The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-21, Page 3WEDNESDAY, MAY t, 1969 Ilrfe THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL; ;LUCKNOW, NTARIO PAGE THREE ALUEC�I:CKD Small Zink &.Country Style. SCHNEIDERS LUNC MEAT 8, CJIUCKEN - BOLOGNA, PICKLE PIMENTO HEADCHEESE PORK - DRESSING - DUTCH, LOAF, MAC. & CHEESE - LUNCH'N MEAT e: meal' beet &OZ. YAP :.P.A, CH. BEST BUY! — Save 24e! 19 -Oz.. Tins • With Poor /n Tomato Sauce :SAVE 11c!_GOLD SEAL " REGJ. $1.39 VALUE!• - 14c OFF PACK -: NECSAFE BEST BUY!.— Save 8c! • • 24-Oz..'Jar (with pectin) Ayhnet Strawberry. or Raspberry BEST BUY! - Sove'5c! ='SALAD; DRESSING • ,16 -OB. Jor: i PRE -PRICED .63c! SUNLIGHT' LIQUID ,' iant` Size BEST BOW SAVE Ma 1 FRUIT DRINK POWDERS REG: $2MI.' w VAPONA Non -Pest STRIP S $2.49 BONUS'. VALUE ! • GIANT ..122 GALLON SIZE ARBAGE CAN WITH METAL LOCKING HANDLES •` Purchase. With $5.00 ONLY ******4c*********************'****************************** REE DELIVERY Phone 528.3001 I'' •at some timen•the future if they, Day want to do so' •However,,. Demonst . , . By Mr A geopgraphy match was cond•uc't=, Powers gave complete endorsation /� (� Giels• ed''by'Mrs •Russel;.McGuire:with•'. to Ontario Milk•Marketing ' 'T 1 E. CIVb Miss Linda Schultz'the winner•and; Board statement, of:which:he is a receiv ng a prize 'for her efforts: wHITECHURCH NEW3 member:'•• Current.'events were given by Mrs At the moment, Marketing. Whitechurch' Women's •Institute • , Dave Gibb The roll call was ' 'Boards under, the'Ontario Farm held the May meeting ori 4others • • .answ'ered. with.'a poem on'Mother. t .17,4Y46, -n -in $z3.0aonaMa' Pt sd tssI�iaTkerm Act-lrav, _thy �a} ira�th ... , Y ... the-Qttee-tt�nd C�-a•ce w;as�s.ua.. . .; '. ,• ... •g. ' w.. •'13.• The resident; Mrs. •Victor ,:: The hostesses Mrs,,:Dan.:•Tiffin:and':'' power to integrate 'and cotnbme P With one another if'tl e' 'embers: Emersoivopened,.the meeting with • ,Mrs, Cecil Falconer servedlunch.. h m on the board so desire . This the.'singing of the Institute Ode and > • ,. r the Creed repeated in.unison,- . , accordin- to A, icultural Minister, • he Secretary .William .Stewart.., would: not y,, Mrs. Russel .Ivlc= e' - e and Corr s c a e rider the• bill: Guise read the mnut s p OSSiCORNERS change . . The Ontario Governmenti's cont.- :ondente. 'thanks from Cancer Soc iet for donation", thank, .you from Donna Trizisky o.r Detroit spent emplating legislation to regulate y Y the weeken with Mr.':' and Mrs:.. . Annie Kenned ,. invitation to d • •the use of firearms by police � • Miss•,y, � • denb and irisiii.-.: t'.,,' Hojelis -w4-.:-...7ma:y 14 ,' • . , • .-, IIM-171:alden.1?!.;a491H giiia,..... Sr. Helens Vd.I- Ma 14 ' J r�rl Hal, - :y._.......g... , ; ' •officers:, Attorney General Arthur ' Y •for District, Annual. Sunda.'visitors�.with •Mr. ••and• Mrs::; Wishart told the:legislature this program , : , � y It was,.deticided to: donate $3.50 • Tom' Stewart were Mr. 'and Mrs:.. week. rhe moment,regulations on for; a BeautySalon for Gate Way::. • ., Gerald Stewart and Susan GoesselI the use of firearms are up to, each Haven at,Wiarton: Mrs. Evans, Mrsiof: Kincardine:. P Mrs. 'h 'Meal board of Police commission;- • Wallace Conn and.'Mrs. Ed Walker ' t'' ' MacKenzie, Kathy:; 'tars_ •.Ther_eis,.:no.ia of statute,, are � niniittee to make arrange,and Heather of Windsor and. Sean of • the co One'of•the.•approaches.bein g consi- merits for the wedding on August oronto.s crit rhes we-ekend'with r'lr.. the .. 16.: Tc$ look after the.lunch in the. , T p dered is: amendments to the; Police ,.and Mfrs Jirn Haldenby and girls. :..i,A,ct .• • • . • evening, 'Mrs .. _T . Magoffin , Mrs . , .• Ontario;'s°munici al leaders have T atnieson Mrs., F. Tiffin, Mrs Mr. 'a�` ink Ivirs y liner Benedict an_•. asked, the Government for power `to• ••• R. Ross: The material' for.collect- Virginia visited ,on Sunday with 1\ir: control and •iimit•all spendi�ng by in_g for the Salvation .A•trny :was. ` ;and MrsDel Norseworth of .Clark7. boards of education. passed out:. Co:mnunity singing .was esburg: education Minister,, William enjoyed with. Mrs,. Evans and Mrs Martin Benedict visited duringthe • Davis, indicated that a partial 'Sol.- SCholt•z''leaders:• weekend with his parents,,Mr•, and- school between. An nterestin '. re` or`t of the 'Mrs Elsner Benedict . tsconto-the s•an coup g p .. school boards and municipal'Conference at Guelph, held April J, Weekend' visitors with X' If a'nd'• oils over education,•btid ets might g 30 and May ist for. Presidents, Sec- Mrs': N; E. Naldenb were 1`]r and be to have the school' boards levy setas 'Treasurers, P R. O'. and y and collect their own taxes,. y ; Mrs D"on Haldenby,. Sally''Ann'and members at large', was•given by ' 'Lisa of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Fred 1.'I asked the Attorney General if Mrs, Johnston'.Gonri who •attended'' • • Fri'endorf of Kitchener, and•Barty nt r1. . , 1 • : o eos--to'have t i Haldenby of London, • ? :Hal Batiks returned to thisicountry The .4-'H Club • i'rls and their lead. g Sunday visitors' with Mr.' and•Mrs. to face perjury charges in view of ers Mrs Walter Elliott and Mrs. N. ; e, 'ere.t\ r .andMrs. the changed attitude of the U.S, in N,.. Held nby w 1. regard to the matte•r.e mdicated� g were in attend-"r`Ross Irwin and family of Lucknow i htholm g ance. Thelma Purdon .ave the Elmer Sle riiar;o wa, anxious,�t_t ..:pt 5.. g lift. and tv1r5:; Rae Haldenby of ]tonne ntary and oyce Trffin dem. ,ees'w'a 'e't, i r. and 1Strs, oug = charges. but the Federal Govern- • onstrated the makingof a Tossed ' !Haldenb ands famiay of Lucknow ment .would now have to approach Salad for a Buffet supsp' e� . which the y Washin 'ton to'see if, Mr. Banks . le% g iris had Oven at Ac V0110 t .and fa niil n of rtnlou Delbert Hed ' could be eittrad ted., : , g g. ' g John Purdon of Lucknow ;returned. to his' horne last week after seven, • weeks in Win ham and London g• Hospitals Mrs .Gord'on .Ritchie: returned home to ,Lucknow last week, after: ten•days in St. Mary's: Hospital Kitchener where: she underwent ` '• surgery,.: Mrs.'Ed,Thom, Mrs _Cam• ThomP t , r son -and' Mrs. S ua t Coll er. . •Y visited, last 'week in Norwo d with Mr: and Mrs:.Ron' Rothwell and Rosee._.mary,• R • Kathleen Led'dy o f Scarborough visited last week in Lucknow, with her parents, Mr.,and_Mrs,• Raymond Ledd y Mr, and Mrs,. Gordon Neabel and'. family of Caledon,, 'Mr° and Mrs, Bob Nicko'i and•Garry,,Mr, and " Mrs-. lulus Fiches,, Listowel; Mrs and Mrs: Murray Neabel and boys of ,Lambeth; Mrl and Mrs Howard Neabel and Howard Jr'.• of R.R. 2, Kincardine spent the holiday with their parents, Mr, and Mrs Wm: wNeabet' -4. Cliff and.Narve Hoff. f ' Lucknow called on Mr'.. and hiss •Wiri, Neabel on Sunday- Mrs. Cott 1`Tggan--of AshfeLl.&And.. Mrs. Wm, Hogan of'Lucknow attended the funeral of Mrs, Won. Hogan's brother , Joseph kelly of Lucan on Saturday:: Rev.. John .Roberts :'Who i' the `. •s.• Anniversary Preacher at Zion next Sunday :'came from. Wales to—'• " gained rave. and has gained for him- el -f in -tit s—a-r-ea--the--f+n that. seems typical of Welsh preach ers • Miss Dean MacLeod f Luck - 0 now is .a patien in; Winghai'n Hospital for the 'second time;' in a few weeks. • •Miss: MacLeod was taken to hospital last Week. PORT•FROM UEEN'S PARK' B'( MURRAY GAUNT "M.P.I'.• HURON -BRUCE'. Ontario's General Farm Organiza- tion tion Act was 'approved: this week' . .b' y t he Agricultural Cominittee of the ° Legislature_,_ •• , There were approximately 500 gathered to hear the discussion of the bill, clause by clause Briefs were resented. by the'Ont- ano armeers , '.gyUnio n and submissions F made,--by other gxaupc includingt e • 414 Ontario Milk Marketing Board which 'led•S ed its support and co- operation in making: the G. F0. a. reality. .// Ellard Powers of tieachbirr, f. the Ontario Farmers Union Vice -Presi- dent, said the O'. F.1; wants the right to.have marketing boards inte grate, with :the•general organization .,v..-.,..,...............�._..,n5:..,v.rA.ru;wwwK.uunsm..+»u,..ras.:.:;.._.w.�nmw�.,wak.«.,+.�w.uv..ww>.ae-.�,:v.....,wm.. ,s -v :.,:r. zxrysNaaaw.Xhcsemu�u+. '•mr..:eay w,ae:,dw — ^YFtirM�f a,�