HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-07, Page 2PAGE; TWO
community support
ireciafel Sy
n .. Some'question has arisen as to whether the present hours at the
Lucknow village dump best suit the needs of the village 'residents..
The dumpis now open . to the; public, on Tuesday 'evenings from
'• PP
7:30 to 8:30 p.m. and on Thursday afternoons. from 2 to .4 p.m.. An
1 ^
attendant is onduty at that time and other than these two specified
times, the dumpis closed.
These hours were originally adopted• to curb • problems which had
been created at the dump when the grounds; :were open allthe time.
• With the dumping now supervised, •the facilities arekept in better
• and more usable condition.
George. A. Newbold, chairman' of the council sanitation com-
mittee, has this week inserted in The Sentinel a 'questionnaire for
village residents with provision for them to indicate what days, and
Whether afternoon or evening, would be best :suited to them and their
dumping requirements. •
If you are .unhappy with the present dumping hours, orifyou'
think they are fine and don't want them changed, now is the ' time
to state your .preference. The majority opinion of . village residents
will, be considered and the dumping hours regulated to fit the 'feeling
of the community. Nowis the time tomake your .feelings' known.
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Dear Donald ,
•I'd. like to take this opportunity
to thank. you and the people of •
this community who helped ;make.:,
our ;recent •campaign for funds
for -the ,Canadian Cancer Societ
so successful. Each •year I think.
', if:we ,can only do as well as lasr
year' , and each year we seem to
receive a few dollars more, 'This.
year Lucknow, has not only
supported cancer research, educ-
.ation; and: service to patients by
financial donations, but many
people •have given of themselves
personallyto help soften the
impact of Cancer on a family in
our village. , .A few months ago,
when.I put an ad in: the 'Seminal
for a homemaker which the
Cancer Society would pay'for, 1;
iwas not too optimistic'aabout any
response., Would you believe:' it, •
four women, got in touch' with'me:
• • and:Offered to•help! They 'all
refused to be, paid for ;their ,work
and the .Sentinel•wouldn't even
tet me pa,y' for the notice
Ashfield'Local•of the Ontario Farmers Union was formed about
31/2 years ago and 'since that time has developed into; one of. the most>.
active : farm' organizationswe have hadexperience with at the local
level Their' regular Monthly meetings have provided the farmers of
.this area'with'the opportunity•_ to gain much in knowledge of not only
farri union work, but all aspects -of .the, farming:industry: .•
Unfortunately::a s Plit' has:occurred in the thinking within the •
ranks of the Ashfield local.. Differences of opinion have occurred before'.'
and will : occur again,' butthis >'Particular matter . has caused the.
resignation' of several ;of•'their officers. who°1ia 1n a ternativerbut to
At the March. meeting of the Ashfield. local it was 't to
support 'the new General Farm Organization. 'The following motion
• passed at the March meeting with' a :large majdrity of the 57 present
' in favour and only a, very :few opposed:, The motion read: `
in ..this LOeai support-th pai. . u
• Davidson's • Plan)provided that, (1) ` on the voting .ballot farm-
•mttee( .. m
ers..willhave a: chance to vote on the question, "are' you in favour
of • g
Marketing ` Boards havin a. vote on the Provincial Council?" •and:,
-('2) . 'that , the new • G.F.0:: plan Must.'contain: a' direct Voluntary. mem
' bership and • compulsory ,check -off. "
May I saythanks onc•e again to
,everyone who has given of -his
time, talents and'money in
•support ,of the Canadian Cancer
Society: •
Yours truly,
Carroll M. McKim;,
/ —Chair—a—
Norman Bruce;.;
...Present at this meeting ,was .;Malcolm Davidson of Brucefield: •
ENNAN - t" Mt .and Mrs.,
Argus' MacLennan of Lucknow in '
W'ingham`arid District Hospital,
on Tuesday,' ApriI 29th, 'a son,,
Ashfield was the first local :m Ontario to go . in support t of .the
General Farm. Organization'. They did it' ina democratic; fashion With
most of theinMembership, attending the meeting in favour, .
The decision did not rest well with the executive. of the Ontario
Farmers Union, among them Walter Miller," the president;. of Tara.
Mr:' Millen .re . uested a meeting with. the Ashfield local and came
to their regular April meeting is a, so rin eres mg o no e a r.
Miller requested that no publicity; be given this meeting. The request.
was made to Ashfield local who, attempting to . co=operate' with imp,
did not submit their regular monthly meeting:•report to the local pre(s
WOn'tChui:'ge, A
f• • Huron"Township Council held
the. May, meeting on :May .1st ;with
all members present.' Minutes of.
act "'TT! ing wer_e rrea•
firmed.' •
!• Douglas: Henry resigned as :
•fence viewer and was. replaced by
.John Smith ,of Concession
GlennFarrell, tax collector
'•returned •the•.196,8 ta•X, .roll showing
a total of $10 :724.23 remaining
LucxttOW° ONT'1,1,It
` T hrsepoy TowtvLi-Azisruce, Boundary
Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847
Established 1873 — Published Eaeh Wednesday. Afternoon
Member of the C.W.N.A. and OW.N.A.'
Subscription Rate, $5.00 a year in, advance to the U.S.A. $7.00
Donald C. Thompson, Publisher
•WEDNESDAY,. MAY 7th, 1969
Sudden Beauty
in an Exciting_
New .Hair Do.
For An Appointment-
., ,
'PHONE' '528-3328.:.:'
Campbell. St, :Lucknow,
A ticket. will. be giV'en with 'each fippointiient from ' May. 8th.
Draw to be made May 17th at, 5 p.m. , • •s.•
Brother,Di.esinP�rtiand, Oregon:
William Johnston of.Portland,,
Oregon, passed, away In. Vetetan's
Hospital;,:Fortland on 'Sunday,
May; 4t s death 'followed a •
• 'heart 'attack. He was in la 19th.
Mr Johnston is'survived by a :
daughter ;Mrs Mary Elizabeth:,
:.'MacCa,ter , who made her .hare
with'her father; :two granddaught
ers Elizabeth •and Christine
MacCarteri sister Mrs. Eva
MacQuaig of.Lucknow ,two
brothers Prank of Lucknow arid•
•,: Russell of Ashfield„.*: A, 'brother
• , Elmer of'Luc know passed •away in
ugusr; 1968
Mr.:Johnston'was born on the
lOth concessionof, Kinloss' in
July.. 18:90, a son•of Joseph
Johnston a'nd• Elizabeth Little :
'He attendedLucknow-High;
School and worked''in the Bank
of Montreal in Lucknow for a
'time. When a young man he
• went• to
SPokane, Washin
ton and
thento Portland; Oregon.
• .Mrs. Johnston passed away: on
March 7' 1960 • • '
. IVIr, ohnsto ' was well kn'o.w
J nin
the'•Lucknow area as he continued
to visit here each 'slimmer •and
was ;planning: for his annual
Lucknow•holid.ay again this year.
His .death�:occurred'following
only a week's illness.•
Mr 1Vliher strongly advised the Ashfield local to ' reconsider
•their decision about :supporting the G.F.O.:It is apparent that Mr..
Miller, could see a leak' in the 'boat if the Ashfield decision 'stood.
No doubt he was concerned that . a series of such leaks might .even=
tually sink .his; ship: f Te 'indicated to the Ashfield local' that publicity
gained' by them in their support of.; G.F.O. was harmful• to the
' F_armers Union . •• . •
The Sentinel'' is not: completely clear : on what• transpired at or
following the meeting, but it •was agreed that the motion' would again
be discussed at the, May meeting which• was held last Thursday;• •
A motion 'at Thursday's meeting 'to reaffirm the stand taken at
the March '6 meeting was defeated by :a vote, of .19 - 14. This :Means
that the Ashfield local's support for G.F.O. :will be withdrawn.'
• It is difficult to, understand show, in a matter .of two months., the
ions of so many Ashfield:'farmers have. Changed. towards G.F.O.
•• 'opinions
�� ,' 'as not �relvebsed.Oths om the Union movement.
Man _felt-that:_t e 1
if their. ;decision w felt 'that. the Union con
s was not possible,
irtution was so worded that this p •
As 'an outside, observer we don't. pretend to know who is right
and who is wrong: We 'do however, feel 'that Walter Miller's, . visit
to Ashfield' int April was, a• desperation move within 'Union: ranks and
'an indication that members were not left alone to make their own de-
cisions. His •request for no publicity on the meeting is indicative of Ins.
concern' about the• Ashfield local's , original decision to .'support G.F.O.
The.unfortunate part locally is''that a rift has come 'about 'in
.a' strong Local . farm voice. President, Jim Martin, treasurer • Vince
Austin and secretary Pat Martin have ' found it necessary to resign
their office in the Union. Following the March decision, they pledged
their support to G.F.O. and had no alternative but to resign, after
township -Ifni is On the
George Smith; a union member is on theoui
mity' G. 0, committee
The change in the position .of„ the Ashfield local leaves these:
and other Union members, in an impossible` position. ,
However,, in . a democratic country, we all have the ' right' to
change our minds and change our ,decisions. We. also have a right
to questionwhy so many minds were changed ;in so short . a time
following a "closed;" meeting addressed by the president of a prow-
•• incial group,
Awl R.
nA By-law was passed to govern
and .license trailer camps inthe
township • at. $5.. 00 per: site. per
Dinettes for ybod !
' Save on the perfect style;
the perfect' . size for your.
family and. your home
You'll recognize the worth -
While -savings.
• 1•
year :for summer trailers and.
$5:'00 per month for permanent
Corporal Harold Heighton was
asked -to attend' the meeting to,
discuss the Ontario Provincial
Police view of'parking 'cars at
' Boiler Beach and after a thorough,
;discussion on the matter council
decided not to 'charge admission
• to .take the cars into the parking •
area of the beach in an effort to
keep cars from parking on the
toad which last year was a traffic
Road •A'ccounts of $5 ,4:99:61.
and township accounts. •
Of $4;950,4.6 were ordered` paid.
Council adjourned until next
regular, meeting on June 2nd.