HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-06-11, Page 17WEDNESDAY. JUNE '11th,. 1969,.. THE LUCKNOW :SENTINEL, LUCKN, OW, ONTARIO'' o'dels-mc SEVERAL :TO CHOOSE ;FROM ,,v: 1969 METEOR, 2' door hardtop 2 — 1969 METEOR, 4 door sedans, V8 .automatic, power, steering 1969 FORD, Custom 4 door, V8 automatic transmission 1967 GALAXIE S00, 2 door hardtop, V8,fully powered 1967 ''PLYMOUTH FURY, 2 door hardtop 1967 ,FORD Custom 2 door, 6; cylinder automatic 1967 FORD 'Custom .S00' 4- door,". V8 automatic., 1967 ' FORD Galaxie S00,4 door hardtop, V8 automatic, 'power steering and brakes. 1967'OLI SMOBILE, 4 door, power. steering and power brakes '.1967: DODGE Monaco, 4' 'door hardtop, power steering and power brakes: 1947 PONTIAC Parisienne 4 door hardtop, .power steering and brakes 1967,CHEV•'Bel Air, 4 door 1967 PONTIAC, �4 door, Ve automatic, power 'steering 1965 MERCURY Park Lane' 4' door hardtop 1965 FORD,' 4 door, standard: SEVERAL OLDER ,MODELS, .E THESE ;AND OTHER Jufle24t Date Of Y,ote:. Keep June 24th in mind . this is ' ,;theday the farmers: will vote on:. whether ornot they want .a GFO: Each week it will important forever "farmer ta.watch his local paper when your Huron county 'committee willkeep. you; informed on `all matterspertaining to the • vote. xt`w-eek-inth s`p'ager. will app.-. ear a •complete, list of all Huron polling: stations.. In future weeks ; • such information as the'ballot and other:-inforrnatiorr--wi11 be printed: An advance -poll will -be -held -on June 19..in the Agricultural Office, Clinton and at Walkerton from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 24 was announced recently in the Legislature as the date for ;a. 'farmer vote on a General Farm Organization for. the' province Farmers will vote for or against, a� ' GFO. •The'first question onthe • ballot asks; ,Do' you favour a -Gener- al Farm Organization financed by checkoff?' Regardless of how farmers vote on the basic question they:. will be ask- ed to express an opinion on other ballot questions. • This opportunity results from a • change, madein the ballot by the Legislature's Standing Committee On Agriculture ,and Food recently; :. The ballot includes questions •on a ;-kering-hoard epreseatatix rm the'GFO's Provincial Council, on let"rbership requirements and al.teri native methods of financing. , The MPP'S considered and approved- Bill'140-clause--by-cla-use, • •intcommittee of the whole in the'• afternoon. t 111 140, ,an Act .to providefor establishment of a General Farm sidis."Yc;r `� •. wCtdvc7"M ;.w::lara..yr; n+ew w..a%N:w fain Suggest gip. Welfare tln ,By SHIRI EY J. KELLER SB KORNER 1KingsbridgePupils On.. School .Bus .Trip . BUS, TRIP.TO TORONTO . By J'anice,Vanderburg Wednesday June fourth;'Grades • 5 , 6 ,7 and 8 went, on our. annual . _. . bus trip...Leaving 4t 72:00 a.m. 'we arrived at the Parliament Buildings at 10:30 just in time for our tour. St. 'Joseph's school,, 'along with two other schools:,' weretaken into the- Legislative Assembly. A guide gave, us information on the room and its contents , pointing out val. ions symbols. After , questions were asked by the pupils, each pupil re- ceived an envelope containing , , booklets which gave more iiiiorM7. ation: In the remaining' time, we visited the 'Heritage. Rooms . Back on the :bus, we ate our lull ches while • going -to the Toronto Zoo.• Everyone was allowed to go off, and look at the . animals .• Most of the students bought snacks at • the stand' to eat while walking.: around. The next 'stop was a. castle known as'Casa;;Lorna. A 'guide. showed us'. through the 'castle,:'. We were taken •up to the open, tower, the smallest of the.;two. Sgme seemed satisfied' to stay'•on the level below the very •top , which was:quite. high up from, 'the ground level,: We all were quite amazed when the guide told. us how • much the entire castle cost: Just onebathroom had cost $10,10.001 TO:,reach the stables we .were taken through an Underground 'tunnel which'. was one quarter mile long. -Before: le'avng•, we were given :time to buy sol ven- The ,museum came next. When we arrived; we were divided 10o PAGE SEVENTEEN FOR THE EXPRESSION OF OPINION POLL RESPECTING THE PROPOSED ENERAL FARM ORGANIZAT IN ONTARIO WILL BEHELD ON 7thursda.y,, June 19th, 196 At The Ontario Department Of Agriculture and Food Office. WALKERTON DURING NORMAL OFFICE HOURS 9a.m.•Sp.m. RETURNING OFFICER. groups with'. an' adult yin charge of each:. We stayed two hours but, to really every .Specimen you'd need" much more time The last stop was Haida, a warship that fought in the Korean'. War. She'was,tied up in the. Toron-•'. .to harbour.' •Students examined her from top to bottom. The :boys , es= pecially, took'great interest in the types of weapons. on board. the ship': There 'was a man there to answer questions about the ,ship: Outside of Toronto', we stopped at a restaurant for supper. Some grad- es'.'5 and .6 were taken• to another„ '; restaurant ..becauseihete 'wasn't en- ough room for us all. :' •. After :8'p.M.'we headed back • to: the school:. We arrived' at $t Jos- eph's: at. 1l:30.p.M. Parents came to take ,us home.. I in -ail— the-d-ayWas-,quite-en- joyable, except for .a few; who suffered from too many treats: • Cubs: Hear About great Lake Sailing: BY 'A KELA .30'cubs attended.the meeting of 1st Kingsbridge CubTroop held on,;,, June 5 in Kingsbridge .Hall; ' John . •. Van Diepen led in the; Grand` Howl. Two games "lvlan the Boat and "Find the. Cub" were played,. Lloyd., Tigert, Danny. Boel; and Eddie Sin ;ett'were. transferredtn,o Scouts., im Sintietit, a cub father anda sailor onthe:c reat'i,aiiesLakes was,pre sent `.'He'•showed° m'ovies'of his boat, the lakes , • and the •locks. The cubs asked • many, questions:' about sailing.. Mr Si°nnett;cuthenrtook some pictures. of the bs;: • • Henr:.y Van Rboy led in the Grand • • t, rte,.. ti 'Howl and Akela .closed the meeting,' .with O1Canada and the Lord's Prayer:.` ' • A. county welfare unit was sugg •ested at. Friday's session of•'Huron' ,. County Council' when James Deneaux Winham of the Ontar- io Welfare ntario'"Welfare Department:addressed council. Mr, Deneaux urged that ;a. committee he .formed. to investig- at e -the -other -e ou n t ywe l f a r e --unit already operating in the ,province:. He asked them to especially'inquire concerningthe matter of staffing and. administration with 'regard to , costs. At 'present rates, Mr.• Deneaux estimated it' would cost the bounty about $3,06d to establish a county welfare .unit. He:said 50 percent of the administration Costs would be paid by the, province., �.. Three persons would, likely be required to staff the office., Mr. Deneaux said, an administrator, 'a.• field worker and one•other clerical employee. The system was considered by county .council four years. ago, Mr. Deneaux` recalled•, but itwas turned down by a close vote.' r. • The speaker also reviewed recent legislation with .regard to welfare.. • Organization in Ontario,. passed ; seborierMAITAFi-ngigd• With support from bath opposition . parties. It, received clause by clause approval by the standing committee on agriculture and -food' on May --13 . T -he -bill was considered in c,ommitiee of the Whole on May28, The ballot was approved by the standing committ ee lune 8 A coiiiplete loe'.of'ag:ricuittaral' cbeni'rcals is in d',splay at your Coloperat,ve "Manufactured it •:'Canada to meet Canadian coud,tibns,CO OP''Weed ,Killers and PeStrCtd 4- 7 1-are-yovr-most,effect've nye t-ris-M-c,--erp prot-ect',on. Wher. -- — 00'4",:r.""'4"14 rnr.7ara;r ""1Ua�a.._.ss. required, your CO.OP'salesnlar ;Hill offer. c:Xeert;advice. .and guidance on any coi'7trot.probleril For bigger yields ,... more, profitable crops use CO-OP agricultural chemi ..at your CO-OP Store now, , • �:. min FREE., •• , ./ Pocket -Size Weed •1 C ntrol igaddbook. • Next time you're at your " Co-Ope, pick tins handyrative, up -to -up puide'on e cals ♦ seldateector and epplth' cation of COOP' .46 Killers" • Reu, fe''d lade iii irx ♦ I •J CO-OPERATIVE NAME Agricultural Chemicals Protect 'i our Investment O W DF. Phone