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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-07, Page 13
•WEDNESDAY, MAY 7th, 1969 rtifitilltibil Or THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN' • it's the Lord Simcoe a friendly wel- come , .. superb service,, fine. lounges and restau • rants,; all at 'sensiblepr.ices ...; and for convenience the subway.is right;. at the door... in the _-.heart of downtown. ' 'Toronto, Next time you visit Toronto, enjoy it more than • ever .. stay at the. • .Lord Simcoe. t.'stbe. o fc-1144 cae atel University and .King Streets, Tetl.'362-1848' Wingham Nursing5ala0es In Lire WithThoseO#Neghbo�rting Hospitais Salaries of,all categories.•of grad- uate nurses were•reviewed at the 'April greeting of the: Wingharr Hospital Board ,last Wednesday even ing: Chairman Barry, Wengerreport- •ed that there Wad been some corn- • plaints froth the nurses, based on the belief:that-other hospitals in•� this district are paying higher salaries and' granting more lib:eral'fringe benefits... He; asked`. .Mrs, Morrey,'hospital administrat, or. , to ,explain the ac.tuah status iri •; the Wingham:.and DistrictHospital. Mz d -that f-mee with the 'nurses' had been held, at.,. which a complete., breakdown of the Wingham rates of pay', along .with those of •eight•other nearby hospitals, had been pre"rented Aside from one 'category, which. has since been adjusted, the :Wing-' .ham pay scale andfringe benefits, 'program 'is equal to :or slightly .. better'than• the• hospitals in the. area. • a . � . r re'•orted for. the`Executive Committee,', which had ,Met during• the _previous week. • 'The report recommended the app ointment of George ,Thomas as treasurer.&f'the Wingham and •Dist, rict Hospital. TO SET.OPENING. The board was informed that the new training school building on • shorten the stay of patients in hospitals, in order to make bed space available for, a greater nu'm- ber of patients . s. • Dr R.D..'Wilkins reported that a meeting of the. Medical staff was addressed by Dr Baldwin,9. f QHSC and that it•was.eMident frdrn..his'. rernarks that'some "ofthe Smaller. • hospitals : are. likely to be: closed in the coming years' as plans reg-. donalization •.mature Finance Chairman E R..• Hunter : .read a list of the accounts paid dui• in . `the month ' broken down , b de- cardiac monitor system for the hos: pital, .•but the, matter is being left for decision until after the'joint • conference committee had met. and the •d•octors have had an'opp- ortunity to discuss the new equip- merit.• Mars. MorreY 'said that.there.Were 52 ambulance calls •durin 'the •g month'of March:' An association.of' ambulance operators; both hospit als and private concerns and:indi•v .iduals,, has been organized•in this area,, and Peter Norman of.tlie 1 Wingham Hospital s staff has been , prta 1 elected chairman . She'said. that': Catherine' Street is practically, corn pleted and a date for the 'official.' opening was discussed Details•.of the program for that' function were' left with the executive cor°nmittee . Batey ,Wenger "reported on a meet-, •ip n-IFitehenerettentied bathe partments , Disbursements totalled $96,610.,.68 .whilereceipts :amount _ ed to. $101, 95.8..•17 •to leave,a book balance of $5 342 .::64 after bank • charges Were deducted. • Mrs. • Morrey reported for the management;cotnmittee, and in • cluded the information that Mr. Opal had joined:the staff -after. arriving from India. At present;he ,. 'is assigned to general duties'but will go to Camp `Borden.for the :ambulance course -shun Ahu ja in charge of •the'plysiother- apy department had rejoined the, staff after taking a• special course in San Francisco.", Four nurses froth 5 rt Course tv-Fabrics DU'NGANNON NEWS The Dungannon Women's Institute held a shortcourse: on "Choosing and Using Fabrics in"• the basement of the United Church • on Tuesday., April 29th, The meeting opened. with 22 ladies present and lasted *from 10 a.m.. until 4 p.m.' •.• The lady in charge of the demonstration was Mrs., Ells of 'Toronto and she, had a wide'•range; of materials: on display, • Ladies were _present from Nile, , Port Albert • and Lucknow. .Another 'Very interesting lady that .gave a ;lot of good ideas was Mrs. Cliff Crawford of•Lucknow., All members ofthe-W,'I. and guestshad a very enjoyable day,' The Dungannon. W;` I. are . invited. to St Helens on the 14th , of ,May at 8:15.. Since we will not have a . meeting before that, will all ladies take. note. Mrs. McCosh is to show slides of the A . C .. W . W . taken last year at. Lansing, Michigan.. wo Bro OSS • C'omnmittal services for Joseph L McClure ,. a resident of. Manotick, Ontario were held at Greenhill Cemetery on Tuesday. ,Johnstone.Funeral _Home in Lucknow was in charge Mr..1vlcClure ,died at Manotick on May 1st,' ' He was • borri .in Luck'now , a'son of the late ir1r.. :and Mrs. Ben McClure of the village who at that time operated •- a -grocery, and • restaurant business in the :Sanderson's' Ladies and Men's Wear building. He left. some difficulties are still being, en- countered due to the fact that priv- ate operators ,are slow in conforming: to• rules regarding prop er use 'of 'radio . equipment • Statistics.'for the Month • showed .201• adrissions to, the hospital.,; 197 .discharges, 5 deaths, 167 operations •27.3 out patients , 311 x-rays, 20 : t 58 borat r-' ,blood ransfusions; 71is o o y•: tests, 55 elect ro-c rdlographis ex= hucknow` as a youngma'n and: "LL" . T � later worked: for Ontario Hydro. , for 41 years at Nia,gara Falls and Ottawa. He' will be remembered in'Lucknow by sportsminded residents as.having played consid= er'able hockey here as a youth. • • He is survived by his wife Elizabeth, .two sons William of Manotick and Robert of Port Hope, as well as a 'sister Miss Mabel McClure of •Toronto. • .Burial was in the family plot at .G;reenhill Cemetery A brother of Mr.. McClure, . David Austin McClureof Montreal.: , had .diedjust two' week earlier. He also left this community'as a young roan to take a position with the'.Molson's Bank at Iroquois,. He spent his life in the banking business and was retired' with. the Bank'of Montreal. ' 'The funeral was' held April 19th in Montreal with' burial in lylt. Royal Cemetery. He is survived. by his wife Doris and'sister 'Miss: 'Mabel McClure of Toronto. aminations, 48 cancer clinic , 1 I• post mortem :examination, 553: p siothera Y treatments A ota. l'' of 2844 'hospitadays amounted to, a daily average sof 92.1. • '• ?RPSfflIIT BEFORE.' THY' START ' India and; two from Korea' are expectedto, join the staff,within • ;: the next few weeks Two laborat.- ory technicians from India are also expected romcal-ves • chairmanand, the administrator', at which annual•budgets had: been the elrieuimdet disci He explained, that the Ontario Hos pital Services Commission this year . discarded' the "line -by-line" detailed budget in determining' the .allowances for individual hospitals, substituting in its dace a. y "global:" budget - a, straight statement of the amount of increase which would be permitted'. on the basis of 1968 expenditures: • The Kitchener meeting. discussed :the mentis of the two systems. 11,B. Cousins who had ,attended a district hospital Meeting in' Stratford recently','said• that •Health Minister Or. Matthew Dymond: was 'de speaker and his subject.was. < regionalization of hospitals 'and how, it 'would' affect the institutions in this area. The m nister•liad..also urged that, every effort be made to SUPERVISION "• Mrs: Morrey'said that there is a very real .shortage .of supervisory personnel andthat advertisements • are being placed in the:hope' of . . r' s cate7 4. Ed Walker, chairinan'of the prop= ssion�-�=arty-eoniin-i:t=tee sa- d t}iat reco:nstru. - ,etion of the Main office area is.•• almost completed.: His conlrnitt- ee will meet shortly to consider the: possibility .of "using a portion :of the, present 'school building for :additional' space to hold clinics, Mrs, A. H' MacTavish said that the Hospital' Auxiliary's: spring sale will be held in'the arena on Satur- day's May 24., .and urged that anyone who has articles for the �. auction sale laotify the--ti—x' nierribers . DeWitt Miller ;' chairman of the I' public relations ,,said• that interest- ing pictures of the new x=ray equipment had'appeared' in the papers. He also said that some of the service clubs iii the area are interested in, sharing, the cost of a • gsow &, grow & gro IIPOM realer'. amp ri.ors i $1111.1111 iiilrl:IN uuu! •^i.....rr Ypu can grow calves for the profitable veal calf market in:only eeks With SHUR-GAIN. Veale Less than'200 pounds'of this exciting new product will• raise a calf to-HIrrarket-we-'iglit» . . ', calve -s -t -t a -t: w'i l -gr=ade 2-"ge©d- t-ochoiaef- FORTIFIED WITH ANTIBIOTICS and with a special high fat level, SHUR-'GAIN Vealer gives •'youamazingly lbw feed :conversions• TEST FEED YOUR NEXT CALF ON' SHUR-GAIN Vealer and learn for yourself about the' excitingnew profit opportunities from feeding for the Veal Calf Market: ASK US TO -DAY FOR THE 'EASY FEEDING PROGIZAiVI,. AND A SPECIAL PERFORMANCE RECORD CARD. calf feeds LUCKNOW PHONE- 5284026' yryufa�.,.a