HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-07, Page 2PAGE; TWO ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO: community support ireciafel Sy ancer.hairinan DUMPING n .. Some'question has arisen as to whether the present hours at the Lucknow village dump best suit the needs of the village 'residents.. The dumpis now open . to the; public, on Tuesday 'evenings from '• PP • 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. and on Thursday afternoons. from 2 to .4 p.m.. An 1 ^ attendant is onduty at that time and other than these two specified times, the dumpis closed. These hours were originally adopted• to curb • problems which had been created at the dump when the grounds; :were open allthe time. • With the dumping now supervised, •the facilities arekept in better • and more usable condition. George. A. Newbold, chairman' of the council sanitation com- mittee, has this week inserted in The Sentinel a 'questionnaire for village residents with provision for them to indicate what days, and Whether afternoon or evening, would be best :suited to them and their dumping requirements. • If you are .unhappy with the present dumping hours, orifyou' think they are fine and don't want them changed, now is the ' time to state your .preference. The majority opinion of . village residents will, be considered and the dumping hours regulated to fit the 'feeling of the community. Nowis the time tomake your .feelings' known. 111t1111111111pIif 1111111 lfoltto ASHFIELD UNION CHANGE MI ON GF:O: Dear Donald , •I'd. like to take this opportunity to thank. you and the people of • this community who helped ;make.:, our ;recent •campaign for funds for -the ,Canadian Cancer Societ so successful. Each •year I think. ', if:we ,can only do as well as lasr year' , and each year we seem to receive a few dollars more, 'This. year Lucknow, has not only supported cancer research, educ- .ation; and: service to patients by financial donations, but many people •have given of themselves personallyto help soften the impact of Cancer on a family in our village. , .A few months ago, when.I put an ad in: the 'Seminal for a homemaker which the Cancer Society would pay'for, 1; iwas not too optimistic'aabout any response., Would you believe:' it, • four women, got in touch' with'me: • • and:Offered to•help! They 'all refused to be, paid for ;their ,work and the .Sentinel•wouldn't even tet me pa,y' for the notice • Ashfield'Local•of the Ontario Farmers Union was formed about 31/2 years ago and 'since that time has developed into; one of. the most>. active : farm' organizationswe have hadexperience with at the local level Their' regular Monthly meetings have provided the farmers of .this area'with'the opportunity•_ to gain much in knowledge of not only farri union work, but all aspects -of .the, farming:industry: .• Unfortunately::a s Plit' has:occurred in the thinking within the • Y ranks of the Ashfield local.. Differences of opinion have occurred before'.' and will : occur again,' butthis >'Particular matter . has caused the. resignation' of several ;of•'their officers. who°1ia 1n a ternativerbut to do:'so. 'agreed At the March. meeting of the Ashfield. local it was 't to support 'the new General Farm Organization. 'The following motion • passed at the March meeting with' a :large majdrity of the 57 present ' in favour and only a, very :few opposed:, The motion read: ` in ..this LOeai support-th pai. . u • Davidson's • Plan)provided that, (1) ` on the voting .ballot farm- ers.. far •mttee( .. m ers..willhave a: chance to vote on the question, "are' you in favour of • g Marketing ` Boards havin a. vote on the Provincial Council?" •and:, -('2) . 'that , the new • G.F.0:: plan Must.'contain: a' direct Voluntary. mem ' bership and • compulsory ,check -off. " May I saythanks onc•e again to ,everyone who has given of -his time, talents and'money in •support ,of the Canadian Cancer Society: • Yours truly, Carroll M. McKim;, Campaign. . / —Chair—a— Norman Bruce;.; • ...Present at this meeting ,was .;Malcolm Davidson of Brucefield: • ENNAN - t" Mt .and Mrs., Argus' MacLennan of Lucknow in ' W'ingham`arid District Hospital, on Tuesday,' ApriI 29th, 'a son,, • Ashfield was the first local :m Ontario to go . in support t of .the General Farm. Organization'. They did it' ina democratic; fashion With most of theinMembership, attending the meeting in favour, . The decision did not rest well with the executive. of the Ontario Farmers Union, among them Walter Miller," the president;. of Tara. Mr:' Millen .re . uested a meeting with. the Ashfield local and came to their regular April meeting is a, so rin eres mg o no e a r. Miller requested that no publicity; be given this meeting. The request. was made to Ashfield local who, attempting to . co=operate' with imp, did not submit their regular monthly meeting:•report to the local pre(s PASST RAILER BY-LAW WOn'tChui:'ge, A •• �Boile•r'Beach'': RON COUNCLIl TATT�TTTT' f• • Huron"Township Council held the. May, meeting on :May .1st ;with all members present.' Minutes of. act "'TT! ing wer_e rrea• firmed.' • !• Douglas: Henry resigned as : •fence viewer and was. replaced by .John Smith ,of Concession GlennFarrell, tax collector '•returned •the•.196,8 ta•X, .roll showing a total of $10 :724.23 remaining uncollected WEDNESDAY, MAY 7th, 1,9 The LUCKNO ':..ENTINE LucxttOW° ONT'1,1,It ` T hrsepoy TowtvLi-Azisruce, Boundary Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 — Published Eaeh Wednesday. Afternoon Member of the C.W.N.A. and OW.N.A.' Subscription Rate, $5.00 a year in, advance to the U.S.A. $7.00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher •WEDNESDAY,. MAY 7th, 1969 Sudden Beauty in an Exciting_ New .Hair Do. �hS JAN For An Appointment- ., , 'PHONE' '528-3328.:.:' Campbell. St, :Lucknow, rrFREE PERM ' ' A ticket. will. be giV'en with 'each fippointiient from ' May. 8th. Draw to be made May 17th at, 5 p.m. , • •s.• CLOSED: ALL DAY MONDAY Brother,Di.esinP�rtiand, Oregon: William Johnston of.Portland,, Oregon, passed, away In. Vetetan's Hospital;,:Fortland on 'Sunday, May; 4t s death 'followed a • • 'heart 'attack. He was in la 19th. year.. Mr Johnston is'survived by a : daughter ;Mrs Mary Elizabeth:, :.'MacCa,ter , who made her .hare with'her father; :two granddaught ers Elizabeth •and Christine MacCarteri sister Mrs. Eva MacQuaig of.Lucknow ,two brothers Prank of Lucknow arid• •,: Russell of Ashfield„.*: A, 'brother • , Elmer of'Luc know passed •away in A ugusr; 1968 Mr.:Johnston'was born on the lOth concessionof, Kinloss' in July.. 18:90, a son•of Joseph Johnston a'nd• Elizabeth Little : 'He attendedLucknow-High; School and worked''in the Bank of Montreal in Lucknow for a 'time. When a young man he • went• to SPokane, Washin ton and thento Portland; Oregon. • .Mrs. Johnston passed away: on March 7' 1960 • • ' ' . IVIr, ohnsto ' was well kn'o.w n J nin the'•Lucknow area as he continued to visit here each 'slimmer •and was ;planning: for his annual Lucknow•holid.ay again this year. His .death�:occurred'following only a week's illness.• Mr 1Vliher strongly advised the Ashfield local to ' reconsider •their decision about :supporting the G.F.O.:It is apparent that Mr.. Miller, could see a leak' in the 'boat if the Ashfield decision 'stood. No doubt he was concerned that . a series of such leaks might .even= tually sink .his; ship: f Te 'indicated to the Ashfield local' that publicity gained' by them in their support of.; G.F.O. was harmful• to the ' F_armers Union . •• . • • The Sentinel'' is not: completely clear : on what• transpired at or following the meeting, but it •was agreed that the motion' would again be discussed at the, May meeting which• was held last Thursday;• • A motion 'at Thursday's meeting 'to reaffirm the stand taken at the March '6 meeting was defeated by :a vote, of .19 - 14. This :Means that the Ashfield local's support for G.F.O. :will be withdrawn.' r: • It is difficult to, understand show, in a matter .of two months., the ions of so many Ashfield:'farmers have. Changed. towards G.F.O. •• 'opinions expelled �� ,' 'as not �relvebsed.Oths om the Union movement. Man _felt-that:_t e 1 if their. ;decision w felt 'that. the Union con s was not possible, irtution was so worded that this p • As 'an outside, observer we don't. pretend to know who is right and who is wrong: We 'do however, feel 'that Walter Miller's, . visit to Ashfield' int April was, a• desperation move within 'Union: ranks and 'an indication that members were not left alone to make their own de- cisions. His •request for no publicity on the meeting is indicative of Ins. concern' about the• Ashfield local's , original decision to .'support G.F.O. The.unfortunate part locally is''that a rift has come 'about 'in .a' strong Local . farm voice. President, Jim Martin, treasurer • Vince Austin and secretary Pat Martin have ' found it necessary to resign their office in the Union. Following the March decision, they pledged their support to G.F.O. and had no alternative but to resign, after township -Ifni is On the George Smith; a union member is on theoui mity' G. 0, committee The change in the position .of„ the Ashfield local leaves these: and other Union members, in an impossible` position. , However,, in . a democratic country, we all have the ' right' to change our minds and change our ,decisions. We. also have a right to questionwhy so many minds were changed ;in so short . a time following a "closed;" meeting addressed by the president of a prow- •• incial group, Awl R. nA By-law was passed to govern and .license trailer camps inthe township • at. $5.. 00 per: site. per Dinettes for ybod ! ' Save on the perfect style; the perfect' . size for your. family and. your home You'll recognize the worth - While -savings. • 1• year :for summer trailers and. $5:'00 per month for permanent trailers. Corporal Harold Heighton was asked -to attend' the meeting to, discuss the Ontario Provincial Police view of'parking 'cars at ' Boiler Beach and after a thorough, ;discussion on the matter council decided not to 'charge admission • to .take the cars into the parking • area of the beach in an effort to keep cars from parking on the toad which last year was a traffic hazard. Road •A'ccounts of $5 ,4:99:61. and township accounts. • Of $4;950,4.6 were ordered` paid. Council adjourned until next regular, meeting on June 2nd. Earl.Tout.,'. Clerk. 'y: