HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-28, Page 18PAGE EIGHTEEN ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY .28th, 1969. Zone Y� tracts an auxiliaries To Lucknow RAIN HARDBOARD: -FINISHED` PANEtS CARDINAL, C .uERRY' Size 4, x 8' N. he 8' hi Si di 'er; Panel M io Gid C k Attractive, distinct woodgrain, pattern -Random Scored, IDEAL FOR, HOME OR COTTAGE _�l��l++! +lam IrouR HEADQUARTERS: 1 For sour, pints ei PORTLAND and MASONRY 'NE' 528-3118 LUCKNOW ueknow School Plans On f ire Year Capital Plan Of Bruce School Board A fiveyear. capital plan •for education was reviewed . by the Bruce board • of education The report ;is' : an interim one:. and the projects • were not listed 'in order of pri- rity Elie -forecast must e o :warded to the Ontario ' Munici . pal Board and educational di- • rector 4, L" Bowers told, the. board that a delay Could lead - —to delays, in=app -ng mmunici- pal debentures • Projects forecast for elemen-: tary 'schools'were: A five -room, addition and ;ma jor renovations to the present school at Lucknow:: Tentative °, approval was' received from the ',department,of education :by the Fortner Lucknow school board fore this work and that .school. . has• $'t] 000'' in a fund' for this • purpose. Much of thc• fund was derived from' insurance when the' pub- lic: school' in Lucknow burned' ;. More. than a year 'ago:' -When- the When:the •Lucknow high school was • vacated the pupils from the .:public` school, a s slime d that building: GYMNASIUMS: PLANNED nasiums are .planned for/ all schools in The Bruce Penin- sula. At present there are none. A library is •alsor planned for 'a • peninsula school and . a four - roan addition , is 'needed at Eastnor school:. This will' ' re- lace two-' m able �c assrooms---. now at this school k d accomn- modate pupils from the two room school at ,Tobermory. Six more rooms will be need- ed at Hepworth district schools - f :the board -decides-=to go along With the request of •the' Grey board Of education and accom ipodate sonie "pupil's from Kep pet Township. A library is planned for 'Walk- erton'school and two classrooms •. will be added at Tara. • Teeswa- ' ter school will ; get three` more classrooms andtwo existing Tooms w 1 be converted ,00h braty, • guidance' and health rooms:. i At Ripley two rooms and a li- brary will be .added.' 8incar- e=Tivertozrschootwili g other room 12 -YEAR _ CHANGE The beard 'feels that 'develop- ments at Douglas Point. where ,the: nex,t 12 years in • erecting. heavy water plant will, have. a • schools, Particularly those 'along .Lake Huron. A major Study is finder way • • to see if conversion Of Kincar- • dine high school to a technical ' Bruce is at Wilkertim. Pressure will also be 'on the. public. schoOl.' at Port pied a year ago. It may be ned- Next term a study will be Made of the needs of retarded schools in the cOunty. I SWAPPED FOR IT THROUGH THE 11,1ANT ADS About 135.`members of twelve ladies' 'Auxiliary groups .in Zone C=1 met in Lucknow on Wednesday night•°bf last week for,their zone rally. Pictured , left to right, are LADIES AUXILIARY RALLY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Mrs.. Jim. Gardner; treasurer of the Lucknow. Auxiliary; Mrs. Clare Johnstone., president of•the Lucknow Auxiliary; Mrs. -Howard 'Carroll Goderich, Zone Commander; Mrs. Philip MacMillan, secretary of the• Lucknow Auxiliary,'; Mrs .4, Florence• Pegg of Toronto, president of the.• Ontario Provincial Command. pres.aidents, the .minutes' of the • 1968 zone rally'were read. by Mrs. Philip•MacMillan'of Lucknow.' . all. Rev., G.W..Kaiser gave the Reportswere given: from all ' invocation before a. wreath was auxiliaries present: M.usical.nurnb- placed by, Mrs ;Howard. Carroll of ers were given by Bob,Hall and ' • Goderich, zone 'commander of C-1 -Rick •Pritchard as well as .Mrs Shewas assisted byMrs.:Clare• • Jessie Ailin and Mrs': -Ken Mowbray Johnstone, president of the MYS'.' Annie Sa1lows of'Goderich Lucknow ,auxiliary, Two minutes.: •gave the zone sports officer's'report silence was observed in - memory of anTMrs. Howar Carroll gave the• fallen veterans and the last report -of the zone .commander,, post and reveille :was 'sounded- by Guest speaker for the evening Rick Pritchard was Mrs. Florence Pegg of Toronto The Lucknow school band' was foll• President of the Ontario Provincial owed by the colour parties of " Command :Mrs. Pegg is. 76;, years auxiliaries'. Mrs: William Sander-: of age and has: been active in son was sergeant at arms ,• with Mrs:. Legion' A uzihary work for about 45 Robert Lyons and Mrs,, Charles .years: Robinson: acting as colour bearers • The Zone G- ;rall Will be held for,Lucknow :':•Y in Goderich in 1970 with. the prov= Mrs. Clare Johnstone:, president .. racial convention slated for' Niag_ Of the :Lucknow Auxiliary, presided: .,ara. Falls..' for the o eding exercises and wel- . buring the ear the.zoneraised ised comed.those in attendance. -The $54,657 with$845 donated to 'a invocation Was, given by legion.' bursary fund' for veterans' families' padre Rev..G. W.:Xaiser: Reeve who are in need'of financial'assist Geor e W : Jo ' nt, of Lucknow exten- ce t • further<'t eir' 'education :$ y. an ou h .• ded. a civic welcome. Irvine Eed Y president. of the Lucknow„ Legion, - extended a welcome, from branch 309:• Chairlady for the evening was M:rs Ho -ward --Garro- ll -of Goder-fcl ,-Zo C-Lcommander . After the introduction of 'the .platform, guests, and the introduction of auxiliary y Allen and Mrs : Beryl Mobray by w y . Mrs. RonForster . . The closi."ng exercises were in . charge of Mrs.' Clare Johnstone. Piz re. drawwinn eisw a noun ere - n c ed 'at the meeting:,,Evelyn Ivliller, Fordwich, "lamp; • Mrs . Wm son, Lucknow, T..V. tables;• Hele Irwin, Lucknow ;cushion; Mrs Frank Olheiser•, W'ingham, door rite; rs elyn Burk elr, Luekrioww, Groceries;'h'eg Coombs, Seaforth , Tablecloth; Mrs. Ron ;.Forster, Lucknow, Place Mat. Set. Gifts were presented to Mrs. Pegg Carroll by Mrs: Ronald Forste4 Mrs . Clare. JOhnston- by Mrs. Jam - Sports Officer, by Mrs.: JaeS Mc'7* by Mrs: Clint Gunter; Mrs. Harold r-aduated_Friday OLIVET, NEWS ad Br wt Er., fit or 5 C2 CC wi to bl in �•ie e'$ b� nl n� "at fc if at • at it tc cl • 'sc I Ui Evelyn. White was among . the Nursing Assistants graduating on •Friday at the Wiftgham and. Dist- rict Hospital`. After a short, vacation,, Evelyn will return as a , member of•the, staff;: Congratulations are in order for Sharon Coiling whosuccessfully cemplet_ed her f' st year at,.Western University. Sharon has accepted a 'position at Grand Bend, for the summer. • Grand Bend. yisited .on Sunday 'with Mr.: and"Mts. Oscar White arid • CRAWFORD MOTORS CRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO aut- matic with ,radio 67 DODGE stationwagon, 8 automatic 65 CHRYSLER, 4 door haratop, power steering, hrakes and radio with radio 64 DODGE, 6 automatic 63 fogp, 4 door sedan, 6 automatic 62 PONTIAC,*6 automatic 62 FORD Galaxie, 4 door, matic wth radio 62 CHEVY II, 6. automatic • with radio • 65 zooridE dull* truck 64 DODGE MOO, cilassiti and cab