HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-03, Page 1►c `15c: 1420 •e' 374: Vggpi.W74 SENTINEL Year In AdvaBce .. $2.00 Extra To U.S. LUC'KNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER -3rd,. 1969 • Single Copy .15c 16. ;Pages • Donna Mullinv Crownec 'Miss Luck -now and :District eenarniyal: Last Week , g�r Attions: :Ca Donna .�tulli.n, 17`-Iyear-old daughter of Mrs, Stewart:.N.lu11"in. --•-p-f;L;u&I nawta"nel=the4at-ems?--• Mu11in:, • was'c•rowned;N•liss L•uckiiow and Dist:ric't •Teenager: at the Lions Carnival last Thursday.„} Donna,: who is sbown.in •the centre., Will represent Lucknow in. the Miss Midwestern -Ontario, `,. contest at the Lucknow-Fall fair On the left is V:alerie.Morningsta?;. 17-yearoid daughter, of Mr. and: Mrs.: Albert Morningstar of Lucknow who laced..third and; •p :right, Sheila Belan' e.r, 15. ear r . 1 . _• ._= . u :1 1 • s4 Arthur.Belanger of Lucknow' who placed se. cond .•. Six. girls 'entered P g the: corirpetition, r . LIONS STAGE CA Lucknow and District. Lions Club staged their: annual summer carniv -P4 hUi''s"d'a-y a t4?e-L c kn w :Public: School with the Lucknow arena, presently under construction, nit• being. available. • • The carnival got, underway with•. a--cold-meat :supper sponsored by--- - Hall.'s.Red and White Store and, • served by.Lucknow Women's.Instit- ute with.proceeds,going to charity. Good harvest .w.eather prevented - many rural residents from, attend- ing. •• Over 200 people were served., Bingo and' carnival games• pre-' ceded the beauty contest and. dance which saw, Donna Mullin, daughter of Mrs. Stewart Mullin.' of Lucknow and.the. late Mr. hlullin. being picked. Miss Lucknow. • ®'strict Teenager Donna, : who:is 17, is a grade.�12 student at: ROSs.Fami1yFifld Rattlesnake ' On Cottage Property "Have.you .ever.seen a"rattle- snake ,'-1 haver one in this care'. was the comment Don Ross, Lucknow bank Manager, made to the Sentinel staff ,on Tuesday morn iiig ,• Seeing the can; w.ith a. flimsy tis ue:covexed tnli n�aci.P' us'li'esit-- ate for`'a minute but Donfurther went on to •explain•'that• the, rattle- snake was dead We. are sine 'there. werepany screams of frenzy along. fire main drag as Don displayed the reptile, their cottage at,Iloney.,llarbour`:. over the weekend ';and" earlier. in ' .the day had. .the rustling :of • the snake:but w.ere not sure what '••the• noise •Mrs: Ross'later• encountered.'the snake dinning it-: self near the :cottage and Don destroyed it . - It was 'the first rattler. .we had 'seen, •a rather attractive, small,. , looking snake ,if any beauty can be • found'in such, creatures. It had our rata es on .the t"ip•of its tail; which:,. according to pen; indicat. ed: the snake .wasinits' fifth year. of life • 111ri IJRFI1IniiirrNTIT/illirniilIUftlitoi orom i(UI:1 •tnirilf1UII filiir'ril rlrElIIU�11EI�1�111Eti tIIUH11111 —++++++++'e'+++++ Top Winner In > Honor INr. end Mrs„ . .. Spe�rce 1r�vin On; Ripley dower Show 40th Anniversary At Whitechurch The Ripley and District Horticultural Society held their flower show on' Tuesday; Anglin; 26, lt: was:a: beautiful.day,result- srlcral' �' ing.' in a good attendance. ' There ' � w -as. -a good diS-p-1-a-y of•c-ux,,f-lowei=s-•�- ust 14th,,•aind arrangements with 165 exhibits agner, g .. , from 16 exhibitors, We Were . prond-to hary c nt1e-rrra"n eXhibito'r in the person of Harry . Scott.,who acc"uroulated 15 points. with•his roses. ' The•senior rfiern7. hers 'should' also• be 'co rimended• oir their good showing. • "'Mil- Harvey Thompson was the winner of the Sirpson• prize by , accumulating 44 points,, She received a lovely thertnai blanket. The,Eaton Trophy, a .lovely silver candelabra was won by Mrs. - `15aaid 1pl i k w io 'tihe--me-st_ points in the: Specials'with a total of 18' points. Mrs. 'Gordon Farrell Won the. Royal- nk Trophy which gbe5 to lie eX11i 's'itio "a;iii-grit e"rrwst' s:• • 3th in. tir. r tiler X91 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 WRIT)*( 1TURCH NEWS ,On. Friday eveni;ng,mAugust'23th°, Mr, and;:•Mrs. Spence Irwin of; ' Lucknow celebrated. their 4e0th • Medd-innrri versa ry'-i n Whitechurch Nlernorial orated with bouuuets•of gladiolas. Upon the -arrival of .Ir; and ;drs. Irwin and,.their relatives and friend's •who had celebrated at•their home during the a.fternoon, ..followed'by. supper, they marched into the hall to Bagpipe music by' Rod Mackenzie.. • ' Introduction's were then riiade by master of ceremonies J. R. Cross ofLondon:who throughout the programme provided :much merri- ' ment for the audience by his Jijimorotts-jokes .and:comments. heather 7vlacKenz'ie,•accornpan- ied. by itod MacKenzie' on the bag-• pipes, danced the ttighland•�1 ling,., 'Warren Shera, to his own aceor :. p animenn isthe guitar,,. sang my. Blue Heaven and his encore Was,. An Island 'in the.Sky,;: ' The telegra ms were read 'b J R.` Cross iv1 rS •Ezra Scholtz with the •violin , Paul Laidlaw with electri;G_gu-ita-to"6c-oaapa:niexL'..`` pianist Mrs. Dari Tiffin, gave XiNT•INUEi) ON PAGE. 2 Self Duflgannon Area Farm DUNGANNON NEWS Mr. and.Mrs: Jack 'MGGee,of Dungannon have•sold their•farm south of the 'village to Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Laframboise of the Windsor.d.istrict ........ :Mr. and Mrs. Latrarnboise will continue•with, the strawberry business ,as; well,as 'extensive market gardening.. • We welcorne, Mr. and,Mrs., Laframboise and farraily to the conimunity, o atstanding 4-H` Homeniall<ing .C1ub �n the •F, E, Madill .Secondary School, in Wingha.rn.. She,was. crowned by Liuiia lub p�e3.ide�rt,•Russ n-tou Donna will ,be eligible to'.enter the Miss•Midwestern•'Ontario Contest Which has become, an annual event at the Lucknow Fall; Fair: The winner at •the;Fair has 'the_ oPportur• ity to enter.the Miss Dominion of Canada contest. Runner-up for the award Was Sheila Belanger', 15 -year-old. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Belanger of Luckngw and a student at :Lucknow Public S.chool.. Finishing in:third place Valerie Morningstar., 17, daughter•. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 I I I. IUI I I I I IUI I IuII.I II IuI I ISI I IAILIUI I IiIU hUI I I/•' WANTED NEWS ABOUT YOUR FAMILY' AND ',FRIENDS This the' tirpe of year when many young people in the community leave for various centres of learn' ing to further •their .education.. This is. news and The Sentinel would like to be made .aware,of • such. items of• interest: Giveus a , 5.28-3134 or•drop a note ri the mailor;our letter drop in the ; office: door, .. •r,I lUl l lilt IMI I1UI 1111 IUI I IUl l l■1I I I I III11UI 111 . ree-Week Tnurin Br Isle•: Miss Margaret MacDonald of Sarnia and her :parents Mr,: and Mrs. W ; F. Marpoi il• . •4 returned Saturday.frorri a three week visit t'o the .British Isles • They went by. air from'Ma•lton ,and had a .very'pleasa.nt :crossing 1 hey: visited: mostly in England. arid: the highlands •of Scotland The highlight .of their trip .pro.bati -. Iy.was'when'they attended the :Edinburghru.sic:festival and mi'lit. ary Tattoo where several hundred • inennbers of differR ent bands teak.' part in.the Tattoo•,',includin the 7-117-c7-1,. Perfrned their famous.,i tsical' ride. : A'lso•a keys,band from. VancouveP took part. ari ati o,i n resell atives nfrei Miss i,inda Boyle,, daughter'ofy Mr, and Mrs. James Boyle; Lucknow has been chosen as one ot. seven 4-H Hoinernaking Club mem- •bers•to.repesent Ontario at the • •Nationai-4-II' Club conference, .The conference . sponsored by the Canadian Council on ,4-14 Clubs, •wi11 take place in Toronto and.. Ottawa from Novem'ber'i8th'to 19th, Lirtda,.has received her County and Provincial' Honours in 4-11 1-]omernaking ,Club work and has • completed• a total of 13 Homemak- ink flub projects, niainxaini(7 a. very high standard and displaying -excellent quality'work. She was one of 7 Bruce County girls to att- end the 4-H dirks' Conference at, • girl that Linda been da has been chosen to interest', and participation as an i Td.°at years • Guelph in 1908; it is for such 4 Nationait 4-H Club Conference,