HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-08-06, Page 2PAGE. TWO :)t iS 4') ik. PP ►THE LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1969 e LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCK.... Kaw:-oNTARIo---- "Th. S.poy own - C n th r–Huron4 c -Boundary Second Class,Mail Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 Published. Each Wednesday, Afternoon Member of the C.W.N.A. and O;W.N.A; . Subscription Rate, .$5.00 a year in advance to the, U:S,A., $7:00 Donald C Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1969 • LET'S BE CONSISTENT 90NN An editorial, in the May 21 issue of The. Sentinel headed "Why single Out tobacco?" :dealt with the recent .purge by the Federal Government against the tobacco interests. • The Sentinel believes that the tobacco business,. being a 'com- pletely legalone, is being unfairly treatedgb7 the government Not :everyone agreed withthis editorial which we wrote and which is The Sentinel srrggeated-ttiat-oniyTwhen the-gover-n meat declare' tobacco illegal'. and stop taking tax revenue. on its sale, can they rightfttilly lecture' on its harmful results: • • Taking a "caro before the horse: attitude` -Health- Minister John Munro and members of his 'department:: have ° . suggested, • that television stations refrain from accepting TV tobacco commercials... The government subsidized CBC :was quick to dip further Into the: tax- payers pockets and : comply with this request. This " 1s no uncial sacrifice to the CBC who annually lose millions': in public . money. • It is also being suggested that tobacco advertising— ertising be classified: as illegal: thus denying.the buying public. the freedom of choice in pur, chasing a legal • commodity and a,' legal business the freedom of's hoice, Mr. Munro's incon.sistent actions were emphasized very strongly OF LUCKNOW COLD PLATE SUPPER, BEAUTY-COiNTES' 4 ��ursday ugusf last week' when a:8 -page colour:pamphlet, advertising :a':certain brand' of tobacco, 'was • distributed to all, local' residents , through •.the :govern- ment; controlled Canada Post Office.;' :How; -about it Mr.,.;Munro' The Poste Office is doing exactly :the sante thing'as the TV stations m promoting the sale of tobacco. Let's" be consistent,let's go ':all the way. Let's hear, you give some publicly reported advice to uric Kierans on. how to run the post office. 'Direct mail, advertising is one of many used by tobacco interests: Again we 'say 'Mr. Munro, let's be consistent <., • R SONABLE ' With centralized= arid regional. government such frequently discussed topics -- and since the general public it so ill-informed on • these subjects, it is rather interesting to look back a few years to a concrete example of what centralization can do. The libraries in Huron County were taxen over by the county council several years 'ago. Local boards continued to meet, but as far. week's meeting of county council confirmed that assumption. • T MISS IT • e:•• Over .1' 5Q Attend; CourtneyReunion- AMBERLEY NEWS -Over one hundred and, fifty' members Of the Courtney ' •descendants met in Reids Corners hall onsSiturday OVening. 'August second and enjoyed the reunion. :Visiting.recently 'with Mr. and : Mrs. John Day -and family of. the fourth concession' of :Huron mere., and Mrs: Peter Day, Gordon': . •AliSon and Ian of Coldstrearri, Floliday guests,•With Mr.' and Mrs. Walter Brown were Mr. .and Mrs., Gordon Finek of StratfOrd,,,,Mr. an Mr, and' Mrs. A Martin 'orDetroit Ideal -Weather on Sunday attraeted many tOprists who Stopped at Amberley Park for lunch, where picnic tables are available. HeIenS --Enjoy-bus Tripes ST.' HELENS NEWS 0. Just a reminder of the ,August W.I. Meeting on Thursday night, This is the cranclmother's meeting and all grandmothers in the conirn- . Forty-two ladies. froin--the-St._ kelens Women's Instituto and -,,-- -- friends , enjoyed a' bps trip -to Tor- • .onto on Thursday. Allan Reed, waS. in charge of the trip. The tour411-:, cluded Toronto Ddminion Centre;' The 'Island; *Yorkville; Yorkdale ‘,. Shopping Plaza and Mahon Airport. • Windsor -Were Visitors during the 'week with Mr., and .Mrs .: Fred...Mc .7 • 411 • 'SPENCER:- in Wingham and DistH ,iict Hospital on 'Monday , ,Jtily 28, 1969,to Mr. -and Mrs., Garry Spen- Answerini a question put by Reeve Borden Cook of Blyth, the cOunty lAbrarian, Miss Carolyn Croke said that open haus for most haire been cut. Hensall.,library has been cut froM 15 to 12 hours; Brussels and Zurich frOm io to liourc-Blytir.from-10 Kiss Croke pointed out that the shortened hours have been made necessary by the• tight budget under Which she must operate her de- partment When 'members of council asked whether Weal municipal- . ities' could put up the fundi required for" longer hours MISS Croke said "No" And added that either the county lilirary board • makes the' 'decisiont or there is na board. She referred to the possibility that .. the 'Department 'of Labour ,might get st.ern with the County Library , Board if longer hours were permitted, whether. paid for by die local. , municipalities or donated by the local librarians. .°' Unguestionably.Mist 'Croke is trying to, do her *6 under boards, Which perniitted a somewhat relaxed and`friendly atmosphere • to prevail in our librariee, has changed to One in which rides and We can certainly agree that the Department of Labour cornea up with some very queer ndings —but if we have reached the stage where hours can be lim.ited even. :immeone else is willing to pay the additional, costs. it's time to a second look at centralization. of =.44444.44+14 KINLOS$. Mr I and Mrs. Frank MacKettife• , and Heather and L'IntiSpailtr-spent- a pleasant Sunday at KesWick Camp and visited with Connie, who 4 employed there for the summer. ter; Orace of Mooretawn visited ..during.the week with Mr, and. Mrs Jack Needhim Mr. and Mrs.' Wm, Slaeittinore:of: a 'week's visit here With friends':and relatives. and Mrs. Lloy MacDouga11•and Grace drove them to Thedford on 'Thursday atid,v1sit- ed.On the way 'with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ,MaCDotigall at, Bayfield. I•lappy HblidaYS-to the Sentinel. the !Myth firin On'the:cth when he happened to notice .a car pull Up 7. at .hts.p1A6e.„ .40jacent to: the farm man proceeded to climb onto 'sides 'in the house.'lle 'removed the lighnhig rod globei and tossed their] downie .a, lady Waiting•With•outSt' retched hands, beloW.. scene at his adjacent. farin. and •tmestiOned itte„pair 4s: 16 'What '9f gatne they were onying,.'ne.,wai was told hy the lady that she co117 sidered the. firth abandoned and. he still:paid, taxes On. the property collect the lightning rod, globes.it :He later checked with the police. guile .is to looien the 4%14 rods while, (Mil% roof and return after dark tO pull,thent down 'for the 1:1-':11:der4radniateyllitit'ghelltlhatSitnt grOup you Was in of Wedding..gtiestt'on the Win On. the next ,fatm. Gordcin is only 'sibrry time 'and:put these people :where they rightfully belong. against flies and mosquitoes , outdoor hying areas: Contain D'ichlOrvos, to cOntrolxre6istant" flies. .co-op vA-POR air rontroli flies re,sistant to Many other chim‘calicPlus Other strait flying insects. icla-at 0 r use in ariimal buildingi...inilk rooms, storage: tci 2 minutes before mincing. co-opjiaM Spray :With Flannel, is.reat;ly tO uta against flies and liyestock cleats in.and arciund wit each spraying. • to.op BARN PRAY and ' Ronne!. Readily diluted with Water. deodorized . P STOCK FLY POWDE can be dusted on itt:iestock directly:from the. shaker -top package CO-OP Stock Fly Pciwder ThiS bandy booklet outlining the complete CO-OP Fly, - Control Program'available' at ifoti0o-opetative,, • •