HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-23, Page 11WEDNESDAY, JULY 23rd, 1969.
.1111r pit
Tells Merits," 0f
Local'. Credit Union
made a world war possible. They ,
also saw. that in order. for the peop
es .o "x. e wor.: to . `ave a chance
-to-u ted-ers:ta-nd«-es c- h-o>:h e -t het -t e r-,.-__ _.
suitable books on world history had
to be made available. Led by gift-'
t ed and energetic men such as Hen
that the K• on our Special Deposits. drik Willem N•'anLoon_and H.G.
is not enough., Thisis true if you
are comparing Lucknow .and District
Credit Union with trust• companies,
'But, we are not a trust company,,
'we are your neighbours trying to do.
Box S2? ;. .
each oth
er a service. In a few years_a a_lxaw d.
Wellsgood progress was made con-
cerning books •before"World War II
broke out. Since the end of that
war a number well written books
on -world history have become
14-L ltttow:;, Onta -1 theidiv Bend on the -Sha -re- accounts p -rices W
Ju,�yp�lo., 1919 •and the Special Deposits. WILL go; '
Jim Webster is under the Doctors
care having hada bad, tumble
from load of hay: while. working 1
on the ,farm of Andrew Barkwell.
Jim cracked several ribs,, received.
bruises' and cuts;, some of which re -
up,. These Special. Deposits are • , During the 1020 `s it .was •widely,
e Lucknow Sentinel,
mone which ..de os for lets .us' use felt that World .'Var 'had be a
Lucknow;,' Ontario, y p
Dear Don:
• I was very pleased to• see the
editorial•in favour of the Lucknow
and District Credit Uniotl's efforts..
• on Friday:, June 27;'G9. Many. •
people • in this area seem to be
,against "o. r ignorant of Credit Union..
I think the only,'reason (and it's.our
fault) isthat it has not been'put to,
the local`puhlic'ili a•language thty
can understand,
• First of all, lei.', get;one thin
straight. Credit 'Unitait is. NOT for.
the big business, elan who talks in'
•tcr.ws of borrow,in 'gthoilsan is of`
dollars. •I3ut I think that the .Rusin
• ess Associa.tion would.do well to
su ort''the Credit, Ltiiion (as'they.•
Pp �
. did. on J.'utic -, ,�c;l) .. hcc,au:e,ant'
money that is'•iii..the,cosnnnititty '
sh.otild :tai' in the community:.
C:redii',111iiOR, i:for t'li.c sn)a,ll' wage
_ canner •slack a ,a nio0hc r with a area
family allowance Cheque or the There is an article, in the Jule
man on a.'wcekly Salary . In.an area c •,.... .
iacll a Leel<now , tTialiv y many. • 1.)62•editi;on ,of the :Reader's Digest:,
that tells what the Credir•Union;
Folk:� fall into the cate«orie` has aerie for"Brazil. While Weare
What housewife, wanting* a new
9i,e.r. ch.ildfe:n. C:itiink of or not .in the'sait e financial,state as •
electric"sewing:•rachine to'sew-f•
there are many aspects in
horrrn,,ii:a<< rhe iilotit° to p..for it:the'artiele which are relevant: I
'found it good reading,, but.perha.ps
she i core Bahl. to hay e the •
wih \1'acliinc C:ottrpan�•carry
•I'.rtt' a little prejudiced
',the financiiu at..l1� . Whereas Yours i uly,''•
front the •C;redat ,:Union : providedMrs Tom Pritchard...
she. i. a. member, .she can, make E •;.
: : ttlall payttlent .'at '1;>s• per -n t
the unpaid naonthli ba.lancel: which
..(figure 'it. ent for yourself ,''don't
th.ke' env word words out• to E�"
:per year .. A nvone who. ha S :even a ;
minute`. income, can borrow •froth '
Credit Union provided: hi, shares ,,
l i , e.' the, total of his save n ,s in his
'ac'counts') are at .a 20•ta. 1 '
i'atio'10'the aiitount lie wishes too
borrow•. i:or instance , if roti want.'.
to morrow x.10.(? . 00 ,for a dental hill,
you •ti'Ced eiti..
acc�attnt , •C ranted`:n o.ru r-tro 1 eco
• a Credit Union doing its' job. • .wsi
also like to sec_ dial •$•..O0,'balance•
grow , even' if °n1.,: atthecae
of 5.00per`week,
for a'year and•we pay him t;i,. The 1. war to end, war. As•dictat sin..=
Pio., Gerniiii '' 1tal_ and p becarsie
Lucknow and District Credit Union y-; yr-�:' Japan
Limited, has limited these deposits active and strong;, in tyle thirties the
to between .$300,00 and $500,00, feeling that another world war was
in:the air, there is:talkor.a dep-
epression - not. one like the dirty
thirties,: but in the opposite direct-.
ion, T don't` profess to be 'a
financial wiatd , but I feel that
"money niatte.rs: should.. Ro.w , more
than ever,: become the, concern of
every human. .being If we are t.o•
avoid •complicat ons'frpin this
depression ,'we are going to have tc
rttse'.good judgement inevery penny
• that passes through our hand's.
What is a Credit Union? A Credit
union "isof people with a
:group p p
coliunon bond ..working together
to' help 'each other discreetly. with
their money'managetiteni In' Luck
now and.nistrict Credit Union; tha'•
com'nion'.hond> is, the, town 'of Lauck
now"and' itssurrounding far:niing,
Also, any amount} von -have dep-
osit'ed In your ,account . up to,
' $2,000,00 is, returned t'.yoitr
,beneficiary doubled .(.4 to age •1.-))
it 'is'lessened as your‘age increases.
In my opiniot ,. that ;is:the hest life
iaisuraiice ever,offered ,. T:'his 'at.'
no cost to the depositor. Also: ,. any
outstanding loans , at the timeof:.
deathor total disability,, would' he
paid' in full.
impossible gave way toa feeling
of anxiety about the future:. Just
twenty-one years after the end of
World War 1 the western world
again drifted into another w'oi•ld. '
war: AS this terrible war .dr'ew.to'a.
close :the people of the western
world did not believe that winning;.
the.war meant winning the,peace.
However ,there was the. hope, thiat •.
being the sole posses ors •of the
know -iiow of the `atomic bomb
would give our statesmen the tiitie
needed to work out some foriof
ktsting p��i�-e„'I hr illusioni: tiff asp=
shattered• in less than five ,years
with'word thief. Russia had exploded
its owil"atocnic bomb. Since
then.'the atomie'cluh has been join-
ed by three new mete hers -. En'land
Are, We tetting
Our Money's Worth•
With:' education colts going up and
up ,a question taxpayers art. concer-
ned 'about i '''Are we'getting our
money s;•worth''” •is far a :. an impor
tant area of the. peace problem is'., ., .
c'onc'erned l think there is .a, lot of .
QO IT1 f seri rr, rptrr � rt i ri—Y1-w r l=i`r ter
explain ,w:hcic :1 think'our :education •
al';:inthoi•itie, are falling.down on....
the. toh.
"or a .longer time'tltan f care to
.id Mit "1 have.heen trying to ;tet.. '.
seine defitt•ite' infori'nation on wf7(th'
er'world history is.heiitg,ta.ught
effectively in ttie .high'.schools and;
universities of.(anada 'and `the.. Unit'.
ed. States . This interest has • brought' '
rite into contact' with many potent,
ial sources of information including
the Education.Editor:•and the Editor
in -Chief of a Well. known daily
newspaper, •an, -Assistant Superint
endlent `of the' nepartnient.`of Educ
ation and the'Director. and
borrow, is your neighbours money; Associate Director Of. 'I he Canadian'
Next, week, he could be: borrowing 'Institute o.L.Itibli_U p'i.niati.. •As.. '
yours It:is the one and only true world history is a comparativelyC hristian (non. -profit) organization new subject .; t :wasn't too. surprised
I know'of, that honestly professes that in every 'case the response was
to,".HeIp`thy,neighbour".. The only • the same, .being wards to the effect
collateral needed is you, your, that they didn't have tele 'in•forntat:
character. But we do require a ' ion I Wanted.. What ,l do find very
co -signet -lot -any -one under -the -age -disturbing is that done of these '
of 21 There are changes .in the . people expressed concern or regret
.wind to change this ruling, to per that they didn't know whether '
haps lower the age limit; ' • ' world history is being' taught
s i
year (not
effectively. l-.-only-gin-termofdolarsand in-terms
ng the holooaust of
in 1968, the Luckndw',arid District World War ',that some of the lead-
Credit Union paid to its depositors ing; thinkers saw the urgent.need for
a dividend (the banks call it inter- suitable books:on world history.*- '
est) of 4%, This may not seen' to 'They •co'uiai see that the bigadvan=
be tnuch.,`but give us.Credit, we've dein transportation and c muni -
only been in operation for 2 years, cation facilities down through the
Some. people have commented,. .19th and early 20th centuries had
In Credit `Union, that money you/
• Kenneth and David, Farrish•and
Russell Moncrief and; cousin° are
holidaying at Sauble Beach.
Mrs. "Henry Mac-ienzie is under
the Doctors care, as she has
..Many from the area
ttended the .reception in Dungan:-
ungannon on Friday. evening in honour of
1\1r .'and Mrs. Bill Hayden.'
['ranee and .Cliina : Our hope at this
surely is°that there will he
61011.7i1 roodw lh among •the peoples
of the world to give world leaders.
.sufficient tinie'to divert enough •
of the present 'fantastic spending•for
•arias into mote productive channels
' Effective teachin ' of world history'
-r a -i -so -a- ood-L r Urnent-against ^-
racisul. In, the'past.. so many diff-
erent natidnalitics have,niade
Worthwhile c`ont.ributions to•civiliz
atio.nthat there is. ne telling what'
the under -developed nations may.
commending 'at 1.0., a.m..
(one from Scotland)
be able to contribute in the future'.
Apart from,the money angle I '
believe that a student's Most int:-
.portant subject. =is world history.,
unless We, ,on'tle North American
continnt,, are successful in build•..
in7u •. p g•f?^a stron- • •eace effort
is it likely that money will be very:
•Art• Andrew ,
deka IAll vIll iarsI'all ePiIIIII
I / 1 111111161;11 11 fill
I ) al _ / Vi
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