HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-06-18, Page 15WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18th, 1969 THE • LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIFTEEN. ark Last Church Service At Zion ZION -NEWS 'An irripressive service was held Zion •Church, on Sunday morning, officiated by Rev . ''Gordon Kaiser; ' The Church was tastefully ' decorated with arrangements :of seasonable flowers. Special nits is was' supplied by the Zion girls choir, Donna and Elva Ritchie, Wanda. Hunter, Barbara Wilkins; Brenda Ritchie and -Nancy Kirkland . The. service marked theil-ast service of••worship to be 'held in Zion ; ` Church. A large' crowd was present. Following the service lunch was served in Zion hall. Visitors with: Mr. and Mrs,. Henry- Ga,rdne'r' and Lane. were Mr. and Mr - Mrs: r Mrs Mac Lane and Hugliie ofSKin= lough, on Thursday,' evening, Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Ritchie of Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ritchie, Robbie' and Lori Lee of Sarnia. Visit- ed on Saturday. Henry Gardner became Bunte ill on 'Monday and was taken by am bulance to Wingham hospital lvlr. and;•Mrs. 'Lloyd .Wl ittock and 'family were:.visitors On Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs, Robert Helm. Grant Helmof. London spent'Saturday at his home also: Mr= and -Mrs. -GeorgeHackett-and- their grandson Jim Hackett, • all from Cockrane,' visited during, the week -end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Peter Cook and Mrs. Sam Reid. I rrt T -1a kett, a geologist: is presently employed at Douglas. Point. Other visitors at the Cook ,home on Sunday were Mr, and: Mrs: Ivan Cook and family of Ripley. Winnifred.Farrier of Toronto visited on Monday and also Mrs,. Norman ;McDonald o€•Wawanosh was a call- er on Monday. Miss Katherine Culbert of Ripley who teaches at -„Toronto visited Mr and .Mrs G'ordon Kirkland , Ken • a d -.Nancy uTirg the eek • end.; Mr, -and Mrs. George •Hackett' and Jtrn'of.Cochrane visited: on, Sun - c •day with. Mr. and --Mrs,.• D.A. Ha k • ett and •Harry Har•kett.. Harry has :been, with Mr. ,and Mrs.. D.A, ' Hackett since moving from his FOther� And Son home near Lucknow •. Mr. anddMrs..Bill Rossof-Luc-know called on Mr. nd Mrs John Choir Sunda At. Gard- ner on Sunday. Mr. and, Mrs. ,Lorne Ritchie and: SouthKinl oss Annabelle of Ripley visited Mr. and Mrs..Jirp Hunter and Wanda on; Sunday. Visitors during the week -end with:Mr ',.and Mrs.„ Wm,. Hunter wereMr. and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw and Mrs. George Hunter. of London,. Mrs. Eva Fr.ee•man. of Goderict, Mr, of S_tratfotd,- Mrs'..D.AHackett, lvlrs.. .Roy Keane, Mrs. W'm,"Hunter, Mrs. Ken Laidlaw and. Mrs :. George Hunter attended a relative shower. :at the -=home. of -Mrs. M r-gan-John- ston on Saturday evening lot Phyllis: Bradley,•bride-to.-be.,... 1:969 PONTIAC HARDTOP DEMONSTRATOR 250 .six -cylinder engine, -three-Speed turbo-hydromatic, radio and .rear.seat • speaker, chrome moulding package,white walls, wheel discs, deluxe 'vinyl interior., 5400 .miles. _ Lic.. 82377.: SPECIAL SALE. 'KINLOSS NEWS A father and son choit rendered • special music at the service at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church :on Sunday.,Rev. Owen,:Hughes of.'' Watford, was the minister,, Mr. and, Mrs Jack Needham of Cor unna.and-Ja.n:i edharn:-o-f ` -*----- Boston, Massachusettes :spent -the • week=End at their Cottage'. Mr. and Mrs'. Harvey MacDougl all of Guelph visited Saturday at the -home of Mr- -and Mrs . Lloyd MacDougall..:.. ' 'Mr, and Mrs. Inglis MacDonald of Scarborough were'w;eek-end' guests 'at the home orMr • and Mrs. Ira Dickie .. • Kairshea 'Women's Institute is June meeting will be. held Thursday afternoon June 18 at the home of Mrs.. Ted Collyer. Mrs Cecil , lHollands, District President, will be guest speaker.. . The: roll call is , "What the ;Women's'Institute has. •done for Me'l 'Congratulations to Mr. 'and Mr's. -Leo Murray on the birth, of'a son on June '1. in Wingham• and District Hospital Eileen Burt of London was home sfor theweek-end, . Mr.. and: Mrs'. Harvey Houston vis•, ited on'tlie• week -.end with Mr .and M6. J J.Houston in 'Guelph• Douglas'Dickie of Guelph spent, a few days at the home of his.;parents Mr'. and Mrs. Ira Dickie. • Mrs•. Donald C. lvlaclntyre Mrs Gordon Wall 'and Mrs. Harvey Hou- stun'attended:a.. W.I:.workshop•In • • ' Bervie on Monday. VO ra Ie 13,:Rip te Present Ab �lll y At Class Party OLIVET NEWS Grade 13 of the Ripley District High School held a class party i and<sup1 i , Wylds,,the. retiring principal., was, presented' with'a barometer 'and.:a cake beautifully decorated in his, honour., : . ' ' it • • • Mr„, and Mrs. lvlelvn Colling .and family attended: the funeral of the late:Mrs:. David •Kin'g at Goderich. Sympathy is extended to Mr; King and Pamela who now.reside at 1:9.6' Hinks St. Goderich . Mr, and Mrs, Murdock Norman of 'Vancouver and,Mr.,,and Mrs • iarii. Bailey of Calgary visited for a few days with Mrs. Herb Huston ' and Jim : They travelled leisurely: •by car, and.had a well" equipped `trailer cabin :along, Mr: and'.Mrs. ' Harry Coiling ent= ertained aboutitw-enty-child.r._en-o.n y Friday ins"honour of their, daughter: Carol's birthday. Mr. and Mrs'. Harold'Bushell arra ived home to Gull.Lake Saskatch--. eWan after visiting' with,relathVes ;aridfrierids'here., Many from here attended -Am -11V, ersary services at St. Andrews' ;United Church, Ripley and renewed - acquaintance with Mrs: Dunlops. Judith and Allister:. Mr..," •and Mrs. Bill Bennett, Chri - tM . ... pent -the -weekend " , at their home here'. • 1` Mr, and Mrs.Jim, McNairrt and j�Karen of,Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs John Neltori and family visited on SttiTd,' l Ivlr titl rs; C)sear ( White and family. vo 4404414 '