Setters for Luck- -now • Bowl. •Apply persOn at '• Bowling Alley.. WANTEL)." • boy's 20-24" Wheel • ,bicycle, Contact Mrs:. Keith Crans- ton, phone 529-752.8. •HOSPITAL ACCOUNTANT . , S144.00 $160.50 .1, -ER WEEK-. The .Ontario epartrnent of Health , has*a vacancY for, a HospitalAc- . . RODEO Three exciting %performances in Exeter, Saturday, Auguot 30 at 2:00 'and' 7:00 and Sunday. August 31.0. 2:00. See 'daring brahnia bull and bronc riding. With other fea- tures of Eastern Canada's largest rodeo Pony team races; little brit- ches steer riding and beat*, 'con- test have 'been- added •this year. RECEPTION AND DANCE A Reception •and Dance will be, rhelCI 'in Whitechurch Community Hall, on Friday; eptember• 5th, in honour of Mr.. and Mrs: i Garry ChaPinan-an'- Irving). .Tiffins Orchestra. Lunch provided. Every- one .weleorne. • •• •' • " countant , at Goderich Psye 'attic HoSpital:. DUTIES: To•supervise,and direct • ' all accounting functions , Of 'the, hospital, administei'. and control 'in:. ventories,, co-ordinate the budget 'and, prepare financial reports. , . (QUALIFICATIONS: . Must.have'• 'successfully' . -completed. at:.. least __ • three years. Of a recognized profeS: sierial:•accOu,nting ,Course. or enitiv- 1:alent ttairAn. g‘,49btained through •ae- I Credited extension conrses;::sever- al years -of Progressively respons- ible accounting experience, 'proven supervisory ability„ BENEFITS: Include: 'pen'sion , plan, InediCal'and . health insur- ance.attendance credits; _etc.., APPLY TO '• •suitNEss YCHIATRI. ' dODEliccil HOSPITAL, .PHONE 524-7311, ; GODERICH, ONTARIO' . CORN'. ROAST - A Corn ,Roast will :be held 'on. Friday, September 5th beginning at 8:30 n.M. at the West WaWanosh Gravel: Pit; aponsoreil 'by.Lucknow 'and,' District C,redit Union. Corn, .hot h,ainbiirgs,-, coffee: and "freihie: $1.09. per , person: Bring. your, own' lawn, chairs. Everyone, weleeme.: gue please contact Ann Putney .528, °RECEPTION .2242 by September .4th. Bowling A' Reception' will • be held In :will commence September 8th at Whitechurch CommunitY. Hall; on SaturdaY September 13th in 'hon- 6:30- SHARP. • .• NOTICE . The Neatly New 'Store (next to phone 49-73-067---- • ••HighWay 86.. COniact Rass-Button • •- .R.R. Lucknow-. phone -529-7475. • • A REALDEAL 1 • - • • BIC 'PENS are :fast • capturing ADDING MACHINES,- •• the Canadian. market.' 'after being . ii -stock ore two. models; hand :.* troduced in Canada a short time '• operated Victor withadd an ago The Sentinel has a goos o er tract and ()titer IfeatureS. •S100'. el- for any businessman or anyone • ecirically• operzaper commodore'', who uses a number of. PenS. -Buy 1 . 'ah 3111 featares,. st35: ',See them dozen Bic 49cpentS at • the regular' bbth , fSentinel pyice and get, two dozen. tic 'I9c :itone .528-31'34. • '.'• • • " ,penS• :FREE. A 66510.44 'Value for 55.88. The Lucknow Sentinel,- Phone FOit.sALE 7- Westinghouse refrig- erator: Full width freezer. Greet .5.137•314' • ° TN. and Electric: phone 528-3112, •FOR 'SALE Three apartment •• • PROTECT YOUR GRAIN. house on Campbell Street,. hot . • With- • BIN TREAT & GRAIN' GUARD .40 e 5n-3104, LuekribW. , ' LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO'OF BARN EQL,IPNIENT - Acorn Nic$ C.L E A tslai D ,seillitPint•ig • , Cable learlerSEPTIc i Vacuum.cleaning and':,sterpomping of t '-Setic tanks, Ronald For. cleaner:. bunk .feedets, silo milo•aii' _Lupknow.234-6, era,: hog egniP7J-ent,' fa, bulk flicturer. , (.11 0111.- s6.0.11c .: iron. 1;inks tanks: Hawkeye •cat. a A own , Lt&op on 'September Anyone , having good, clean fall and winter clothing flat sale, .may'..bring it in. ' ,water, oil'heating, 1 vacancy ober 1st. apply to Albert Gammie, d feeder and,- heated cattle wateters; an . , — • , Westeel-Rosco: Steel , Granvies ; Al - SILO AND ROOF. EXTENSIONS ',so han44e Complete line of clay - Anyone vishiag to have exten- Pushbutton Farm Equipment, Lynn sins on. their silos �r roofs,: please Lowry, Amberley, Phone Ripley . call or write. This can be done no'. 39.5-5286.. , • , qPnrgc' wraith, Box 95. Goderich. • • . Phones Residence 5247002 or . Shop SINGER SERVICE - Repairs' to -' 524_6511. • all rrit-akand 'models; Sales and Servipe, on .new,.. products; Singer PHONE SyMES BROS. for crustY Co. of Canada, phone 35/-3730 after m _ gravel, top soil and fill. 528-5203. PEN SPECIALS - buy a Bic. 49c, PLAYING CARDS . ; pen and get two. 19c Bic pens Plastic coated single decks frOM.F.,•REE; buy a Paper Matt $1.95 $1.19 tip as well ai double decks I pen arad get a • Tempo nylon tip and enchre-L.deckaj(enchre cards marking pen,. value 59e, Mitt only). Drop in at The • Lucknow The .Lucknow Sentinel? Phone 528- Senti1el.. ;3134, NOTICE RiPIANO.LESS'ONS ff:eCtive. SViitOplb07 1, •1969 -,Tee for piano lessons Will .be as -follows • : Grades ; Beginner to Grade 5 $1.00; .'Grade's .6 to 8 - $1:50; • grade, 9 $2J00 mRS. MRS.'.D.. SCOTT• MRS. A. PRITCHA . RD. out of Mr. and, Mrs.' Brian John - -stone (nee Linda Schultz), 'Tiffin's Orchestra... Ladies please bring Notice To Creditors •, Nopcp Doctor 'Corrin's. Pet Peeves' will meet on 47ednesday, •September "10th at the home of Molly Pass-. more, next to Legion Hall, .to dis- cuss future Meeting nights, etc. All MeMbers are asked t� be 'pre-' nt-a a .o a ,HIGHEST PREVAILING ,PRICES' PAID. .1.0R RESH ,DEAD COWS .AND.HORSES • Small Animals Fterinoved 4.'ree Of Charge 6 E,-,17.0-CRED-LTOFiS . Ip' The 'Estate .Cof .‘• JOHN ALE.XANDER bURNIN ALL 'PERSONS having Claims against the estate of the above- mentioned, 'late of the Township of West WawanoshWhe County of Huron, Farmer, died on •July 22nd, 1969, are required t� file proof of same with the 'undersigned $:)n or'before the 5th day of Sept- ember,' 1969. . • After that'date the Executors will proceed tO distribute the 'estate having regard only -Teo -the. Claims • PHONE COLLECT' of which they shall' then have had notice: . , • TE -D -at Wingharn, Ontario, this 1st day of August, A.D. 1969. CRA1NFORD, SHEPHERD. & MILL VV.ingham, Ontario Solicitors.for the Executors the. • NOTICE • • 'ATTENTION CUBS ub meetings Will begin on MOn- day', September Isth at 7,...30 n.M. it Lucknow Town Hall. • WALK•ERTON:1181,3459 • • • • • . . • ..T..GRAF•STOCK. REMOVAL -ivALKERToi4. • MARLA -OTHERS DEAD -STOCK • REMOVAL • . , .., CORNERS d , niner B-ened,ict,vre.mr., 'CUIROSS ." '.:,\i"' ke . nd _ '. .. n Tari' of Wallaeebti,tg., , and. Nil.. and Mrs. Albeit 1-letity.and ., ......r, and Mrs. Roy Parker and ;family of ,5embra'. 66farnilv of inve:h,uron spent Snnday , . . Wi,4and Ja .r. /M.:.s:. rres.' Ha1dent->y :" Congratulations to Mr.: and.Mrs. . . ith And girls, William Zittler whowere married Monday visitors with and Mrs, 'Torn Stewatt. were' and -'iiitort,duritig the weekend with Arnold Wilke of Yincardine , and N,E Haldenby geraid Stewart also of Kincar- were Mt, ind...'•,4ts. Don 1.-Ialdenhy..,.. Stanley of Kinloilt.',Sally Arm td Lis a of TotOrito, Mt. 'VtOt itiveeliend with M. land Mrs .• Fed Friehdorf :of • We pay up to $15 for fresh, dead,,, disabled • cows and horses accOrd-. • ing to size. Small animals re- • moved free ot charge. • PHONE BRUSSELS 133 COLLECT 1itchenet3'abc1 Mr. 'Barry of London: 4FwPPU tOikaliiiit0 .1UWEititttki