HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-23, Page 10MBE' TEN. • THE LUCKNOIN SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 105th Anniversary At Pine River ,ro (haimers: C.O.C. Entertain IM,M..S, WHITECHURCH NEWS )) en..W a nesda -,_.J_u.1. 6 the.=. y y-1---� ion Church Services WEDNESDAY, ..JULY.:23,rd,, 1969 • LU•CKNOW UNITED 'CHURCH` Rev. Robert Nicholls, B..A,. Minister JULY 27th AMBERLEY NEWS • Beautiful weather prevailed on Sunday July twentieth for the one. hundred and fifth anniversary of Pine River United .Church'., There was a, good attendance as former.mernbers, friends and visit- ors returned for the occasion.. Dr.. E.E. Hallman of Kitchener was.. guest, speaker and. his Message:, "God of all space and,place" was. based on the Scripture lessons • taken .from Geriesis'and •first Corin- thians'. inverse 15 of •G'enesis we are reminded of God's presence ever with us "I will be with thee. and .will keep thee in all places; whither .thou goe"st . '•' The choir sang the anthem "They' that wait :upon the Lord". ' .• Mr ; Bertha Scott sang the beauti- ful solo "He smiled on me" After the service frfends enjoyed Meeting. many who had 'returned for • the happy occasion: . All enjoyed .the• music of the-Or- ganist'andpianist Mrs`.:Lynn,Lowry and. Mrs.?.:Ernie _Gibson before the service. . W,hitechu.rch ..Messengers W1--iITEC.HURC•H NEW• S;'. The •Messengers held their meet- • ing on Sunday in the Sunday -school. room during Church service{ In the. absence -of the President • '.Ronald snlomarr•, Earl'.Thompson presLdc�. the'•Callto'Wor- ship and:. read the Scripture.' Kenn, • eth.Quipp led in;prayer, • • • '•The minutes were, read by the sec retary,, Clare Weber• who also :called She roll which was •answered by 7 The offering' was received by \.iurray' Gibb. The offering. prayer. • was. given 'by Linda Moore; The leader Nits ., Dave Gibb corinpleted'; the story on Chinaand, closed the: meeting .with .prayer: : • 4J drop -Report Haying is preceeding normally. Quite a few of the, farmers have .'. cothpletedhaying while .a ;few are still • at 'it All thecrops could use a good shower»as growth is slowing down..The corn crop; is' looking good;With good ' growth: •The white beans .need some'inoisture as their' growth hasilowed down. On th'e.• average there are'some very good stands.' A few rootrot problems are srill.occurring., ;especially on: the heavier Soils.Th'ere has also been some incidents ofthe corn' seed ma . got attacking, the'roots If these problems have:occurred, •the +i Fy a C.O.C. of Chalmers Church put On the programme for the. W M, S', Meeting, , In°the.absence of •the' resident, Mrs: Wallace -Conn- tlie-frist-v Mrs. Bill Rintoul presided, gave , thecall to worship and, welcomed the .C.O.C. ; their leaders,.and the: W.. Iv1,..S.. She then called on Mrs. Hugh Simpson C.O.C, • leader, to preside along :With the president Kathy' Purdon, who gave the call to wor- ship,' The C.O.C. hymn was sung with• pianist Darlene Simpson. The Scripture was read by Bobbie Ross. Jean Simpson led in prayer. The •. roll call was answered by 14. The offering was received_ by David Ross and Donald De Boer aha dedicated by Harold .Stockhill - • Donald De Boe-r-gave a recitation,' Karen 'Wilson a.piano solo and a', .Karen given'by Debbie Rey- . • A film "Bible Stories. -for Children" :was shown by Dar'lene' '. Simpson operating; the projector: The,subject of'this filth was `Lack '• eus in the. Sycamore tree. • From: this'stoty we »learn that Jesus loves• Us and: we must learn to love »others Darlene Simpson, gave a piano solo and Kathy .Purdon'an accordion solo. Lori Puroon.led in•prayer•: Another was a .Parable from Nature and ii'was learned' a "parable,, is:aatistorywith ttOth:and was .about Bushy the Sgt11-14el:: Bushy. learned: that if you don't do' what ,is right it will.corine•back to you. A selfish person must learn to share . ' • . A. trio 'Karen •Wiiso.n, Dar.le.ne' Sirimpson..and Iter a •De• Boer sang with Mrs,: Johnston Conn pianist. 'Irene `: v 'De Boer :'ave , a, piano solo., The third fi.ln•t. was. l3ootsie the Lamb. Little Judy knel, he:r..:lost lamb was • out sonnewhere in the stormy night,. Mother and Judy went out' in the. night and: found 'Bootsie .:Judy was so'happy ;to have found her.lairi'b .th' ti she thanked. God th her prayer ' • e story taught that: Jesus iB 'Just• ashappy, when people return to Him after doing wrong The clos ing Prayer was'sun.• A' contest ..' •Who's was held: The'W \1.•S met' • with \1rs. •Rintoul presiding'. Thanks for..stamps sent were recei- o• ved fri :the Leprosy Mission .The August Meeting was'read and the Meeting .closed "with'the Lords.. Prayer. 'L'unch was served' and a friendly sociable tine'enjoyed by all farmer should hill his beans up higher to encourage roots. higher lip On the stern, Tle';spring grains are'' looking good and again a good . • waren rain would help RIPLEY ABATTOIR • _custom Butchering . - Curing ancLSMoking_ Cutting and Wrapping, Sausage Ma ing Fast Freezing HOGS AND CATTLE ON . ONDAYS ' CATTLE ONLY ON WED ESDAYS' . • With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able ,To : Hang Your Beef From ' L' To 3.._Weeks.t,=.».Whate'ver Your Requirements` Are `If we. seek ,God forour own gdod . and ' profit, . we .• are not seeking:' God.,' ' Johannes, Eck- hart. LucknoW Presbyterian Church JULY 27th• 10:00» a:m. Sunday School 11:00 a m: Morning. Service .Guest Speaker "Rev. David Crawford Calgary . Joint Services . With" South Kinloss In Lucknow ST':' PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R; T F. Odendahl ` . Rector JULY 27th Trinity 8 '10:15 Church School 11:30, Morning Prayer AgRep»Report» The recent: fine. weather has given farmers an ;opportunity to -go ahead',. with haying' with about 60'7o of hazy ing being done; •in the :county; how- ever ow:= ever, quite .a •considera ble amount + f;,hay. baled h.as.y.et, to gti,in the barn. The effects o.Lw » 1 spring are°.. now'Showing up in winter wheat.'„ Throughout 'many 'party `of Southern Ontario, including Bruce` County, a disease known as Foot Rot or Strawbreakerit ev de,it. The.- last he-last time this diseaseoccurred was in 1956. Severe lodging is, the''n ost obvious.symptom of Straw breaker Grain devoloptnent. is poor• and. . small shrunken grains at'har,est time are the result.' \lany:other dis- eases often re scen on infected, plants . •lf• the. disease is severe a farther shQrld salvage what is left'; of .the crop by putting it in the silo. Control Of this disease' is by. a••three year rotation;. 1dMEM1 For soundc..ounseh and, :a felt price on -a' monument, correctly .designed from quality .,11►aterial, rely on SI(ELTON MEMORIALS 'Pat . O'Hagan, Prop., Established Over 'Sixty Years: WALKERTON'.. PHONE 88142.34. • Mr. ..and .Mrs.. Ralph' Haldenby • Billy ,and. Connie. of Guelph, visited; with his parents y M -r William :E. Hald'enby.:' Mrs. Madeline Parker and .Mrs BerniceBurt spent Thursday at Owen Sound arid. Coliingwood,' Mr. and .Mrs. Art Haldenby•spent- a .few.days with Mr. .and, Mrs.'How-'' and Whiteside and•family .at their cottage at 'Orilla • Mr: and Mrs.. George Haldenby, :Mr . 'and Mrs, Harold Haldenby and Geordie Ieft'on Saturday fora trip through Nolthern ,Ontario, • Mrs., Williarri Cox , Mr. and Mrs John Scott,' Mr. and. Mrs.' Bob Scott, Jeffrey and Heather attended • Potato growers also may see evid- =rite--of-�e-t•-e•r�i-�d-rt-iaiis�]iis'-y the form ''of 131ackleg. Thisdisease show$: ftp: as',a blackening of the potato s"ta'Ik:from the•haseupwards and also wilting of the leai;es•and' -finally the plant.dics, There'is no - •control of the. disease in`the field' -"for this year, but any ,potat'oes ` Showing sigris of blackening should not be put in ,with the rest of the potatoes. If this disease -is a, probe lem this year, then foundation seed: should be Used next year. For Home Freezers' We Se11 Choice Home 'Killed Reef, Pork an Lamb In Any •Quantity At Lowest Marketing:. Prices ALL MEATS ARE ,GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION CHAS. 1T00ISMA, PRO ABATTOIR 395-2905• STORE 395.2961. The Bruce County Junior Farmers' Judging. Competition•will be held .at Chesley on August 12. All young' people between the .ages of 12 and, 26' who are interested in judging, • livestock an, crops axe we come. There w.i•11 bover $1.00:00 in"prize money :offered' at this competition the•Cox. familyreunion"'at, Godericl Relatives' from here .attended the Percy family picnic at.Kincardine of Sunday. . r 1vIrs ., Morgan Johnston will be host ess for the August meeting of the H W H.W.I. on Thursday:e•vening, August 7th, Roll call "Say Some- thing in Fre Ch" ,' Panel discussion on Education,' Motto - This land • vYas' made fo(you :and me. Geogr- aphy match. Directors Mrs. Lorne' Eadie, Mrs . Dan McInnes... Members o:f.the Wall family attended.a reunion. at Kincardine on Sunday. •, Mr. and Mrs.. Mac Nicho•lson;of Millarton visited on Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. ',Bert Nicholson. • ` Lois 'Nicholson 4 holidaying 'With Connie Slessor at Glamis. EVERTHING SIDEWALI( SEPOY'DI �.. **** *..*****