HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-23, Page 7'69 'WEDNESDAY , . JULY 23rd, 1969. 'THE! LUCKNOW.. SENTINEL, . LUCKNOW, • • ' ONTARIO ' ay- for' of. a.rt a- aug PAGE ,,SE:VEN KINCARDINE From 12:01 a.m. , June 28,':1969 ro 12.00 midni jif , ;Tidy 6 , 1969 Provincial Constable -Harry Wiwczaryk investigated an ;acrid` ent on June 28 involving a, car, and a motorcycle;. The, drivers involved were George 'S. Eni'erSon, R.R. 3,• Ripley and Douglas R. Jarvis of 1498 Plank Road, Sarnia , Ontario. 'Jarvis sustained broken left ankle as a result of the collision, Damage;:' to both ,vehicles amounted to approximately $2,200. 00. At 1:35•a:m.=Sunday, July Provincial Constable, Ken Culver. and Provincial Constable Andrew . Burgess. 'investigated a serious fatal •accident,in the hamlet of Bervie. Killed in: the accident were Brian. Richard Cain of Chesley', Williarn. ' , John Kimmel of R.R. ; 2, •Desboro and' Barbara Altman of Durham Street., Walkerton. All three persons were riding in the: single. car which was involved in the ' 'accident.: POLAND Provincial, Constable From 12:01,a .,m July '7, 1969 •to. 12:,00 midnights July 12, 1969 ,On July 10 1969•, Provincial.Con,• stable 4. Burgess investigated,an a ccident'between:Josephs Kritz, Kincardine and George• Wanids., 24 Askin St.. •, .London, .;Ontario', Kritz .was treated, at LIIlll I IIIIII1a111■IIl11I1i1111■Ii11111IIi11u11 • Kincardine Hospital for minor abrasions; and released. The Kritz vehicle was torn entirely in half as. a;�reault Of the impac-:t . Damage - to. the Wands vehicle was approx- imately +$400.00. _ Provincial Constable K, Culver. investigated a two car accident on #21 Highway , just north of the Pine: River Church on ' July 11,,1969. Paul Farrell, . R. R;, 1, Kincardine and Gary Woods, R.:R. 5, Kincardine were the operators of the vehicles involved. Damage to both vehicles aniounted • to :approximately • •• On July 12, •1969,: •Provinc al Con.-. stable 144: , Whitelaw investigated a three car accident on. the. North , Shore Road just past he Kincardine. Town Limits. A moor vehicle ope•r.: ated by Robert Skinn, Josephine Street , .Wingham struck two parked vehicles. The" parked vehicles were owned by John Baker, 732A $t. Clair Ave. • W'.. •,. Toronto and Dennis Kirkconnell,'457 St;' George St;. , London, Ont. Shinn was, treat- ed iat : Kincardine Hospital for minor lacerations, Total damage to the vehicles involved was approximate- ly $1,5.00.00. _. On'July 12;'Provincial Constable • A. Burgess investigated a single; car-:accident/at Inverhuron•Beach. Charles, Schroder ; R. R. 2, Desboro operating a •stolen motor vehicle , 'left the roadway and struck a • cottage •owM ned °by •rs Srnuck, 197 `: Forsyth Drive , ; Waterloo'. There' • was 'approximately $200.00 .damage` to'the automobile .and a ;further. approximate $500 00'7damage to: the : cottage On July' 12, Provincial Constable L.A. Whitelaw investigated'a single car;; accident on Highway #8� west of Lucknow. William• Chislett: Taiifii niIi ii..1■ 1110111\1mLI ISI i Iatl1 111sp11g •'i eesv�ater: - C4lross • �un�Filled''an Eiiling and. 4tl Iq 1Menno� St, , ,Waterloo driver .of . the :vehicle , escaped. serious injury when the vehicle he was driving`` raped ever; The vehiele was damaged'to the extent of •$900 Q.0.,, • J.F. .'POLAND Provincial' Constable; ',' GODERICH� 'from 12:01 a . rri . , July $;;. 1969 to July 12, 1969. , On Sunday, July 6 on .#1 Huron County Road north; of Dungannon,.. mouglas;-:Portet;; R.,R--L,-_Lucknow_.:.__ and Gordon Francis MacDonald.: R.R. 6 ,` Gbderich .were involved h a, two car. accident resulting in $15..00 damage, to the Porter vehi . On Saturday, July 12 on 12th Concession, Ashfield Township, West of #21 'Highway, Donald Forster,'. R.R. 4, Ripley was involved in•a single truck acrid: ent resulting in $300..00 damage • to: his vehicle ,, •On•Saturday, July •12 on..#21 High- war south, of Junction Huron Road' I 18; Frances lvlcNaughton.;• 7.1 Stanley Street;, Essex struck:a cattle bast:,.. resulting :in $100.00 damage, to the vehicle •M E, LEE:KING Corporal. From, 12:01•a:.m,, July 13,1969, .to July •19, 1969: OnSunday, July 13 .on #21 High way, south of God.erich, Herman,. Lansink 29 George. Street, Seaforth, Gordon Harwood, R.R. 2' Goderich and,AnthonyRussel Duce, ,5161 Pleasant Drive; Flushing Mich- igan were'.involved,in a'.three ear accident "resulting in approxi m ate • total damage:of• $1,,,500 ;'00• to the • vehicles.:.' 114 , . 13 ---ora l -1d 1 ate,• � ,.. � way north of Goderich , Barbara Pollock, R,;R: 5. Goderich; and , Pauline' Rosalie Kobylarz ;:.30046'• 'Iyfaplegrove , `St.'Clair Shores, Michigan .were: involved in'a two cal? accident resulting in: an approx• i•f $1,50.'00. .to the vehicles. Pauline Kobylarz received :injuries: E ,' On, Sunday, 'July. 13,.at.Point Farrns Provipcial Park, north of ##'25 County Road', a parked vel icle:owned by 111 1 Daryl M.c:Ilmoyl , Box 115, - A:dastral`Park , C. F; B;• .Clinton was struck by an unknown vehicle re- •. '< < 7 rr I : `..R ._ 1 sulting.in $75.00, damage to the O Mcllmoyl vehicle • IM: • On Tuesday;. July ,15 ;on ##25 p. , . oncert an' �:ance' • aro � =tIIre t ~ - east of #2e County_ il' ' County Road • �-! AUG:;•1 - 8'3U• 1n. Y ,Road , Harold 'Nelson,Teeple, - 'from."PIG'&' WHISTLE" .TV SHOW. , R,'R 1 Paisley struck a. cattle I.'AUG. 2. `Horse Races, pari=mutual betting beast resulting in $2,7"5:00 damage ■ • ., WITH SUCH. HIGHLhGHTS 'A5 ■Official Opening = to his vehicle . • . Cb1ekeiLBarbeciae • • ! '_n„ WPdn._sday�-J- _6._0 1}Ll .n-#-21. -Highway north north of Bayfield , Walter -AUG: - --SpeciaLchurch eciaLchurch; • cemetery_, and cenotaph -services. ! Eugene }Jansen 1'849 London Road`, p :� ' Local arid added talent concert in arena'at, 8:30., . • 1' Sarnia and Ena Mae Elliott„ R: R : 3 M NSTER CALITHUMPIAN PARADE at 1 :p:m .' !I' Petrolia were "involved in; a two car AUG D ' [ accident resulting'.in: an approx•im Big. Dances. 11 Classes CashrPrizes -' •• 1 -Comic vehicle or float: 7 $25, $20 . 2 -Best decorated ,& attractive float: • '' $25, ' $20, : $15,' 'so 3-F1oatany other description:. $25 .$20, $15, $10 ,4z -Any 'horse , drawn ,vehicle • $15' ,$10; $5 ' `$5i 5 -Antique car, truck or tractor: $15 . $10 $5 $5 . q 6-11est ''western' saddle outfit: ' -W., $7 $5, $5' $15, $10 ate to*al damage'of $400:<to,the• " . vehicles: , ..On Wednesday, July 16 oti Howard Street, Bayfield west of Tuyll,Street, ••Hendric`h Westerhout; 3:23 Jarnes.Street'. Clinton and Brian .Joseph' Driver; C. P B Clinton:•were involved in a two car accident resulting in an approxim- ate total d-ama ge--of, $$9-5- 00 -to, the--- vehicles on Thursday; July .17 on. #10 sideroad, Stanley 'Township, east of #21 Highway,. Barry Cleave; R, R. 3';` Bayfield •was.involved in a, ,single car accident resulting $200" 00• damage to his vehicle„ On: Thursday, July 17 on#21 High• way, ,south of: #25 County Road Gaetah Jacques, R. R.. 2,''Goderioh and Leonard McLean, R. if;, 2','. Lucknow were car accident resul'tng in $150,00' damage• to the McLean •vehicle, L ' On Friday., July 1 at' the parking lot., Caseme Drive -10 Restaurant., infield, Joseph William Ball, 610 tratlic • 'then 7-aBest decorated' bicycle. or tricycle _ , $3; $2, 1 8-B st Drum Majorette: $5, $4, ; $3 9 -Any other self :propelled vehi�c e " 77 $25 $20 SIN '$10 ' - 10•=Best performance,by an old!:boy or girl. in costume: • $10, ..$7, $5, $5 11 Commercial vehicles welcome:: no • prize j, IMPERIAL HELL DRIVERS. 'Thrills Galore! Bands, Lacrosse' Games. ' Big Dance in , Aren'a -0 Every ay .-' . BALL :GAMES,. KINGHBROS; 1241.6E' MIDWAY;' CONCERTS. lit 1-14 Blowsr-switAmmtp_oc.L. WEECOME TO ALL - BESURETO BE INLYCKNQW.4.1.. FOR THE Yfff::lb.. YOU'LL .FIND MORE' THAN YOUR: SHARE OFBARGAINS AALDERS FRUIT MAT TH:'ONTHE..SIDEWALK AN IN;THE' STORE.-, - • gill Be: Served. Froin/A Sidewalk. Locat'ion;.. ‚JTC uVEN!'RS SALE e fo: 0 DUTCH S Whether it be during Sepoy Days, •'or. any other day of the . year, you'll find : Aalders Market a: friendly, 'economical place to shop. . ° ucknow --, Phone 528-3015 • :.•FREE PARKING AT THE REAR OF OUR STORE. . • Church .Street Seaforth and Don'• ' altl Frank Hammell 257 Kin : :Street •'Thorndale were• inv'olvved in a' two�car accident resultin in an. g. a'pproxiinate total damage of • • $400.00; to'the vehicles:..• On Saturda•y,' July :19. on old.##21 Highway , south-of#21 � ` Brian Phillips;• 36 .GeorgeStreet, • •Seafortt acid 'Charles,Charnbers , 81 Will>ari Street., : C-1 ntbn were -fin- volved in a• two car accident result ing, in $50, O0daniage to the veiic les. On Saturday:,. July'19 on .Maitland Concession west of #8 County Road Thomas Edward Cudrnore•,'406 Base Line Road,, Clinten•was, involved ,�`. in a single Car accident' resulting: in $350 . a0 •damage to. his vehicle',` DRIVERS:• Freeway driving is different and` requires your full mVoived irr, a two attention especially when• "entering Or leaving' diese- high - a freeway on the',acceleratibn always Chee,k approaching freeway that .you merge smoothly. at approx imately, freeway driving speed.' To leave a freeway , get into the right la'n'e as, you approach' the turn off signal your intentions well in;: advance and reduce speed' as • you •enter the:'turn'off lane .:f errni -• r- w -h -en_ nrering or leaking a .. • ,so. 0 • freew a it . is im ortant to do smoothly,.• Co-operation/redu;ces -•the chances -of freewaa-oollislions-. Y ,C.A.�•HARDY, K. C.otporal. .