HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-03, Page 2I!, PAG!TWO t‘rik. • ;7•11.'", 1,1;111,'• . - • • • THE: INCKNOW SENTINEL,ILICKNQW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd,'1969 • RebbonAlsoil.: The L_CKNQW,SENTINE4, Pgft-Thw°----13n41/"13"11-Bruc -ow ln Yorkihur Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 — Published Each NVednesday Afternoon Member of the C.W.N.A.' and O.WNI.A. Subscription Rate, $5.00 a year in, advanee — -to the 17,60 Donald. C. Thompson, Phblisher • ' - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 190 . • 7', . ••• t.t,f 1•.'" • —777 7.77 ' • • SEPTEMBER IS FALL FAIR M NTH •.September is Fau .Fair month and an enthusiastic group of work- ers are busy winding up the final p• lans for their. particular Fair in this district. Most Sentinel readers are primarily concerned with Lueknow Dungannon arid Ripley Fall Fairs, but. there are also many other readers of this newspaper who concern themselves with Teeswater, Kincardine and Blyth Fall Fairs. . . • 2 TheMany 'friendS; of Reuben • . Wilson,.formerly Of the Amberley area, who, has. returned to live in his native England be inter- ested in parts -of a. letter received • his brothr-in-law Dave Johnston of LtioknoW • • Reuben reports.a good flight to England in five hours: and forty n • butthe plane. citCled Manchester • for, nearly three hour's waiting for the fog to clear to permit them; to: Crops fn.' are-very-mdch • the sarne as around•, Lucknow accord- ing to Mr.. Wilson. lie ;also reports ; hundreds of acres of potatoes in .full bloom of white .and 'pink as. w ell As very:lovely flower gardens. ' • ••• Reuben, by now, has:. been reunit= ed with .most of his family in York- shire and friends from:this area -wish him rnuchhapPiness living in his native land. His "Acidress is Reuben Wilson, -65 *Kingsway, 'Goole , Yorkshire, England. • While many of 'the experts in •Agriculture, often sitting in ffices' • FLOWER SHOW • - small rural Fair, there is little evidence of this in the immediate area CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 - far removed frozn the small communities, prophesy the .end of the I served -by this paper. . .Fall Fair workers in this area have proven, beiond a doubt; in recent years that the small: Fair can be . a "Big Fair" for the community it ,serves. . • • To things are needed.' A strongband of Workers who will put community service ahead of their own pleastires,,or possibly a breed, of people who can combine both. The second thing which is' needed is the support of the community In which the Fair is situated You can be either' of these two things. The Fair board would sooner have you as the former and theygwould welcome. your assist- ance. But if you can't be a worker, you can still be a supporter and it, takes many of these to make a successful Fair. • poirits front both spring ;and fall • shOws. Mrs Orville Finlayson • ' was only 1 Poirit.behind , • : An opportunity was given -the • members to sign up for the bus-trip to the• KitcherierWaierloo Floer Show •�n October 2iid and other . points, of interest. .Anyone, wishing . to go contact MrS.• David Elphielc.. • or lArs. Nrvai.Stewartson Proceeds were good from both plant rabid and bale tableTea Was served from.3-00 t 5-00 p m - Exhibitors included Mrs. Walter Farrell, 'Mrs.: 'Gordon Farrell, Mrs:: . . .. Stewart Shiclls., Mrs. Harvey •—• , September is Fall Fair month locally. Your. interest and supPort. will be welcome. • • ' : • t i A 1. • • 1.1 40th .ANNIVERSARY- . . CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ,* • . . selections: •A recordingrof Mrs. renmthanat home was)olayed: Mrs. Grassman .•gave an accordian selection "'My'. •• : Bonnie and favoured with an encore. •Walter Dexter •acCornpant ied by pianist Mrs CuMmings, .":sang•She'sthe Lass for Me and res- ponded with an encore • Rod •Mibt ••,. Kenzie played the bagPipes, while• Fleather'MacKenzie.danted the • 'Sword.Dance.. •Murray Gaunt; M:L.A. gave words of congratula Ir -S -JUST 0 WEEKS Y • • •••••••••••••••••‘•••••,••••••••••IV 4 • huMOrous-story, ". Lorne. Forster and , Murray Gaunt were Called fora duet with Lorne expressing words of Origtatulations and then they sang. Any More". •• • • Arnold truce,' ,with -the violin, , accompanied by his mother Mrs,, , ,* • Athol Bruce played a Waltz •and; responded with.an:encore:/ Spence Irwin was 'called ori.and.he too ••• told a humorous story and offered a prize to:any one:who COuld,n'arne the Children iri.the order in Which they. were in the 1argefarntiyport- 1 to I 1 :ftrtfre-Illustard7--. ! 3 t Y • Mrs. Grassman again played ' .• bldiers o ' accordian. Clark Johnston, with • Mrs.. Joe. Tiffin pianist, sang Dear .• Old 'Donegal 'for the Irish arid•Wig -.• Wag Waggle. of the Kilts. for *the. , SCotch.Mrs. Irwin, when called ' 'on, gave words of appreciation to 1 'All for Corning•and for gifts.and. . ' their assistance. .Tiffins Orchestra. .then gave selections and to one of the numbers Clark Johnston step 1: • danced: .This brought the.concert to a close and the chairs were . ,Cujoycd. to music- by Tiffins Otches- , tr:t. Lunch was served and during . . ' the Cy ening aNbox was pissed for • ' ;iny one wishing to contribute a donation, ails w .• g •:And Ntrs... 1 rw it by the audienC6 with scit ViMt65 for years of Health t, • . , ENTRY PLANS NOW FOR ... •'S '0* WirrTilk-CORWItt .et.R00.t. • • •. • f It's party planning time . time to create a, living room that reflects you as the gracious hostess And their new arrivals- otichesterfields- nd other living room furn'Itute LUckflo.w .Phone 5284432 PURPLE GROVE E AGEMENT ViSitors.With Mrs. Don Dore arid' . • .; . ,• • 'family were Mrs. George • . DAwgoN - Humphrey, Shellytand Denice: ' ••• . • •• . Cathy, Vicki and.frankie Dore; • Mr .• and ars. Earl,Sherwood,of Carlow, Ontaqo wish to nnounce •Neta Pauline to Gordon•James ed;Mrs. Williarn Wood and David Dawson son of Mr. Ndil Dawson;,' • spent Friday:arid Saturday:with Mr. . . . and Mrs, Harvie Thompson and Thompson, Mrs : Ernest Polkick, • family While Mrs: Don Dore return - Mrs. Charles. Smith ,: Mrs. Orville .• Finlayson ,: Mrs. Dan Gillies„ Mts. ; Herb-ciariim„-714rS„Atisti Mrs:, Earl Lohnes„. Mrs.;;0./, MacChar1es Harry Scott George MacDonald,: Mrs. Hackett., .• ...Mrs.. DaVid,•Elphiek, with Marilyn !Martin, Donna ElphiCk and Wray Thompson in the children'ss •tiSectiop. • ; •;.:, • ivitiCh credit should go•tOthe,::::: various .Corrirnitteei and :exhibitors who .worked'so hard and a ;special ;thanks to all the`viSitots'aridguests; whocame during the .afternbori.fot- ', tea and a Social time and. made the whole siicCesS].• ' ••; •••••• : ' • , . . . • . I • STAGE•CARNIVAL•• . CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 .1 of Mr. ancl.:NIrs.. Albert Morning- star who reside just north of ' Lucknow • • Valerie is in grade 11 1.at the..P. E. Madill Secbridary. 1 School. ' • • .The girls received, :prizes Of..$15,. $10 and $5. .The competition was 1 .for girls 17 years olage and under. i Others in the contest Were Barb ,' . the engagement of their daughter • • to their horne•in Port Severn 11-w-ishes-are-ext en Mrs: Currie,Colwell who is a • patient in LOndonhospital. • • Tupperville: The wedding will a-ke-Plaee-Septeitibe-r- Nile; United: Chinch. • tem er •-ztoretetst•r••4f ..tatt4t4....sw MacIntyre, daughter Of Mr. and' !.Mrs. Donald MacIntyre of the e Onspof KinlossParidmilron.; ' • ' ,daughter of Mr : and Mrs: Al /i,. Hamilton of Lucknow and -Linda .:. • ', MacIrityre,„ daughter of Mr:, arid. • . Mrs,. Donald MacIntyre of the ' second ol kinlOsi. • Judges' fOr the CornipetitiOn' were Mr. and Mrs .•DeWitt•Miller and Mr.. and Mrs. Lorne:MacDonald of Wingharn. Cameron • ' MacDonald acted as Master of t cereinonies. ; ; • • . • Music' for dancing Wat supplied' 1 • • " ' datipe a'priie draw was Made br Donna .Mullin with Bob Ritchie Luaknow A:-..+inriing a 16" portable TV; Cyril rOwn of Lucknow winnirig-t-treit-fstoldi-o-and Mtg. ak McDonagh of Luckno,W, Winning an eledtrit clock. • • . .• ,tt$0.-.210,0*11.4.....ifttte•atitraitt • Meat keeps safely in Meat Tender with its own directchilled air • 107 lbscapacity freezer • No muss or bother with Flip -Quick Ice • Ejector—up to 80 ice cubes when you want them. 5 YEAR PROTECTION PLAN APIDELE Lucknow :Phone 528- .3112