HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-16, Page 16FINE FOODS PAGE :SIXTEE 15.13 • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Ladies;: Teens, Mini and 7' to 12 Year ,Old DISCOUNTS FROM 20 to 50% • • SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, .JULY 16th' WATCH FQR-:SErOY DAYS . JULY 25 and 26:: .0‘4040.000,411400.4,..00:0011' .unknow Ladies' and Men's Wear AGENT FOR . KINCARDINE CLEANERS ee ,:Pick-up and Delivery Tuesday .and 'Friday:, Ie$!...Wavafl1$hJwpIEfldorSe .Petiicn: .00.00gA Rei From Kingsbridge rot hoot' ' ::The regular July session of the froth the Kingsbridge area on the ,West Wawanosii Township, M.unicip- Board..., Council complied; and all a4 Council' was held. at the Hall'on•• .1 members signed the petition: i'1 .1:. THAT Elwin Hall .of Lucknow has sold his.:home-on-Stauffer Street to Don Dennis of the village. Elwin and Don have been .second ary school teaching associates both. at Lucknow and Wingham: High. Schools . The Hall family will leave this summer for Owen • Sound where Elwin has, accepted' a new teaching position. The; house sale was completed by. Barry McDonagh; local agent for Don Hoist Real Estate. THAT' Lucknow Fall Fair prize lists were. recently completed And are. available from'the secretary, Mrs. Robert' Struthers of Lucknow _or,,at_ the Luc knowSentinel.__ L. THAT'Delniar. Mackie.of Holyrood has found :the meaningof true friends ,and neighbours, Mr.. Mackie recently suffered a coron= ary and .,was a .patient' in Kincard ine Hospitalfor six weeks,' While hospitalized, :his Hoiyrood neigh- bours looked 'after the chores' and put.his crop in. The \]ackie: • family are on the fornier Orville Elliott place at Holyrood THAT' Chester Emmerton o€the ./ m Am.berley Orange Lodge was the best drurnrr er at'the,;l2th of lttly celebration at•Blyth on Saturday.. The Blyth; observance attracted :, ' many thousands of people to •that ;' community ?5 .lodges •participate ed.. THAT. local swimming classes start .Tuesday evening, July" 5th, with./all ' The Road}�Accounts were ordered : '' next -Monday See details. in .an members in:.attendance :. c' r Ruh advertisement in:this `issue paid ;on motion of.Coun illo s t The ;minutes ;of the June meeting: .:erford and Aitchison. were read andadopted on motion e'- e e. �cc u t Th following, g n rata ons �'' TIeiAT:: \9r..; and, Mrs Re ' Broome of of Councillors` tcDonald and"Aitch-i g were `passed for payment:on •motion; Ashfield en" o ed a motor tripto ison.. .- •• •. . ,of councillors Fora1:and M1cDonald•: Wiarton midpoints of call 1. on - WEDNESDAY, JULY '16th, 1969 YOUR 'LOWEST PRICES FOODLVD •44t.4.•••••••••••••41•••4•41. -**I. ORDER .YOUR CHILLED• CHERRIES , NOW!. Thanks For -The -Many Orders Tn.—Date! HEINZ: ASSORTED 43/4 OZ. SAVE 19c Strained Infant Foods 8 Jars 99c RISE 'N' SHINE 3'/4 OZ. Orange Crystals SUPREME Assorted Cookies PALM GARDENS. 100 COUNT Tea ...Ba:- s Sale HIGHLAND PRIDE' Fresh Coffee s SAVE 13c. 85c SAVE 28c. 89c :. G.00D. VALUE; Via, .Only .69c ExcLusivE! ound Bag 15c Illrllllll,iu1111IIuilLIllu,hull:IIIuIu:IIlaulurluII IuiII:II11111 .BUR.NSHIRE°`LI,NK' aGOOD BU'Y!„ SmaII Sausages 2 . Pounds . 99c: .1.1r. Oscar de :Boer ,'Bank Manager Bob Hickey � 1 fox:.'bounty $2.00; Georgian Bay for a few da s.•last:. attended t h e."r'neeting g . Y. of Auburn, h ,, •Rick Pritchard, 1`foz bount $2.00:' Y bounty.:$2.06. week and attended the' weddin rain • Ron, Delberg to , 1' ox .ounty ; of the latters brother.,. Gordon and • iscusse• interest ra es, by-laws and. the -financial. positionof. the Township with • Council. TRY OUR. LEAN PORK'. CHOPS AND CHICKEN CUTS IlI,11: I I II1111111II MIIINU11111II1111111.1111111-1U1.11-d1.1I1111— VALUES EFFECTIVE l PHONE JULY.. 17, 18, 19 LUCKNOW "528=3420' THAT: Ernie Churchill' of Mosley , . Ontario'. visited W.'L,. Macl enzie last week: \-1'r: Churchill"travellr. ed ,for' Mr.,, '1M1ac1<enzie for the •• • \lacKe,nzie Manufacturing Corn- pane about fifty years, ago in the "horse And da s" 52.00; Donald' Durnin, . 2 fog boun Saunders to Nora` Gibbons in W.iar- : CONTINUED' ONPAGE-1-1 t ton :on S�aturda . , Jul.' 12 `• Saturday, Y. i'HA.T Danny Martin,. -y,ear-old son:•of • M;r and .'tiirs ::Don: Martin:. • o West.Wawanosh•Township,; suffered a' fractured area when he: fell off a pony 'at his' farm h:onie . on :Sunday. The break waS.et at 'Wingha.ni. and District i!ospital, Saxons were the leadi'ng•Ininers in The British r)•.,Sles area part' .of the Europe during the, 16th -century .: Europea.n continental shelf: et dra'n:b =laws were given first and second readings on motion Of Councillors•\icDonald and Foran'' . and carried.. These. are By-law•fi i••, 190, The Purdon'Drainage`Works. By=law; By-law T6; 1rO' B9, The \lac+• • Tayish Drainage Works :By-law; and B} law =0, 1069, The Ariderson • Drainage Works By-law,` \,essrs 'Jos.• Hickey and Neil`, Stapleton appeared before' Council' with a retltest that Council endorse a petition for presentation to the B'ord. of Huron -Perth for anadditional epresentative' Had Surgery On Injured KneQcap L:UCKNOW AGENT. WINGHAM CLEANERS• COMES'pTHREE TIMES A•WEEK'• LEMOND• DAY, WEDNES�A�FRIDAY RT. QU1PMF.NT Nn O1 E 04, ,ON -Z1ON NEWS. Jitn K'ean'e of . Lucknow is in.lNing= ham hospital, .where he underwent ,surgery on,Monday evening for a ' fraaiured knee -cap. Thee extent of iniuries is notas,yet known. On Saturday as he turned, quickly. to avoid.being struck with a car raliile: he was .walking across the • ••'nuiin• street from Greer's store to- 'wardhrown""s Fruit Store the injury restilted The car, travelling--- /' frOm the east , was travelling very: t t and he had' to move quickly.'to Avoid beim struck 'down. goat dndShoveI n REG, 59c ad and Shove eelbarrow .REG. 2Sc 1' REG. VA c Large' Pail Wil air MoWes: • Tools REG.' $1.98 REG.. -$1.89 REG, $8C 99c REG•: $4.98 uari:441.444