HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-21, Page 13'.WEDNESDAY, MAY 21st, 1969
A roof over your head
doesn't cost an arm
and a leg any more.
.Carleton Trim, attractive a -bedroom bungalow. Well-designed
kitchen,'charming living room, family bathroom, built-in•closets in
each bedroom: 'a •
Sherbrooke''Pieasant, Well-designed 3 bedroom bungalow...Step:•
saver kitchen, brightdi.ning room and living room,'generous built i'n
:closets in each bedroom.
.•. �^„1w•��.•',s;•�•.;:•. �;:�'c#°;`RRA`^• ... ..
Bonaventure DistingUished 4 -bedroom bungalow' Living/dining
"L separate'efficiency,kitchen•,'2 full bathrooms;.spacious built-in
closets -,in all bedrooms••
Valleyfield Traditional-style.bungalow. 3.e•oz' bs.drooms, all .with
built=in closets: Chekitoheii,,charming living and dining room:•
What's under an Alcan universal` Home roof?. A full ing: Codes req�,uirernents,. Electricalc ;cuts �and•�pl:umbing`
h .. ,y•
- - _. re_th. a n
decorated a-nd�[tii. , ... home-read-q-for9yo�a='t�oFmove s-y�-terns-re-a�1-1zG.�.1�.=a�p.prove_d befo e�,nl t
right in. You. can'. even, choose a model with alt appliances • All our homes have CMHC approval,'and are eligible for
and furniture. NHA and VL:A: mortgages. •
Alcan' l iniversal •Homes aye manufactured in a ,plant .' ' Royal Bank NHA Pre -planned Mortgages are also avail-
.und r strictquality control, using only the best materials, able forthe•cgnvenientfinanCing of
suc as kilndried lumber. Alurninum stdi r soffits -,--fascia iY� srxbd-rvis-ia ' `''
and 'Many items, of trirrl'keep the Exteriorof your AlcanSo seethese Alcan Universal Hones today And get••a,' Universal Ho'mebeautifut' for years,; ,
There are exterior .designs and: floors plans to meet
every need and:taste. All are professionally decorated in a
variety; of-colour‘schemes.
Most models have :a built-in range., refrigerator, autd7.
matic wa'she'r and clothesrdryer: Some models even have a wit,
dishwasher. All have fully carpeted living rooms' and special
cushioned: Vinyl flooring in -the other rooms.:
Alcan Universal Homes have.a hot water heating sys=
tem, .acknow:ledged as the most efficient in the industry,
with baseboard type radiator.. These homes are: iinsulated.
to'.electrical" heating standards and exceed National Build
roof over your head that•doesn't cost youan arm and a leg,
'You can'have an'.Alcah Universal Home:put air
most anywhere you want,
• "On'your own.lot.
• On'a H.O.M E plan' lot.
• On' a'V,L.A. lot,
Hundreds: of homeowne's have chosen this way
of ownin.g;- their ,Alcan—Universal Home, And .the,
choice is. yours as weld,
The Olivet United Church Junior
Choir sang an Anthem on Christian
Family.- Sunday with Mary'Ann Coil-
ing and, Nancy McGuire singing a
Visitors on. Saturday with Mr.. and.
Mrs. Robert Osborne , andgirls for
the Annual Scott •reunion were: 'Mx.:.
'arid Mrs. 'WilmerScott of •
Kincatdine,, Miss Jo Ann
;Barber of Port Elgin, ',Rev.. and Mrs'.
J..R. Scott and"Datvid of Toronto:,; •.
Mr., and. Mrs. Ralph Scott, M. and
Mrs. -Allan Hartwick and family.
all` of, Kincardine Township Mr,
and Mrs. Douglas. Wrightson and.
family of'Tiverton,. Mr, and Mrs.
Martin Scott. of Streets.ville, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles. Hedley of Paisley,,
Mr. 'and Mrs .'Ralph Thacker.. of• .
Bramlea , Miss Margaret .Scott and
Dean Benventuro, Toronto..
• M,r�. and: Mrs. Harold'Bushell of
Gull Lake, `Saskatchewan: spent a
few days ,with., Mr' and Mrs; Melvin
Coiling' and; family..
Miss. Sharon Colling of -Western
University spent the weekend. at..
Sau'ble Beach. •
Mrs. ' Isobel Gardner of •Goder.ich •
visited` onSunday'with Mr...and ;Mrs
Ray Hamilton and family.
Mrs,' Melvin Coiling and 13i11
Bushell visited with their sister ,
Mrs... David King in Godericti Gen-`
eral. Hospital on Sunday."• :'
15V"7Tl"DY'` MORtA'N'
Paul' and Mi,chae'l ,Frank:en found
a house viroals nest in their shed
' A month. ago there we".r'e'six tiny
white eggs w ith.•brown spots.. Two•
weeks ago:,'the tiny birds hatched..
the boys' brought two little' brawn
wrens to' school . in a shoe box ..
Last year Gradesl, 2 and 3 went
on •a hike , : We went to a" bush, be-
hind the
e-hind,the graveyard',. Ai first we
went'ex lorin � '. Then we had.,
.p g
‘freshie:and tot, dogs.
GRADES 2 arid 3
A HIKE.. .
en - - a--hike-We-w-e it
by the woods We saw. a deer. He'
Was ,running very fast because ';a.
hunter w.as'.after him, We had "fun
When we got hone we went:'to"
Last year our classrooms went on. a
'hike. We went to:Martin's• Point.
.We went into the. bu hes and we saw'
a skeleton's head Edward `picked
it up:,We drank' chocolate milk
and we had -a hot dog,
Darlene and Debbie Austin's
mother is in the hospital, We hope
she will be better soon.
Willie Hendricks brought .sortie- -.-
baby ducks to school on.'Friday:
We're looking forward to having a
lot of people comae to see our • `
Spring Concert .. ,
RAH -a
Grades 4 and 5 have finished
their fun tournament, in softball
Eddie S. team 'won with Johanna
V, D.,, Terry A-, , Mary,, Leroy, •
Mary "v. D. 'riot, 0' K . , Strerla .S ,
Clarence R , Ann Marie'B + 10arY.
Ann hl , , Brenda, .M