HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-07, Page 35WEDNESDAY, MAY -loth, 1969: Four Perfect AtteadanoAat thkknowPresbyterianSUfl Sunday School: attendance awards were presented at the Annual. Mother's Day Service on Sunday, at •Lucknow Presbyterian Church, The Sunday. Sehool•pu pils,-,with their teachers„ attended the'Sunday ' morning service,. 'Mrs. Austin Loree; one'of the • teachers, was in charge of the service with Mrs,;' Alvin Mundell.,., . Belinore as guest speaker Others • • . Making Part.in the service W're Mrs, Donald McCormick, Mrs. Cyril. Brown and Mrs. Robert Gilchrist.' In keeping the Mother's Day theme, mothers made up the choir:, •with'•Mrs. Stuart Jamieson and Gail • singing a duet. Four pupils received .special attendance awards for perfect att- .endance,.52 Sundays. They. Were Ray Cunningham., Kenneth Reid and: Jean Reid ,. children `of Mr. and 'Mrs Ford 'Cunningham and; Melvin •McInnes; son of'Mr,, and•Mrs. George McInnes.- ' The'award system is as follows: to receive an award a pupil must first attend 4Q Sundays, forwhich they will receive 'a certificate or seal, depending on the number ,of years,they have attended.. For • 'those who attend 45 Or Imre Sun: days, a. pin or, year guard will' be: awarded, Awards :were' presented to beginn ers who started in the 'calendar, year 1968' and who were faithful in their attendance•at Sunday'School.. S THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVENi. Presbyterian V! T -h -e ---May- meeting of tl}o A er noon W.M.S. .was held on. May 9th The.President, Mrs'. Jas. Smith presided •and opened the meeting. with prayer. • Hymn 686 was"then sun :And 'the. Bible Study WAS given by Mrs., Harry Nixon. She spoke. on Michal • the daughter of S4u1,*whom• David had Married, How Michal's desire 'was for: prestige ; while .David's •life was devoted to'his. God. 'The prayer circle was given by 'Mrs. N; Johnston and Miss..S , Johnstone,•>followed:with the.. tea,ding. of the' minute's of the last, meeting by Miss Nellie Malcolm., Business' was discussed , and'°it .w as agreed to distribute money left as: These awardswent toy Janice McInnes, Suzanne; Kirkland,. Char- lene Elphick„ Brian Elphick, Ken- dra_ ElphicnkAnst,Annette Elphick.. 1 Orrnan..Taylo',•clerk of session, presented the'church.attendance awards to Dianne Nicholson, Heath er Nicholson'.,'Bill Loree,and Stan ley Loree. Each; of these 'children received a "Bible,' Certificates to. those who had already ;receiv"ed'this • award , 'were 'presented- to. Barbar. a • Loree , Robert Loree and • :Mazy. H:enderson. : The following is a list of the oth- •er awards presented for Sunday. School attendance. Sunday School Superintendent Tony John stone and Austin Loree presented these awards.. •• ' 'Shirley Loree , 47' S gpdays',. Certi- ficate; erti-ficate 1 yr Pin; Betty Stanley,. 49, Certificate, 1 yr. Pin; Dale Gilehrist,, 49, 2yr, Seal, 1 yr. Pin; Reid Murray; 50 Certificate ; 1 yr. Pin; Kendra Haldenby; 47, 2 yr ; Seal', 2 yr:,Pin; .Dianne Nicholson; 49, •4; yr. Seal ;• 3 yr.. Pin Faye' Forster ; 40 ,' 2 Yr Seal;••Jo-Marie' McCormick, .46 , 4 yr... :Seal ; 4' yr: Pin; 'Karen Nicholson, `47 2 yr. • Seal;' 2 yr, Pin; Billy Gibson, .45.; 3 yr. Seal., • 2 yr: Pin; Wayne McDonagh, 49,• 3• 'Yr. Seal, 3. yr 'Pin; Barry Elphick , 48 , 3 yr. •Seal•;,'3, yr'..Pin; M'urray Gilchrist 46,; 2.Yr•: Seal, 1.yr, Pin; Greg. , Gibson;'43; Certificate; "Etta :Belle.: MacDonald',. 43;:2 Yr•' Seal Lynn' legacies; $200:. to Dr.'•.McCombie' in Winnipeg for Carmp' Work and the remainder to be sent to aid .:crippled children. Bale money was asked for by, June and the remainder ' in the Fall. The 'visiting committee then reported on their many calls. A''verse taken from' :•II .Timothy answered the •Roll Call'. The' offeringwastaken:and prayer was given" by Mrs.:J. Smith: Hymn 4734.as sung, followed. with Mrs. H, Agnew giving the -Mission Said' Y Mrs. Jas . Little reported on the ;Synodical whc.h 4s held in God: erich•: , Hymn 383 was then sung,• • add the meeting was, : brought 'to a a place sonceone'sli dive to the Shield A :Theunwanted Children, the aged,:the`.destit„ute, the alcoholics, the. potential suicides; all the thousands'i:n'distress.turn' '. ' to The Army:: The Salvation .Army. :never =refuses a-cll for help: 'To..provide the., homes•, hosp_itals,, clinics,and other services necessary for the dignity of. humanity, The Salvation Army needs.your,;hel'p -close.with 'prayer- by Miss 'D.. WHITECH'URCI-1; NEWS Whitechurch U..C. W. held their May meeting on Wednesday after- noon at 2 p. rim„ at the home 9f Mrs. Russel Chapman Prior to the meeting, Mrs _Ezra Scholtz -passed snaps taken by Mr., and Mrs. Raymond Austin and their family ,• missionaries in China. Raymond's mother;is well known to many:here as she is the former:' Mary Martin. Mrs: Michael Ross ..presid.ed; for - the worship period "which consisted of responsive reading and, closed. ',with the Lord's Prayer'. pMrs. Dave Gibb gave •the, script_ • ure reading and Mrs. Ross the Med- itation , • Mrs. Elwood, Groskorth and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz..sang•Ninety and Nine and Mrs. Scholtz accompanied on. the auto harp,. • ' The' theme of the Meeting; "Christian Citizenship and. Sodial Action" 'was given' by Mrs. Millan Moore. She started off. with • a CO: test and passedaround numbered pictures of well known celebrities • • with each filling:in,the .name. The Indian situation was' discussed, A.t:present' Borne Indians are being deprived of their land. • The Indians• sustained .themselves • years a.go and could. still,do'so.to- d,ay if :their way of living hadn't': been taken from them.. We can't .• blame=t'he Indians -,if they resent : being made to do as others wish, •• instead•of being free io .live«wh:er,e Church Services LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. L.. -'Stirling, B.A., B.D. Minister MAY 18th ' 10:00 a.m. SundaySchool Adult Bible: Class 00 a rl. Morning Service: THINK ON_ THIS Strong' family strong com- munity. Lucknow. Presbyterian Church .MAY 18th 10':00: a.m Sunday. School 11:00• a.m. Morning Service Guest. Speaker. ' Rev: L' .G. Stairs, ` - Leprosy Mission Douglas. . ST . PETER'S . g Elphic.k, 48,.'3 yr: Seal,.:3yr: • Pin; Glenda. Jamieson,, 45., 5 yr 'Seal, .3 yr ;Pin; Steven Haldenby," 45, 3 Yrs. Seal, 3 yr Pin; Ray Cunningham, 52, 4 yr...Seal, 4 Pin; Allan Stanley,'49, 4'y•r. 'Seal, .4 yr Pin'; Barbara Loree, 48•, 3 yr. . Seal, :3''yr Pin; Kiniberley Haldenby, 46,3.Yr Seal,.,3 yr,,' Pin; Rhonda Gibson .48; .3' yr. Seal; Heather Nicholson; 48, 4 yr. Seal, • 3 yr., Pin; Stanley ,Loree 7,48 , 3 }?!. Seal,; 3''yr...Pin; Allan Ivlurta°yl 50; 4•. yr. Seal, 4 yr: pin; Tammie Forster , :45,.„ 3, .yr Seal; 2 yr Pin; "• David Nicholson, •46 , 3 yr. Seal', 3,yr. Pin;..Kenneth Reid;.`:52, 2nd Certificate, 8 yr. Guard;• Allan Nicholson, 50:, 4 yr.. Seal, 3 yr.. Pin; Jeffry Taylor ;•.50,•7'yr. S,ea1, 7•yr.' Guard; Bill Loree, 5Q,, 3 yr..' Sea'1, 3 yr. Pin; .Alan -Milne 41;•• 1 9' yr '.Seal; :Jean. Reid,. 52,-7 Seal, 7 'yr Guard; Mary Stanley,' 49, 2nd Certificate, 8 yr.'.Gua"rd; • . r 11 yr. Guard; Ruth• 1ienderson 4 7 •yr:S,eal, 7 yr. Guard;.:Annette Kirkland, 50', 4 yr. ,Seal; 4 yr,..Pini Grant Gilchrist, 4.8', 4 yr. Seal, /14. yr. Pin;' Gary McInnes, 50.;.4 yr Sea.1, 4• yr Pn;'effry'Appe11, 45, Certificate, .i yr. 'Pin; Michael •" I IvlcDon'agh , 49,; 4 yr , 'Seat; 4 yr.,. • Pin, Stasis Purney,, 41, 4••yr. Seal; Barbara Hawthorne',` 41, 6``yr. Seal; Barbara Stanley 51'; 9- yr Seal.;. 9yr. Guard; Cathy latniesori, 43 .. '9 r...Sea•1,,1Mary.Emberlin,43; 3 yr. Seal;' Brenda MacDonald, 41;; • ' 6 yr. Seal; Lynda' Stanley, 49, 9 yr. Sea , 9 yr. Guard pitanne_LIAw thorne , .41, 5 yr Seal; Joy L --CANVASS' I,N-LUC-KNOW )URING. THE MONTH OF MAY CAMPAIGN HEADQUAR'T'ERS The Salvation Army = • Box 610 Wingham tT'T'�'T'T',!T'�'1''TlT.;�llYTlTT.ti'TTTlT�T�'T'T•!!'T!! This 'space `is donated for community improvements by ---L-1:,2.A-SISPORTIN 511111) ; Ontario's Silver. & Black Fleet " they wish'. Another question•discussed was• why don't people interfereand.'' ive is assistance as the case -of where? girl•was killed in -New York. No one! wants to•get/ involved ill court ciaaea { As citizens: we should protest•cond itions as"they are and ask for more 1 • probation .than jail terms.' , ANGLICAN CHURCH," Rev R.. T. F. Odendahl Rector. • MAY•18th 10:15 Church School - • 11:30 Morning 'Prayer The suse of Drugs was another.. `. giving a suggestion for.•concern•,in • gfAestion. Recent surveys'prove more our area. The June meeting will drugs are being used by business` : be held at the home' of Mrs• Albert • men, truck'W'drivers and. young, Coultes..on June 11' people:. All drugs affect the ner.- '.Arrangements were made for cat Vous system.. Mrs" .Carl Weber gave `eying• for. three weddings in:A ugust ., a reading concerning the. Indians '':The treasurers report was given ..' and Mrs'.. Fred Tiffin. read .: by Mrs . ',Albert •Coultes . .Guerrillas for'GodMrs. Farrier closed. the .meeting Ms Garnet Farrier president with prayer- All then' went :to' rhe presided 'far the business.'travell ng basket and purchase -d what' they w•ii ed . ` ' " ' lin•, 45 3 yr. Seal, :3 yr,., Pin; . --)Janet'-Cooke-;.46, 10 -yr iSea1,-10-- r-- yr; Guard; Sandy Johnstone , 49, 9 yr, Seal, 9. yr. Guard; M'ar jorie _Murray, 51, 4 yr. Seal, 4 yr. Pin; .Joanne Nicholson, 44, 4 yr. Seal; • 1 John Henderson ; 4S,.11 yr, • Seal : 9 yr. Guard; Ronnie M'acDonald•,' 48, 11:yr: Seal, 11 yr. Guard Melvin McInnes, 52, 2nd Certificate, 7 yr. Guard; Robert Loree, '50, 8 'yr. Seal., •3 yr, Pin; .. : :Gayle Jamieson; 43,, 13'yr Seal `Joyce Johnstone,, 47,, 12 yr. Seal, 12 yr. Guard, 6 ,. 47, 13 yry;, Seal , 13 yr, :Guard; Donald Whitby, 48, 3 yr.,: Seal; 3; L' yr. Pin; Jim •M'acDonaid, 46, 14 yr. Seal ,.13 yr, Guard; Donnie f 1 --;-I4a--eon-a-•1d .; -41-, :12 yr . S 1; +iTh Jiendersoti,.•4S ; 14 yr. Seal', .12 yr. Guard . The roll call, was answered'•by 18 PHONE 52:8=3004.. Cosmeti• cs- Free Film Plan . -- Animal Health ***. *•. *** * *•** * *** * *** * $f** ,. 500 ID'ASAL, 'Reg. 99c • 77c: SUNGLAS•SES, Reg. $1.98,'$2..98 ..•:. 77c -AGAROL,-Reg.: .$1.45 _.. y - 99c - BAND AID PLASTIC STRIPS 100's Reg. $1.29 • _ ._.... $1.11 KOTEX TAMPONS, Reg 55c ., _ __ _ __ 47c Reg. $1':97 `yY -- $1.69. LISTERINE, Reg. $1.29 MAALOX •SUSPENSION, Reg. $1.60 .. FILM AND FLASH BULBS REDUCED WILKINSO.N $LADES, 'Reg 75c TAME HAIR RINSE, Reg, $1.79' .:,:.•. S&I`h11+I11 INT_`'UM, Reg. $1.9 59c $1.44 1.44.