HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-06-18, Page 10ry f• If THE LUC NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, 'JUNE .18th, 1969 Plan For bible : ...WhitecIiurch School, In August Messengers • WHITECHURCH NEWS Plans for the Community Vac l a491- le School (week of August- - United Church Messengers 'held - 4 Bib8)' are progressing well: There. their June meeting in .the Sun,:a,y was, a good .turnout .of prospective ',teachers and.assistant's at the,last —staff -meeting, , June 11.. A . film- strip was .viewed to•sget-an overall pictureof the 1969 theme "Jesus L,eads•Me" Each daily, ,Bible -lesson for all age .groups is based,ona . single area in which Jesus' leader- eth Quipp.. ; • ship can influence 'our lives. All ' The. seeretary Clair Weber, .read., the, activities -for the planned . • the minutes' and' called the roll 'V. 6.S. center around and correl- which ;wasanswered by 10 ate with the Bible• lesson for the The mite boxes were handed. ..in: day..It's goal is to help pupils Mrs,' Dae"Gibb::gave the story fors • foIlow Jesus' lead by accepting Juniors and Seniors; .telling of a Tor, Him as. their Saviour and Lord of onto girl going from Canada to : their lives; China and the difficulties she en. Summer Vacation Bible School is• .:countered .an• unique venture, Children like it Mrs. Gibb. gave:the .closing prayer, for the Christian fellowship, they, , experience 'and:the plannedactin=,,' ities geared to their understanding, needs • and abilities, . ' ..Registrations. have been, corning, in during the last two weeks. Brookside had a good response. But so far'not, • too many :of the Lucknow pupils- ' upils ' have registered This could be be- cause of transportation needed to the country school. :However. this need. not be a. hindrance ascar poolswill be. arranged.'by the churches. ,I€your "children : forgot to': • register they can still do so at their School' or on Sundays at the Church. 'The age .group is 5 -,3;1}regist ration fee '25'¢ per Student.. :The next staff Meeting is .to be held at the.'Brookside School, June 25, 1969. •The teaching staff is not was read by Mrs Bol? .Adams.' "quite:,complete more volunteers Mrs. ,Michael •Rosk gave comments re .we -loo- to-sham-iu-th-is-cha11 and meditation'on the•,Scripture . School room.during church service-; Whitechurch 111.: A 'WHiTECHU.RCH••NFWS -Whitechurch U.C. W., held their :Meeting On -Wednesday,' a.week lat- er than usual due to. the A nniver -sary ; The meeting was held at the, home .of Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm "• instead •of at the. home of Mrs. Albert Coultes ;due to. Mr. Coultes'• illness e. the theme of the meeting Was Comrriunity •Friendship,and Memb- ership:..Mis. Russel •Gaunt. gave the .theme., reading' - "These things are free's' ., The Scripture 'B'eatitudes. rs. Don McCo.s. peoker fOr the:Nne meeting of the Angli- can church Women. The president., Mrs. G:ertrude, Walsh Welcprried everyone` and especially Rev. and. • Mrs.. Russell ljewitt read the, ,scripture from the lOthichapter of , gave the: Meditation., ”we are workers, together with Him" .and ",,2,\ Drop of Oir. ending With a fitt7 .Pall was "Worship'' ., There Were 17 Miss„Edna Boyle 'gave the report .of the Deanery meeting, which. was held in Walkerton on-May•27,th,' SChneller read '"Teach Pray' Mrs. Howard ThoMpson read "Calling Mbrns arid Dads": 'Mrs.. Rev:, Odendahl explained some lit7 erature that' was, sent Out frOm'the the ,tOpio "Don't keep looking back ge tolls to,preSS forward to•the Cannot serVe God and Mari we .nnist be doers of the'Word and not 'hearer's only .- She also spoke On Cross.:Roads Africa, where under- graduates vOlunteered, to be •dp.ers 'of the word. Miss May Boyle 'cOnd- ucted'a,.cOnteSt on Books of the : .The,Jtily.hostess Will be Mrs. 'Ron-. with prayer by Reif; Otlendalil'. A , •the'hostess assisted by 'Brenda enging "In'Christ There is no _East nor • Fi'edTi..ffiri:led in prayer. A and Visiting",, was-given:by •• ,-Mrs. Ezra Scholiz gave th6 ter fidm the Study,Book,'.China . Church with the:leacitJOyce Tay, dealt with socialisrn and -•• 'The Scriy.tyle..._Was read bV Marilyn, Not Many Canadians haVe knoWn• - 'Pr.ayer, Was given by,‘, Darlene /\.1iSunderSt,.andipzs Often: cause mar.' Mr's,. Norman 'COLateg gaye C411a(14; must try harder to estab- 'Story after which all' wencto their lish friendship with other countries.. classes kir 'a study of China. , • • Mrs. Michael 'Ross gaVe a reading 1 on.China and mOre ideas On What • ities can help by having Chinesd Calvin -Brick is(lessengeis held thelF.meeting on Sunday. • SUNDAY, JUNE 241 "COME AND. WORSHIP WITH US" LOngSide W.M.S. The June meeting of the'Langsicle held, at the home of.Mrs. Frank presided and ,Opened the .meetirig with the. call to worship. After a. • . repeated in .unison. • -Scripture was read by Mrs.,George Young. The rne,ditation• on "Faith- fulness" was read by Mrs. G:orclort • Wall.' Mrs. Stewart Ma'cOillivray.. Roll Call was _answered' by six, .1n4illbets.•,- two Home Helpers and tWO visitors.. offering WO' rewived by: Heather' young with offertory. prayer by:ivIrs, .Eugene Conley, A Will be lield:.on•friday- June 27. .Mrs; Jim. Richards -on Will•ShOw. tures'Of Central ,America•and the •• Y. P.'S:, will have. special' Musical' "He deliVers•an schedule", frotri; • itt , '.The• meeting closed with prayer. Mrs.' Alt Haldertby gave th,e•corirt7: Mrs. 'Miller, served lunch and A, 'Ladies' Aid:Was' held and it waS- students', from •all Walki, of life COME for education and return to teach : in their own country:, • No'Playmates beyond the Mrs. Garnet Farrier , president, -presided for the:business. •The"roll Was'answered by 17 giving a the:sick folks. The. last call for/ financial statement for the, • MrS: Garnet Farrier gave the.. St. Helent.. The 'Dine rneedrrg of theSt::HeI-., of ,Mrs.'SimOn be Boer With art .The.'COnfession of Sin,. in. the.Hyrnn- ,a,ry was repeated ,m unison.- I\4iss., •.‘ Hobe' Miller read the•scriptUre the,. Meditation' Orr the scriPtdre less - •ort and Mrs.' John Caineron Offered' '• Mrs. E. W.; Rice toOk the study 'book on China. This Month it, Readings' ,Were given by Mrs: Lorne Woods. and•Mrs.• Frank ' lVirs, Torn TOdd took charge of thaJousimessLperiod. pi w,as discusSed and Instead of the .regular lune tea it.w•as decidedto ttive meetings. are slated for lime... • Mrs. Icidd olosed. the meeting ,, • Langside for material for their ,meetings. Church Services .10:00 a.m. SundaY School 11:00 a.M. Comnumion Service %Sunday School Meeting Lucknow Presbyterian /Church 10:00. a.m. Sunday Se.iiifiol 1:00 a.m. Morning Service °Guest: Speaker. Mr. Hugh Jainieson Hamilton Ont THE LUCKNO ENTINEL offers a' coniplete selection of wedding .annoonCernonts- ST.' PETEIV.S1" ANGLICAN CHIA Rector . Trinity 3, 10:15 Church Schcol. 11!30, Morning Prayer LIC SCI100 Street Para ,follow parade „Crowning of QUeen Dance to e tampareuei 10 tit Lurie bie with prayer. Lunch was serv'ed by -Mrs.Lorne Woods and Mrs. Gordon D BY LUCKNO • •