HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-07, Page 21WEDNESDAY,.MAY ',ith, 1969. *441111 • THE LUCKNOW•�SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO OLOt0F115 GREENHOUSE LUCKNOW .- PHONE; 528.3017 Messer's ;trot':. for me 11 • It's not• that ! I ' . particularly , • enjoy ;fighting." for ;lost causes.,I' , lost the flag fight, 'and look. at like the rag' we :got: 'I know•L •can't beat 'non -disposable .bottles; .soaring, taxes, and my ' wife, Hillbillies 'or. some .other • cul-. and .water transport rates. should But somebody,.some ••voice. in : !. tral:: impnrtatton. 'k be 'very carefully .exarnined to.. BiliflWAttempt • To SolveProblems •. Regional wservice:;grids are „essential to- integrat power, gas and, water service networks of the ' 'Georgian Bay Region, the Ontario `Treasury:Departnjerit has been told in a comprehensive : brief On • growth ;problems in the Region's, 11:500 square miles'. - A key proposal;b:y CBRDC is a: " study' of natural gas service ' exten- s.ion-from;the Main pipeline near Gravenhurst to the Parry.Sound area which would Materially. •assist 'industrial growth. Such a - line might' ultimately,, be linked b.ack to Huntsville. A major gas grid link -up is needed' -and a proposed 'newmain would connect Owen' Sound • Southampton', Port Elgin; . Walkerton.; Hanover, Grand Valley,.Shelburne. and Alliston. : Branches; would Serve Wingham,.; • and Markdale. This'arrangernent :would tie together all.existing; gas service Study should :be given to the-"; construction of a ,regional water' grid pipeline for Georgian Bay. and other parts 'of Southern Ontario Lake•' Huron water . pumped. to the Dundalk area could readily be fed much farther south.•.,,The•water :.resources. of the /whole Region.need'careful exa.min ation on a compc;ehensivebasis ....The costs Of transportation another important sinew of ''teaist ' bu•� , , • •. , industry, discrimina •• •, ga n • the Region, the Centre for ,Resources 'Develo -meat -t =the• 'der -bo sund night e ' a= P • y, . , ay n g t s ns (.University of. Guelph, concludes tional,, • controversial shows, after examining,tkie Georgian S They're 1• • • • e even Days ey re a six - :flash and •then every- . Bay Regions growth•. problems.• one goes back..to the Beverly. y It is •widel felt that rail., road .the ,wilderness sof the, twen ; .. 1 In .Contrast,: t W MC • tieth century must keep the j :•has:,been running•for a decade. banners flying, the .flame burn- It .still ,stands at . a healthy .22nd out of 59 series sur .veyed on,the latest Nielsen rat- •ings. That: means . a• lot;of peo-. ple watch ,it. .• It • •would be' interesting', to •know.)ust.-how the 'ratings are done: The.; sham, appears nit • a Friday night,. at. 8.30. Most; That's why 'I .think the' CBC should :not have 'cancelled, that • hardy annual,. the Don Messer' Show, regardless' of those pure eyors.'to the Puerility ,of the public, the "ratings." Personally, I wouldn't, watch the • Don Messer Show 'with a people under 40 are : • either ten -foot telescope:: ;Its mixture getting ready ,to j go out, have of emasculatedbarn-dance and ' + ode, or are, havingpeople' in, neft'a>rie-bathosar=e-not Jnr bag. But,...I . know ai,. great many: 'iniddle.=aged and older..people .who • look. forwards to it weekly and enjoy it"thoroughly. Their .toes: tap to the sprightly fid-. dliptg and their' eyes grow wet over . the t... , l n e ,sen iment:a songs of . yesteryear,' '.Anal what's wrong with that? It -]nay._..be corny,• . but T Canadian. right` out' ritimes: And however' bad its. ratings. are, •' it `'couldn't be .•. worse than some of that crud. the CBC buy's from' .the States and force's on'us, willy-nilly -Molt of its •.fans . like' it be. set's- W�learr ami-coitrfoia. 1. . 1• A • sampling in • Toronto,: where viewers .can get several stations, 'might show .that 'two and a half peoplewere watch- . ing . Don Messer: 'But a sant. piing •Irons), the hundreds .of..:. Canadian towns- with only one station :available•, might show • •that 50 percent were :mesmer=,:'. ized`by Messer. • :hat "incestuous Title empire of the Ma= known as' the' Ci3C does some very good things • And;' it' also • does a. good many" fourths -rate The .:hockey • fan gets his hockey., and I.don't begrudge it to him. But 10-0'' for • Boston This-iis hT�Ii, hockey? • made to assist. enterpr.ise in the region. Until, transport costs'can be lowered by radical improve= ments.tn the'networks :within the region',. some adjustments (of .rates)• would: carry, disadvantaged areas through a. difficuit `period Study should he,given•.to the, order of priority in' which comm - unity •services arestrengthened in ' Wiarton, Southa•mpton;, Port --Irrrl‹-trirarditier7Ripl Chesley. Other places' need a co:mpreh-: .ensive review' because.they . have • PAGE TWENTY-ONE. can make dour crop; investment paY off, in bigber yields, higher profits If :06: want bette:rcornYind.tnorn, of. it from every acre you pl0nt suhplernental :liquid'rritrog.en can make money for :you And the most `effective and econoriiical• way ro,supply the.n•Itr.;ogcn needs of ��",bigger. yield ero.ja, is with O.P'Agtia Amnnoiira 7.his.aow. •cost •..liquid: • nitrogen• fertilrzr.' is Infected 3 to Cf.below the surface. ofi thre soil "and gets into ofGt✓o - ?Si. WIt4-4b:IR..ii.ipthort at appl;catron the cote q ts'rrraxi mum benefit frorri ..the' •nrtroJen hecaatst. •tire soil retains, all. the .. ::nitrogy.o.,dpplred and there is no. .loss duir•nd ahpllcatron., iron ,expert tecom�t endation to'.: ''trarnd-oper,at.or' application, th;e tCn•=operative. Liquid Niti.ogen '• 'Service gives, you; .the-- best of .`; suppleniental nitrogen f.ertiai :'•zaition without ou.r costly i'nest- y Y .`•,nien.t r tifvie, labour and.' equip ; merit, Cally. Go -b rative ' riow `arid Ilan 'to ;irnprove• your. `'� ro• its•this 'season. . r p ft ''from •UIQ .researci .`Fertiljzert4Programmes;and' Services for, .the Ontario farmer;: .Hc (.,t(*i�itl %drip MJ:A . i3 'Subs-taliati•a1 need in tnrnis of • . Ewan Maol,eau, Gordon -ebb -and. ; 71mrny Vangch ped in the Grand ASNFIELD Mrs. •Frank.h1acLennanattended t e : unera 'o er aunt rs Kenneth:Mackenzie in Sarnia on Saturday Mrs f avid Mac_ivlurehY , • 1vlrs .. Cubs Hear :Proper =tin Methods by A;KELA' In 'Kingsbridge Hall on Mayl,. 39 cubs attended a cub mee'tin'g. • housing 'stock.basic.servicestor ' Akela uestioned the cubs ivlr•. and •Mrs'. Earl Howes attended ' � Howl •• q similar.. elements' in•tbe'communi :fabric, that ,require overhaul , In• this •category are Hepworth, 'Tv to • Ivl i drna �Tob�r:rtaoiy;;.;.Ti ez n.,, � y.., Teeswater. and Lueknow••.'aintn T.. He :showed `iiian London. .. p . .. Y T h `te e nonic structure of different co n. • Bruce C.ounty'•is• still heavily 'dependent an primary industry,. y d but increasingly, on . , j tertian;• emplo inert as' .types of, brushes arid; ' • t a Christian' Educationmeeting in Chesley on Sunday afternoon:' e '•Hws.I -Colin o l •. Sunday guests with • on their cub law, p rornise and • daily good turns •': a Frank Doherty, a cub•inerp,ber.'s were Mi•, ,an -d- sirs--•--Er-ie--dark of ..':father., .wa present to explain;. The .Children of the Church"'' aims; proper method,of painting ' after school in P met On Tuesday a ,(the s•ettin g tip and the cleaning School room. the Church up afterwards': Always Wear.old, ' clothes and paint on -a covered, t 1-1-ctrbs�-saw�v}-ra-t happens to brtishes that weren't • • cleaned. Then all ;cubs. painted their window props and boot ..jacks,., ,,Akela presented ' a badge to' ' 1\ticl ael Ha.' idns, Due tolacl:Of. . time we were unable .'to close with Campfire or the Grand I-IoWl ble. The show,.:to them,• is like • • ,The. avant-garde . drama an, old friend with whom they' ' ' hounds get their drama on Fes tival.1"Some of it is excellent; some lousy; ` `k The. intellectual gets t s his • ai programs. 'many a ' few are • first 'rate; many would shame a ,high-school panel discussio ..• • 'And we all get the CBC news, a stale re -hash. of news stories fromthe dailies, ,and ''dire • servicestories' with a few film clips of ' the • same stale: commentators' saying ,the same stale things .in -that same stale , fashion. can, relax,_safe-in theknowl- edge that for half an hour, .once ": a week, they- • won't be : 'subjected to• • the perversion, • 'violence . and viciousness that characterize a good deal of the other garbage on the box. Can you imagine Charlie Chamberlain kickir , someone in 'the groin, or Don Messer chopping somebody across the throat with a karate blow, br.' Marg • Osborne :W r i g g'1 i n g„ ,through ' a !• double-entendre (-dirty-) sou-g'?'Well, maybe; But -"b`; • not on the show'. Every year, the CBC comes • tip .with A. few brand rf.ew shows. And every 'year, with'. the inevitability of death, and taxes,, they flop.Can you name one (there may be one, but can You name it?) that lasts seasons-But__I_._doubt_ two ineltrdes the hi: h• ince t. This g 1 ,o' won• • To each his ' own, and. I would defend with equal pas sion the right of each Of these categories • to Watch his own • . thing. Wisy not, then, let .the'•folk who wateh on Messer -.and, they are legion . continue to: ni do so for a' easl'y half•hour a week? a'griculture declines; peop e change to an urban way of :life and recreational use of the ' extensive shorelines, and winter resort areas increases. "Because of the short „revenue producing season in all• except the ski areas and because' of outdated liquor lasts," the .• brief suggest, the westerly' .; portion of. the Georgian Bay Region is lacking 'convention facilities. Themagnificent sailing waters have not attracted' good marinas. The eastcoast of. the.13ruce Peninsu co.hipared to blain or Cornwall.;: • yet no single hotel or marina graces those spectacular shores.'. • Up ;riding of 1&:wiarton airport issuggested a:°w a, • stttcjy to evaluate the titre role of ferry terminal facilities at Toberrnory Directors' in -Bruce •County are:, W. A'. Davey Pont: Elgin; 3'.:C . ..McLaughlin,.. Wiarton, C. Schmalz ' Walkerton; 'Prank Field , Teeswater and Jack•Oito, .South'arnpton 1 .. MONUMENTS For sound counsel at 1 a fair • price on a monument corre s esig-nevi from -duality -Material, rely :on SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKE:RTON; Pat 'O'Hagan, Prop. b Established Over Sixty Years • PHONE 881=0234 , 4," .ONTARIO