HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-06-18, Page 8:PAGE,EIGHT:
days But' you will suddenly drop ' •
5 pounds•on the 5th'da Thereafter Province will assume its. functions -`Lynda McQuillin of Toronto'were
Y e,,Week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs
you will lose one pound a day until nx•tear y
the 10th day: Then you will lose one No one from tiie province has con rDick IvlcQuillin Saturday evening
-and :half 'pounds every two days tacted Bruce County about the take. `visitors at the same home were Mr.
Until you .get: down to your proper over
�P weight Best of all there will be no rbP erty committee has'no ;idea Weston, .Mary.and. Tillie: Farrell of
whatassessment re• ��nd` lvlr--�-a►lu-��n�-��v�
you.. stuff yourself with: foods 'that be ..
were .formerly "forbidden”,such When the province assumes assess
as big steaks trimmed• with 'fat, anent the costs will, increase subst
roast. ,or fried chicken, 'rich 'gravies,
.Mr. -Brown.' said `so the • and Mrs. 'Les Nickel and' Marilyn, of
sed and
enlarged, this new diet plan lets quirements wi1P�
or sound counsel and a fair price on a monument
correctly 'designed from . quality material, rely on
Pat O'Hagan, Prop.
Established Over Sixty Years
• Custom Butchering — Curing and, Smoking
-`Coning-and Wrapping --Sausage-Malting — Fast Freezing•
With. Two Big Coolers, We Are•Abte To Hang Your Beef From
• 1 To 3• Weeks,-. Whatever ,Your Requirements Are
For 'Hanle Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed •Beef, Pork •'
and Lamb In Any Quantity •At Lowest Marketing Prices
ABATTOIR. STORE 395-296 .. .
395-2905. � 1
Bruce: Wili Have
Welfare 'System` -
A Bruce county welfare depart
i nent.will conte into being July 1;
with. Nornian. Porter sof, Walkertonas
administrator.. . •. , .
Added services that will. take :eff-
ect at:,that time Include 'needed
drugs: and insulin for .residents.•
Who are recipients 'of •farni1y'bene-
benefits ,Applications :for ,a..dmissian to
county homes, will be made through ,
HOLLYWOOD, CALIF.... the departn ent's staff in' future and
(Special') ` This is the revolution= the Practice` of nursing fionies ' • •"
ary grapefruit diet that everyone is, making charge -backs to other rriun-
suddenly talking about:' Literally.'icipal;ities, will be discontinues
thousands upon .thousandsof.'cop ;
Council deferred until nexr year
ies have been passed from hand to •
hand in. factories, plants.and offices
action on the request of the e .Child-
throughout. the' LI.S, and ,.Canada:' 'renis Aid Society •for a' new admin-•
istrative. building •i.n.,Wal,kerton.
Word of its succe s. has spread -1, • .
s• .. w,n_o.Lwalkerton,�prop
t -e w it . Because this
diet that•really works: We. have .: erty conmiittee chairnian, `s,aid any
testimonials' in, our files reporting ';move: must be made -with consider'-
:on 'the :success of this diet. If you' 'ation for other departments work
follow,:, it exactly,,' you;;"should, lose ;ing out. of the county building, The.,
1.0 pounds'in 10 days.. There will be !future one at' these departments,
ark Final Service
t.BIake:s Church=
'Blake's United Church will offic-
ially close June 3.0th as an. active
church congregation. TO mark the
event, the last regular service at -
this church will .be held this Sunday
June`22nd at 11:15.a .Rev.. Gor-
don Kaiser., the minister , will' be in
charge of the: service: •
Alt former Blake's Church mem_
hers,,' as well as the, newly formed:
Congregation andthe :general
publ<ic are 3rtyited, to•attend,,
Lunch and' asocial hour, at •
'Brookside; Public School will..follow
the service, •
Ken: young of Painceurt spent the
week -end at the: home of his'par .
ents , Mr.' and;Mrs. Clifford' Young.
Rev. Harry Percy, a field
representative of Sudan Interior
Mission, and also a former rnissio.n-
ary to Nigeria, assisted in the
Church service: on, Sunday. i -ie and
Mr. Braden :had a special mission-
.ary. £ilrn presented .in Whitechurch
on Sunday evening for both congr.e
Congratulations'.to the students.
of F.'E. •Madill Secondary School
who were 'successful in -:their year's
work.;and'were exempted from'writ-
ing final examinations• Good; luck.
to those who had some' subjects to
Mrs..Charlie. Tiffin of Wingham
visited on. Snrid.ay* With Mr;. and
Mrs: -George Young .and,Heather
Mrs.,. Jim Richardson of San
``"- ` Sal rader--and-B-ob--Rj.ehardson visited -
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs..
Gordon Nall and • family•
and also with, -Mr. and Mrs�.'Chester
Pinnell,and family of Mildmay.
Mrs. Gordon'Wall attended' an'ln-
stitute Workshop for secretar -trea
n' surers and P. R; d, s on lviiSnday at'
Marion.Wa11 of.:Kincardine
Hosp-ital staff spent. Monday and`; Tues=
day: at her home.
no weight„ loss • in the.first four `assessn'rent is u in Clic air as the �Mr. and Mrs Don Nickel and
antrall� if the prov'incial.takeover
mayonna'ise; lobster' swimming in, of administration o.f' justice 1 .
butter,,, bacon fats; sausages aIld ' inanttis ag,o is any., indication,
scrambled eggs, You can eat until.•
you:are'£ull, until ou• cannot County. Treasurer Thomas Alton •
y pos said,•
-sibly eat• any more. `And still lose
40 pounds in the fust ten days plus Cots. ofa,d-ainisrrating the .Psrt,ce
one and half' pounds every two days: • County' i ii :" ��!: e• than doubled at•tet
:thereafter ` until yOur ' weight is '.the ta;;eover 1:'esaid .
: down to normal. The secret behind ,.
this 'tiety "quid; weight loss" dietA RREA R A F Ri`'i�LE i
.x a..e�:s in' truce are
is simple. Fat does' not for. m fat
And the grapefruit. juice . in this becoming a problern the trea'sur
nes 'diet • acts as. a ,.catalyst (the' e= said. :At the end 'of lti� arrears
trigger �. 'to. start the fat burning totalled ; : ` ;.ranging all' the'
process You . stuff yourself on the \'‘a t t o o n �ti a l ke rt o n s ".v."1
? ,% l to
permitted! food listed 'in the diet _ ;; 'i ,W3 at Lions Head.
plan ? nd � till- luso unsightLyat ,
and excess • bods fluids. hen; the A zlie, rZ. eet e , „an y "Fzsrbe� .diel
fat and .bloat, are g+iine you, vrillr '�i a nicipality has some propert
cease to lose weight and .your
kes in tax a•rrearS for .as lonk as 1
•might,.vi- ll reirtai.n, co nsta.nt. A years, He said he. is running into
copy of this new and Startlingly complications in cases where"'
•'successful diet plan .can be obtain-, pec"le•:4uat on land that has n ver
ed by, sending deer:. acquired from2 to GRAPEFRUIT ' the province
• DIET PUBLISHERS. 1213 Premier,
... •
Was Calgary &; Alberta 3ioney •alrte,ton wi111ose its tele\ -inion
back guarajntee. If after trying the • cable service next Monday unless`•
diet plan you have not lost 7 pounds the Sau ;eon Telecable Co,
in the first seven days. and one and enters' a' reement with the .county
McNay and Steven of Amberley
Mr.'.and:Mrs. Borden Litt enter
tained' the.. Kinlotigh l.e,b L 'and
WEDNESDAY,JUNE. 18th, 1969
olv�e It
We've got t.he. know-how; when:' it comes to
solving .any auto proble"rns Just drive your -
car in'dnd leave the problems:' to us. Our.
service is fast and` economical always,:
Purply Grove.'
Mrs.Geo Harkness was'hostess •
:for,the.June meeting:of`the Purple'
Grove' Wome'n's Institute. 'Psalm .43
was read by• Mrs. Wayne Nixon.
Roll call was answered :by "An'
unusual industry relating to agric.,.
theiryau>e.c..at: Aero -.Green Ponds on.
Friday evening• for a' fife •and .drum
Thank you, notes were read front•.
Rosalyn Sutherland and MrsR Mac-•
Donald. A'� Ietter .was also read., •
from. R% liss,McKercher •informn ,
members that•Miss Anne Patrick is
the-ne-w-Henie--Ec-onori ist-f'o
Bruce County.and 'Mrs.: Pat JJackson
re ional'supervisor. .
• Tour
Interesting reports were given by
Mrs. Francis Boyle on' the Guelph
Conference,1and •Mrs. Harkness on:
the :District Aniival; which was
held in Ripley. Miss':Mary `Robert
son,was•welcomed'as;a;new memb-
er: .
'Lunch was served•, by the hostess,;,
•assisted b.. Mr's. =.Geo: Ernrne.rsori'
and Mrs. Victoria Smiths Courtesy.
remarks' were ,given by Mrs.. Mor- •
ford McKay,
Prior„to the meeting, ld in R
•r enjoyed -a tour-oaf-i-hc Pi -rte -Erre
,• Cheese Factory and the Malcolm
Show Rooms in.Kincardine.
We . urge; you to. VOTE
On the/ plebiscite xcalled.
for June 24th 1969
,regarchng a. General
Farm Organization
half pounds every \two days there:: before then. The hi h�aa,ys cornrn-
after, simply return the dietplan' u DECISION, THEN BE.
g )
t�tvee told�euncil'.-fba.i..xtpcate�d :'
.. e -•r ea efforts by the committee to h-ra\e •UI E"YO VVO E
ptly and without argument. Tear •
the firm get authority:for 'a
out this • message as �a reminder: w
Decide now to regain the trim, at cable c,oisinz, it County Ftoad 1�.i, •
tractive ,figure, of .your. youth, while a .de east.:a t�v'a1J,<erton, .1at rE- advertisement sponsored.
'enjoyin.g hearty` breakfasts, lunch. "ceived no'cri
o`,operatio.. if a tee •by the;. Agricultural coznm:ittee
es, and:"ders: •
n.ent rs riot. concluded by 1,;otlda =, of` rice unty Counts.
the county will cut the e able .
all Property Owners .in Huron* 'County
In accordance with the Weed Control Act: R.S.O. 1960, '
Sec 3, 13, 19, and amendments thereto, that un gess noxious
weeds., growing onthe rrarids are destroyed by July 2, 196
and throughout the',•season,, the' Municipality' may enter upon
the said lands and have the weeds. destroyed, charging the
costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act,, ti>
The co-operation of 'all citizens is nolle to
ALEX CHESNEY, Weed.Inspector;
County oft 'Huron