HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-07, Page 100•A Year In Advance $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIo - WEDNESDAY, MAY 7th, 1969 HARDAR.Et'::, .ixty-three years and one;: month is a long tinie to work for .:one 'firm and at one location. •.Chis•is-the record of achicy_einent :completed Sattirdayby bliss Elizabeth Murdie of Lucknow as she closed the books, at the William 1\1urdre and. Son, Hardware i Lucknow which has, been sold Reg Jones of Toronto: 1. The business section of. Lucknow ' has'lost a true and faithful employee in the person of. Miss Murdie;affectionately known to ,her friends as Lib.::She has 'given her lifetime to the Murdie Hardware where she acted as • bookkeeper and clerk: from, the . first week of April in' 19'06:'.until.. .the first,week in May of 1969: Such loyal service is' seldom. • equalled by an 'employee • When The Sentinel 'first Contac `ted Miss Murdie for a picture and interview , she, very, graciously turned us, down stating; in her CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 NREE1 Brookside North. Ashfield. W l Have Kndiroarten •'Kinde 'Kindergarten, w be'.estabiishe.d' . next .ternl to serve the townships., of Ashfield arid'••W. e`st;Wawanosh.. • The resent' ro osal calls for' the P P P . establishing of:three classes of about i9 pupil's. each: , One: c 'TWo.other classes •.would be`:;,, !: Kindergarten pupils would re the, stablished. at Brookside 'P'ublic' regular.: buses at reguid lar times,: • School in ether room '1 or 2' which ' The:occu ' in g • of a 'room at ..PY is designed for` this. ;type•of class'. •! Brookside. would' necessitate the. The. ro�osal also: would be'to ! securin:- of a portable classroom p P g P. Pass operate the 'c4asses all day_, every which 'would h ous ,.either ,grade 2 Will operate at the North •Ashfield. Public School in a. rooni,a'vailable' there. It would operate 'all day, every other .day other da , and with.twoclasses at • or 3.to•rnahe rooni for'the kinder. 1 Brookside:the room:would'be gartersclass. • = occupied all the time , :with each • Class there ori alternate days.: .They resignation .has been sec- Named Princ'ipa G 0: Phillips, . 496 vice- principal°of Central Huron Secon h da r •So Y o o1 Minton• - since 1965 • • •has be Janie FE.: Madill Secondar.Y School at . • Winghaineffective Sept. 1. • • Mr, Phillips: succeeds E.''- Madill, 'who earlier year ear was . rratned wo assistan super- intendents• for the Huron t Coun ..Y board of education The ap oiintment.:was announced P ata board rneetmg .in'Goderich on • Monday . :Mr. Phillips;is' a native of Port Arthur and received'' his bachelor of arts do tee from the. Univ'ersity of Manitoba:: •• Prior to coming to Clinton, he' - . Quell fo.r.. Morning;Fire; •A' minor fire occurred at the uc ow "oo' °ro•uc rYro�rt- . 2.30 a m one morning last . week• which'might havedevel- oped into a serious one had it •not 'been .noticed in:"time . • A fire broke out :on a 3,,ledge on' the outside of the building where the smoke stack sits, An accumulation of sawdust and fine dist lyad ignited -and Was -blowing around ,when `noticed, by the Lucknow Wood. Products ,forernan H. Eisenberger who•resides in the factory.hou.se close by.: I;le alerted Spence Irwin;•. Was vice-principal c f_.tbe second Ary schoa] 'in Fergus: StockerSole. er e 0 n M nd 3UFi. cattie' we resold at the stocker'sale held at The •Lucknow Coiiununiry'sale bri. vipnday of this week;.. • • , Pour Hereford Y steetsaverag.inf, Ol0'lbs, were sold bar Donald Macken,i'� :of Port.Albert to o o yroo4 at Thirteen heifers averaging 505 lbs. Were' sold b .Wim de Boer of St. Helens toy Walter Renwick of Delmore at 32 •• Nineteen ¢ ;en calves averaging 510 lbs,• were sold by Robert McIntosh of Lucknow to 'Lloyd Whytock of East Wawanosh at 36,50,•.'• eived at Brookside: 'of l 1rs • Lloyd, Cline of Godetich. Three new •,, ,teachers have been engaged,Mrs. Murray Wilson of West Wawanosh,. bliss Sharon Nornlan;.who has been P 'teaching at Clinton' Public School and Mrs Barbara Bakker of West. Wawanosh who has been teaching •o-1 There. is a possibility that Mrs.., Howard' Blake, presently at ,Brookside, will devote more. time night mar t"the Liotory~rri*ell as S'pence's son Ross who had ' just corneaoff his shift worl•, at the Winghatii Foundry and was talk- ing ,with his dad at the time. -Ross at first tried to tramp it out' b t thele was too much fire and ,* it tool<.a. pail'of water to do the.. trick, Had the fire riotlicen,' noticed in time, a serious t7tit`• break, might have occurred. passes In Hospital lwoed 13arl ur of West:. Wawanosh Township, .passed awaj, on 'Tuesday, May tali at \`ictoria. i Hospital, London, . 11e was in his P 70th yeai. Punerai servicc,wiil be held at -MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow on rriCl'ay, 'May Oth at p, m ; , with'intetment at Greenhill certietery,. {r Single Copy 15c. 24 ,Palges" OLD Bradley Blake Lyman Sitt.on, 4,yerold`son of Mr. and Mrs.' Beverly "Bud Sutton of -the 4th concession of Kinloss, was instant- ly killed about 9.30 a, fl -'..on Tuesday of this week when he, became caught in the power tal e - off of their farm tractor.: Friends in the community were . saddened' to learn of the'farm accident which took the lifeof this youngster, one of a family of five ranging: from'tthree years o.f age to eight, ..Bud- Sutton. and; 17 -year-did; Lloyd Henderson , who was assist: ng• at the Sutton farm, were 'loading ensilage. The manure spreader was backed; into the barn: L and the •tractor was just at. thes`. ,. doorway of the barn. In some mannerthe youngster became entangled in the power take -off and. was 'sucked into the machine • Coroner , Dr. J ....0 ,' 1\,lc Kim attended at the scene , with Cpl: Harold'; Highton•and. Constable Larry Whitelaw of the Kincardine Ontario Provincial Police.investig ating The Sutton farm is located on the'4th .of. Kinloss and. is known to' many as the .;former Alex Cameron place with the late Clifford McNall having •the- property prior, to his death. ' CONTINUED; ON PAGE 19': 444" ' 4!;,«:•*; '. ;.+.i••�44+ - i 4»:-.1»,•:i