HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-30, Page 10'nrried In Crediton United Church:. LUCKN.OW SENTINEL .•.FORAN •Zion 't nttcei c arirrc h, c rcditon, :: d eort t.cd with rraix :d oardcn flow \va the sLttin foc tlte.wedclrla,. .;it E.la•ine•.Shf. •e c 1in'.i11. arid'• \\';.1% r rel o.l S Itirrda.�, i111\ Cc'relliotl\ . ;\Itr 1C ��d hy.\�,s, Lz1wreftc c . MOs a,f Exeter... Hi.. hrrcle :is a dau,Zbtcr.o.f \' rs. ::Sia llev 1'tc zcat'or: of R 'R, 1 C;retliton'and the late I. rain; c lan C,LA,\\',ILLE '. v ills The. aroo i is the son' of Isobel' Foran grid the late Eln:ier:; Foran:of R;R .2: Lucknow .1 C!iven in marriage bv her stepfather'. Stanley' Preszcator., tilt bride .chose a'floorr,,l.en ih wzddtn, � * �rte•• Ftrench owt1 of whx . la't*oda . The bodice was hi hligght-. cd` by a•bat'eau;nec1 line sheath . long liltpoint.slecvesand a n :iiicc.war.t while thc s<tit *as ali ele(*l nt A line: .The <*own was. _ l• LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDA:Y, JULY 34#h, 1969 a . . Ik• ...-ucnow Trio Visit itoosenee. Harry Lavis and Jack Campbell of Lucknow and Lawrence 'MacLeod of R.R., 5 Lucknow left here 941 Monday of last week,' motoring to Cochrane: On Wednesday they •took the Moosenee Excur'sion,Train., touring Moosenee .and ' 1bose Factory Island: Moosenee is: 189 miles: northof Coe ra-ne,anm t e: -.on y n is Icy=.• trait4, :pn which there were 38t;; passengeis; •• The.y`ret,urned.home to. Lucknow a. on Iariday by way of Manitoulin,. , COOK - to Mr. and Mrs. • Ivan Cook of Ripley on Monday, July • 21st: at Kincardine Hospital,. a. son,, Peter Darren, a brother for Ronald, and` Susan.' . BENSON.- Mr and Mrs.' Robert, Benson (nee Brenda Henry)'of 597: \:liddlewoods• Drive , :London'wish, •to announce the arrival of a son. Robert John,• dn,July 23, at $t... Joseph's .Hospital,'London: .. 'SFIA;h1 Z - to \Ir .'•and'N1rs.John Shantz of R .p)ey, on Wethie's'day`, `fuly 1•6r; 1960 -at CJlesle,y general Hospital, a son; ,Donald Jolrn.. I l: girl a -'-at. Kincardine • llospital . 311 Saturday ,'July 10 to Mr.. and X11,>. -Jerry, Te Rag , R.R. 1, Ripley, �wi s a -daughter and:,son. accented, by ,appliques of delicate' chantilly lace , also trinlniing the- detachable: he-detachatl'e: train 'cascading at ;the ba.ck.:•Iter flowers 'were re'd;roses •' Muriel Glanville,,' sisterof the::'. bride', was maid of honour. Brides maid' was' Wendy: Grasdahl ,and Brenda Glanville, sister of t;he • bride 'was.:.flower. girl. All are Frani , Crediton. The•, niaid• of honour and b:rid.es maid ,wore 'floor;,length .gowns, of. lime green chiffon over • taffeta w.ith; brocaded,; bbodire' and • niatehing.headpiece. ,They carried White ' babyand:yellow,: rose-' buds. . The flower girl:'wore'a dress of yellow tri.nipierre .with white lace Fier flowers were wh.ite,:bab•y..•niu•ms •• and redrose buds; \ltchael Foran of Lueknow was best -mg -an.. skier s l til ' -1 • 13e1t rave i• A,receltion was. held: at',Crecli'ton Community Centre'.• ' r•he bride s mother wore .a dress. of . - blue. lace 'o,Yer• taffeta :.• nlatthin•;, coat' and -cors-a e of red rose-- budsH -! The groom's ii.lbther wore a, bide • dreSs to ■ Phon'Ripley BRICK BLOCK STONE' Lester Falconer, Blvth and diet,: son' r Arnold Falconer and. NIrs. if,a1c oiler IQf Kitchener also visited with tlieir... • Gayle Rantoul is' holidaying with. brother, They had previously , Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rirttoui and'. visited with 'their son;., I\eil•Falconer, family �f Peterborough'. attending,L;ondon.university. In the •Congratulations and best wishes etiening Mr, and Mrs. . Wesley. to.Mr.,and Mrs.' Donald Morrison'', Tiffin, and Mrs, Cecil Falconer. whose marriage was,on $aturday'at visited 'at the :same home. ' Palmerston:, Mr.', and. Mrs; Tom- • Mr, and 'Its. Kenneth.'C tittle, 1\it M,orrison, • Jim. and Kenneth and' and \1rs . Bob Burchill,w ere at Lon- Jack . • don`on Sunday at the:h.ome`.of \1r. Morrison'and family' attended. frond his parents', Mr', and Mrs. Bob:Kerr to celebrate the here '26th wedding anniversary of \r,. Mr. and Mrs.. . George Icon r of� and Mrs. -Earl, We1tz Certitanv •visited Sattitday. a'nd Si day with his brother .Lester Falcon Judy •of Toronto spent the wce,h i n(1 ler and-\frs.: 1 a1concr and Ltary . On •with 1r,iand Mrs. Jim rrrr e o Sunda.)' \:Ir',• gnat \lrsd'Will:ie Falcon. Wiru harri., Alana , who had been,T er; I3luevalc. '\ir'. and Mrs: Johnnie Visitin 'here.;• returned home \ri[h aiconer ;,:. hitch; ncr • .Mr', and 'Jr.s'tiller" . • A :1111 ■1.11111711m i utiiuii iiIluii'•1i •il:Ni.l-111.1111111;1111 ■u ■ll"■` Teeswa#er -Culross:. I•'I;•Iiiu:. • • Fun-FiIIed an Exciting Dciyi.. .11 KITH• SUCH. IGHLIGHTS.;AS and Dance by' Carlton' Band' direct, -- AUG.;.1' X8:30 p.m., Concert Y::r. • , .: � from "PIG & WHISTLE" TV SHOW:' AUG. 2' - 1`.:30 p.m:, Horse Races. Betting Privileges Official Opening: Chicken Barbecue: • 2 Big Dances. Special church cemeteryand cenotaph services. AUG. 3� — `,, Local . and, added . talent ' concert in arena at: 8:30. i i.• a MONSTER °CALITHUMPIAN PARADE . at 1 .p. m.' ■ Aim •'- N 1 d •. • ioe1tHere 11'Classes Cash Prizes _ ------11: 1—Comic vehicle or float:'. $25 820, ,,$15 S 0 • 2 -Best decorated '& ,attractive. float : a. ,, -r $2J, . $20, $15, "$10 _."7 - blue :. ,LA—Float, any other description: ,' $25 $20:,. Sia 510 4—Any'' horse' drawn..vehic�Ie: $ia-SYS $5' 1 --5—Antique-car.; truck. or tractor 815 . $10 $5 $5 . a 6 -Best western saddle. outfit"... '. $10, $7, $5. $5. '• o 7—Best decorated' bicycle or tricycle . $5, '. $4 $3 $2, $1• 111...* 8 ;Best Drum Majorette : $5, $4; $3 ! 9 -Any other self-propelled vehicle ' n $25; x$20,' $lo $lU 10—Best• performance by an old';•boy•or girl in costume: �' $10,...$5.: 1 1:1—Commercial' vehicles welcome: no' .prize S� . 'S5 trimmed with what and corsage oCred• rose =buds TOT travelling the bride chose a white, lace. dress wiclt' white and • �'el.low .accessories arid •corsage of: yellow rose The co'trple tvrlllive at R.R. 2 13lyth;; We've .got fhe know-how.when it comes to,. solving any ciuto problems.. Just drive your car in, and leave the problems ,to us. Our service is fast ,and :economical• always.: I AiiG.",4 2:.30 p.m..IMPERIAL HELL DRIVERS. Thrills' Galore! ,Vrs'. Lottie Courtney of K ni;ar' dine ;and,`1r, and Mrs Robert Reid of Luc know "spent,. last week. at Mrs:' Courtney's cottage at Point Clark :` The Junior Choir of tine River United Church were in .charge of the music, on Sunday with Dianne Kempton and Wendy Courtne"yas organist and pianist .Pastor, Le.ter' rerguson was,guest speaker in'the • absence of Rev*, John C. 11111. ' `1 r . and; Mts..' Walter Brown act .. r.c C eorf.e• Porter of Niagara Falls on atrip to' Leamington, ,wherc, they' Neill spend a few cia�s visitin�* with. relatives in that area. 11111f. 1r4., 1114 L371111 and Jonathan are .lira ct.trip 'to lr l'as.;. \i a nitolv LACROSSE GAME on ball diamond:' 7`00:' LACROSSE GAME on ball iamon .. hese lacrosse •-•�- games by courtesy of. Ken Murray of Cooksville... • 7.30°:: FESTIVAL OF BANDS, featuring drills and music :by four or more bands, including the St[ John's Drum Corps'.86-piece Champion: Band,'of Bran 7. ,,. ford. 9 30: SPECTACULAR; DISPLAY' OF FIREWORKS, 10:00 DANCE in arena to the Starlighters Band. Every Day - :CQCLCERT' BANDS, WIMMt:NG POOL: ■ ELCOME..0 ■ 11.1 11114111111.1iIlran+44,1111111111101441114,1*111111r1111111: TFC 4.4