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urcb flrws
o Kaisers
The June ,Meeting of Slakes
U.C.1N, was held at the home of
• Mrs .John • Plaster The program.
was taken G�Kr!%s W177 inn - Being
•a Grandmother'smeeting, her
theme was "Youth - Growth,; '
Education 7 Grandparent's". Mrs H
Menary read the�scripture:'A hymn•
was read;
The Grandmothers present each.
had a reading; lvtrs,, W. Irvin -
• "Grandmothers"' , Mrs. Kaiser.
"A Day in June Mrs . 1, Cranston,-
"rThe Log House' •Speaks'`•,.
The U.C. W. .of Blakes.presented
Rev, and Mrs. Kaiser•with`a gift.
prior to their leaving the charge.
Rev, and Mrs,, Kaiser thanked the.
mem'bers'very graciously. •
Each Grandmother' was given a
tiny basket of flowers,. The
tneeting.closed•• with the General
• Thanksgiving. Lunchwas served b y
the hostess and: Mrs:. 1. Cranston.,.
�South� Ki ,
The'June' meeting, of South Kinloss
W.M.S. was held June 4th at 8
p �m at the' home of Mrs. Allan
MacDougall. •
The•Bible• study. from Hebrews,
Chapter•12 was prepared by Miss
Dean MacLeod and given at the•
meeting by Mrs . , Douglas. Graham
because` of Miss MacLeod's illness:
The study book on "Missions in.
Industry'; was taken by Mrs. Herb
Buckton •
Report of :Presb • terial w'as' ' g iven.
by Mrs.. -Ira Dickie and Mrs Harty
L'avis. "Mrs. Belle MacKinnon led '
1 N ° lie Prayereire
in will be July 2nd:at 8:p_m,.at•
$ Y P
the home of Mrs: Ted Collyer..
A delicious lunch was served .by
hostess: and directors, Mrs. Willard
- Downe Y �'and Mrs. ,Herb Buckton..;
Id` Anniversary
Services Sunday' At
Whitechurch .United
anniversary §ervrces were heldrat
the. United Church June , 8 at 11
a, m , Organ and piano prelude, were
given by Mrs., Garnet Farrier and
John,Gibb. The call to Worship'',
and Invocational prayer was given
by Michael Ross.
Rev, Clarence McClenaghan led
in the Responsive psalm reading,
Scripture and Pastoral. prayer.
• . Garnet Farrier accompanied.
the hymn singing of organ and ,'
piano,, on the Saxaphone,. The
choir anthem was "Peace be stili
The ladies, .Mrs Elwood:Groskorth,
Mit, Dan Tiffin,' Mrs: Ezra Scholtz
and Mrs. "George Thompson sang
"Back• of the Clouds".accompanied.
by pianist Mrs: -Garnet Farrier:. .
Rev; McClenaghan chose for his.
message "Ambassadors 'of Christ'.
The physical•world today is,speed
ing., We are a part of the world, no
'matter where we are, with • •
troubles_: arising rapidly: Still the
church: seeks: Christ. Is'this the •
kind of. world:we.'want, ,where we.,
lose track' of God, have unemploy-
ment, broken relationships, broken.
homes . it isn't God's world: Love
is God's world. We .do not..
reconcile ourselves' to the need of
the church. Through love God
trusted fiis,,son to us too. As aim-
,bassadors, we areresponsible go:.
forth to make a better world, Re>-
gardless of faith or creed we are
carrying on as ambassadors when . `. `
we 'do' His will. A ..saxaphone duet
was played by Garnet and .Wayne
Farrier, ` •
At the close of: the morning:. '
ice=Jvfc6enaghan=relit ves ri
vided lunch at the home. of •Mrs.
George 'McClenaghan and Mildred*
so that. relatives, old friends and ' .
neighbours could 'renew' friendships
with .Rev:. and Mrs. Clarence
At the;; evening service at '8 p .: m .
the '.choir' anthem was "Somehow :. us are carrying ;messages .for the:
I Know That `Christ Is Mine' . A' trio first: time? We must ask God to'help
E Garnet Farrier.; -Mrs. Dan Tiffin andi,us by,giving'health' and strength.to •
Mrs as: Moffat sang " lory 'to His. 'deliver messages; The, •church• of
Church Services
Rev. .R L. Stirling, B.A., B.D.
• JUNE 15th,
Sunda School Anniversary
E1'11-711, -.M-Serace
'Guest ~Speaker
Mrs. G. W.. „Tiffin of Wingh
U.C.W. . General -Meeting
Tuesday, June 17 .at 8 p:m.
'Professional Nursing Care 24: hours daily
ening .Rooth and Tray . Service.
r 'Member,. . Associated •;Nursing Homes Inc:_ Ontario
Associate, Member, Ontario Hospital association
Municipally Incensed
Licensed by Ontario Department. of Health
Drawer` 220 Phone 528-2186
aPresbyterin ,. Church
JUNE 15th.'
10;00 am.' Sunday School
11;00' a.m. Morning+Service,
Guest Speaker'
Rev. T. Owen:' Hughes'
Watford, Ont.
Rev.. R' T. F. Odendahl.
JUNE, '15th,
"Trinity'• 2.
10:15 Church School
11:30, Morning Prayer
":Running without Tidings"; He
recalled how: King David was
waiting for • news .good. or
bad - when the'•runner brought the
news that his son Absalom ,,''determ-
inedand head strong, had, been
killed.. We must learn'to put' first •
things first and strive to.bear•the ••
tidings allotted to us. Fl
_Luckno Unit 4
, The June meeting of Unit •4 of the
Lucknow U.C. W. was held at the
home .of Mrs. Harvey Webster with
an attendance`of 18; MrsJim
Arnold opened the 'meeting with .
a. poem,V
"acation Ideals"
a Devotional Section of the •'
meeting was in charge. of Mrs.. Gor
don Johnstone, who gave the Call •
to Worship. The. hymn "Jesus, •
United By Thy Grace" followed
Miss Margaret; Rae assisted, reading
rom "Lessons' from China". She •
also. read the Scripture and a pray-
er Mrs. Gordon Montgomery fav-
oured. with a, beautiful piano Solo.
The Study'book "Panorama of'the
Bible". Was Capably summariped by.
Mrs .' G. • Johnstone:..In keeping:
with the study on; China, Mrs. ',L.
Stirling :gave afore interesting ,
information on Communist China.
and conducted 'a. quiz which show-.
ed how little one knows about this
country.' A' discussion period' on
what' was learned followed. The
hymn "O' Master Let Me. Walk With
Thee"'..concluded'this section of -
the "meeting .
-.Mrs.' Arnold Opened .the business.•
part of till, meeting w'ith.'a poem.'.
on Father's' Day., The:roll call was '
well' answered by items on China.
It: was announced by the Su'bply, /'
o Committeethat-'the-•bale-would
packed on June 18th and 'a vol inteer
is' -needed from Unit .4>to'' help Waith
the packing,: The General. meeting
of the 'U. C. W. will be on June 17th'
The Hobo Teas project Will be cam
ied .onuntil: the end of June.
The,•September meeting will be in
the form of a Pot. Luck supper in the
Fellowship Room. with Miss: Margar
. . WomenToIdTo-:;.
Become `.'Involved`"
The Annual.Meeting of the. Wom-
en's. lvlissionary Society, 'W, D, of
the Presbyterian Church in `Canada
was held in, Toronto, May 26-30.'
Next year the Society may. have
a, pew name. Women irr :groups : '
across Canada are being asked `to.
submit suggestions of names .in
time for' next.. year's annual
meeting., Throughout the meetings
the need was expressed that
members of the Society;become •.
more involved by -'doing' ,
•In'surnmazizrng'the mission's
priorities for 1969 .ardund: the. world,
.Dr. ;E H. Johnson Secretary of
Overseas Missions of the. Presbyter-
ian 'Church,•said, the world sets the ,
agenda` for the rrussion work of the -=
Chinch., God , as we see. Him: act-
ing in: the world, sets the' tasks be-
fore us and, to. ignore, this to
be in the backwater.of history,
when God is:at work somewhere
else: More aand •more of the
em hasis. in'overseas work is being
put on helping where ;needed
Workers in overseas countries -
-now work.' under'•. the :National ..
Church, and nationals plan'how
best' their needs can be. met
ople" could be teiired-the •..
priority in Canada ,. said Miss . • ,
Giollo' Kelly, Director Of National
Missions' for the ;Society: ' Lay'peop-'
leas well as trained workers, need.
to. become involved and be,concer.
fled' for people'on a person to: per.-•
son basis:,
.The Society plans to do more
work on Indian Reserves and will
et, Rae as hostess continue to support workers and ,•
The Nrymn "Father We Thank. Tlie facilities in innr city pr
Name" : to -day need's messengers; to carry
• Rev. McClena hanks message was ii-gs dud
the r htrrch eopl
g g , he tidib•
Unit one of the •Lucknow U.C.•W
niet at the home of ivirs.: Rdss.
'e is Eichteen•: members a d 1 '�
one w ere present..l' 1rs . Earl •
•Wightrnari opened the meeting with
the 'poem "The Present Hour" , The
.roll.call was answered with'an,iFIt-
. •'e:resting.. item on China k
Art evening rneetingg'for Unit'3 of
Lucknow U.C. W. was held':at the
home of Mrs. Saul Alton on June
3 With .'thirteen 'Members and four
',A ceneTil.. rneetinp'.of'the u C, W. yisitors, present ..A .verse Was read by
is to'be.held .ori June 11. .0 nit one:. Mrs.. Wharr}' to open .the me.eting ,
is responsible for placing flowers in,.followed'by a•liyrtin.
the. church for the 'month of The devotions,were taken by Mrs
• iacDonald'reported'foI Wharry!.41t was 'A story from the
Cornmunity Friendship \irs Western Provinces about a •1os't boy.
. 'Curran :for Stewardship-And.This-was followed •by -,prayer and -the---
Hackettfor social functions. Mrs, aymn "Saviour ;'.Blessed, Saviour".
Lewis rerninded the unit, that• the.' - \1rs m :