HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-07, Page 47WEDNESDAY, .MAY `14th,; 1969
Huron ,Coude; To Observe 5Ot .Wec� l' ng Anniversary
• A Huron.Township couple will • They have spent•all their married .(Margaret) Ferguson of Arribeile
life on the 6th.' .. • °:Mrs. Cecil (Norma) Humphrey of
. • John alwaystook an active part the second concession - of Huron and'
in'Comrnunity work, being;Trustee 'Mrs, Leiter'(Audrey)' Fer
this week observe their 50th Wedd
:ing ..Anniversary ,
• J.ohn, .MacMurchy•and his'wife
Helen were both born:`in Huron.
11':40dmilnghanillectedmPresdent�_ -�.-
Of LvCktio*an d Qistrict Credit Union,'
;:To Pap 4%Dividend On ShareBal1*
,The sedond:Annual Meeting of
the Lucknow and District Credit
Union Limited was held in the
Lucknow United Church Meeting,
.Rooms_ on Wednesday, May 7.
Guests were, welcomed and regis-
tered -by Aliss.Ivlary,Pannabecker :of
St Helens, the ,Credit, Union.
,Stuart Jamieson proposed the
toast ,to the Queen. Mrs,: Laird
Stirling led in the blessing, "before
an:, excellent supper.,, prepared and'
• served. by the ladies of the Luck-
now' V. C. W Alvin Altonmoved
a, vote of thanks to the,La.dies..; Mrs
• Orland, Richards replied:
Jack Hackett acted as Chairman
for the evening:and introduced the-.
Ileal Table Steve Helesic, Mr,
and: Mrs. Barry Hackett ; ;Mr : and
Mrs. Jack Hackett, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin'Alton, bliss Mary..Pannabeck-,
er and Tom Nicholson.. Also., .''.'
introduced were Mt.: and: Mrs Reg One. member was required for the,;,
Jones; Dirk •Bur ess, Agent for• Cuna
• g :: Credit; ;Committee' and.Mrs Glen ..
Mutual Insurance•Society and re-elected for a 3
. Atkinson was
Walter Tichborne', director' from •
.year term';
Goderich• Credit Union. ,Members guson o,f • Jac-kHackett moved the adjourn-
dozen red carnations .and pieces of
Canadian pottery, for her, many. .
s.,.ri�ices. in the past years. I •
A draw was held for $5.00
donated .by Clinton Credit':Union,
which was; won by Mrs. A lvir
A draw was held. for two. silver, „
dollars, donated 'by Goderich Credit
Union and: was' w•on. by Pharis
s'lathers .
Walter Tichborne presided for the
election of officers. ;
Board of Directors elected , !Mrs..
Ford. Cunningham for a 3 year
term;- Jackiiackett•. fora 2 year •
term Torn Pritchard for a.1 year
term Ms. Alvin ;Alton for.a 1 -year
term; Barry Hackett has2years
remaining in his term.
One:.member .was required for the
Supetvisory Committee and Alvin.
Alton was re-elected• for a 3 year.
o.f the
Su ry sor C ed t ci
o'r Secr r fore . r .r i So al .
eta 23' . ears 'of 'the , ..• •'the sixth con ession f P
Yy ,c o Huron... Y . Ment of the meetin,
g , ' ..
Township. Helen is the daughter
aughter of N 5, Huron School;' ;They -have fourteen grandchildren. E...dtic
ation Committees were ere
Ata Board of Director's
e ct r's
g •
aret Graham of concession 10, culturein the township,Presdent the late Samuel Farre11 and Marg- President of the, Federation of Agri- also introduced The meeting was
urned over. to tha Pres'dent• BarrYhelhd.that.even1ing,dvPrs.Fdora Cf
Friends .and relatives are
welcome to. come and enjoY,a:
social 'get =together, at Cecil Hurn
prey's home •from two until. four=
thirt �'im the; afternoon
• this Satur
'da' May 17th a d 'in the
y , y n Ripley
High. School in the evening froth•
8:30 until 11:45.. 'Music will' be :
furnished b Boyd's : orchestra.The.
couple hasr'equested "no;'gifts.
jpledse ,' just.your best wishes arid.
continued friendship" •
• Huron•TownshiP John is.the oldest of the Bruce'C -op vedical Servc Hackett. 1969-1970. BarryHackett
• ing am' was a ecte res' ent or
son of the late 'Samuel •MacMurch es; a memb q rof the•Provincial : h Mrs: Alvin.Alton Secretary, read . .
Y . q, Y, was. elected Vice -President. The
and Margaret Cameron: They now Board ,o. f the Farm Forum; President y the minutes of the first Annual Board also appointed Mrs. Reg
reside'on the farm on the 6th of ;of .the Hog Producers for Brude Meeting. Barry Hackett read the • Jones' as`SecretaryY and Mrs" Bart
ohn''s father and , 'CY
Huron •which J ounty°. "'He• served. on the Ivlunicp-
uncle John,took up from the "al and county, Councils and' has ,
•.Mr and Mts.. MacM ` rc serving_
_: _u by were s vmg on various .boards
ma -fried -at ;theAnglican Church, in Mr, and,•Mrs. MacMurchy:have
Kincardine on,January 8th 1919'. • • three daughters, Mrs. Williarn.'.
been active in United Church work.
The Sentinel •has also learned that
considerable Opposition font ar -
'ents who would be affected b: the,.
change Might also have had some
bearing on the; failure to .proceed
. i this suggested sUggested*Way of relieving
the overcrowding at Ripley
The Se ti e1 also•discussed the, •
proposal' to. move theortable' from 1
Lucknow to Ripley with Ross Mac-.
Rae of .ulross, 'representative of
the `village'of Lucknow' and the
Township of 'Kinloss 'on the Bruce
r+4 4 3r-:• . 04 • +ms's►
ment .of the portable classroom'
from Lucknow: to Ripley. Mr. Mac-
•.Rae feels•that,'the solution would
be to rent or purchase another part,
able classroom for Ripley ancf.
leavethe, existingtwo ortables' in
• . P
Lucknow : 'The two Lucknow, port-
able' classrooms were';purchased by.
the TP.ownshi 'School;Area'of Kin_,
loss and Lucknow following; the
Lucknow: Public School Fire and as
such have, now become the prop-,.
ert `Y"of the'',Bruce County School
Board :1VIr:''MacRae said he voiced
his�feelnsa '
countyschool board,'"1'couldn't,,
do'a. thing:With them".,he: 'said' •
"and .I: feel the board' will �O
ahead . with the decision". .
M-r-M-acRa°e-had-no official
knowledge . to the'faCt:that the•
County School Board..
• Mr MacRae is 'quoted as saying
at last week's board meeting',
"Feelings•areb't er•inMciuow
over .the . O rd' s decision 'to move
one of the portable classrooms from;Lucknow •portable:rwas :being moved
the public''• until last week's' meeting. . • p 11 school thereto theg
school i Rile If the y ea
n Ripley. Yhd The Sentinel has no•quarrel with;
'the" answers to.'the 'questions.
which: we asked.: His reasoning ..•
1- 1•"" • •: • 1
not had" the'coupty.board, Lucknow Bruce Board of Education. Dir-
would•by.now'have an.additidn
built'to the school,; he said. ,
It. would appear that Mr .,::Mac
Rae threw in a, hot otato.in't•
.' ' • potato • e.. � ,made good sense to..us and, his ;• •:
open meeting of'the :county; ; assurance` that the',Lucknow
•board'which. was attended
bY-the • ._buiding.,pog r, a m was high on
•pres. Board *Chairman Geor e prioritylist in. Bruce eliminated
Loucks.silenced Mr, M-acRae•.by' :.. sortie doubts which had previously
Stating"W,e'11� d` Mr.
'hat after
.. is ss t been in .our mind Mr. -Bowers ex�-..
this meeting in committee -of-the • pressed a willin Tness oto listen.to us'
• and'su��ested that •he ;would '
Mr: Loucks clearly indicated welcome our conlMents -which
what many of the public and most ' might be of assistance in this and,.
other platters pertaining to local`
school problems
However, it does concern us that
of R .10 e our
ector J,L...gowers provided'us with
of the press represe;ntatiyes' feel
about county boards: of. education.
TCO much;; is being carried on
behind closed' doors. 'Committee th op n
of the whole it -Used -as a smoke= 1 elected member to the Bruce board
screen. for anything whith°rnight,' would .not be accepted AMr; in any any way,. be'controversial. His Rae is the elected nember of the
remarks to the rr presentative from ; people of this community and
ow -an Kinlos
endeavouring to look .after the • i on a purely local matter, it•
s,' Who was .1w len as opinions -are -aver nuked ,
interests of the people who electedr,indicat'es•that any say in the gover-
liin is indicative of how the nihg of county boards, has complet.t
P p _. �' �'. a.'. Y pp d.. out of the hands of the,
Phther'�o�'I'hesSeit'titi�l, dYsc'rtssYon � ee slipped
le. I talso coneeriis• u5 that his.
,with Ross MacRae, he told us.that ; opinion would be squelched; in •
he is not in favour of the move + open meeting by the board chair
man who'.clearly. indicated•that
this••was;not the place to discuss ; •
anything controversial,• By denying
the press the • right `to report ,the ,
opinions of the. beard , he. is also•
denying the, people' the right •to'be .
informed Com,mittee : eetin s
g It was •moved by Mrs Barry
are' essential. in, some cases', but";, • Hackett. that the Lucknow and Dist-
they are:becorriing, too, numerous, irr riot Credit'.Union Limited pay a"
all •hases. fgo
rpm nt and
41, dividend on the quarterlymni-
man who: pays bills. really , ii
muxri;share'balance r' This was see-.
doesn't have too much access to ohded. by Jack. Hackett'and carried.
knowledge of what 'he is paying •• It was moved by Jack ,Hackett ,
• . •
for' anymore that the Lucknowa
.nd District Cred-
hool Brartiltas been -a i -t- moil bi-i41i-ted--borFow up._t
of its share ca ital. This: was
backward step. for: the villa e,.o:f P
o ' seconded b ' Alvin•,Alton ,and
Lucknow and the township: of Y
'Kinloss: 'The Previous local school carried
,,board had all the wheels in motion• , Alvin"Altori introduced the. guest
for an addition to the LucknoHi; speaker,. Steve Helesic, Treasurer-
1 Public School. Since the school •.' :Mana er of,thet•oderich Credit
.fire, temporary situations have ''.0nion. Mr..' Ha esic':was thanked/
• becomepermanent, 'We have``a• .'A • by. Jim. Arnold. . ' ' '
.,literar which can't be used as a•' .. 3. '.•Grant Chisholm made a present
y ,. P
Iibrary. because -it :is• occupied as a . ation to Mrs, ' Barry ,Hackett of. a
Report of the Board of Directors: Hackett. as Treasurer -Manager.:;".'
Ms, Barry Hackett read the
Treasurer's Report. Mts Tom '
ltritchard gave the Financial State-.
ment: .The repP.,ort of the Su ervisor
Corrimittee was•given by•the Chair-
man, James Arnold.' The. report; of
the Credit Committee was'given,by
their Chairman, Grant Chisholm •
'Mrs. Margaret, Pannabec.ker •read;,
the report. off the Social Corrimittee
.Torn. ,Pritchard read the report: of
the Education Committee .' These
reports were adopted .and -carried.. •
General'business folowed
1 ..'The 'statement of income and
ePx enses• showed , income in 1968-
69 of $731.57. as'compared with "
$16.15'•the year before'.; Expenses
this year were $626,:25 as compared
.with .$136.:14 a year ago
Assets: •with this.ears figure .and •
last year figure in• brackets were:
as on an 0-0:23. LS:)
Bank.$1,218'...97 (Cr..;'$1:,:51), Loans
$2 , 854.76 :($951.00), Stabilization •
League` $3.6, 27 '($10.29), •Prepaid
insurance .$13'.40 ($1.18), Prepaid
Expenses $73_..91,. Amortized Organ
izatron -'($85.41), .Loss :- .($119::,99).
Total $4, 288.,.',711($1 194..61).. '
classroorn . We have a. science'
room.'withcomplete facilities for ' ! -
teaching science:which is:beiing ,;the"pupils' is of prime importance.
;used a4i a home room for students: When Lucknow District . h
and children are sittin 'on stools Schoo1.. went to' Wingham',
a g. �
the .selling points' was that
in 'this room during classes •W e. g
and Kinloss. elemenar stud encs
tiav,e no.p'roper storage facilities Y
and We have .two• classes in
Would have' facilities second'•to
portables which do pot have proper' none. How long do we have'to
'wait to.be able to properly use a
library', a sc•ience'room,''to ehrr '.
These problems are in no way the..; mate the inconveniences of two
fault of the county board.of educ- , portables. and the problems they
ation: They inherited! them. But 1 create to have proper washroom
our local board' was 'ready Co take' ' and drinking. facilities that a kind
{:action on these problems when L ergarten child can use without hav
••they, had'to turn 'over; their powers I ing to be lifted," to have proper•
to the county board. Now' instead I storage facilities s�_that some of• following through, the county 1 the supplies don't have to be stored
board has postponed them until a 1, in a basement:of a business place
more thorough investigation is j down town. '
m-a'd-e-f all needs in'the-"county. • .,; The -former board from•• ucknow
•:The new board has become-pr•e ' ' and Kinloss were ready 'to''do•some-•
occupied .with the building of their thing. The Sentinel carried a story
own county administration build.- 1 in this regard many months. ago.
ing., Manyboard members in the I�How long do we have to wait on •
g g
county ..feel that the administrative the Bruce Boatd. to follow throh.,
offices can wait and that'the task County education has not meant.
of providing improved facilities for ; progress ,for Lucknow 'and Kinloss:
The number'of credit union *mem
bees has increased'' during the year.
from 47 to 106..
Theschedule_of guaranteed .fund- `-w.
• g
shows- entrance fees of•"$12.25 ••20dje .
of individed. earning s` $21 ;06 :for a •
.total,of: 33.31.
Liabilities, with thisears figures .
,Y g
and last years figures. in brackets
'were; Loans Payable $1; 000:00'
$20-0 70-0 Shares 3.,121.1
($983:11), Guarantee Fund $33.31
(: ), Undivided `Earnings484.26
( ),.Entrance Fees =
Totals' $4,238;'71 ($1,194.61).
one of 1' * The schedule of undivided
I, ;earnings shows a loss as of'March?
uckn w
L o
68 --of $119, 99; netearnxrigs Ivlarch'
:,69'of $225.31 for a, balance of ,'
$105.32. 20°50 of guarantee .fund. is
$21.06 with $S4, 26 'available for'': •
distribution .