HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-07, Page 33WEDNESDAY, .MAY. 14th, 1949 ' %1 4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ..LUCKNOW, •ONTARLO..• Grade One. BROOkSiDE PUBLIC Friday, May 16, 10:00 to 12:00.and 1:00 to. 3:00 For classes commencing September •2 •1969 ......, The child and either_. or. both: parents• should attend and bring a birth certificate or other proof that the child was born in' 1963. The school nurse will be present during this registration." KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION WILL BE HELD TUESDAY, MAX 27 Ik 'PAGE NINE' KINDERGARTEN: CLASSES. Two half time kindergarten class- es will be established'' at Brookside, next year: Mrs: Durnin will; be teaehirig kindergartenin,.room one. Mrs ..Murray Wilson has been hired to teach gradt. oile in -room two.° A portable' classroom, will be•;set •up, and used. by one of the 'junior wing classes:. • • Grade :one registration will be ' held at :Brookside Public School .this Friday ,.May 16 from 10:00 to 12:00 a. m: and from l':00 to,3:00 Kindergarten,'registration will.'be' held during the last week: in May. ' POSTURE ' QUEEN • At 'end.'of this month , two � � ; , e queens -will be chosen,. one• Baptism SundayAt Pine River Church) posture' • from grade eight and one• from' . • AMBERLEY -NEWS The Sacrament' of baptism. was administered on Sunday at. Pine River. United Church ,when Janine A.nn, daughter of Mr . and,Mrs . Murray Thompson and Alex. Gordon. son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Boyd. • were baptized:,• ;Congratulations go 'to Mr: and Mrs: Donald .Steele, of Kitchener :on the arrival of a son. Cuests On SundaY •witti Mr:. and Mrs . Walter Brown were Mrs:,' Doris. McLennan. arid' Sandra' McLennan; Mrs.: Eldon Bradle"y, ' John: and •Phyllis , David :.Todd and Mr •. and ,Mrs : Norval Nesbitt. E1mer.Culbert is working at his garage., formerly owned by Walter Brown. ? •Friends: of Mrs. Eldon Lowry will be pleased to' know she was able to return. from ,Victoria Hospital and is now recuperating a> the ."• home'of her mother; Mrs. J. Carrrithers in Winghaln. GODERICH THURSDAY >afld FRIDAY 30 THE SQUARE PHONE '524-7811; AI.RCONDITIONED The, Beloved • Best Seller Ont,The •creenl : Two Color Hits! on. Show. et 5.00 p.m. Only COLUMBIA I'K1T JRES ..a CARL FOBEMAN - rr«iai SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY May .17-:1B-19-20 BECOMES AN EXOTIC PARADISE.' WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY . and FRIDAY May '21-22 23' • {Adult E i erta► r ent) TECHNICOLOR' VANAYISIOW SATURDAY MATINEE at 2.00 o'clock.: Samar ay. 'lig t T"wo' bows at 7.00 and' 9.00 o'clock Sunday, Monday and Tuesday One Show Each Night at 8,00 One Showing Each Night at 7,30 o'clock moi terlingPins ZION U. C, W. Mrs. •Harvey Ritchie held the -Ma 8th meeting oaf the Zion United: Church Women at her' horde with fifteen members, one visitor and' three children, present Roll call was answered 'with a "Tei Command ment" The President, Mrs`. Char- les"•Wilkins opened the meeting, .;4 with hymn and prayer and all re- peated. the .Lord;'s •Prayer;'. ; 1v1rs �A1an Barger led. in the Bible Study"What We can do with'Our Actions" . Groups were formed to answer questions as the lesson was read, • Two' Mothers Day readings "Ma's Tools" . and. "My Mother" were " given by Mrs,; Gordon Kirkland Garden party', money is 'to be hand ed in at the June meeting. An ..added item to our talent moneyis. grade seven. The girl's who; arethe date on Fa'ther's Day. 'chosen must be able to Stand, sit. " Treasurer; s• report was given by and: walk roperly ., . The Leachers, • ' M1s .' Alan Barger and: also two: have beerwatc ing themfor.over: readfrom Huron -Perth' Pre s . a,month and;the,•people with poor • byterian and.Childrens Aid Society, posture have .been' eliminated ..The Camp at Stratford girls w ith'.thebest posture wli••be'Mrs, Peter Cook reported on'the • chosen: • • ' •shut-ins with Mrs, Prank, Ritchie ' ' • . : , and Mrs. Kaiser. for June: VACCINATIONS , • An invitation was read. from Hack - On Thursday,of last week the ett's .U. C. W. of a: seciah Thank'-. ,P Huron, County Health Unit returned offering meeting on May 14th at • !:),the. school to give the, pupils • 'their 'sanall-pox vaccinations':" Th students get''theseneedles every. five years so';the people who were• passed; by'this time willget •their needles at: a later, date. • SPORTS - Last Tuesday:we picked teams fo organized 'sports The. captains for the senior girls''• softball are:. Marion'MacDopald., Evelyn De Graaf Wilrna;Hackett;'Nancy Errington .' and Norrna Noble. The captains;,for" the boys' softball teams are Ken Fairish and • Brian Draper. The senior boys`, ' soccer team; captains• are, Jim R:it• .chie Terry England, Murray Hagg it. and Kenny Ivlewhinney ,For the junior boys' and"girls' softball 8:30 p"m.; ... . The:•.lastAnniversary service at, Zion Church will be May 25th:. The Zion 'girls choir will supply thea. ,special rnusic.:...The minister is Rev 'Mr: Roberts of Belgra,ve.,.• The closing service•of • i Zion Church ''is:Father's Day , June. r -15th. Special: planning. is being made by the Zion ladies' at .that. time. Mrs.. Frank. Ritchie was auctioneer for, a plant and bake sale amount- '• •Mrs:+. •Kaiser closed •the meeting,• with•prayer. ,; The hostess and Mrs:: Allan Gibson and Mrs. Frank Ritch- ie' served •lunc• •h . The' June meeting. • at •the home of Mrs -Allan Gibson.. : •. will be. the Grandmother:'s'.:rneeting, After. school,the 4-H Club girls,;. Zippy Zionettes" 'displayed their teams Allan-Murray.Edwin Noble:; ' Elwin Schultz and Brian Cranston are the captains:,The captains `for • the junior boys soccer tearns are •- • Ralph Morrison, Bradley Aitchison,. Brookside Public School will'hold its field day on,June.. 6 . A field ' day with Colbour.ne,'Myth, Bruss-' els'and. Belgrave'schools; particip ng- w'..be on June. 13. in•. dere .Veers o•:Gibson Farm: LOCHALSI. NEWS ' 4-H books': Nancy Kirkland ! thanked the •:1adi s •for. forming the club that'they wereable to receive , the leaders of. the• .",:Meat on,the Menti'; The girls: presented a..lovely cup and sauder:to each of these I leaders;; lvirs ,. Harvey Ritchie and • 1 Mrs Jim 'Hunter : The 4-H gi rl Club. started six years ago. by' •the United Church I;•ladies within Zion'Chureh with ode,' Mr. 'and Mrs', VanderVeen' Sr ',who have been -residing in Paisley,. have moved to the Ito Tbsori 'tfarm. • ' 1 Visitors With .Mr. and Mrs. Ewan Iv]aeL"eanarid-fvI'r Dan MacLean were Mr. and M AllanMacLean 'and faniily'of C.ollingwood. ;Mrs,:Oliver'McCharles was .guest • !speaker :at,Kingsbridge'C. W.L. '. .1r:1 -leering on Wednesday, evening Mrs. Annie ,McMurch.y 'spent the week enEl d in tira with her.daugh- Iter and her family Coming' Next: "COOGAN'S BLUFF (Adult ,Entertainment)" •Mrs. Henry MacKenzie has spent 1 'several days in Owen Sound visit • ing•herlfather, who is in'hos:pital ;there. • ' NIrs. Lorne Luther spent the weel< 'end in Ridgetown andvisited her father. • Driving new cars are Frank Maalenria:n.and Alvirt Robb, ;Ray MacKenzie of Toronto visited ;with the Henry Nta.c1<enziecfarnily 'arid' the Ross MacKenzie fa aiiiy for the' weekend • Mrs. Frank Ritchie and Mrs: Gordon Kirkland as. leaders•: Three of these girls have reached their • Provincial Honours'. Sterling Silver • pins were' presented by Mrs'. Char- les. Wilkins to Wanda blunter, Donna Ritchie and Nancy Kirkland,., The -other merribe-rs-of,the club who are•working to. receive .the .: Provincial' Honours are Brenda. -Rf tehie ; Barbara-W%lkris aril . Elva Ritchie.. DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON1 Box Office Opens at • OD p.m, FIRST SHOW AT DUSK'- THURS. & FRI. May 15-16 — DOUBLE FEATURE — 7THE IMPOSSIBLE.. • YEARS". Showing at 10.1.5 p.m. Only - (Adult nly-(Adult. Entertainment)_ --•. Starring David Niven: LOLA ALBRIGHT and CHAD EVERETT '— In Color' AND • "DAY OF THE EVILGUN". Showing at 8.45 p.m. Only, Starring GLENN FORD and ARTHUR KENNEDY Color • Cartoon. SAT. MON.,, TUES. _May17-1940_ . . DOUBLE FEATURE "THE ODD COUPLE1' Showing at 10.15 p.m:' Only Starring' JACK LEMMON and .WALTER MATTHAU, NE 50145 OF KAIIEHELD Starring JOHN, WAYNE Showing .at. 8.45 p.m. 'Only Both. Features In Color—Cartoon Special Sunday Night Show_, .May .1 8 STARTING ' AT DUSK TVUltUre" .. I\. he :- Starring ROBERT HUTTON 'plus,, "The Deadly Bees" Frank. Findlay and Guy. Doleman Color , , Cartoon TI'IRS. _FRI. y •21-22 23 .- DOUBLE FEATURE = — SPEEDWAY" Showing at' ::10.15 :p.m. Only Starring. " ELVIS ' PRESLEY- and ANCY SINATRA I. Musical Entertainment, and Auto Racing Biggest. Bundle Of hem AIr- • Robert ;Wagner E. Raquel Waldo Showing at 8.50 p.m, Only Both Features In Color -e Cartoon' • RIPLEY ABATTOIR' CustomIltiechet:ing Curing ng Smoking 'Cutting and Wrapping — Sausage Making - 'Fast Freezing HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS With ,Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef Fresm. ' . Requirements Are •+ ' For dome Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices . ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR ,PROTECTION ' CHAS, HOOISMA,PROP, ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 39-2961