HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-02, Page 9WEDNESDAY, JULY 2nJ 196* • om • THE L'.UCKNOW SENTINEL'', LUCKNOW,ONTARIO '= PAGE > NINE Bus Trip, Play Day, I.:res�ntation Of Honour Tads And *04...At AwardsKinloss ,-._ On Tuesday, June 24, to pupils. .and teachers of Kinloss Central Public School enjoyed, a bus trip to Goderich. .There they visited the. Museum.. Harbour and.viewed Sifto • 'Sa'1t area On Wednesday,, June 25, Flay Day. was held at the school: The' winning teams' were under the Vander Klippe,,. Jamie Young, Janice Thompson, Linda Moulton, Brian: Bushell, Colleen Adams:,, David: Ross.: '_ Grade 2 Valerie Stanley, Paul Burt, Denise King, Karen - 'Doelman, Norma Maclntyre, Anne' 'Colwell, Susan Hedley. 'foil- owing captains.- Firsts :Ivlaerl Rhpdy,; Second Debbie Murray, 'Third Martha Graham, Marilyn Rhody's:"team were the following participants:, Jamie dung,, David=-Kerrslake,, Michael' Albert, Doug'Jansen, Paul Burt, . Catherine Hetsler . , Debbie Murray's team members were Colleen Adams; Valerie Stanley; Donnie Eisenhoffer, John,, 'Sutton, Christine Kiesw.etter. •, ' Martha Graham's team was made • up of Dianne Murray, Denise' King, • Joanne MacIntyre, 'Chuckle •Hunt= ington, Henry Lennips, Sandy Mc Ewan. A•ssenitly exercises were held -oh Friday, June 2'7with pupils partic=' ipa,ting.. Honour tabs were present- ed • to the following pupils. Grade 1 _. Dianne Murray, Alice Vander ••Grade 3 7 Marilyn Rhody, • Margar Tt Maclntyre; Grant�ClEhrist;, ' ' Dennis Hedley, Sandra :Thompson, Eddie Karnitzschky, Cathy Gilles- • Grade4 David Ackert, Betty Anne -Bushell:, Sharon Thompson, Mary Eadie., Grade 5 Lloyd. Fianna ; Janice'• Stanley, Dianne Bannerman, JO - ' o anne Van Beers.; The following awards were also presented to the.Grade 5 class. The Ernest Ackert Proficiency shield for Senior Boys to Lloyd Hanna. The Bill•'Eadie Proficiency shield for Senior Girls`to Janice Stanley. The , Kinloss Township,•Council'English. Award to Joanne Van' Beers. . Each of the winners received an individual cup,. The'English award cup; Was donatedby Kinloss :Town ship: Council . • ' ; :OCATED NEXT T;O OLFING�, • ROLLER SKATING, :SWIMMING & CAMPING NIGH I S i'HON.E. 396.2341 DAY'PHONE 396=2107 rednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,. Jay -2,:S; 4 5 The Manch Cosporition Prevents ' SteVPMeQueen Fay ,Dunawaym A -Norman Jewisori Blin COLOR by DcLW MintedMrtt,T • ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ADIRT ENTERTAINMENT' • MMt1YISIO$sP . .COLOR by QKUKE • Sunday, ;Monday, Tuesday, J>y. 8 ■ r11I1,l.; THE DETECTIVE FRANK. 311VAT LEE'REMICK. MEM ERRJJip( UI YI MIER IMAM MOO 10NYMRS,*NTC WNW RORERtRUYw DAC UELINE BISSEL wri e- WM; :BROWN1['.S.' -DRIVE-IN THEATRE- . CLINTON Bok Office. Opens at 8.00 p.m. THURS. & FRI, - July 3and 4 A Big Country Music Double ' Feature' GOLD GUITAR' T -Showing -at 9:15-p.m--7•-Starring, Del Reeves +& Mary .Bowes; TIME TO SING' lowing; at 10,50 -p.m. — Starring" ' Hank .Williams Jr.. and Shelley Fabares Both Features in Color Cartoon SAT., MON., TUES. July :1-7-8- " — DOUBLE FEATURE • 'SUPPORT .` LOcAL SlI[RIFr..: Showing at 9.15 'p•m. -= Starring JAMES. GARNER, ,. • With Joan. Hackett- In Color": Sam Whiskey' ' (Adult . Entertainment) Showing at 11 p.m. -- Starring ANGIE DICKINSON Burt Reynolds and Clint' Walker_ Color • Cartoon NED , • THURS. ':FRI• ,duly 1-10-11 - DOUBLE FEATURE —. 'BUONA : SEBA, ' l MRS. CAMPBELL' Showing at 9 15 kp:m (Adult 'Entertainment) - Starring :GINS► LOLLOBRIGIDA' .:. Atid.'SHELLEY' WINTERS' In • Coldr' — . PLUS ••'Pla. Di ' .. (Adult Entertainment) '.: Showing at',11 p m — 'Starring ' ' Michael. Caine . • . Color ' ,''..Cartoon : - • ��'VVv wv PANAVISION' COLOR BY DE LUXE .ednesday, , Thursday,: Friday 1t lq-•-941•0; 1:4 1 Saturday HE MAKES • NASHVILLE :LOOK UP AND `LISTEN.... ,. . STAND UP SINS! � !• �• ,Can they steal the Nashville Sound?• . 'PLIES rI GOLD1111TAB D.i Ra.vs • Roy Dorsky N.. I• now*. /WebE L 1 •rN .paim,'etal •m' .*.n. t3.wfpolnq&no _.: IN I'IIVt f•SNJ(PPIN` COL !• • C. field PlOy:pays �t North Ashfield O ALS tEWS Field day 'at .North A'shfield', Public school:w.as held during the last ',few .days' of school and results • are as follows Junior Girl • h'ampion, Karen 'eurink, junior Boy, David Simpson; 'Intermediate: - Girls , IntermediateGirls, Donalda, Hamilton; ' Itermed-- late' Boys', ;Donald. Kuik; . Senior Girls, Lorraine MacDonald. Senior r. Boys, Dayid-Drennan. Thursday was Play Day at North •. Ashfield Public ,School when the, ` children :enjoyed. garner and treats' provided:.by the, Teachers . • With more'summer like weather during the::past• week, the roadside Park at. Lochalsh has' been used bye many picnicers and travellers. IVER ARY•A' ASHFIELD Anniversary Services were con:' ducted on Sunday at Ashfield Pres byter an Church with Rev. Charles IvicCarrol guest speaker. Mr. • McCarrol is the minister at Brussels Presbyterian Church, : ' : Many attended the Ashfield ' • ,,Township Federation of Agriculture Picnic. on Sunda;yat Ashfield Park. New steps to the lake built by the Federation were put to use'bythose o fi to--a-pd-COirnin•-..frofLthe beach. Allagreed it was a fine . project. Charles Boyd as a patient in Kincardine Hospital.. ; rohiz McCliarles of Petrolia spent the week end with his parents.. . GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE _PHG .24 2811_ AIRCONDITIONED SHOW TIMES: Sunday through Thursday, ONE SHOW ONLY At 8 ,p.m, Friday and Saturday—TWO. SHOWS—First Show starts at 7.30J p.m.; Second Show at approximtaty, 9.10 p.m• . T1URS FRIT, SAT., SUN.. MON:,; STxBTg:days �u.ry WE IIWWW_ ROWT WRDREII Winning TECHNICALOR'/PANAVISION 110UYE15Al0E01111•FOIEWNi'ICTtl1E • Saturday (Jury 5) ., :Mafinee at 2.00, p.m Starting Wed., July 9`for Four Days "AFRICAN SAFARI" An International Award Winning Picture --In Color rwo New Members Join Olivet C urc OLIVET NEWS Mary, MacCha'rles'and May. White were welcomed into full member- ship of Olivet United Church on. Sunday. . David Million of Elnora , Alberta visited. 'on, with his sister; •Mrs.. W.R. Hamilton: ' Jean McCallum of Hanover.spent` • the weekend with her ' ' grandmother, Mrs. Elmer Osborne; 1YL>�. aid :Mrs. Harold Stacy and :'b. • family. of Toronto spentthe holiday weekend With Mr and Mrs Ray Hamilton and family.. Mr and Mrs. Ge•rald Coning and : •, family visited, recently, with Sharon Coiling in Grand Bend. Sherry and Cathy Nelson of: Grand Bend are spending their holidays • with their' :grandparents,, Mr:. and :. Mr's .'Oscar. White 'and May.. '• 111111(1Er DRIVE-IN THEATRE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524-9981 "Mustang"' Theatre. THURS.; FRI., SAT. July 3-4.5 Walt Disney's ILY ' he Greatest Adventure Of Them All" PLUS SECOND :FEATURE' A Western ' "COMANCNEROS" • Staring JOHN`..WAYNE and DEAN MARTIN. • July 6-7-8 (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) . —7 Starring WARREN BEATTY: and 'FAYE DUNAWAY • "They,` chased' .boredom with a hail.of bullets; ' PLUS 'COOL HAND .LOKE (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) . —• Starring .'. .74UL NEWMAN and GEORGE KENNEDY "They. could beat him • They could chain him But they couidn t `break :himr, Watch for "Gimmick Night" on Monday'& Tuesday /EDto 12` "HOQK, LINE and SINKER" • A Comedy''-- Starring Jerry- Lewis. 4P eter Lawford ,Ann Francis — Plus Second' Feature GUNSOF NAYARONE .�,2.Migh—eating_:aduenture_yarii' Straying Gregory Peck- - David Niven - Anthony Quinn ' 'very .Wednesday is "Family Night" at The 'Sunset, Carload, Truckload or 'Busload—Admission is Only $1.25 per vehicle.