The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-21, Page 9it I • WEDNESDAY, MA;Y 21st; 1969 4 .THE LIfCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' GODERICH PHONE 524-7811. AIRCONDITIONED- THURSDAY anal FRIDAY: May 22' and,123;: One, Showing Each Night • ...at 7,3O.:oAo+clock SEAN .OQNNERY" iALBoNb. $SATURDAY,May.24 MATINEE at 2, p.m.;` Martin and, Lewis as. "PARDNERS" HONOR BLACKMAN „Dr.No,r URSULA ANDRESS. -•--- BOTH IN COLOR •(Adult Entertainment) SAT., SUN., MON.,TUES.. • May 2.4-27 CLIfT EaSTWO 16,6 COOGanS. BW " IN COLOR . A,UNMRU*L.PR TUPIE • (Recommended as', Adult Entertainment) SHOWING SATURDAY 'NIGHT at 7:30 and .9:20 O'CLOCK ' SUNDAY, MONDAY' and TUESDAY' at '8;00; 'P.M. ONLY WED., THURS. FR1 =-..;:May: 28-29-30 'Sean .Connery • and Brigiffe "BO 010:: (Adult ,.Entertainment) TECHNICOLOR . . .' FRANSCOPE' ONE SHOWING 'WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY • at 8:00 P.M. TWO SHOWINGS •on FRIDAY at 7:30 and •9:20 .P P.M. LOCATED NE-XT•TO GOLFING, ROLLER SKATING, SWIMMI:NG,& CAMPING NIGHTb -, PHONE 396=2341. DAY, -'PHONE 396-2107 _SAT' , KEN :MacNAY 1S 'SPEAKER J4iSt.rCaISOcieiy Oppose Destruction The Bruce County Historical Soc- iety has oc-ietyhas passed a,motion.ce.nsuring, the federal government for destroying lighthouses in.the area "Other countries preserve these sites and we of Canada should•not destroy our history," the motion n. said. It was'sponsored by James Mot' Clure .of •Chesley arid seconded by Dr. E.J. Weiler of 'Mildmay. The lighthouse at Lion's Head' has.' already beentorn'down. A second, on. Chantry Island. near -Southamp- ton, outhampton,is: scheduled to be removed. • A sequel -to the history of Bruce.: County is :at the :publishers and will. be released' for sale in mid-July. The original history only,went up to 1906. The society's yearbook • will be ready 'in, June Dr 'Kenneth M lay. formerly of .Luc•know • and now practising in Wiarton , spoke, on 'the: Northwest. Territories: Dr. McNa.y' illustrated! his talk with colored, slides• tak. en• under the. midnight sun; ,More than 100 ,people: attended • the meeting at the Tara Presbyter ian: Church. OWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON' Box Office Opens at 8.00 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT .DUSK THURS.. and'. FR1 May 22 'and 23 •— DOUBLE FEATURE — WAY Showing at 8.45 —'Starring ELVIS .PRESLEY; wand NANCY SINATRA Musical Entertainment and • Auto Racing. , SI Biggr, undk Of Tbern nor Showing ,,at 10.30 - Starring .Robert •Wagner,'& Raquel 'Welch BOTH FEATURES IN COLOR °. Cartoon_ Wednesday, Thursday;: Friday,, Saturday, May 21,''22, 23, 24 Starring Gina Lollobrigida and Phil Silvers 4150 BRIBES! SAVAGES! HEWES! •• NIAIItAVwmv hwn' .I �AOAL( tALIIAU PIbpCigA4 h.- ROD.TAYLOR TRETE MILIEUX .JIM BROWN' 10101111111111311F THE sun • "KENNUH MlORE mantra 'aerostats • Sunday; 'Monday, Tuesday, May 25, '26, THE SECRET, UFE. OF AN AMERICAN WIFE ADPLT ENTERTAINMENT $ H aNTURwrox pres•MY WALTER MATTHAU 4 try. ow '°" town. pow^ to two.. lK °Dec nt ANNE JACKSON PATRICK O'NEAL The motion picture that le- DE DIN u .IA S JO, p MOORE- ROGER Ohl it 51011 FAOM IMAAEA AAOSrSiVEA AA1i May ,24=26-27; • DOUBLE FEATURE -' Showing at 8.45. Only' • (Adult .• Entertainment) This Film' Contains Scenes :NOV Before Shown. Including.• THE BIRTH OF A:BABY,. For The • First • Time . The Complete Intimate Story. Of A Young Girl.: • " Staring RUTH GASSMAN — Color "BLAST OFF" Sparring' BURL IVES, Troy Donahue and Daliah Lavi — In. Color SI -owing -at 10 30 Cartoon• . WED:, .THURS , „FRI. May 2829-30 DOUBLE FEATURE. ilff NIGHT THEY RAIDED MINSKYS". (Adult Entertainment) -• Starring-JAEON;-ROBAR-TS,.•BRIT-Tv - . EKLAND and 'BERT LAHR Showing at 8.50` Only —And 'Salt• and Pepper er' • Showing• at 10.30 Only Samie Davis Jr: & Pater LaWfai Both Features In Color Cartoon 14, asissowswime PAGE i NINE 111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111.1111111 R1. SAT:,, SUN:_ -MAY 23;24=25- -4 • Box Office Open, at '7.30, p.rn. -z First $h9 at Dusk WATCH, THE LEAD...WHEN THERE IS NQ SPLIT .01 ' THE BREAD! MGMApresents ASPECTRUM PRODUCTION, starring . . . , • JIM BROWN' DIAHANN CARROLL, JULIEHARRIS �Ut Cu liar i,n1; . GENE HACKMAN: JACK KLUGMAN WARREN OATES JAMES WHITMORE .;ERNEST BORGNINE':-• PLUS 2nd 1310 HIT! THEY FOUGHT • WITH EVERY DIRTY TRICK pi THE BOOK...': TONYFRANIIOSA 4 EITE,: ER "IN 1f' COUNTRY" ;,.,. , H BTOCMNELL PAIL HUBSCHMU"TOM BELL SONSET GODERICH CARLOW'11 , SUNSETter' RIVE•11. ONOLES DRIVE-IN THEATRE TA,EwTRE'' CLINTON 41111 HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 ' PHONE 524-9981 "MUSTANG" THEATRE. •M'ONDAY, MAY .1g. The, .pupils• from rooms one,,a.nd` thre e'. watched the- television' 1$rog-,' tamnie "No Children Are Alike".. The • children froth rooms two..and ,three saw the film "The Chair maker and The Boys". ' ' In science: glasses to -day, room two studied;'•abQui, the lady's Slipp- er. Room: five made more obsery-- ations,on the tadpoles'that have - been in .their classroom while the • pupiis',in room 'seven •finished .their experiments on, bean.'arid corn seed'. The pupils in:Grades seven .and eight di'vide'd into group of- two or three:. 't` - y. xe=no • ,teach a science'. lesson to,the remainder of their class. TUESDAY , MAY .13 The=bo}+s-and girls in -loo Ono made four. ldave;s of bread in school to=day. Later they' made a bread. dictionary of new :terms they 'had learned.and heard the, record 'Of the story "Little. Red -;Hen!'Who" also'made bread,. •Thepupils in, room 'three started making a mural - on Indians . Sorne of the Grade' eight students were putting up bull :etin boards on ConfederationG. the' topic the): are studying.in history: Several new articles' were. added -. to the science collections in, the various classrooms•, to-may=. Jack-in-the-pulpits,' tulips, a • dragon fly nymph; a niay fly,'.a dobson fly , 'several .igneous rocks. ,and a giant waterbug;: trees looked'quite-attractive their:spring attire: • ' FRIDAY;., •'MAY 1C�'' Visitors were Welcomed in Room one `to -day ,.as the 1969-76,grade,' one,: pupils were registered Room 5. was busy to -day, preparing: f©r_ their. assernbly 'which is to be • 'presented` on IN`/,lay. 2p.. 'Susan Thornpson, Sandra Maize and itidy McGuire of,r'ootri eleven ' _... were chosen- to. purchase a birthday present for Victoria,•our adopted such. went' on a field trip to: -day They yisited1the bird and animal . sanct- uary at Holn'iesville and saw, a .mother duck and her ducklings, • ,somecolourful: peacocks; and"`ba-by •,; Iambi: • Later. they visited. Bartliff's Bakery. i,n Clinton. and 1. .` 'saw ' how bread is made in a la rge bakery • Then they were treated to :.• do -nuts. The tooth -two pupils were talking about fishing and how 'people make, ;their' :living •by.lishing:''Looking at the map; they saw the areas.:where; :people 'would' fish: .. Mrs, Ritchie ;is.teaching in rooin 1 - .. O C In'art class in'roorrinine,: the 'boys•and .girls were ; working •with. ' .. • popcorn.' They made trees .and the .popcorn: represented blossoms, The. as.. child, Her -birthday is on Septem- ber. 20: • WEDNESDAY, MAY 14 . The pupils in room one sail -Tied' the bread they had made yesterday and•everybne agreed it was• very pp g p delicious. ' 'Thee pupils of room' ei ht adopted a .baJy racoon to=da-y�,...Jt. Y1as _. brought to the 'school by Mr, Drenn- an•, They named the racoon "Chatter" because of its ability•to make so much noise, °...'_y...:; ,TNU17Sl�AY ; .4. 1AY 15•, -- The boys. and: _girls of room one, 'Roots 6' had a very interesting day to -day. °"Meri are better cooks' than Women". This;statement was p. made by, Ralph Morrison wher.he ave his oral compoit%on ericxled "My Baking Spree,'' . Patsy be Graaf immediatly challenged the boys to a debate. Supporting Ralpl on the affirmative side were Philip Chandler and Edwin Noble,. .'N , fit :aiM,M.e.Awrav Alton and .Joan Hackett on the negative side, Each side produced' a sample of their*baking The .won the debate but the official sa t lers-deelared-both :prod ts✓ •" equally delicious, -r i •