HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-28, Page 17WEDNESDAY, MAY 38th, 1969 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVENTEEN AShf1e1..Nat1Ve Died At Cooksvlle MRS, K.J. MacKENZIE. The death of Mrs. Margaret Mac.- Kenzie occurred in Cooksville Ontario, April 30, 1969. Sh&would have been 86., in June. Mrs . . 'MacKenzie was the -former Margaret (Maggie) Grant -and was born: on the 12th Concession of Ash- field . 'Her husband Kenneth Kenneth J . • MacKenzie also a native of,the 12th ,Concession of Ashfield ,,'pre deceased: his wife 42 years 'ago while they resided in Sarnia.. . She, is survived by a. daughterand son-in-law., Annie and .George Fish- er, .now of Cooksville , Ontario and one grandson Kenneth Fisher of Truro, Nova Scotia. Mrs, MacKenzie was also predeceased by one -brother , R. A., Grant of Ashfield and two sisters, Mrs. A11anivlacKenzie of Chicago and Mrs. D.A. (Salena).MacDon. ald. of Ashfield.; Services were .held from D.J. Ro, bb Funeral C1�}}ape1-, Sarnia , with interment in. La(kevie.w, Cemetery.. J‘ingihrickm, BY SIXER BERNIE VAN OSCH 37 cubs- attended the:meeting of the 1st Kingsbridge -Cub Troop held op' May 22. The Grand Howl• was: led by Tommy Barger . A kala pres- ented a badge to Shawn Dalton-; Louise Dalton. (Balou); a former. cub leader, waspresent at the. meeting. David Drennan went. to Scouts, The cougars. put ona skit.... and:. jokes.' The Tigers; are in char'' ge next week. Cubs practiced for field day and then played baseball,: Lloyd Tigert lel in the .Grand Howi'and then Akeia closed' with 0 Canada and Lord's Prrayer.. • Weekend. with mil Smiley I never want to wish !Ili:life bawled out ' the • d y before? away, but some weekends .1 Was it a .crank? Was ' it atax- could : do without • and be per- • payer driven: beyond • `the fectly happy . to have ,.my life ' . brink? ' Nobody knows,but it cut • short by three days.. will come out'some 'day. It started Friday. Somebody Well, nothing wrong. with. called -the ' .principal at : the that, you say,. Just a, little extra school at 8 a:m. and ;said there • excitement, and nc_harm done was a bomb planted in • the • . But I knew what was comm . g.g building. sensibl be kicke These things all run in. three's,. ; r3! y. a dal! as any old 'pilot will tell you. the: students out of -the `plant, Saturday; I ,played m ,first • and 'kept all the teachers in it y'y• of the' season. I• dis It was a, rather • brutal,. but: golf game : efficient, way of ::pointing out covered that either I'd.. gone, wito was dis erasablein the blind,' or Qld Nick was moving' P system: . 'the. ball just: as• I swung. Talk Hordes Ofr of and fire= about a lack' .of :communication; pollee F e I •was''right. Sunday morning, • men. added-, to the. e>Fcitement: The teachers. were ` twittering ' :it six sharp' I was • visited by like• swallows,: making bad : thelightning flu bug thathas jokes about ticking brief cases ' been decimating classes lately. the '=hil' _.! ar�aus=objectsr-.-_-� ;:barely -made. it _.tithe_ AS an old .fighter pilot, ho ''room, 'where.. everything came • ' had.' bombed, and had been • up, except the traditional kitch= bombed in more. ways than' en sink, and a . couple of times one, 1 thought: I • should 'set' - a • 1•'was' sure, the:sink. corn good; •. examp1e, • so settled my- mg - se in a corner of the staff ` It . goes without saying that. room, and read ;poetry Not a' that, was. my Sunday totake up soul was impressed,' which was I the' 'collection.. Shivering and rather depressing..;,. " sweating and tottering, I made • .' The kids had a ball. It''was it through the ,service. And if I: like being locked out of jail. don't get. to .._heaven, on. -that' The smokers gathered in' their performance alone, , somebody outside smoking: • bay. ' and is going to catch hell. • reefed away on the weed as Sunday, our *new kitten <' though it were : going out of who had been perfectly • trained style. A . number •' of young from the day we brought him ladies, locked out of the schoolhome, going• to' his litter -box as on a cold, windy day and light though he's been doing it for ly clad, climbed into carswith years, suddenly decided to .join their boy siends to pool -room Crowd the thing, teen-age found revolt, •a or corner, w arm." headed straight downtown, g ht_at aha badt_, of: one _ of the Eventually, the school was kitchen cupboards, where you,• cleared • and; We got a sort of couldn't quite reach him, half.holiday, whiyle the • police • Which: was more to - his liking. searched had the' bu ldi he break Sunday evening, after being - , e assured' by four 'different ex - in ,routine •except myself.. To perts that Pip; the kitten, was someone who ,is'..perfectly, or- a male, a lady .dropped in and ganized, such ' a disruption . is dropped -a -pall -by --announcing,---- very disrupting . ,' With proof, that he was a lady. It was a fairly hair-raising .A big, ugly, yellow tomcat loi day for the teachers in charge' tering ` in the vicinity when 1 of the school's' annual musical :, threw the little monster out - comedy, to be ,presented that side in the morning underlined • night. Would there ' be any the .point. . a Id ipnr ivit1411i lomat--is'l'e - -e= - ha 1 • :stationannouncing, nightWayed up talking that there mightba bomb in until 3a.m.. I arrived at •work the School? Monday 'morning physically Needless to say, there was and emotionally ravaged.. And no bomb, and there was a • huge . who was there? A •sweet •:youn'g audience, and the musical, for- woman, a • former student, tunately, was anything but a who's going to be ; teacher; bomb.Happy ending. and wanted to'"observe" me in Who made the phone call? •action.Some action.. uate Teti RICHARD BOAK Richard:'B.oak;.so`h of Mr. and • Mrs Aaron Boak, Dresden,. Ontar-, io. was one of the 1969 graduates from the Windsor Teacher's- College, eacher'sCollege; Dr . T.C. Whim, former director of the Windsor Board of ; Education and now. awards" officer at the. University of 'Windsor., • addressed thei'graduates at the banquet in :the Teutonia' Club'or Wednesday. evening, May 14th. . The first �graduation event was pad. Sunday , May llth, a non -denomin- ational service. in the college •aud itorium The highlight of: the week was the, graduation' ball 'held in the Ain bassador. Rooth 'Of Univers,ity`•of •Windsor"s Student :Centre . • Rick has .been hired.' by the Kent' County Board of Education 'and • willcornmence tea'ch'ing duties in. Wallaceburg in' September. He is.. a grandson of Mrs'. Clara Shaddick and Mrs. Tae Boak .of Lucknow•.. Mciy Tea Brownie Meeting ,2ND PACK BROWNIES BY SUSAN HALL. The Tuesday. Pack of Brownies, met on May 20th for our May Tea when: we .entertained our mothers. We had Fairy Ring; then our guests looked at our scrap books,'. knitting. and toys which .we have made„ for,.. with some little sisters .who had! . come to our Tea Refreshments and 'tea were. served .:by Mary Eadie: and Martha..., rrahani. • Susan Hall was presented with a'. gift from:the Pack at the -close -of the .meeting...'... Bruce1..1hooI1..:oOrdWi Budget FIs Reqqested By Waikerion CHESLEY—No action will; be, taken, by the Bruce board'; of education, • to review its. 1969 budget as. requested by Walker- ton council. . The motion which: was; endorsed .. by councils of Paisley. and Kincardine Town- ' ship asked' the board; to curtail expenses,' specifically by defer- ring 'erection;,at. pis time of a headquarters building. • "I, have no intention of asking the.. committee: to' review • the budget after, all. the work, 'they. have put. into it. It. was •indis- creek of council to make; these. comments without. having . the information," board, chairman . George 'Loucks said. "We have more responsibility than any .mun ipal council, or county ,council., Some, . of their comrnents have been insulting,"' the chairman' said.: ' Mr. Loucks singled 'out one sentence 'in the.: Walkerton' mo, tion which 'said the extreme de- lay in the''board's :budget cost the taxpayers many ' dollars. Municipalities themselves are to "'blame for this as Much. of. the. delay was due to slowness :in getting in'municipal audits the chairman said. ADDED COST ' • "If Walkerton wants to spend its -taxpayers' money' sending out ' additional tax • notices • .can,"' •Mr. Loucks said refer- ring to .;the Walkerton council statement that it will not bill •property owners .the full amount of :the school��levy at, this time: A ': statement by Walkerton ` Mayor Irwin. Lobsinger :that. • services at Walke*on p u b'1 i c ' school, were'' being'.cut next term was denied. • • Superintendent : Keith' 'Waldie said facilities at the Walkerton school • will be • urcre"aced rather than 'decreased. The school will hav-e-a-part, time 1 i_b-rte,-rLia-n Whichit ,.does not `: now have. Oral' French will.be' taught. for the first .time *ht. the .school, .he said. "Should .:we • ask ' Walkerton Council how we .can cut our • - budget? I don't suppose we should give suggestions to -Walk- erton council on how: to' run the affairs ' of Walkerton," Mr. Loucks Said. The. chairman said that the board' has little to do with; set a•1-seheol rmll-rat Finance • chairman A 11 a Whither of Wiarton said the • .1969 expenditure. increases. hage been kept within 15 per. cent_on a: • per . pupil' . basis:' with last: year's figures. He.' noted teacher salary in: creases of $400,000 for elemen- tary 'schools in Bruce and $470;-' 000 for vsecondary schools. Last year's .boards used..$540,000: in surpluses' to 'keep the 1968 ''ex- penditures down he said., `Tui- tion fees' rose from $50,000 to `$165,000 :and debenture pay- ments are increased. : "Many desirable items were, cut. from the year's program to keep ''costs: down," --he said;. Supervisory salaries which the province' previously paid; are now.paid by the county and for 'six 'months of this year' 29 transitional committees: •were. paid. �. Director'. of ' education> J.. L.. Bowers named, several areas in which services'to county pupils will be expanded. starting next. term. A. supervisor ,of oral' French has been, hired. The service will: start in' some° 'schools this 'fall and :will, be. available : to all Grade 7 and 8 pupils in two or three years. Four new :kinder- gartens will be opened at/Ripley,.' . Kincardine 'Tiverton, Lions Head and:'Tobermory- schools.. A' program • of industrial arts and home economics will be.ex-` tended to :public schools at .Teeswater and Ripley.. Oppor- tunity classes at "Chesley and Elderslie schools .will be extend ed to••full,day service:.A full- time librarian will be • engaged' for -Kincardine • public school and a part-time for Walkerton. • NEW 'COURSE • '- There will be remedial ,assist-. ance provided at' Paisley: and Elderslie . schools., A ' four-year • business and ' commerce : course wall bie• offered for the first tilne at Lions Head high school and five. nor rtable-classrooms and seven, additional; staff mein hers added 'at Walkerton • dis- trict secondary' school A,, new technical .' school .::at Hanover will not • be -Completed until the 1970`term and the .::Han over , pupils° will • attend classes at Walkerton:. -.Arbitration to • assess assets. and. ilabilities of the' f or .m a school` jurisdictions is b e i n. g, hampered by failure of the leg- islature :to : give third reading '1116-wlzich-sets=up=guide• lines : for arbitratOrs, the ,board was told. BY HELEN ALLEN Was :it a . kid who had been 1Xm.q',pyY.N-Yfl'Y!L'.s✓p°° ••, ••r Rfidi i .NY,.le4Mp'P'• Jefftey is eight month's old of. Czechoslovakian and ' needs to be adopted, "so he :will grow up.. as acme nber of a family. He is fine -boned but sturdy, With dark hazel eyes, fine brown hair and light olive skin' with rosy cheeks. Ile has no teeth 'yet, but that searching finger ", his mouth suggests they are .close. He is a happy,` active, good-natured little boy who loves to be with people, so It is �`ed�-he•yvwll�-be-�ade�%tl=irlt�=�-f�l�v-c�he=�irll�ha� � ' �"° brothers and sisters. Jeffrey is such an appealing, cuddley baby he is perhaps 'a little spoiled. There is .diabetes in his background, but he is in excellent: health. • He needs' warm, demonstrative parents . who will .not worry over his medical history. To inquire about adopting_leffreoplease write to.... Today's• ' Department. of Social and d.... Family Services,.: Child, : Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For general 'information about adoption ask your local Children's A'id"Society:'