HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-28, Page 19WEDNESDAY MAY 2Bt1t, 1969: onourTather 87th Birthday lames Munro Of Larnbeth was Honoured, on the occasion of his. 87th birthday„ when members of . his family gathered at:his home on Sunday, May 25th fora turkey dinner, • Present for the occasion, were' his son Clarence: M tnro: and- Mrs Munro: of Lambeth, ,-'his-.daughter - Mrs:.Huntly (Marcia) Dawson' and' Mr, Dawson of R; R. 5 :, Luc/know • and grandchildren, Mr. ,and Mrs. —Grant Carron and Lezlie,'Mr.. and Mrs. Ron Munro and Troy., all of Lambeth, Mr. and .Mrs.. Curtis Dawson; :Linda Dawson and. Addin Dawson, all of R,R. 5 ,:'Lucknow •and, Gerry Hyndman of Gorrie. DECISION TO :BUILD: AFTER PRIORITIES ESTABLISHED Plans Far Bruce Administrative Building reviewed: Preliminary. sketch plans of an.' administrative. buildingfor. the Bruce County Board of Education were presented to the board. by , Brian Garratt'of the• architects' firm of Kyles , Kyles and Garratt. of Hamilton `'A: later report•'by Direct- or LI,: Bowers on preparations for a 5 year 'capital expenditures fore cast indicated that decision on ' construction of the headquarters will be made when priorities' for allre.. uired,:b`xildings .are esta a bushed.. Floor area' of.the proposed build- ing. would be 9,000 square feet ;' a reduction from the original.. ,; estimates of 10 , 000, to .12 , 000 squarefeet, but considered to. be the for adequate i ' q �, immediate needs of the administrative and . maintenance staff. Design and loci ation of the• building will allow for expansion to the north and east if this should later become necess- ary The .main floor will accommod- ate'offices for. the: administrative staff, with removable partitions to provide:. flexibility 'for :future changes in lay -out Aseparate portion of this floor will ,house the 'county 'system's ,film libfary. re use as a lecture area 'for, staff meet- THE )IUCKNOW .SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, `ONTARIO, icy PAGE NINETEEN ERNEST SI1ERWOOD 'Ernest Sherwood, son of Mr and Mrs; Earl. Sherwood, R.R. 5, ,God:- erich, graduated in the Associate Diploma Course in Agriculture 'at the •Univer'sity. of Guelph. He plans to continue his education in! the ,Agricultural Field and has been accepted' in the Bachelor of Science•,Course at the University of Guelph NETA SHERWOOD• Miss Neta Sherwood, daughter of Mr, and ;Mrs.. Earl Sherwood, R.R., 5, Goderich graduated. from ,the Byron ' school of 'nursing as a Regist_ ered Nursing Assistant. ,Miss: Sherwood received 695 marks out. of of a possible 708. and at the present', time is working, in the intensive care unit' in Victoria Hospital, London. Riley :District flower Show`Entries'I ..Mrs. David Elphick Is Top Exh� ' or The Ripley and District •Horticult= ural Society held their ,Spring Flow- er Show low=er'Show on Tuesday, May 20 at the ings and rooms for board and committee meetings: The naturae land contour will .be used to provide a rear,; ground level entrance to the.lower 'floor. `which will house :maintenance shop•and facilities and a storage • and_warehouse_spa.ce_. The 'special• • ,g. buildin " committee also reported receiving the report of the soils,, tests,' confirmingan earlier verbal report that bearing qualities were satisfactory .and the water table was found to: be' well below normal tolerance.., • uelphpGraduate: Legion Hall The weather.. man . rovided; a nice'da'� ,for the . P Y .event which resulted.in a total of 104 entries , an increase over last year. The fiower.show opened at 3 00. ;' p.m. with the judge, Mrs . Cecila -Hollands, giving her comments •on: 3:3Q The' the classest .m. h h, ap . • tulips; daffodils ,' narcissi, hyacinths etc. ,were in very good. .,y condition; considering the wet we rthe ' h other prio to;. sow : Mrs..David Elphick. chalked up the most points in the shgw with a' total' of 38 points with Mrs; Gor don Farrellrplacin second' in total... .. points: ' A.lrge number of guests carne to see t he'lovely'flowers and :many arrangements and, have a cup of, tea, and a social tinne..The `plant '` table And bake, table did a. land slide business''as the members • roughs 4n a-bundaheie-,off-a-rt-ie-les for.both table: Mucha credit goes to`the. -rs- -ire CHOICE HOME KILLED BEEF AND PO BOLOGNA 'RINGS LINK PURE PORK SAUSAGE; K-�.__ 57c LB.: WIENERS --- -- $30 LB. FROZEN HAMBURG PATTIES 3 LBS. ;2.49 53•cLB CHOICE arbedu� T-BONE SIRLOIN' — ROUND.... WE ' SPECIALIZE' IN HOMEMADE SAUSAGE OPEN FRIDAY NITES =,-10 P.M. JCKNOW PHONE 528=3009 executive , conveners and, the' Attend1 ladieswho made the arrangements, • and .served the tea towards the success of .yet another Spring Flower Show'. so. more; will .Iwe. -t-Time— Put #-Tim- Gro potion:. 'On Thursday, *May 'and .ens; Miss Liella Mr's . Roy.Hav• of c... 'and r Finlayson Luk now nd M , and Mrs. •Ken MacDonald, Ripley dist- rict attended the:. graduation , ceremonies of the 8701:Graduating class of •Toronto General Hospital asg.uests of their niece, 'Miss Jud' . . ith.AnnTa. lox;;. The ceremonywas held in Convocation Hall... Of special interest tolocal read= ers is the fact,. that the praYer.was; given by Reverend R. 'Douglas Mac Donald of Tilsonburg and. formerly -au hter-Margarem --- Greta;, was. one of the. 94, girls grad• uating, '• Put your money into our. guaranteed investment Ates certi c a fi now in pa� g' the never -before interest • of peeightr er cent VG TRUST` COMPANY SINCE 1a60 W.A. R.• ._ Curry,. Manager ELGIN AND KINGSTON' STREETS GODERICH 524.73$1 DONALD ALTON Some 150 DiPlomat g in A riculture' and 20 Ontario Diplomas ,in Horticulture were presented to graduates of the University of Guelph at the -Spring Graduation ',exercises in War Memorial Hall on Thursday of last week. Dr.:, N. R Richards, Dean of the 0ntaci o. A'e rc:ultucal College , add ressedthose graduating, ' The successful students have coni pleted two years of intensive study in the latest agricultural technology. Donald Alton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Alton orAshfield was one of the graduates. Don wasn't at the •graduation as he is ,presently employed in Calgary. The Lucknow Legion and Lions held their annual Father and son minor hockey banquet: on Tuesday, May 20 in the Legion Hall. • The singing Of the Queen and grace preceded a delicious turkey topper served tb 180: people by the Ladies Auxiliary.of the Royal Can- adian Legion. Grant 'Chisholm introduced .the Master of Ceremonies for the ev- ening., Roger West of Wingham . Reeves in surrounding townships, Bill Evans, Kinloss; Bob' Lyons, West Wawanosh; Gonion Boyd, Ashfield; were introduced along with Luc know peeve , George Joynt . Bob Lyons told the gathering that they •w not gealong with the fixing of the • Lucknow arena but hoped they could still assist' 11 some way. George Joynt commented that' Lucknow"had better o'tgarrxzatt n today in Minor hockey''than in days gone by, till Nelson was called on to wel_ BY DON1JOHNSTONE come the forty to fifty ladies who. • were present.. It was the first time since the beginning of the •father.,_:_ and', son hoc key banquets in Luck- now-that uck-now that the: mothers were invited .' Mrs. Joe Courtney replied for the ladies. Team captains Mike Courtney of the -Midg ets Kim Cowan of the Bantams, .David Farrishi of the Pee Wees and Eddy Courtney of the Novices named fellow members of their teams !The team captains then'turned over their trophies ao Legion president Irvine Eedy for rry'tthat-v est-ty -._ .. Larry Jeffrey ,with 8 years exper- ience in the N. H. L. and now with the 'New York :Rangers', was introd- uced. "Alf Lockridge., former secre- tary manager ofthe W`OA.A. introduced •Paul Henderson. Paul, formerly of Lucknow and now with the Toronto Maple Leafs, told of some humorous events which had happened' to hinn ; other 1players , and' coaches . ,.A question and answer .period fbblowed With the crowd.. • producing the ;questions and Larry J'.effrey ;and Paul Henderson- very •capablysupplying the answers:, • • Some •o fthe• topics touched. on were the playoffs ,'hOckey school, skating ability, the importance of helmets,and what'tte• future may hold in playing against the Russians The various coaches wire:called on who thanked. any people who . helped out and supported their' team: Keith •Kilpatrick announced,' that a .hockey spout at a game.in • • SouthatYptorr had possibly selected Breaai`dlne-i$vffTcettrtY to 0 try, out at a Tunior "A" training camp at Niagara Falls. Gifts were presented by the four team captains to Larry Jeffrey, Paul -Henderson, Roger West and Alf Lockrid.ge. The singing of "0 Can4da" con- cluded the banquet, . '