HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-07, Page 19WEDNESDAY. MAY 7th, 1969 1! THE LUCKNOW'SENTINEL, LUCKN:OW •ONTARIO PAGE NINETEEN. sr! Sa that th•Luckfl.ow village Aumn.. may mors e#feetiY�ly serve` the V��lage �f . lucknaw, , the prefer- ences 0f the ratepayers is being sought concernin�•the hours the dump .+s op • en to the public; MONDAY AFTERNOON EVENING TUESDAY ,.WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY• PLEASE CHECK. YOUR PREFERRED :TIMES AND SEND TO: •, GEORGE A. NEWBOLD.• •hairinan Sanitatign. Committee DRAWER 220. ' • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO RipI'eyWt4:e Taik101fWeekly 'Newspaper Work Don'Thornpson, Editor of the Lucknow Sentinel, was the guest speaker at the Ripley W8�inen's ,. Institute ,Public Relations meeting in•.the Legion -Hall on May `2nd Following the opening of the meeting with the newly, elected ... President ill office., Mrs. Oliver McCharles introduced the speaker, whose tapir was based on•the -imporranrfsteps in'publishing the • weekly Sentinel.. Many. interest- ing points of editing a paper were explained. Eac,h member was presented, with a copy of last :week's Sentinel:. , Mrs. Francis. Gernm.ell newly. elected Public Relations Repres entative', thanked Mr..'Thornpson, A.conteston different articles in a weekly paper was held. Mrs. Oliver McCharles ' Y,, presented gifts for various birth days, anniversarie§, etc.., Mrs. 'Finlay McLeod .gave a' report on... the recent. Officers, Gon '- erence held in. Guelph She., stated that it is important to know 'that the Royal Anthem is "The ,Queen"', the Nationa.lapth.ern "0 Canada".. A. poem. "A Tribute To'Mothers" was„,read by the .. President.: The meetings will,be: held On the, first Friday of,eacti month at the Legion Hall in' the s • future. BUSINESS SOLD. •. , CONTINUED FROM 'AGE modest rnanner•;.;that "enough lad. already been said in an •earlier article" : " We persisted in our efforts to .photograph Miss;Muridie feeling.that such a record of•:1. . service ihotild That go. •aintwticed William Murdie.:Of 6eaforth 'took over the 'hardware business` ' in November of 1945 from Taylor of Lueert9ow,, 'Miss, 4iz ieth-Vturdie=camelt ri-tticknow in'April•;of the following rear where' C cgmmenced work ;her bookkeeper and clerk:: , M ss .M ie haw: a number of changes in the store staff: Wall., :.employees over the years., She continued with l41c1 'Sutherland and William` 14rdie when,a • partnership 'was formed andUteri', . when "William Wardle, again • ..operated the'business alone 'after they partnership,waa dissolved. Ken *tb ish4the ai as :later assoCi. iated with his father William Murdie"and continued to rube:the business. after his 'fa is .death' until Ken .passed away a year 'ago. • Since that time Ken's wife, 'Pearl , h._s-doper-ated--the-business_unttl • it was sold this week On Saturday night.of last week, the final page was turned in a lifetime of devoted. service to this .business. Miss Murdie cleared the books from the desk; 'the same desk, , where she had``. first set them ont:over .88 years,' ago•. We trust that she will en joy years ;of retirement in Lucknow .and that she will continue to be a• • familiar face along the main . . street.., • Walter Safety says, ' `Thinkodon't sink! Be water 'wise!. Learn and practise water safety, every' day.''' ACCIDENT' TAKES,LIFE C ONILNUED`FRo-NrbkGE 1 THE READERS WRITE .. Suggest We Live y Rumgn' System Bradleyas survived by his parents, Beverly and Marlene (Baker) Sutton, ,two Brothers; B1ait age B• and Brent; age 3; two, sisters, 'Laurie `age 6 and Kiln; age •5, patertiai grandparents, ivlr, and Mrs, Lyman Sniton,:of Kinloss` • Township; Maternal grandparents, "Mr.• .Mrs: Waiter.. Baker: of Tllsonburg'; ' • • ,' A private funeral iertiloe•wal beheld at iastone era Horne fn; ekThow •on3huriday;' : May 'Sth ,at .2 p . Tri': 'h acrncm will tie in. South lq,nloss Cennetety.. Pass Music Pupils. of the Ontario Conservat- ory onservat-ory of Music tried ,their exams on the Hawaiian guitar on , .April 16.. Results were: First Class Honour's, David Gulley of -R --R. 4,• Wiinghath PP. Macy MacKinnon of R. R. 5 ,. Lucknow, fames Ritter, • Wingharri. Honours, Tommy Barger of i/ R-, R. 3, Lucknow. Pass, John Scott, R. R. 1, •Belgrave The teacher is 1vlr.. zaparzan of Clinton. .rite 162,• 2691.East 49th 'Ave. , Vancpuver 16, B.C. ril12th, 1969• The Lucknow Sentinel,' Lucknow ,` Ont.. Dear Editor '1:find my subscription is now out: 3 enclose $5 00•:to pay for, another year.;: I notethat you were com :peled to raise the ,price of the Sentinel:, inflation is still At its dirty Work. The root`cause 'of rn flabdn' is debt, interest and taxat- Effective Monday of this week, May 5th, our re- tail . hardware : business in Lucknow was sold. to Reg Jones of ' Toronto? We wish totake this opportunity to thank the people of Lucknow . and surrounding district for making the 631/2: years: the• Murdie familyhas been in the hardware business in 'Luck - now' a ,most pleasant and, successful time. , We trust that a continuance of this support will , be shown • to the new owner 'Reg Jones. Mr: Jones will be assistedby lus wife Carol who plans to ' shortly expand the business to include a gift line Kenneth Murdie Miss Elizabeth ;Mur • • *,..1r, sr' ik * 1r *' * ., is always' carried into .price,'.this” will: demand increase. of wages, '. tees and so on and this is also carr-, i e -d -into -pr -ice on-aadao4o,'es this vicious circle. If we lived in, a democracy, this condition wouldn't take place 'We, live by the old Roman system;:: We elect:ctiriulers and._then we'are. ruled and that is not •dernoc.racy ,i,ater on i will write an article on ,' this subject'. Wishing you and your •readers the, :very best G V, Towle. tetter To The Edi Ontario Society for Crippled' Children, 350 ,Rumsey Road,, P.O., Box 1700 Station'R"',. Toronto 17, Ontario, 1 • Dear Editor: , The Ontario. Society for Crippled Children and associated: Easter Seal service clubs join,wft the crippled children in the prov- ince to thank your newspaper wholeheartedly for the supporting publicity which was directed to the •1969 Faster Seal Carripaign:. Although final returns for the campaign will not 'be offieia1ly owner - Mr• *`1r*:*tri*:*.w*•rt w*` io#t'. Any..thing• that increases cost'„Ofjperyiftt-Wthe- 3r - Hardware ,Erawp ct; 1 ' a • labels. of -the Pro • stores and veil! 'b known as : tua NAItDWARE Von** ow lew•wee a in- Lveknowwe have met many, of e-"peoople of 1be-lutea_.-,,sid i:: chat .tn--weeks--a ,ad we will meet many . i uor.e• ' We wig be Oeased• ta'have Yonlirop in and l>haevn►e°, • ia'e in Ltu�o* Ilbe Wilbam :, llIEtrdie and Son }inrdwanC okra the ' best in 'q y and ser vice to the . area. We Wipe in toe' able to exntinne tQVerate, the mess in,fibceccelletttinner.inwpiel it.hatipt eusiy_bee regarded, ***** known for a few weeks, we are con i• en .h t every, one tf 'tlte 229 participating Easter Seal • clubs will not only reach, but; surpass their local campaign /goal this year to establisha new. record high- Easter Seal return for Ontario To each arid every metnber, of the community and surrounding. I area , we extend deepest a,pprec- aeon •fro3n'allthe• crippled girls and boys who will receive help this year through Easter Seal .gifts. • Sincerely yours,' Whitaker, Provincial Easter 'Seal Chairman.. y