HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-28, Page 3WEDNESDAY, MAY :24th, 190
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V-isitor-s=at. the-horne-of Mr=a-nd
Mrs. 'John Emerson last ;week. were
Ivir..and'Mri. Victor Whitley of
Hamilton., Mr.• and Mrs: 'Alex
McGregor. of Ed nonton and Mr: and
Mr -s --Pert Hodgins -of-- ,.
Kinlou h.'
y g �
Mrs, R D. ,MacDonald of London
. visited on the past. week .end: with
Mr , and Mrs: Roy Havens and :att'
ended the funeral.`of he.r.. cousin,'
Harry 'West in. Win ham. on
Harry g _... ..
Mr—and-lvlrs=-V-erno i Hunter`and
Greg of .Lucknow and. Mr . •and 'Mrs
'Murray' Hunter of Arthur visited On
Sunday, with Mr. and Mit: Forbes •'
. McLellan of Sarnia and attended •
the baptism of Sarah Jennifer Mc•
Lellan at 'St , Andrews Presbyterian
Church. Mrs. Campbell'Thdrnpson
accompanied" them arid Visited in
Petrolia with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Rarnage ,: .. •
Mrs -J -a -key• k7 -urn
Lucknow on Thursday; of last week
after four -Weeks at Belgrave where0
she :was canvalescingrat• the 'home'
of her daughter, Mrs% Mac Scott,
Previous -to -going to Belgrave, Mrs',
Hunter.had been hospitalized with -
a back ailment for five weeks in'
Wingham and District Hospital. '
Breaks Leg In
Soccer Game
ev. R T. F. Odendahl IfldUcted•:.As..:.
ector Of Five Area;AflgikaflChitrches
Ray' Guay,• ,young: son of Ivir. and:
ReVRobert Thomas Frederic,
Mrs . Claude • Guay of Lucknow •
suffered; a broken right leg just
Charlie,A-nderson of Lucknow. ism a-bOVe_the-ankle-w�hiilep1-a,Y g
- iii
patient in Victoria Hospital in Lon ` -
don having been taken there on
Thursday of la t.'week. �'
Mr . •andMrs .: 'William Vent of
Burlington visitedthe first. of this
w with ith Mr. . and Mrs. Allister
Hughes `of Kinloss and" called on
Other friends. Mit. Dent is the
former Ruth Parket, and resided
in Lucknow with her'parents.some'
years ago
during the' morning ' ecess•'last,
:Thursday. He; is a •gr-ade.one pupil :.
Ray was taken' to Wingham Hosp.-
ital where a cast 'was applied and
which reaches close to his•.hip. 'He•
will have towear the cast for eight.
weeks and will have to. get around
With crutches .as a walking cast Was
was not: possible ..
The youngster is hoping' to get;
home. by his .birthday on Wednesday
Odendahl was iriducted as rectorof
the. Anglican Parish of St. Peters,.,',
Lucknow; 'St:: Pauls Riple St..'
Pauls, . Dungannon, Christ. Church:,
Port. Albertand. the Church of the
Ascension., at Kinlouh at .an 'induct -
g ,
iion service in'.St, Peters'Church.,
Lucknow on Tuesday, May. 20th,`'
Rev. Odendahl' assur'ited, his 'work.
in 'this parish in mid May .,
lvlrs,'Jack McKim underwent
surgery on May 15th in St " Marys
Hdspital in Kitchener. -She was v.
discharged last week and spent a
few days at the home of her moth-
er in. Stratford before returning to'
herLucknow•horne on Sunday-acc
ompanied by her mother
Arthur Pink of St. Catharines was
a recent ,visitor in this community
-irrtws Th; g�nt': o
ice to say hello. Mr, :Pink has
been employed ly the St, Cathar
ines Standard for many years and
has presently been off work because
of -ll health: He was -a good friend
of the late Garnet Henderson and
Visited with hien on Ploy occasions
ofthis week When:'he would.be
:seven but he fitst. hasto master the
crutches. r .'
Leonard .MacDonald isa patient
in Victoria Hospital, London. He
was adrPitted on Friday of last
ses •at Kitchener - Waterloo•Audit-
ozim on -Sunday, M'ay 25th were
Mr. an ' Mrs. tuart o yer 1
Tim of Lucknow , Mr, and Mrs,
Ted Collyer of `St: Catharines, Mr
and Mrs:. Thorri.
Collyer of Orange-
ville , Mr , and Mrs,. W. E. Collyer
of R. R. 5 , Lucknow , t :Fond Mrs`,.
Neville Grayer and • l4rs,. Reid ,of
Long Branch •
Officiating ciatin at the induction was
:Bishop H. F. A,ppleyard'; with°Arch
deacon Ragg of Owen Sound•reading
the. Bishop's mandate: to the parish
The sermon was delivered by: Rev...
Ron Wenharn of Wiarton. Rev,
Peter Dymond, of Holy Trinity,
Church.in Brantford acted: as .'ev..
Odendahl's' official clerical-
escort: Other clergy officiating
at the ceremony were Rev.: .
C.F. Johnston of Wirigham, Rev.'
C.W•Rootof-Walkerton and Rev:
i enneth:-Rooney of Ripley, 'interim.
' moderator. •
Rae Haldenby.of the Kinlough
church read. the Bishop's
notification to the people inform-
ing them who as. to be their in
Port Albert; Walter•:Lock and Jack
Farrell, Ripley:.
Mr..:Odendahl'was born in
London=;__Enn-gland_, :and rereivedLiis''
early education in that city and at.
Copper cliff, Ontario: `.He is a ,
•graduate• of .Huron• College , and •
was ordered deacon and priest by
_Bishop Luxton beginning.in 1952:
'Following . ordination•Mr. Odendahl
servedas Incumbent of the Qneida,
and Chippewa .churches'on the'
MunceY reserve: and since 1954 he
has served as•Incumbent>of the
East Parish, and latterly of thea,
West Parish\on the. six Nations
Reserve., Brantford .'As a layman,;.
Mr •Odendahl• served as a church '
organist and choir -leader, arab as a
Lay Reader
• Mr: Odendahl is married to Edna
Mary ('Yandon) and' they have an
adult family of a son, Robert and'
two. daughters';,Rosemary and ,Dor-
othy.- They: have -seven- grandchild
ren . Prior to entering the' Mintst_
ry Mr Odendahl served in, business
as a Cost Accountant:: •
A social hour in the Parish Hall' °,
followed the induction. The 'ladies
he`Parish r-"fed4-p r
Rev..Odendahl•receved the key
of the churches from the wardens,
,Rae Haldenby and Gerald :Rhody, -
Kinlougr Don Ross 'and Leo Beau
c' amp',; uc.now; m ' ouxig :and
William Caesar, Dungannon: Har.
bourn Adarns and ,Ebner 'Graham•