HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-23, Page 2pjs
„TIM Sepdr' Town" — On the Huron BruceBou ,.:. ary
Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847-
Estapliahed 1873 Published Each Wednesday Afternoon
Member of the, C.W N A. and O.W.N.A.
Subscription ,the U.S:A., $7.00
• on hate ,,�5 00 a�. year in advance ' -- to
' Donald C:: Thompson, Publisher
WEDNESDAY, ,JULY 23rd, 1969 •
• • Amberloy Beach is probably no different from any .other Ontario
Beach in that it has its share of motor boat enthusiasts
On busy weekends. atthe beach, the boats are numerous and the
majority of boaters drive their boat with, respect for other boaters and
"swimmers. •
' : People .with young . childen , at' Amberley . have, become: increas --
ingly unhappy in recent weeks with a few of the Amberley boaters who
seem to : feel that the lake belongs to them.
A few of the water • skiers, pulled by high power: boats; swing
d erousl close ' to : the 'swinm ers along the beach: One careless
manoeuver b the "water 'ockes" could ean death or serious injury
to many, young children swimming'on the ;shoreline, •
These kids only ask for .;a bit of. space at the water's edge,
but some of the clowns we have watched in recent weeks -would- deny
them this when, they have rest of _the: lake, to the Michigan shore, to
use . themselves. ;. .
/!tIE'1iEl l'I/IIfNfLI�IhEI1f�I11Ei11NIIlEI IINI lltl
.-.441INS 019E' SCHULTZ
Mr. and Mrs, •Eirrler••Schultz, of
R. R. 1, L,uckr►ow announce the •
engagement of their daughter,.
Linda Elizabeth to: Mr. Brian
lames'Johnstone , son of Mr, and
,Mrs. James C. Johnstone of
ILucknow.• The wedding,will take
place.in Whitechurch' United
Church on.Saturday, August 16th
. Mr, and Mks. Duncan Thorburn,
A-mberley , -Ontario-,_ wish to=4An'
ounce the engagement: of.. •
their daughter Joyce Marie;to, _• < '
David Brian• Thompson, son: of Mr. •
and Mrs: H, D. Thompson.; . '
.Lucknow,'Ontario. The marriage
will take place on Saturday
August 16 'at 3 p,m•.'ih :Pine, River
United Church.,
Opens •Business
:In Luc ,n:ow.0(i:set:Friday
Vacation:B ible :School
Af ter Successful Week At� Brookskle
WEDNESDAY, JULY '23rd, 1969•
T 8.30. P,M, .1$ARP .
Charles • Hodgins, .w.ho.operateth'a
farm equipment dealership in Wing.
hart :,for. 21 years,:' has sold'his build.
ing.on,Josephine Street' south to:.
C. E.,;lviacT;avish, Ltd , \1r • Hodgins,`
has opened a Dio::noutlet on the
castei;;n•butskirts of.Lucknow hitt is
continuing. to reside in .Wingham
:and has'opened -an office in: his
residence on Catherine. St.reet
..Charles 'farmed; in the Holyree l'
:area in his,. earlier years' ' and: 21
• years ago bought the Massey-I-Iarrrs.
dealership in Win ghant- from -the- .k
• late' Andy •Anstett •''Latterly:handl-
• ling'hl,assey=Ferguson and Dion fr•.rm
equipment ,
location 'on
purchased ti
he.. operated from a'
Victoria Street until 'he
e.. ut mg on,•J'osephine
Jack' Reavie'some :years
Theclosing programr ie of the.
Lucknow and District V:acati;on
Bible School, ,held on..Friday'night
July 18. at Brooks'ide'School con-
cluded a successful week of
relig ious'training-:for 18:3_ children from many, of• the. churches, of the
' TheRev Mr T: Van'Stenipvoort•
ofthe Lucknow Christian•,Reforrned •
Churchacted as chairman for the
'evening, with the',Rev R:,
of: the Lucknow . United Church'. and
the .Rev. `R. Odendahl of'the Ltick-'
The number of accidental deaths and disabling injuries suffered
b� b Canada's ;farm population has reached epidemic proportions, . the Farm :Safety Week 'came
Canada • Safet ' council'says in. National:rm . y .
page: Farni'safety week is July 20 26.
``The rural accident problem is a matter of national concern, •
-Norman H,P •Bell,: resident of . the .Council, 'comments. "While the
numlei of Canadiansengaged• in farming is declining,' there is an
alarming increase inhthe'rate of farm accidents:".
• 'The accidental .death rate on the farm is .20 p.er cent higher
than the national average.: The'absolute numbei;. of these fatalities' is:,
higher for farming tIan for any other: industry and it foliows only
mining and construction's accidental death rates .per number of
a•go . ,
,. The :NIacTay.ish''f sin is, resentl
P y.
:;.making som'e.'chanes.in the bulbi=
ing and expect that itwill be re
!opened 'some •gime .next ntonrh . It
w:i'll 'be. o 'erated as. a .ga,ra e:'and
P �7
car wash
The: Council predicts there 'will be 1,400 farm acrd rural' deaths
this. year, 75;000 accidents, 25,000 injuries and 1,500 permanent injuries
These; figures are: based on trends indicated in previous studies and
statistics, A
n German
\Its: Ronald'..0 ohle.y an'ct two,
children, Laurie `_.>. and Crary. 2 tett.
Trenton by ail' on •\'1`ondav'for Wer3
Germain• where she:wi11 ioin.her
;Half of the fatalities'wiill•take'place because of traffic. The home ., husband' C o.rpo:ral Ronald Conley.
• accident figure is also higher'than the, national average: who 'is stationed with the; Canadian
twice ,the
the farm. machinery accidental death toll' is increasing at Arntcd 1 orces there.:
,the° rate of these 'traffic and • home` fatalities. ',.Whereas the ac ttonald , the, son of \1r, and \,Irs
. cidental'death rate in.almost.,'all other. industries is.being.checked, ' Eut ere Conley of Luchnow , has .
a Royal Commission .on• Farm •Machinery 'study, discloses that farm been in,oerman) since. \lay 1st, lie'
machinery. fatalities .per ,100',000, farmers doubled between 1956:and ,will spend ,thr:ee y•cars 'there ; .lie
1966; `.}las been •wit.h :the Air Force at.-
„ 'the same period, the farm' population dropped to. 1,951,000 'Erenton for six years
from 2,734,000 .while the number of tractors increased to 597,000 .from "Mr's'. Co111Yet' rS'the' forriter •Louise
499,500. ': , ' Irwin 'daui'hter. bf' 1r aiid' 1rs
isttirb'iiig'is the inc4 itrately-high-number=of-Tehild--•—Ro\ Irwin of'Lucknow°
ren killed in these.accidents.'
The Royal Commission study': reports that children under'' the
now Anglican: Church ,assisting
The programme of theevening re
Beginners B. Class; under the
leadership of Mrs. Vernon Hunter,
' Wilma Hackett, Linda"Stanley
'June Alton':and Joanne -Thom soli:,
I-a'lso presented $on- gs: -and -
lver.ses related to the central thence,
1.using -fin$er actions and choral'
reading 'to 'present their materiae
Pantomime, posters, and. songs
`were' used, to present the work••o'f
the combined I'd/nary. classes . Thech dten showed how to let Jesus
lead. them. , how to livehappily .at
;home,. and how, to take care of:. •
possessions ...The song, ':There was. .
a man whose name was. Zaccheus"
eminded them :o'f the change that•
fleeted 'the the rte;of the .;week; carie i'•nto':Zaccheus
!life when he let Jesus' lead him :.`'
Teachers .of' the Primary A ;class'
were, ,drs H,. Versteeg \Irs A'11,
; Duiker and Mrs G.;'Vander
''"Jesus.Leads'\le" The arious de
a rtnents resented�•. some aspect, of
p P .
the work they did •on this theme,
The':Be.gi.nners A class.of pre T.
•'sc`hoo1 children enjoyed.tell
: "talki:ng frog,'.' about their school'•
arid; sand some of the songs .they
.learned durin4 the weeh•,,`co iplet
iV,t .their:part of the' pro.gramme'.
with. the sincgiria' "of " I 'love'Jesus •
best. o.f all : 'The leaders. for' this
clans were./Nlrs Ba:rry•llackett,
Trite . n�i vz rt�rl t0 n' �-�-1-a4' �a r et•--1�-0•e-L_�=r
riaan?,' a�
. ` DURINGJonre'ThoFhpon. and Rosalea•
l lackett
, t•
age of 'five. comprised •:12 per cent of farm .'machinery fatalities : re DoSUS},p4rt
corded from 1962 - 66 inclusive. Two-thirds of these young children
were run over: Twenty per cent' of the 'deaths occurred in ,the under
.10• age group. Ch • urch School Wee •
,�erVe- Dgree
Another 17' per cent comprised young people aged' 10 -19, half
of whom were killed in overturns or crushed meaning that too, many
were riding machinery -'not built 'for passengers or .else ,were 'oper-
ating them Without,the needed strengths aiid skills., '
dingtheir ny of these accidents can be. prevented by farmers forbid -
children to ride tractors or drive them .before . they are
forbid -
qualified.' But vehicle design is very important, too:
The installation of protective frames -- roll bars _.and. crush-'
fatalities-in••'-Sweden-.bv-.50-percent-when antepropose being e.overturn
Countythat. ” Mr and 'Mrs • Harvey Hall of
and. School' Week be held Septem= —Detru
her 14 21, 1960 with .the slogan: I Hall 5' u�k oW a
g s Tee ve s
in in` u •
�d by hre•
safet'yr belts church or synagogue"' ' from Wayne State• University in
yen fax m being ejected,:' 'Members of Huron.I3oard agreed, Michigan, .. ... . _ i41ic
akin g $ Every child in•Sunday School, Master of Library Science Degree
Once again;'the Council stresses there is no place for children with the m -en ers a t e adrninistr H rtow-`thc assistant ily aria
on and around these powerful 'machines used hl . ative staff that the request be not ,;at Greenfield Village in Dearborn
•in a coinplex high'
skilled procession. l
Y` P .
l Niicfi' gan. '
Go.•tTci '
JULY. 25,
. 1 .. . UCKNOW