HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-08-06, Page 17196S WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 6th,' 19.69, • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO TO • T ,� •: THE R AMA., .., DEPARTMENTS. °AND ALL THOSE WHO ASSISTED AT THE FIRE. FRIDAY NIGHT. . BUSINESS AS USUAL ICALS LTD. CONCESSION 12,. HURON TOWNSHIP ;ins, ith :r. and .. now _ • flow:er':. lac:. ill tiara sket' of. ie. other •' bowsin', Bs of ns ,w:Was ' 'eter 1ofLon•, xedo. 41i -Scutt, .1 live at )sturhe dine' dre:. friends ,' are best It's nice to : make ° a new friend, but most members of our species, , the ,. naked ape,' agree that old friends' are the best 'friends Last week; I had the best' of these two situations, and I am' not ; onlydelighted• but' : ;aston ' ished to'. be .alive to . report it. The only thing. ,;,that. doesn't seem •to be 'functioning : is ` my liver; Must be in better .shape than I thought: ' . It : began with a three-day visit front our old` friends, the Traplins. We have one of these reunions once a' Year, and . it uspally takes a °'week ' to get over them. Trap and I joined the air:. force together.-. Peggy ' and Suse have always got; • along well ' because they ;; have •.: 'the -,same interests: They can talk for 20 hours at a stretch. On Tuesday night : they . went to bed'' . at 8:15. That's a.m. Know what they were -doing? -he- university -=ac ceptance `'tests. They ' :scored very high. But they. were a; • little dashed when I .told; them .that: high school kids get 50 ,:; minutes ,to .do ` these. It had ' real lioo, low • taken them seven .hours And• you should hear them playing duets on 'the, piano at 4 a m, One playing • Galway Bay . anid. the other Tales • From the Vienna' Woods. 'It. sounds • pre- .' ret:.:• ty good. until . ,they begin to sing. ing dons ' ' Well, the Traps, left, and I:. settled `down for a, quiet day of ixeading and " recuperation Knock at the door. Another old friend, Bill; Hanna, 'all set, togo sailing. Apparently,, though I'll ' swear . it. never happened, we'd had - a -long anddmv`olved-tele phone. • talk setting the : 'time ,,and the day. "No way out,: without being a stinker. 'So I tottered offsail- ing. A ail=ing...A peculiar sport'. 'It takes an hour to get ready: This is hard on a ' man who is 'dying on his feet. Then you float around. for a couple of hours while. the, skipper . desperately tries td catch a breeze no bigger, than a belch, :. dors call a� Them, suclJen ' , reps-v4►hat-- • we old saspanking breeze, and the Skipper is hol- ' lering at' you to "cleat your jib" and "luff your lee".and all sorts of nasty things;:' and • the: dam' `boat—is hurtling al it with one -side •almost under waL. ter and your beer has tumbled into the bilge and you are won, dering whether : 'you can still swim two miles.: Back 'home, safe, late and burned . to a cinder." Nodding over' a "late. dinner and the 11 p.m.. ' news. Door -bell ' rings Cheery young ° voice, "Anybody ,;home?" And' you go downstairs and :there'sanotherold: friend; Petite ' Jeanne Sauve, and she's brought :you, a beautiful :rose from her own garden... And. yes, she'll •have a gin and 'a look at the ' new bathroom and a two-. hour talk :with • •Suse. There'. was only yone .way :out , and I took: it. •I plunged off in• the car next morning for Uxbr- idge and . the Ontario' Weekly - Editors' ;annual golf tourna- ment. Host . Pete Hvidsten, ` . a .Nor- wegian: . who -didn't know enough to. go 'home , after ' the war. •But ' by the, acme of .. acu- men ,.managed . 'to :marry off' 'both,his. kids' within, two weeks. • Gene. Macdonald, ' the ',man' from. Glengarry,` who' won the prize for -the longest drive of the day- he. d driven : 280 miles to get there. 'He—also. insisted .I buy him a double every time I had a• double •bo: gey. A stiff proposition for both .of us. a Johnny. James •' • of . Bowman- .Ville'' with two.:strapping' sons • who hit a golf ,bah a,' quarter of a• mile. Weeklies' dean,' Wer-; den Leavens, of .Bolton,: who 'played four holes. counting 'the. 19th. Charlie Nolan of Stouff- vibe, game as always, getting through nine holes despite the pain. Ebullient ; Harry. Stemp, • who. ran the ' shoo►, which is --rather-like-trying—to—get-40' ng—to-get-40 • • Volunteers Neede .:For PrOchoot Progruni Fir Fall;, The Winghain and District. Assoc- iation for the Mentally :Retarded m et:,recently at the United ,Church witha good attendance of 'members par-dnts-;-representatives-irom..oegan 1 'tzations and: ser"vice clubs,.:and interested people. Reports were given on the :Regionalmeeting held in Exeter `a'nd the Ontario- Association , Convention' held in Toronto in!, April to which delegates, had been sent. PAGE. SEVENTEEN NOW THERE'S ONE MORE GOOD REASON Alan Williams, representative on the Huron County Advisory Comm:- ittee of the. Board .of Education , re- ported e-ported on' the meeting held concer- ning the oncer-ning'the schools for Trainable'Re- n tarded. Children. • Mrs. Harold Wild', inher report • of as recreational chairrnan said skating and -bowl ngr-had-been-proves---- •ided: for the -children of *the school here and 'for' graduates also.. Sever- al ladies of the... community were ' 4 volunteer helpers in the skating progr'at. Three pupils from the school are being sent•to summer. camp.at Camp .Belwood which is a• wonderful: experience ,for the i. The junior pupils go; for two weeks. and the seniors 'for •three weeks ihinocerus to sit up at table and put on their napkins. Jim enial Dills . of Acton•IYiilt.ong and easy-going as always And a dozen others. That's why 'it was equally pleasant' to meet new friends. Dave Scott ' of 'Fort ° Erie, the ' only man I've ever seen. whiff four times straight while trying to strike a golf ball. And "Ting", the amiable troll who • cartoons brilliantly, and • the on • ° hm-can nkat in 'his bare feet . on a coffee' table, with coasters as ' skates: And a dozen others., , .: .' The e's nothing like friends, -old7or new-,-if-you-want-beat;, u Gab" ` 1's trumpet and die a coupleof decades before your time. • The :membership chairman ; 'Mrs H,• Schipper., made an appeal. for • .family and •individual Member- ship,. alsoclub:mernber.'ship. Membership in the local organiz- ation also entitle person to ' membership in the' Ontario. Assoc- iation for the"Mentally Retarded', Y and . the; Canadian Association and* one will:teceive'literature and in formation on the.work and research which is being done in Ontario. and . in Canada-.. The maih 'feature of the meet- ing was,4 talk and slides,on pre- school' programs given by Mrs. Tames Abbott of Palmerston reg ional chairman in this area of +'work: This was very informative and: Showed what' could be actor- plished by such a'program.; The • Association plans oh starting. such.. a program in September' beginning with,'one Morning a week.' Mrs., Crawford- ougl-as=and-Mrs.—J.`K. • •McGregor are the chairmen for the 'local Association and need a place to. hold' the program as well as volunteers'-to-kun it.. In this set- up the children of pre-schoollage get started in a learning program and this prepares them.forschool when the' time' comes. It also. gives themothers a morning of their own. In the report from the school the principal stated:'that there are' 16 pupils and three wil1'graduate this June. There •are. seven school age` beginners for September With 'several retardees in the district past school-age, it is telt a Sheltered Workshopi s needed in. 8IG GAME... oilvE WR'' mw:. my(' IOU. •SHOULD CONVERT YOUR PRESENT 'EQUIPMENT TO SAFE, ECONOMICAL. OIL :HEAT.... It's easy to convert to oil:. We have a complete' line—of-top-quality-Esso Heating Equipment t choose from • Esso burner—'$1.85 a month Complete Esso oil furnace : unit, ---$4.95* a month. And now, with Esso heating equipment, we can arrange for you to get Esso Home: Heat . . Service; at no , cost. Your: best guarantee: for continued home heating comfort. 'installedw your aistiss duct Imre • ROY HAVENS Plumbing'.and' Heating: =- Phone, 528-30.12` 'Lucknow. ESSO OIL BURNER SALES and .SERVICE . • • ' Ho1u�'. HEAT SERVICE Illaalainiaik • /1 McKinney; Pte.-1Eliool and Home. the very;:near "future, : Y . The new'. slate Of officers, for. the Care chairmen, Mrs. C. Douglas local Association is: 'Past: president , and.°Mrs., J.K. ; McGregor;, recreat- Ross' Hamilton; president; J.E. chairman, Mrs: H. Wild; Reavie; ",vice -president:, William program •chairman, Ross Hamilton; Millen of Teeswater, secretor rnembership: chairman, Mrs. H:. 'G. W • Tiffin; treasurer :William ;Schipper; .publicity, Mrs .:1 Lindu • councillors Mrs.: •R. Kit Reavie; and transportation chairman Patrick and ;Mrs., Mary Harvey Webster of Lucknow.. , .' 1969 MOdeis'' SEVERAL TO: CHOOSE FROM 1969 METEOR, •2 door hardtop •1969'PLYMOUTH', 2 door, hardtop' 19.69 'METEOR,4,door sedan, V8:automatic,:Rows staaring'. 1967 FORD Custom 2 door, 6 . cylinder::automatic • 1967 ;FORD: Custom 500, 4 door, V8 automatic, 1967 CHEV BSI Air, 4 door 2 1967 ;PONT.IAC, 4• doors,. V8 automatic,. power steering•: 2 — 1967 CHEV Biscaynes,`4•door., 6 cylinder automatic 1967 PONTIAC, 4 door stitionwagon V8 automatic • 1967 DODGE Polaro S00, 2 door hardtop, 6, cylinder 1966 PONTIAC' Parisienne, ,V8 automatic 1963 METEOR 4 door, ,V8, standard'transmission' .: SEVERAL; OLDER. MODELS EE THESE AND OTHERS BLYI