HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-06-11, Page 1*5.00 A. Year In. Advance $240 Extra T
Escapes Serious
Injury In•
• , AY,. JU N E 11th, .1969
Single Copy 15c 20 Pages
Five Classrooms, Library Resource Centre , Major Rehabilitation
t•�'•• • v � `'!, f. • � .. � � v ♦ � .. ,'•y � ,"a • .. •. ♦ � i •: � i ••=�••� � • �. •..• } �, � . �"�, •: � i"�•'i ' ,.,�"►�"ie'•"iy�•'f �'•'� i � .''♦';•"•"� �•*a ♦ � .�, • �. • • �•'i, �, ,�..• • •
•Murvin. Solomon •of Lucknow re,-
ceived a brokenknee cap: and lac
erations in aSaturda'y night aecid-
ent about 10 p,,m. on. the 6th con-
cession•of:West Wawh.
. .a..nos,. .
'lvfurvin was proceeding west on.•
the 6th from St,. Augustine after •,
' delivering some plants from his
greenhouse when his van left the
road. It is believed that a,flat tire
:caused the accident. The van end-
ed up on'its top in about three
feer•oaf water in a:swampy ditch,;
•Murvin succeeded in opening the'
'door and getting out ofthe truck:
• He:went•for assistance to,the farm
of Miss,Luc Thompson and she and
her brother.. Donald' Thompson:,•
brought him•, to Lucknow for
medical attention before he was' '.
•removed`. to Wingham.Hospital,,
If • Murvin• had 'been ,knocked „up -
conscious in the accident;, or had"'
•:been pinned in the; van; he might
easily have drowned in the water
filled ditch: The van was -extensiv-
e) y damaged
Overseas Trip
The decision: was announced at •
the meetinglast week of.the Board
in Chesle Y ;. The work ,at Lucknow-
Public School willinclude a five.
classroom addition; a 'librar
A.half,million dollar uilding� pro-
gram at the Lucknow Public School
initially planned by the Bo
Township School AreaBoard of KinM
loss and Lucknow;,. willproceed in
1969 under the directio of the
new Bruce County School Board'.
Total cost of the addition ion and lin-,
provements•at.,the Lucknow Public
School, will. be $515,00. Of this
amount, $117;000 is•available from
Fire Insurance money fr rn the old
school and the remainde
$398,000 will; be'deben ured•by
th:e •Bruce •Board:
0 OO.o.• 000000000ti0.00.0:0
resource centre and major" rehabili
tation of the existin school build
ing, •
Tentative approval had been' giv
en the local board last Fall by the
Department of `Education ; Tle•
proposal will be submitted ix -pined:-
lately to the Ontario Municipal.:
Board' for their approval .,
g ., :
In atnouncin the decision to The.
Sentinel last week, director of ed-
ucation"for Bruce:, ,1. L, Bowers, •
stated that the..boa,rd is' working ori
a five year capital cost forecast
with the Ontario Municipal Board,
and'•arrangenients have ,been.made
with the board to.subm+it this in two
parts.. The' 1969 ,submission iw ifl iin-
-:clude :the Lucknow addition and;
iriprovements at the $5:15,000.est-
innate as well as:the work on the
county administration building at•
• Chesley , at an esitniated: "cost o.f
_ $296000 for the 'building and:
$32,000 for the furniture and equip-
ment. This will all be financed by
debenture . •Tentative approval for '
the administration office has been
given by the Department of Educ
ation and preliminary 'sketch plans
have been approved by the Bruce.
0000000000000.00 0.00
Mr. •Bowers said that the ren ain
ing '4 -year capital cost forecast
:mould be presented to the Ontario
Municipal',Board later this yeat.. •
• While paper work and planning
for the Lucknow addition: and renov-
at>on':wi31''be`commenced at once,
• :Mr. Bowers was not sure as to when,
Mrs.- Stewar•t (Eileen) Lavis• oft
Lucknow. left on •Tuesday for a ?four
week •tri•p to the British Isles and, • `.
Europe:She accompanied her:
• brother and sister in-law , Mr. and
'Mrs Harold Johnstone lof; Parkhill,.
nephew and niece • Rev. W. Robert
Johnstone and Mary Johnstone of
Parkhill;'going' by plane from
• Toronto:to London.:: Tuesda.y.night•
;' A fter:.four. days in London', .the
early part off their trip will take:
thein to�;Belgium, Germany
Austria Ital` Switzerland•and ..
France.. They will 'return again, to.,
.England land and '.v•"aitEn land and Scot.
land before returning home'
During•:their visit in•ScotI•and. thee',
wil e-r_net by-anothergnieee e -f
Lawrence .Henry Smith 1:7 -year-
.son`of•Mr.•and Mrs. H ry
who reside -in West. Wawan , •.
osh., • east of Dung.
annon., was killed
in a motor vehicle acFident_on .Fri
day' evenin at: Carlow;; at the
intersection;.of. county.'roads 25' and
The `dead'' youth was one of •five:-
occupants of a car travelling south..
Eileen's ; Donna Lynn Johnstone of
Parkhill who will also be visiting
overseas at that. -time:
The -Parkhill •Johnstones: were„;all
former Lucknow residents. where • •
Harold was in the: baking: business;
Harold presently operates: a bake•; •
shop -i rrPa•r'kh`ii-
r n, c
which Was in;collision: with a car.../
travelling west , He was pronounced
dead at the scene; •
Driver and lone occupant of the
westbound'car was, Roy: Wallace
Hardy of R. R. 1 Be
James:,Granger; of Goderich was'.
the' driver• of, the. second car with•
passengers Nancy and -Janice Van
derburgh of Port Albert,. 'Stephen' •
Norman of"R:. 1 Dungannonand •
Lawrence Smith •
• The injured were re'moved'to•
the actual construction might get -
under;way•.roHe said that the' Board
would plan the work and endeavour'
to avoid as Much as possible irtter
ferenee and. interruption: to normal
procedure •at the• se.hool.,
Readers; of TheSentinel will
recall that'the Township School
Area of Kinloss' Pand Lucknow
ed.a similar addition to the present.,
school and about the itinie that
plans were, read . to proceed , they.
learned that. approximately •
$140,000 would he necessary to
:bring the existing building up.
to Fire'Marsha.11's••standards before •
any, additions could 'be, made to the
school.:. The Bruce board is alio:
confronted with.this•e1, penditure
and is included in the total: est- •
limated cost of $015:,000: • . ..
Three Hom°�s Sold During. Weel
.'Three. properties •were •sold within ':farrti several years•ago to: Lorne . •
the'village during the-pa;st week. MacDonaldof•Ashfiefd but have
,, . :.... ;continued to: reside in •the house
nosh'i'Mrs. Bob. Hamilton will•move:'to
S,y mon de,.Boer of West
Townshi : •`who:has: owned and
p • .. '� •. ,the; apartment oryned by her son,
•operated the former •Joe. Anderson Al'over ;thy May,ff.air, Restaurant. ' '
farm, purchased the residence of
' .i: Both Properties Vere sold byBarry :
Mrs. Howard Robinson.' in, Luck ow. .,• p . y
' ,n/ • - McDona h, local•'agent..for• Don '
�Mr . aiid;Ivlrs�de Boer's son Wim g g
i Ho1st:Rea1 Estate
�, • 1. w 11 conte nu��c2lzer�.t� the_fatm 1
The .Robinson°home is located. on '
Victoria.'S;treet'on wl at'•'s•com on- The :third property transaction sees
z ' • ;Earl Cranston of Ashfieid.; urchasing
1. known :as Stand i' e�Hill •Mrs: p. �.
Y P P tie home'of Alex Hackett just
"Robinson will take iiresidenceresidencin •
Goderich Hospital
• Lawrence Henryy Smhssuivived
by his parents; Mr: and Mrs Henry`
Smith; sister, Mrs; George (Rita)
Neill 'Toronto; brothels;: James;.
Frank' F amilton• of Ashfield•-
ship•has purchased .the :residence of'- this ,horde,. h'as moved to the',resict:
his sister-in-luw:, .Mrs. Robert Ham- ence• '
of Mrs.. George Hunter; on:
.ilton on Rose Streetk
os, . zn.•Luc now, the same street and a half a block
Mr... and:Mrs. Hamilton, sold their • north :
•J.nbrth:of Lucknow main street and,
atop "Standpipe • Hill" : Mrs. Euni
Dunsnuir,'who has been. renting
G1, 110 i/Vil, l.)1V11J.-,. JV • • .. y ,:',
all at 'home, grandparents Mr.- and
Mrs. Lawrence Smith, Dungannon.
The service was at 2p.rn Tues.
day at Stiles Funeral Home,•.God-
eric .
•:Interment was at Dungannon
'niade•last week by the Bruce County
.oard OrEducatton o r. urvi f 1,010res.liond
succeeds 'Ab •Wylds of Ripley who .
has, been• principal• there since 1956
and who recently'. resigned be=
••.cause of ill health. Mr. Wylds had
been •a merrrber of the Ripley teach
ing staff for thirty-'four.years, •
• Mr: Tiarvill holds a Secondary'
School Principal's Certificate
While atten•rpting to repair a vent
a.nd,h.as �a.ught-a.n all -...bra -riches -of•: -----
Matin fan his hand barrie
the Secondary school program in= � :
-Chiding pa tions;
caught'in the fan:
HehasOin Hanover;Distr ct His. first finger was broken, in
taughttwo places and..'the second and thirc,
High School; Strathroy Collegiate
Institute and Alderwood Collegiate iii jured angers The ul tle eregerso Was the
Institute (Etobicoke)
He is a grad:uate, of IvPe t"ert ocaly_djg t
iv'ers`ity, 'majoring in, Social. ATTEND .COUS[N'S
ogy and Counselling at the post Visit In Eitglonti
JimCurran of West Wawanosh
Township is.a.patient'in Winghamarid District,J--lospital With' a badly'injuredrigh:t hand;Jihi is employed in the'car'e ofabout;20,000 ch'ickens,on the.
/ Andrew Gaunt farrn in' Wawanos:lt
Science and he has studied Phychol• 'WEDDING
graduate level at Queen's
University and: •University of
t -e n:Ont r .
'He has 'served' on the advisory
board on 'secondary -university rel-
ations. for 'Western University and
' Mr. and Mrs. Walter 1Dexterlof
' •, ., .,., Litcl�now .returned on Sitiiday front,
WILLIAM TURVILLL f W d a three-week visit with relatives
tVilliarn; 7'ury ll
'13..A..,current'1 he was appointed by 'ork Univers- in England and Ireland
tty' k f �rt�t s�a a eco--,' eY. irk( .e -t• t, it y I' •
mice"Departrrient., •
ondar School ' • or . unive . r iii . an s.
• •
11c44i-$-f--tai-e--Gu'd b t o inator `1lr cl 1 U
More than five' hundred dollars in� Qucbec, the ;Wesi Indies,, and South
awards were presented to students • • Af?ica.,. received diplomas in Borrie •
at the graditi,atio.n banquet at kertrp- Eeono:mics and Agriculture •
tville College. of Agricultural Tech
SlIo•-wil-4-t •-t-1t prat-ta•re-i-r.- ~" ...
Wendy Mackenzie, d'nu�;hter'of Dou'glas S.omervillc•; loft'_' 'resident'
iv"1r. ane. yrs," Robert 'Mae l'enx.ie,of of•
the l ctiiptvil.le .tti�cirtictt s
.. liist'itirte fr're«tint g i cndt. with
Lucknow ,• won the Wonicrr s instit-
ute Award' for enerai proficieue: r the l<einptville Women's i�nsti�tutc
a t,e i ti set -t -i i4 r•e c,di o-ti4e-s-•a•Ht1--s td
crit activities. 'rite awar is dinner ,Wendy has .acce titcd ri •tcac'h.iti,
.at llgrbn heights Sec •y••f the rsity's ,,Heading WhileEngland Mr d Mi
at•lvewri7a'rkethas beeU9' Conference this year,, 1:)exter attended the wedding of•
► n named'
principal of the Ri 1 . District Hh M' Turvill is married and liar
School Tl
peyi g r
• 1e anno'uncetiient was three children, + , •,,s,...
his cousin,. tc1r•, and Mrs, 'Alla"n
Davies at Alford bittr:oityshite,
_receded the graduation'ex rcises'' iciti� . fi s ' tc'
p � 1c. crtYtcYtllLakc,..�a,l�atcltecv-
at the, college , wherc One hundred ' . ;an .who're stile will trach l lc7trie.
and three St ents from Ontatio.,•• oloncinrics to 'Grades to 1
r !' �M h �.: ter, r.a+u.•ar; ..
ei *Nt. e'•+�zir,�r.+4w^r t..',. +. wra. v.grM.•,b w...Y_-N.. _:r..... x.y...,t2.. .: '"'N:. vw.i.-n.u.e!..rsev+alar-x.......:...�,r:w.—x....,yw.+ ...ry:,.e
6�e.WrpM�.rtt,x:.uTsxx._uu, .,.An,..r;Asb::-.."�-Gui,:.x\.-^Y.'Rfx's^�*Gz+�u7 S.a:,r.tb.!krt sx -. -w..' .: ... 9'. � .. � _,. . ...., ._... .... , ... . .