HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-06-11, Page 19• WEDNESDAY,, JUNE 11th,,;•196.9
New Building urntu-e 32' 00
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5 IN
Bruce County Board'of Edu:cation's
• neW administration offices will be
'l�ui t this year .in Chesley=at ane t
/Mated ,e"ost of $296 ,"000 for
.construction; and architects fees,.:.,
$32,.000 willalso�be required, to
furnish the'•new buildn
Decision to proceed with the off-
ice .building came on a 'divided
vote ,' by a 'margin. of '9 'to 5 , 'on a
recommendation from a coinrnittee
of the whole meeting held May. 23.
The vote followed reports of coni -.:
r.ehensive studies which 'had been
made under the direction of a spec-
ial committee, 'consisting of Ernest
Pringle, Leonard Courtney,
Alan Whicher and Maitland.Warder.
The report'considered costs of new:
accommodation, 'leased and owned
renovation of.a.vailable existing
buildings. and cental of temporary,
{ HOLLYWOOD, •CALIF, would require expenditure Of•
(Special) This is the revolution- ' . $150,, 000 for renovation''and'
ary grapefruit diet .that .everyone is $60 000, for. construction of a.
suddenly; talking • about. `Literally storage and maintenance building,,
thousands. upon'thousands of. cop-
ies have.been passed from hand 'to.
exclusive of fees and
hand in factories, `plants and offices, furnishings.. ,: It: would . not'be as sat ,
•throttghourtheanCanada. tory=as a•new bui-iding, 'being
Word of. its'suceess has spread .•+difficult to_ expand and containing
dike wildfire. Because this is -the ;.problems to, be expected;in an
diet that really works: We :hive older'structure
testimonials in our ,files reporting ;Cost :of renovating the.Paisley
on the, success of this diet. If .you :school was detailed -at $26;5, 00.0'•
'''..follow -it:. exactly, you should will
• 10 pounds,in'10 days. There will be I and it would not serve to house a: ''
no ' weight'',loss: in . the first four workshop as .the new building is
days: But you. will suddenly drop planned to do; because of
5 pounds.on. the 5th day. Thereafter Problemsof access ,and noise bet=
You will.lose one pound_ a day :until ' ween floors., Expansion 'costs would
the .1Oth:'day. Then you .will lose one' '. be -30• to 40% higher than in a new •
ananti hall ou et doiwn toUnds our o roses .buildin'g u -
Y g Y proper
quarters. .
A.-coniparisol of costs f`o'r leanng-
or owning a'ne'w building was
Lbfuildfngs were available. in -Tara •,..
for` the l3uilci ngTand i\la ntenanee
department, and he knew that one
.of them'could be leased quite reas-
prepared by the Board's:Superinteri-- ,onablyr �"0•,
dent of:Financ.e • 'Roland Swanson!'• . ,
Arthur Davey corianiented that, lie .'
'Based `on• construction costs •of - ' ' was interested to• hear that'951jo. of
300 leasing woulbe
,000,g . people were opposed and he
40 more expensive than ownership, wondered, if that iiidgment was. bas-
of the• building by the board ,.with .ed on a full' kno e e of all the
wl g
the monthly costs estimated at I facts to be considered , lie felt the
$3,455. on rental or $2,480 for 1 " ublic was,'not full informed on
y .
ownership., based on repayment of . , the issue and doubted if 95Vof
an 8°w debenture.over a twenty year
period'. If leased, the building. , •
would be sub'ect to municipal tax-
� p x
es„ oard-owned, it would be
exempt. from taxes.
Comparative mill. rates for the
two plans_ were• given . A rented
•..building'would• require 1/2 mill.
each.for elementary and secondary
levies. -An owned building -Would' •
require mill rates of 1/3. elernent-
ary and 5/14 secondary., The cost of.
renting. would'continue.at the same-
rate or more after•.'20 years while
expenses. for �ari owned :building
would be reduced after debenture
payments• had been completed.
The Spruce :Lawn ,N.ursing 'H:ome
in Chesley was considered:as •an •;
alternative location, as was the
• •
Paisley Public School, with studies
on both presented •by.•Architect;
Brian Garratt, The nursing home
weight.. Best,of all, there will be no The committee concluded ',that
hunger. pangs. Now' revised and extension of :rented acconuiiodat+
• enlarged, this. new 'diet plait lets • on could only be .Considered on a
•'you stuff yourself' with foods that temporary basis., feeling' that staff '"
re-1ornrerly_ forb1dden', Buell ef'icienc,y isimpaired•.by the
as bi steaks trimmed •with fat, .fragri,e"ntat.ion of, accommodation,'.
roast or fried chicken, rich gravies, , .o eration and s.ervaces. For•
;mayonnaise`, lobster swimming `.in P
butter, bacon fats,. sausages and , anything other than,.temporary use;
scrambled 'eggs. You can eat 'until . requirements. of the Department. of
you'are Eull,.: until you.'cannot pos Labour, Department of•Educ-ati'ob ,
.0• • sibly eat any. more. And still.lose Department of''Health and: the Fire
10 pounds in/ the. first ten days'plus Marshall would make it necessary
one'and.half pounds every two days for.: owners to ask for a long- t�Jerrn .
thereafter .until your weight 'is iea,'se ' in order to recover their
down to' normal: The secret ,behind _._
r this new "quick weight loss"': diet investments in meeting the, stand
is simple. Fat_ does-not:_form.-:fat. _.ardss It was further felt that toles
And the grapefruit .juice in this . Bice by government authority
new diet'' acts' .as a catalyst (the1 .of sub -standard accommodation
"trigger"), to start the fat burning ` l•'ouid not likely .extend 'for much :
:.process. You stuff'.yourself on theore than a. year
Permitted food listed in the diet 1 .f. .
plan, and still lose unsightly fat MCCURDY OBJECTS
and .excess body fluids:. When ,will th
are e ; the recomm
fat and bloat
, gone you ; 'taking exceptYon to
cease to lose ..Weight, and you• r • e n a io its ,. Harvey McCurdy asked
weight will., remain, constant. A if.the Eoard is out to set a' record
. copy of "this new and., 'startlingly •I for. putting up -a new office build
successful diet- .. -. -
plan can be obtain.; , ing« Mr, McCurdy referred to
ed by sending'$2 to GRAPEFRUIT . ed buildin as a .,x
DIET PUSI the new propose g
BLISHERS, 1213 Premier'«'"monuttient to our haste and snip-
' Way Calgary 6, 'Alberta.. Money- • , .
back' guarantee. If after trying, tbe.1 idity , With'Regional Government
coining; he felt the Board could'
diet plan'you have not 1o8E1 pounds'. •
.�0-1.9 fir_Uls . t en_days id ne ti not --lie: uir-e-o.f- n-yt-tring-:a-fter 1070
half pounds every two days there- "We're talloing' about a building
after, simply return" the.; diet plan .with a. life of'50 or '130 years r"" he .
and our $2 Will be refunded prom- Lsaid ''bu>t we can't guarantee its;
ptIY and without argument Tear 5 r t / �
out this message . as • a teminder ' u`se beyond,'2 years •' b i of the
Decide-low•--to--regain the' trim;:at', a`veragc Citi. ells he
had talkr�l to . ,.
tractive figure •of your youth,while , Were orposcd�,`to 1.a v•• a new
enjoying hearty breakfasts,. lunch-, building and fie was.ag.ainst its .
• .° and dinners.. • r .erection anywhere rn 13rircg•C:oint:y
at the prose t tinic-: 1'wt
people in his. area would-be . ,
opposed to it. ;•
Referring to the suggestion that,
the .board'was out to set a record,
•-Committee Chairrnan.Maitland'.
Warder said one county had a,
building wel'i under construction.
to be occupied by. July 1, Simcoe'
County would have. theirs by Sept-
ember 1 and
eptember'1'and he assured Mr,
McCuray.that the Board was not
out to set any recgrd .'
Ross 'Fowler asked; •i.f Chesley. •
would not be'the ,geographic- c -entre.
if Regional Government does come:
arid• result' 1n a larger school` area
,-McCurdy replied 'that is was
-central to-Crey arrd Bruce but not if North Wellington was included, is HE •L-UCKNO
to which, Mr: Davey counteredthat,
it would be "if ;we go to the tip of
the Peninsula'';,
Alan .Whicher .commented that
it was doubtful if there would be
any major changes; in the near
future, as it seemed enotigh'head-
aches had been created with the
.present ,,regions. He also questioned
that 95°o of people were oghosed to
building.-rsaying-bP has found it to
be the:oppos.ite. "People have
chosen us to use our .
judgment and do wbat`s'proper"'
he:. concluded.;`" o
Mrs. Donald Milne said the staff
will be able to work at top effic- .
ency ,only if they have the proper
facilities. The building would be..
valuable' as a centre 'for. training
courses.. Referring to approval div.
en at the meeting .to s onsoring a
Credit, , course in guidance for tea;-
.chers iii' Bruce and "neig]lbori•n
counties, she siggested:the biiild'
ing would serve well for such cour�-
,s.es • °"A,nd ,when: we approved that"
she pointed out "no one requested
a 25 year guarantee on the useful-
ness of the guidance training ; ..
COST 10 PER DAY :. .
Offers ; a complete selection of
, wedding announeeinent .
styled for the discrim-
'ask for
that=$300,;000 was i„ndeet1 a scabs-
tic. estimate,-. which included all
professional fees:,.,
Mrs. Pletsc.h.then asked
recorded vote. Opposing the
• reconmiendation were Harvey
lvlcCurd of Do.hbnton, Mrs; Percy.
Pletsch of Brant Township, Lloyd
• Leisemer of Mildmay ,, John'
Kieffer of Forniosa and Ross McRae
:Of Culross,
Named as a co.mnmittee to acs
until ,completion of ,the,building
were Messrs. ,Ward'er., Courtney,
Pringle arid' Whi.cher. .
The Ontario'Department of
Leonard Courtney su'ggested,it 'Education has given,tentativeapp-
would be worthwhile to figure the, I roval'arid• furtheraction will await
cost to the average taxpayer, .` ''their approval•of°the +ketch pians
''which -he said would be 10'a day 1The next step will be preparation
Tor. 2 1/2 cigarettes a week" • lofworking plans, with tenders,tp'
•When asked by lvlrs' Percy .be•called after these have been:
Pletsch if the cost figure was ,,approved bythe' Board and the
accurate,' Ai°cliitect Garratt said-�--I Depart.m.ent.
„ ..
any o''the.r:.'white
looks' ;ye.11ow
CILUX TRUTONE White contains the super
whitener . IDB', never yellows, . ;blisters or
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beauty .for every : home.
Beauty because CILUX House Paint offers
you rich', lasting' colors _ in an outstanding •
variety Protection — because CILUX House
Paint *can take the worst . weather. Canada
._.canLoffer;_withoat_fading,• cracking -or oils
tering. So, for beauty and protection, see vs
• to get tile: "house coat° that gives you both:.`
CILUX Rouse .Paint, ,It comes in any color;
fits any size house.
.PHONE .528'.3434