HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-23, Page 19• WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 23rd, 1969
New Wing And Manse At Vucknow. United Churcli,.
••••:: ;41.
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TWo'views are shown of the new
Lucknow,United Church Christian
Education Wing and Manse The '
addition is situated just north of
. 'the ehurch,on Havelock Street. The
official dedication of. the new..
building and manse was held on
Sunday afternoon:. , •
• *Strapp`. Mr. and Mrs.•Strapp served
the Lucknow congregation prior to •
.• the pre'sent minister. • •
Rev ... George B.a.11 of Ripley and
Rev: Gordon Kaiser of Ashfield
• were 'other 'district' clergy present'.
A special guest at Sunday's dedic-
ation was Dr G, Victor Levan of
• Brantford ; president' of ,Hamilton
conference an&exeCutive member •'
Of general. counail. In his rernaiit's,
• • • •
Dr. 'Levan extended congratulations
to the•Lucknow congregation for
their achievement.' Dr. Levan led
'in .the act .of dedication. The keys
to the church Were presented by the
general contractor; Mel Wedow of
Hanover to the chairman Of the :
•Ackert who in turn' presented them.
to the minister, Rey.' Laird Stirling
who placed them on the •.. •
communion table Rev. V. .' .! :.•
Wilkinson led in a prayer of dedic—
ation.', • • •
•• Dr Levan cut the ribbon to the
new Christian Education wing to
officially ppen,the building. •
Elwin Hall was. in 'charge Of tours •
'which were led by members of the
proper is located a church parlour
ministersAidy, choir rOorn..,,
commtilon auchflowerroo-nra
rooms on, both the•Sun-
day School lower level arid the
church upper level. Entrance can,
now be madetto 'the church auditor'
ium frorn the wing with only a few
short steps for those •who previously
in memory of Mrs, W.G. Andrew.
The Bookcase for, the' Church Par- e
ont-irdo-riat orers—
.zh,Jeacierhip f r R.f-
aid Alton, and.Mrs, Eunice
DunSfnuir., ,
A Library Table for -the church
parlour was dogated by Mr. and '
Mrs Wilfred Drennan
found the steps into the church
problem. The kitchen of the church, The•SPagesaver •SPItee and two
located in the basement ar-ea of the., for the'Church Parlour are -
Mrs t •
church proper, has been enlarged donated by ' "Mr and ' aober
and.vasty . 't Mac Kenzie . • , ' • .
, • • • • -Foilt chairs for 'the thurch Parlour
Total cost of the building project .are donated by Mrs. FlarVey Hous -
is ”
$69 ,725•arid prior. to'Sunday • ton. ' •
over $46,000 had been rdised. by, the Four stacking chairs for the'
congregation". Church Parlour are' donated .by
A number of memorials and gifts Ken Cameron,. .. '
:The Oak Table foi- the Church 2 • '
to :the church were dedicated at
Sunday's service. .. Entrance is donated, by Mrs. George•
Stuart and Miss Catherine Maccre-:
A gift Of Money was given to the
Blinding Fund in memory' of Miss g°1." • •
' •
Jen,nie Pierce . • . The following are the keycoMM-
The money received from the sale 'nee'whoP4rticiPatecl'in the
Of residence and- contents was given, building program` ' • •
to the BuildIngfundBuilding Conimittee ,Raynard.in memory of ' •
Miss Jean leesAckert (Chairman), Gordon Morri-'r
, . •
A gift of money was given to, the son, Ken Cameron, Roy, Havens,
Building Fund in memory of Miss Robert Fisher', Glen *Walden
Annie MacKay.. Finance comil-lime JaCk•Ivic-
The Mirror in .the ChurCh Parlour.
is:thegi'ft'�f Ms. William Hunter.
in 'memoryof her grandmother;;„
Mrs. Wilson Irwin• . • '• •
The, Offering Plate for the Sunday'
SchOol is the. gift Oethe Robinson „ •
family in:memory of the father ,
Mr ...Howard Robinson:1
The Two Pictures/ for the. ChUrch,
Parlour are the gift of'Mii. C.A.
Bell in Memory of her mother*,,Mrs,
Charles ••
A'gift Of Money to the building
Education '!':/ing and the. Manse.
• The people were.taken in groups'�f'
• I
about 15 after which they were ser.=.
• Ved a luncheon 'bY the ladies Of .•
the 'church., Various executive'
'members and church rriembers.ire
stationed thioughoilt:the :wing and.
manse and explained the project
7-- •
Work on thebuilding of ,the Wing
and' nianie .commenced. on May • '
'16 of listyear with the minister
and his family moving into the „
manse:111e early part' of becember..
The manse is an attractive three
bedroom home wit a lying room,
kitchen,and family room all on
one :flobr. Under the manse are sit-
uated ten Sunday School class- •
ropths,, a small: asserribiy.. room and!
:between the manse and the.church
Kim (Past Chairman), George New'
bold(Treasurer),"Lloyd Ashton,
trnie•Ackert, 'Elwin Hall. •' •
Furnishings Committee (UCW) •; •
• b•
Mrs. AlOc•Niatl\l'ay`(Chairman)-• -. --- ---- ---, 7"------
rs. Wellington Hendersoh„ MI -Si...-.
George JOynt , Mrs. 'Elwin ,Hall , ''. ;•
Mrs ;Jack' McDonagh . ,
•Opening Celebrations' Planning•
Committee, Rev, Laiid Stirling i.
,(Chairman), Elwin Hall, hitss,..-Ver-
'non Hunter, Mrs. Harvey HOuston„
Mrs. Kenneth carneron.:
,.,. •
fithd'was from the estate of MrS,. Gifts and Memorials Committee,
William Buifiell. ' • ., • .-. Wilfred Diennan.(Chairman);,Mrs.•
. . . , • :
'. The MeniOrial. Book and Oak . : ..MrS. Leonard•Ritchie, Mrs,' Ernest .
. , .•. .
Alex Andrew, GordonMorrison',
„„ .
_Table are_th.e.sift.0._ Mt. •rar0.,,IYArs.::,......Lew.is:.,:•NormarSiegria. ,, ---- , :.:_....
• . .
. . '
Ewart Taylor 'in meniory of their , • . .•
daughter, Jean Paulirte Walden:
A gilt of money toward„theBuild-
in g Fund-Vasigiven by:Chester I
Zwainley in, Memory of his•rnother,1
Mrs. Wesley '1)4b!am1ey. I
ted by Rev. and Mrs.. G,tant Meikle•I
john in memory. of their son., Pail,.
Ernest Meiklejolm. ••'
The,Primary Room, is completed
by. a bequest to the Sunday School.
. .
A • ,