HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-07, Page 25MOT&WA
Taught t 34 Years at -Ripley
A b. Wylds principal of Ripley
District. High School, will end 34
years teaching at, the Ripley school
at the end of June, Mr, Wylds sub-
mittedhis resignatiop: to. the Bruce
County School Board last week. •
He has been -forced to give 'up his
positionbecause of health reasons...
Iit'•was in September of 1935 when
Ab first commenced his teaching •
career at Ripley Continuation
School. Mrs , M.'G., Thompson was
principal at that time and the
staff :was made up of Mrs. Thomp
"son'; Walter Eifen, • now of Elmira
and Mr. Wylds;
Mrs. Thompson left after one year
and Walter,•Eifert was appointed
principal, a post he held from 1936
`until 1947,• During that time, • a'
number of staff members"served
•.Ripley in association with 'Ab.
In 1947, Miss Margaret MacKen-
zie of Lucknow High School, now
retired and living at Inverhuron ,.
'• assumed ,the position of principal
at Ripley. ,The other teacher on the
'staff at' that time, in addition tick
Mr. 'Wylds was•lvlrs. John
Willocks,, now"of Etobicoke
Miss MacKenzie remained princ7
_ipal until 1956 when Ab Wylds was
appointed to the position where he
has continued 'until deciding to
.. , iretire• this' year-. When :A b was app-
ointed principal
pp-ointed.principalin 1956, other
staff, :members were Mrs;. Frank
Tom MacKenzie
Trip To England
Thomas L. MacKenzie of the 2nd
concession'of Kinloss Township left
by air on Monday for a visit in
England with his son and daughters
in-law , Mr . and Mrs, Alex (Sandy)
• MacKenzie.:
• 1'
�. .� a �� .
degree fibril the University of Lon-
don.' Torsi :will make London his
home base and ,will travel in Eng-.:
land and Scotland during his month
other. son. Bruce , who is
studying at•'the University of•;West-`:
-'ern Ontario in London, will join
his. dad .in England on June 8th. u on'
mplotion of,hs studies: Bruc-e-,-�
..hopes .to'trave1 in the. British Isles
and ,Europe and ,will spens some
time abroad.
Fait, Earl Lohnes•and a Mrs .=Morr-
ison . •
....The old, Ripley school burned in.
February of 1948 and .school
was conducted' in. t'he.'rnw
Hall.; for a time. In September o
1p59, with the :new school con
strutted`, students used the new
facilities for the first time. -Further .
additions have been built tothe
present. school • In'1957,. the'east
wing-li as-constincted-and-.in19.63,
'the ,auditorium 'and: cafeteria' was
129 students are•presently attend
ing Ripley :High School: with 57 •
being transported to Wingham High
School for the Vocational'training
provided there: The enrolmentto.77
day is about three times what it •
was 34 years ago when Mr: 'Wylds
commenced his teaching Career:
During his 13 years as; principal:
Dies At 51
Mrs ew-is•�-ay
died at Victoria Hosital in Lon-
don • on Sunday. She was 51 years
' of age.
e funeralwas conducted at the
c e.. ie-Me-morial'Cha e
--Ma K nz�i P lin
Lucknow on Wednesday of this
week withburial in Greenhill`"
'Cemetery ., •
fire Does Meavy
Damage To Car
An automobile belonging to John
Murray of.theHolyrood area was
heavily damaged by fire about •
6:30, p.m. on Wednesday oflast'
The "car- :was -parked onjmain.
street in the area of the Bank of ,
Montreal.. •
Mrs. Murray had experienced
trouble in starting the car and was
being assisted in doing so by. Vir-
den Mowbray of Lucknow . A spark
from a battery cable ignited- some
gas which was being used and in
seconds the area under the hood:
of the auto was•a'mass of flames.."
The motor ,.wiring, tires and
body of the car were heavily,dam-
aged by the fire which was brought
under control by Lucknow Fire -
Department •
Mrs? Murray.,was alone at the time
of the outbreak with no passengers
in the 'car . r •
Honored By Family
Before LeavingFor
V sitT
Mrs . Philip> Steer was the uest •of
honour'at. a surprise :" Bon Voyage
arty'given••by her family.at the '
Log Cabin:• Restaurant'on Saturday,'
evening, May 10. As. this Was also
her'birthday and almost 'Mother's::
Day, it was a:triple. celebration:"
Guests present were, Mr:. and '
Mrs.` Fred Woodley, Matt,° Valerie
an• +`ic ,,Mr., anlrs.
n Wallace, Mr.: and Mrs .. Peter
Steer, all of London, Mr 'and Mrs.
Peter Cook,Mr. .and. Mrs. Ernie
Hanna,'Mr. and Mrs. Don Bell,'
Wayne, and Beverley and Mr .and. •
Mrs. • Philip Steer.
A fter•a. `delicious supper every-
one returned to, the home of Don
Bell fat': gift presentations•and fun.
Mrs". Steer' leaves by plane on `Sun-
day May 18, fora three month :visit
o . ng an
Mi. an d Mrs.:" Steer and their
young family came to Kinloss from
'Devon, England in August 1950.
v rs . teer returne ' to er ome-
land in.1960 for a visit. Three
years ago her mother passed away:.
. - Photo by James:
James Boak•, son.of Mr. and Mrs..,
•James Boak•of, R.R, • 1•, Dungannon
'was one of the 1969;graduates in
the Agricultural Science.Course at'
the Ridgetown College of Agricult-
ure Technology The graduation :..
was held on, Wednesday, May 14 at
R.idgetown . Speaker 'at the gradua•
tion was Hon.• William A. Stei4art
minister, of agriculture..wi
th the
Deputy, Minister , Everett; .
,Biggs, presenting the. diplomas.
There were. 103 graduates in the
Area Saddened,
By 1nfait's Death
• This `area was sad.dened'aast •
week to learn of the death"of Pat
ricia Mary Brown, 2. -'month-old
aughter of r: and
Mrs.' Reg Brown of. Culross Town-
Ship. The infant died in her crib
on Wednesday, May.'7th. ,
She was. found by her mother The
childhad been having her •after _,
noon sleep and••no reasoncould be
determined for the death, ,No apr-
arent •cause of death 'could : be
found by the pathologist, -Dr. JL....
•Peniston. of Stratford who perform
ed an autopsy; •
.While in. England., Mrs. Steer will
er read u to s t at d
make_.ki. r.h ar _ r a • _a � Shun _..
will visit"with her sister and and with Philip's two broth
er. `.. i brothers a'
and his.sister at Devon
a ;standard c"rib with no pillow
Surviving the youngster are -her
parents ,: •Mr and Mts. Reginald
Brown (Mary. Collison),,:a brother`
Brown • of'•Teeswater;' grandfather•,.:
Thomas; Collison of Preston:
' Friends paid their respects at the
family home;.prior to the burial in
Greenhi-11: Cemetery;-L[seknow-on.
Saturday. MacKenzie Funeral'.'
Home in Lucknow. was .in,charge of
111111111)111111111111111111111111111111 1111141•141111
New." Lighting And.
St�ndards At The •
Ripley Ball Park
The village of Ripley -:and the
township of Huron, under their
community. centre association, are
presently installing new "lighting-'
at the'Ripley Ball Park.
Four '56 -foot '.steel towers, will.
replace the six woodenpoles pres-
ently.'carry.ing the Ripley park light-
ing system which:was installed '
about 20 years,ago Some of the
poles are rotting. The new steel
standards will also carry a compl-
•ete new lighting system. Total
cost of the project, which will be
shared by the twomunicipalities,
is, about :$3600: ••
.,Pollock Electric of Ripley ii •
doing the work.
1ii.i�lulii/illil;l itt itll■illilll.11l iii■li''
Suffers Serious
Eye lnjurg .
,Mrs Gert. de Jong of concession
Kinloss is a patient InVictoria,,
Hospital, London
On Tuesday, Of last week she
suffered a serious eye injury in- an
accident at their farm" home'
i'When struck by a flying, nail.
lyrsing Graduate
sumer student'' of • Roderic
A. for . G °h
Collegiate; Anne, `Foran dauhter'
of ivy. and,Mrs. 'John -.Foran of
-West Wa•wanosh Township,_
ted .last Friday, evening from the
St'Joseph's P.
h's Hos ital School of
Nursing, London
One of the two portable school
classrooms at the Lucknow Public
School will be moved to Ripley
to help• alleviate an overcrowding
condition whichexists at the '•
Ripley_,�Htiren Publ. • •
This announcement was made at
the regular meeting •of the Bruce'
School Board at C ,
hesley by J.L. .
Bowers, director of education.
According to Mt;--Borers--kinder
garten facilities will be initiated
at the Ripley - Huron school this
Fall. A class is presently being
held in the Ripley `gymnasium and
moving the portable to Ripley will
free the $Ym classand give the •
gym space to the kindergarten for
half day' classes; and; provide the:.
the -r -half •day, fes''
gymnasiUM use
Mr,. Bowers told the Sentinel
Monda' that the' Lucknow s
presently hag a :diminishing enrol-
mens 3y --removing the -portable
ewllbelow the Bated average-:
r overs said .that the Lucknow
school library would again be used
as a classroom next: term .:'He cited
an. alternative .would be: to leave
'e- o table- in-.Lucknow
• portable in. Ripley but felt that the '
students in,Lucknow would still be
further ahead using the library as a
.classroom, within the school build,-
ingproper.-and with propel
classroom: as. a temporary soiution,0. ' washroom facilities at hand,
the per classroom enrolment in
Lucknow, next term •will still he; .
rather than` freeing the'
library and using.the portable. its ,
'view of the -fact •that; the •board•felt
,the library provided better accom-
iinodation in Lucknow than the •
portable, and also considering the ,
economy factor ,(they could move
the portable to. Ripley for' about
$350), the board had .decided on
its present course of action
&ov irie !
that the building program at•Luck
now • still had a high priority
rior.ity with-
. Y
in the county. He, said that the
residents of Lucknow and Kinloss
mad .hss ure:d that_tli , T u_cl<nn
school addition was one of top cone
sideration in the Bruce board's
building: P}arks .
In discussion with Mr. Bowers.,
about relieving, the overcrowded •
conditions at Ripley, The Sentinel,
learned that some consideration
had•been given by the board to
extending the school boundaries
which Mwould have brought some
pupils • now attending Ripley to
classe§ at the Lucknow school. 'Mr.
Bowers said that the High School
and Public. School boundaries ate'
the carne„ and that changing one of
them' would affect the school bus "
system presently operating arid soy
t is c nsideration-was •a.an.one•
C,ONT1N11Eb' ON PAGE �3 .