HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-21, Page 6• PAGE 'SIX• • THE .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW:. ONTARIO 4'4 t". EQU1P.MENT • ,M11:1aNd PARLOURS • STANCHION PIPELINES BUCKET MILKERS - if • , VACUUM PUMPS • STEP SAVERS BULK' TANKS •, WATER CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT ' * *** * * •* adger Sio Unkiaders. Silage COnireyersi.• •• Bunker Feeders * KEN MARTIN 396.2408 KINCARDINE' . . Weekend visitors with Mr. and .1. Mrs. George Fisher and family were Mr. and'Mrt, Gordon Fisher and family of Guelph and Eldon Lowry and Corinne of Lurgan. Mrs. Lowry was releaSed recently frorri•VidtOrie Hospital. and on Monday of last week was. ad,initted to Wingharn •Hospital with Pneuinonia,. She is wished a speedy recovery by her many. friends..,.... Miss Anne Walker of Toronto was1 a holiday, visitor ,with Mr. and .Mts..' Ronald JarnieSon' and fanlily, Mr. and • Mrs.„ Irvine Storey and' Heather.of Wingharn.spent the .week -end with her. parents, Mr. :and, Mrs ; Bob 'Soloman. fTECHtii Rc117.-, Mr. and Mrs Raymond Adams and. fariiily.of Kitchener Were week 'end visitors With Mr.. and Mrs..: .. Clarence Adams and family and 4 A BbAdam IsAr. and Mis...RuSsel Ross and • Doris.. on Saturday attended the. • wedditig:of foluf0sWald and Shirley Milien at•Teeswater: They Alio attended a reception in the Community Hall, Formosa that . Mr.. and Mrs: Jim Ross of,Kitch- ener •Were Sunday visitors with Mt.:, And Mrs: 'Russel Ross and Doris.; • , Weekend visitors with Mr. and Week -end visitors with Mr. ,and Mrs. Russel Chapman were.Gary Chapman' and Mss Dilys Irving of • . riff FOR SALE •rs. 1 ntou -were onn-a •Rinioul of 'Kitchener, ,:•Sharon •••• ' Rintoul'of London and Mrs.. Davei'''.1. • Olierholtzer of Barrie andMr. and i • Mrs. ohn.RintOul Of'Don Nails whOl. also;VisitedWith'other Rintoul • relatives'.; • Woods and son • Danny.of, Toronto. Spent :the 'holi- day: weekend with and Mrs. Russel. McGuire, and on Sunday -':visited with Mr ;:arid..Mrs.: Ivan•, Brainhill and Mr. and Mrs. 13rambill',.Daid,nd :Diane of :• • Palmerston.. • . , • ...Mr. and Mrs Jim Johnston • and Ealnilv-of-ListOWel and Mr.— :, and Nirs..".Gershdrn Johnston -Of Wirictanl. spent from Friday to .61.11tdq..4t La-ke. • • Visitors duritv the. week -end • • vitt-11\11s. Ezra Scholtz were Nit. •:and Mrs. Clayton,Scholtz and. family -of Goderich, Mr. and Nirs. Carrieron.Sirnrrions of London. • .. • . • . 10 ACRE PARCEL; 1 mile from Douglas Point Nuclear Station. $5,500 with. $2500 down. VARIETY STORE • business, thriving Bruce County town. New counters and show 'cases, 2 gas ceiling furnaces, Sted- maWs franchise. If you wish to operate your own business,"this could well be the opportunity you have been looking for. BEAtitIPt.IL-LKINLOSS-- - TOWNSHIP SCENIC PARCELS 25. ACRES, rolling land, 2 creeks 15 acres mixed bush, ex- cellent trout fishing. Full .price $4;466. • • AGNEVIISI . . . • ESTABLISHED — '1909 HDWARD, AGNEW .MARG -AGNEW • AUTOMOBILE — FIRE . LIABILITY: • .1NVESTMtNTS.: GUARANTIED TRUST . CERTIFICATES, ' COURT CLEM( : ELEVENTH DIVISION 'cotarr • f COUNTY OF BRUCE .• . • , Lucknow,. Ontario • • HAVELOCK STREET OFFICE..- PHONE '584942 • WEDNESDAY. MAY 410, 1909. •• GEM1. RGANIZATItal OPEN INFORMATION MEETING DUNGANNON AGRICULTURAL HALL • THURSDAY, MAY 22nd • AT 8:30PM. • • • GUEST SPEAKER Tony Strybosch of .Kerwood, Ont. -*** SPECIAL INVITATION TO THE LADIES 11' WHITECHURCH Miss Donna Caslick of Cul ss was a Sunday visitor with her grand- • parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cas- Mr .' and Mrs.Beverley Walker and friends. of P.arkhilIWere Sun- • day Visitors with Mrs: Mary chap • Mr. and, 'Ars. Jim Rossot 'Kitchener. ,and Mr. and ivirS. Russel • Boss and Doris were Sunday visitors with Mr: and Mis:'Wallate Conn, and • • NIL. and Mrs. Oliver Glen and Janine' of Lucknow were Sunday visitors with Mrs. CeCil Falconer. . • . ,The title "Postmaster General" • . over 300 years old in Britain , is; '• slated to disappear in 1969 wheti the British Postal'oeration, becomes a public, corporation. 5 ACRES. 9 Mile, River. Four bedroom fraine and aluminum sided:, home, modern conven- iences. Excellent, garden soil. Lovely . evergreens and shade trees. Small barn, paved road, 1 mile from town, Full *price , • , • , • . • . • • . • .1, " • . 63 ACRES, rolling land, .tile drained, 30 , acres wooded, Full price $5,500,1ust $500 down. :t HURON TOWNSHIP, located on No.86, Highway, charming cen- tury /old stone house. ,Six bed- rooms livin room with ba windows,' .3 pc. bath, oil- fur- nace, kitchen, dining room, laundry. This is an eye catchin:i property just 10 miles from Lake Huron. Additional land is available. Full price $26,250. ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP. acres, never failing' stream. Beautifnl.cedar, hardwood, and maple forest. Ideal buildingsite oh' paved road. Full price $5,400. Joan Laidlaw recently received • word that her application.,fOr • nurSe.'s training had been accepted' at Victoria ,l-lospital, London:, ' On Tuesday last a large house trarle-Em-a-s--de a' • •• •!" • Dasdri Craig where it is being set up .atn s a peranent horile,„ arid Mrs. Jim Henderion-, Mr.. • and Mrs. rim Pattire all of Brant- • ford , and his -mother, N'Irs, Gilbert . • Pattire of Prince Edward Island were week -end visitors with,N1r,; ' Arid Mr's. V,Vetley Tiffin. ..• •. • • For These Properties Please Contact • A long and hot sumner This" itgoing 'tti' be a long, hot- suninier, .And not only for.' those U.S.' cities with their ker- osene-tOaked. hlablc 'ghettoes just- waiting for a match to:be ' : 'going' .to be; A 1011g,. h0t summer. for . a lot: of Canadians; '• ....High among their ranks will be • parents ; policemen and/ resort • operators. ••• • •••, • Why? Becalise the '.supply of • jumpier jobs for stUdents lis •: far, far:below' the, demand, and there' are going:to:be 'thou-• .• sands of restless, bored young • . people tooking fOr excitement: • It's a natural for an eruptiofl• .. of rumbles, hasslesand vandal- ism could make 'the sum - Mer a nightmare for the ill- ' ready -harried • victims • listed - • Well; add to . this' parasitic 1 Swann' all' the kids who want ed, and needed, jobs this sum- mer, angry, frustrated, and you can see what's coming. I hope • I'm wrong, but .two .•.and -two still make four. • '•• , rmissive arents,/an infla- • tionary -society in which even • young People' need money; give' • . masses of them nothing, to do, • but look for kicks all summer, and the . old • crystal ball' looks pretty muddy. • When wag a teenager (said the boring middle-aged summer jobs :were,: even scar- cer.' He who. nabbed One was deeply envied. My. first job, at: 17. was. working On , a Great • For the. lastdeeide,. there has been a steadily-groWing pOptilatiOn, of. Young: bums of .• • ••• both sexek... • Siiminentiine; • ' warm Weather . • These are the kids -who don't really want j. .job; They live • from hand to Mouth, 'sleeping • on•the beaches; or in the old. cars that • are part .• of their scene, They are not necessarily'. , • evil or vicious In fact, •most. of '..•, them aren't. • • But they're airnlesS•and irre- sponsible arid rude and "selfish , , and . dirty, andlazy. as eats. . Cats that aren't .house-broken. „TheY're bored, and they're ' •••• _ -boring. 'They.. -talk' in endless :circles about.' nothing,:„ They: I 'even bare each ;other, •Biit • they re --united in one thing contempt for the adult .1 world: •, High on their list of 'inter; eSti, which are extremely. • ited, • are sex And drugs. On . weekends. they are infiltrated by the "pushers", • many, of • • them- • "amateurs, who arrive 1 from thecitis with their little ;1 :packages of .pect and speed 'and " 1 LSD. • ' . 4, • Lurking on the fringe ofed r• o bundle of hums -is another --- the_ teenleA30 e eits-.— ese are not •Ids -2, they:ar0 children, who. Ale' just ginnirig to Make- the scene, - whofind its fastinating, and who waftt, to try anything thyoing, , • ROSALI HODGINS, R.R. 2 Holyrood P,hcine, 395-2337 Ripley' NOW FEATURING NEW PHOTO -I -LISTING SERVICE, WALKERTON• Member of the Grey and Bruce Multiple Listihgs• Service List — Over 60 Salesmen Working For You Lakes, steamer, 12 hours- a• . day,- seven days a week, $t A • day. :An- -every o er r • -town' thought I'd hit a bOnania.:. Boys who couldn't find a :job •'played baseball. and, swam about eight. „hours a day: Girls : ,•4 • did whatever girli d� ,• giggled. :probably,/and swam and pieked. berries : • f, ••• teday'S*16bleis youth barely , muster enough energy to have *,‘ a swim In theday time, that is At night, they flower' into some" sort of life and go to bed • • at dawn And wake up. flored. There are.'a couple of viilains , in the piece, of course One is• •• industry;. the.. other go • menta Industry . could absorb •••' twice • as. many students , as..it. , •. • does, .- at comparatively little • • cost. Industry is 'the first- :to ..whine about .the ,`prodnetis" it . gets; • but. does little to , 1)IP ! . produce. a • firstelass tprOduet. One or twofuture employees . of high..calibre from 'a .sumrner grotip. Would' easily -repay' the -• relations on which in- chistry spends:: thousands, most ' ijr .whiskey. - . • • Governments. • • could, and • . should, plan . work projects to abseil) most of the -Surplus stn. . • dents:. "-they'd get it all back in. •taxes shortly. But lc they sit• their behinds. and* allow 'a ge• ' aeration Of 'bitter, lazy, ,alienat- ',•ed bums to sprout, it will cOst I• • them • plenty in- the end. ` • . (That's ' quite a Sentence, but: •, intended:- BehindS, •bums; and endindeed.) , ind. ••• •. • . • • Hope your kid Ias a summer..-. job. Better'. still, hope you nota• parent or a ,policernan: M Li ec • is "C hi In, h.e Cities, same thing, ex•., tort 'that it's shopping Plazas , afid public' parks and' thc, stiteets, in.4tead 'of the bArkel. •0N, edit:44 . . • •• Depend on us for beautifully -printed • wedding invitations and .annOuncernents, correct in every detail:, Reasonable rates, • prompt servire. Free estimatei. • / For All Printing Needs 1 • Phone .528,4i34 1 • 1 1 MT -!......".11.4...1,•......."'"'`''''f'...,1.44?...ff.":."' '' '''' '' '' " ....,tyittraforriktiiiiKii..Lriarkifirterot — lookrri.i.initiOrtli46,004.04riotretiodark.401triittohirp.4440,..t..,r,,,,,-..4., ro...4;"?1,4tiOd.54•10....iitr!,4•40040tiiirkAleifttiork*Wrori.4,014.1.44,r4.0. 1,,,,, _ ..,... .#0—'tkirr.***i4..t..L.... --- . ,,. . . , ,, ' . ' . • . , , .., „ . _ ... , . , . . . , • • . . pa yaw.... *Was= • -,---.....tkee..,_‘00004.040 •