HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-09, Page 1847111041140111111 l*i a EIGHTEeN ,• THE' LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTAIiIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 9th, 1969 ! .: Thickness' 3%" ;Thickness` 5" Thickness 71 " Thickness �4.� 'FOR YEAR ROUND COMFORT' YOUR HOMENOW/ UR Mlll OPEN EVERY WEEKDAY EXCEPT SATURDAY AFTERNOON 3i HONE 528.-3:118 LUCKNO1 oar - ea ith Bank Loans' BY RICHMOND ATKEY • 'A :new bortowing`bylaw to•raise• ' the -Board'scredit from $5 ;o00 , 000 to X9,0.01;'-,000 was passed by •Hugo, n. Count)' Board,;of.Education• at 'a spe= cial ineetin. in Victor Lauriston Pablic.School, ,Goderich'. Current rate of interesCis nine per cent, .0 1? one ;per centt.ron}•earlier to year D.1: • Cochrane;; director of edub ation stated" that the Bank of \.font, e..1, `Goderich, Boards ,bankers,;' had 'sugest:ed•the increase as. an adv'arita to Roy B Dunlop`, business a.dniinis trator , • submitted• a.lettec ,from bank'manager .enclo ins, facts 'oh the. Board's dep- osit and;loans :account:. At June l6;,: 1,� -v , total 'notes processed a:mohnted to $--!,31„i:'-: with total, re-'avrnents of'$ ,252,000::out- • standin : balance -at Tune 17 Irate:est paid.on loan: for the • per cd:Janua<'. 1 I tc ' .a, 13,. ;•--o 1..7y. .Y kat a<.tollnw` 13g..3 loris (C i.Ced c ,'»3 ; 11). . tectal to re- c..,.. School, 412,063; Goderich Retard - ed to t3ern 1 utheritjt-$?•-1-6. I•nterest is paid" on the':abov.e accounts at two per cent per anntim • calculated on the:minimutn' month- ly balance. Interest paid on all accounts• to: April 30, 19119, totalled, Mit the Board ,deCided ; after mak- e 'Km 'Mrs.. Charles. Thomson .passed away at Huronview, Clinton on • Monday, July 7th.: •She was in her 80th year. Resting at the MacKenzie Mem, 'orial Chapel. Lucknow until ' Thursday noon', thence to St • Peter's Anglican Church, Lucknow where funeral service will be con- �Yucteddata@-p-.- .. • Interment Will be at South Kinloss Cemetery. • TheFutUri,r�f Goderich Schon S�il1 In -Doubt Miss Sharon Coning spent `W ednes• day .at her home here, returning to 'Grand Bend on Thursday with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Melvin Coiling . Susan Tout of Kincardine visited with her cousin, Wendy. Haritilton for the ,week -end: Nancy,IvlcGuire and •Joyce. Black. are spending tw.oeweeks holiday in Listowel as guests'of Mr. andMrs; Henry Howes,. and attending summer' Bible'School at the Presby-, terian Church there... , BY RICHMOND ATKEY The land was purchased in 1874 for a high school for 56 pupils. The next year a school was erected', and. in 1878'it• was enlarged by a two ' storey addition. So began the Victor Lauriston Pub- lic School in Goderich,, named after a Canadian poet and writer who once attended it. It has; been' used continuously as .a:public school; since 1956•when it was:••given'•its present name Now its" future hangs in the balan-' ce •Huron CoUnty Board of Educat. ion,:Which owns the'old structure, fs uncertain- what=•�to' do with Most of the: Members:of the Board. had, never. been, in the school until a, special nieeting of:the'Board' was, held= in the: school library' Monday, ' evening rs 7. W,-. Wallace.,,` Goderich 'represet ative on .the. Board', however, :was th'e only member who had attended the school. as a Naturally enough; she was nostal7 :gib in urging the Board to give it,. 'sell it; dr otherwise turn it overto the Town of der eh ..Lett s this. effect; had• been received.'frb'm both the;•gown Conncil'and the Re creation and Community Centre' •`. Board • :$130. "lt would:'appear that net expen 'ses .(expenses less grants'. income), • 'are, running approximately $40.0, 00'0 per, niorith :which gives rise' -.to a like increase, in' the level of bank borrowings, •.the letter, to. Mr..Dunlop Pointed � ointed out ” 'It night ,.. be expected therefore. to .see.banl< loans "rising from the .present • $1;166',000'by about $400,0.00. mOriit l 'a--a.,-pea-k of' approximately $3., 600. 0011 by Dec- ember, 1969. "Ott'the basis of present indioat-- ions; .major •revenues •cdmi.rI avail-: able in December 1960" for• fiquidat.= ion of bank. loans, :would be••tax• lev. levies $3,155,000; tuition fees from' other''counties, $500,000; totals : 83;655 There.,aiso wbuld.pro,. bably be'g:rant- and sundry .ret'enues accru n lin •ece'lr er. On this basis a•nd "ba•;rin_• unforeseen major varia rices between estimated and, actual Otte , the: saarrl �hotil• . experience .:l ininna1'difffculty ,IlicuidatinE bank.loans Pat the clo>.e of the current -'•ea} ," .. Corc1;uded•. • q .:. ,to: a , or two between the Dist'- 'rate ing a thorough inspection of the Building , front.: top to bottom; to follow up the suggestion of D: J Murphy; ..Goderich lawyer •who rep resents :Huron ,County •Separate Schools on the Board, that D;7, .Cochrane',' director of education ..e a�certam.the certain facts: -such' as :value of the land and the' cost of razing the. century -Old Structure. ...interest: o' Goderich Recreation and Community Centre Board , who was present at the Meeting' was asked to. speak on the matter.. He said that. the Recreation Board was not now interested in the old Victor Lauriston School as it' had its 'eye; on St:. Peter's Separate School Which .. would be more appropriate, being .a four-rotirned school, that'dould house eight -or ten groups in Goder- ich, such as. Senior Citizens,'. as McKay Hall is now, Overcrowded, The 'cost ;of heating the old school:• Would be very high, he opined. ',D.J. Murphy suggested that the Board 'find out the value o.f the land arid cost. of taking down the' ' building. He thought the land itself would make five or six lots possibt• ly worth $,000 each;,;.making the . property of considerable value -• Mrs. Wallace'was•of definite Opinion: "It would only, be :good • public relations not toturn'down the ;request. of :theTown of Goderich,"she declared. "It would be very ill-advised• to dispose' of the property, as, overcrowded Victoria.' School might point•up the need for.. -mvre-pacefor public school use. five year , Victoria,..: and Grey, 'Guaran,teed tnvestrnent Certificates;. /TRUST COM'PANY SINCE 199.9 W. R. Curry, Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich 524-7381 concluded' John Broadfoot, Brucefield , asked • if 'this would be: a precedent :when, dealing, with •small rural schools,. but no• one, provided an anstirer.. Chairman .Lavas said he favoured Mr "Murphy's :.suggestion and reques-.: ted2,Mr Cochrane to investigate: and report on the approximate We would be iri rather bad odour value of the property. With the town if we' did. not, And so the :matter was closed consider this request,`'. she •fer.the time tieing!. ••. CHOICE: HOMEaKILLED BEEF AND; PORK OVERNMENT INSPECTED ABATTOIR: 1. ,Returning, trom their tour•of insp-,, ection•; Board., members heard' J. W." Coulter, s'uperintedent ` schools, i bring thenup to.•.te', He said tha:t1• sev.en.'roonis had been•nsed as class:.'[.. rooms this academic.year, and. -also' the art class, judo.club and "6rew,.n , ies met in :.it.•re guladly`.•.. Originally built in 1575:,. • there had :been at least three additions'* in•the interirentng period.• It`ha"d been used as high school',. • ' rid''e4:en ac.:' terhporari''quarters 'at: the tinie'o.f the Court -House 'fine in 1-554,' When. ovid-%n•F-oe- uffed'' in--V-icferia Schooll.n1:957,. it became an'ere nientary school; ' , :N:rs, Wallace teiiiarked that it' was;originally; the old. Goderich '• 1 , •Collet iate"and the Court House'. A: e iscee va.tt �a,:ce r t e .: (� ®� �®% • . fire . It had been bold to the Town, . • cc� adunts tctallee, , :11 at ® of. ,odericn and then.back G ain to zene"a . tf t}: School'board, its present.situa.- �tiu�i �4t ,; + capital atico t w ��o �'�� wion ioLEjxLH AI'. -F S W'SEE PICKLED. `ROLL 75c: LB. •..: BOLOGNA, SLICED OR PIECE 49c LB: CHOICE CHOICE RRIOBU:$VTDE STEAK 4R ROASTS $�'.1.19 L. B FROZENLEMONADE, Whie orPinkN_•N�: 1Ofor.$1 total i to _st V • �ti �hchool,be ore the Di,trict,was, .$r,t-` reg o..t< l'te: c`t is,,,;n•on a forte in.lj4�, It ad beertacant0 '-.•.41--.1!,.`..: i:w e Specialize In •Homemade Sauszuge ' OPEN FRIDAY NITES —' 10 PM.; LUCKNW. PHONE 528-3009 Int'itutc.; ' oderict-:' 'JbfLic' rot, .i .: •,..ay •tt , •d+• Chaff, r:.ar , confessed he thoutht it would ha:'e been a better build in. !:e found it'. He .;:aid the two ' 'r .qd.e tch bodies' had. 14antt4 it tu: nec w.e, to t ,e• towrr .or .e ! to; -:a1 f u stet• ..br;ald ...'. r seat-, •