HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-23, Page 18PAGE LEIGHTEEN.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL' 23rd, 1969
On° May 1st, Janet Hamilton of -the Olivet Com-
munity in Huron =Township -will -commence a hair-
dressing business in The Johnstone Block in Luck-
now in the: location formerly occupied by Dr. J.
E. Little.
Mr. and. Mrs.: Elwood Groskorth.
spent the week, end with M'r . and
Mrs: 'Paul Groskorth and family.
and other relatives in Toronto
John :Clipperton of ,Ttiarnesford .
has'moved to • the, farm toassist his
father Wilford Clipperton with 'his
On Saturday evening Russel Chap'-
ma;n, Torn Morrison and Mrs
•Victor, Emerson met atJohn'J.amie-•
son's home where, president John
Jamieson of the Whitechurch Water;
s'�Ystem'opened the ball'ot.box•`'
containingthe votes 'on whether or
l€rt s
f eEtlie -ai gners-,were .willin :to
r=i give the water.for the initial'
charge of $371.00 cash or $0.,46
ARENA ;Me Butler building would be the
CONTINUED FROM. PAGE, 1 ' most suitable, new building if that
Nester Nicholsons
, _L - is 1a g 'Wanted Cost
-regard �ouneil nga-g�ed-t=tie--struct-- ___ _....
of the Butler building, with a stan-�'
ural engineering firm of Gosling, . `...
and Cog of Toronto who completed lord sZc icesur€a-ce-a-t--1-S5-b-y 90
sketch ,plans outlining what was • feet, was about $140,000. The
necessary to„bring the present build present Lucknow ice surface was •
ing up•to national building, code given as 72 by 168
_safety standards. Mri, Gosling in- Mr, Joynt told the meeting that
dicated that lie would put his seal . both Mr. MacDougall and Mr -'
of approval on the building after Wedow , 144110144110 submitted Prices on
his, specifications had been met by • the•.renovation, said that.the pre-
• a contractor •sent arena building, brought up to.
Mr: Joynt also explained .that nationalbuilding code standards
council had obtained fi utes' from and 'providd with a renovation
other<frms regarding the con •
struct •;p•rogram , would "be„ a better build..
. .•
ion of a new arena, ing than the previousriew .arena
Followingupthe. specifications building' which' had. been proposed
. • ' It was reported b Lucknow•'coun
�eL�ut �y...lvlr, Gosling , council P y''
invited estimates .from three area coun-
cil -that that the feel on -the -present
•contractors;regarding the work : ' building isi the very best quality
which would bring the building up and.that similar quality steel's. not
to national building code stand - available today . '
ards. It was further pointed out -by the
The firm of Owen King of Walk- Lucknow delegation that •the prop-
erton estimated the *irk at. osal, 'as' presented , .Was only a sugg•
$32,000. • - estion and that if :the••townships
The firm of ,M. A , 1v1ac17ougall of. were interested in mpartic°ipating� in
Wingham estimated the work at the., project, a building com
about $15,000 with an alternate would be appointed with represent -
proposal osal which would reduce, the atives. from all •municipalities who
P -
figure by $2000 if the engineer, ' might see fit to make changes
Mr. Goslin ,'' approved. in the proposal
• ,:The firm of Mel Wedow of flan Mr:: Joynt said that the reason
The Brownies 'opened with Fairy council had rovided renovation
over estimated h work a ' f P
t ew r at a'
plans and new arena plans was that
they' wanted to have alternatives
to consider when they talked with
the townships, so that Plans•
'could: proceed as quickly as possi
Robert' Lyons' of, West Wawanosh
questioned what, the people OP' -
Lucknow w'ould'•think' of a $140,000,
•figure fora new arena ..;Mr •Lyons• ..
commented; the figure. was
$99,000 last' year. andlook what
the' 'did”
. y
Ring, After that we made presents
for our Mothers-
Susan;Hall received he'r Golden
Ladder and Patti -Lou Irwin her
:Toy Makers badge.
We closed. with Pow Wow, and:
in the
for 10: ye ar ' period 'to. the ' 2 church, es
The vote.'was.to.be a,2/3 vote,
which' would be.'.18_af-tfic..7 s -i -goers'.
The result•.was -14�es and, 12 ho:.
14yes ,
Oneparty did not vote
¼'-'-inches Thick:
Standard Sizes
2 ft 8 in. x 6' ft. 8f.in.
2ft 10in.x6ft.8in
Portland and Masonry..
(IN -PO' Yri--BAGS•) .
E '52i
_hundred dollars above the '$15,000
estimate of Mr. MacDe a11.
These. estimates woold
, y
the• present building to a point •
where it; was safe to use' and , did
not include. any renovations of the
structure :or improved. facilities.
' Mr. MacDouga'il's original. prop-
,osal for the modernization of the.
building, way abe:4k $33 •-000, bui
council had him modify some of
the suggestions and come up•'wi h
another "price .of about $26,.000•.
'Total o.verall:costfor:the
rMr. `Joynt saiti'that he felt: the
`a Harper Farm
Mr. and Mrs Chester Nicholson -
and farnily moved_ from.their borne -
at Belfast to the farm formerly
owned, by the; late Brown 'Harpe, r ,
Mr.:and Mrs. John Gardner;, who
are 47 years married , were, 'Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Woods. Mrs'. Gardner who had.
broken her hip several months ago
is getting about on crutches.
means money to the, business, men.
of Lucknow. • •
George Joynt pointed .out that the'
business mer •are providing, a ser-,
vice and. that the people on the , :
back ;street in Lucknow pay for the
arena. as
Lucknow council proposed a four ";
w•ay even split in the cost of,the
renovation. Reeve Joynt stated •that.
he did not feel that Lucknow could
afford more than .anyone else.
The four:way split would 'give: a
net cost to each municipality '
after..grants., of $7ti75 , E'ch ,rnun-'.
idipality yould pay 25% of the cost
The three rural municipalities
rnet together lot a short period arid:".
Came. up with a'counter proposal,
`Kinloss 'and Ashfield agreed to''it •
,.but West Wawanosh wished tO'hold
their decisionuntil ,the two replain
ing members of • council, who were
not•.present, were contacted 'T•he
proposal was .Lucknow pay 40°•.or.1
the'cost', 'Ashfield 2016, Kinloss
• 20o and West. Wawanosh' 2awanosc ,.
would. give Lucknow a net cost;
: 4;tan ,nnn • •after. grants.; of•$12;6.90 and\the
•strep therein($15,000) : arid the
fi re-for'a ne4aren
g , . g three townships `a' net_•cost ,; a'fter-
•modernizin $26 ', 000 plus new with standard size ice facilities., ; ••
g ( )..P rants,' of $6.,300 each.. '-
d sandblastn "Was •a better. dean than $90 ; 000 for, g.
• h' a" tire' an g
stee repair, ri: gecap an •.
•overhead power•door at he west size• ivlr :Joynt said, that he .felt , townships become pail of a. five
that if a: new building was. consid-• . 'Man board to operate the arena in
end ($7000) would `be $48;000. •
g ' the future, one each from the
cos ions, p in, i g,•a building over the present ice �• >loth .these Proposals Were that the
1 d d
ered•, ' a'. larger standard' size ice
surface.was•the.sersib-le thing to
Council did receive a firm tender- , townships and two 'from Luckno�.
on the!se';items but the Sentinel • ,• � Thefuture,maintenarlce of the
figures are,Only. approximate -fig-
' Leo Murray .of Kiriloss.'said that . .
the maintenance on the. present • ,
arena had never been adequate
Harold. Greer Of Lucknow said y
that'there is 'no deterioration in the -accepted this proposal.
building but that some defects,'had West• Wawanosh said rhat_th.e_y
building would, :also. be shared` on a
It was; suggested by Lucknow .coup•
percentage basis similar to the,
Lucknow Council 'm t briet3' ' and
Cil. that the; cost could be ''red used ••
by volunteer labour pulling out the
old dressing room area and by the
salvage that would "be gained ,from..
the present building. ,
In addition- to what .we have'
1 mentioned. in the preceding paragr-
• } aph , the renovation: would include
ronf at -the--east end, : two
dressing, rooms downstairs with,
t washrooms off each, two .other
•: w:ashroo
ins downstairs• for thepublic
la booth, ticket office and referee's
I area downstairs'. as wellas a glassed
in viewing area downstairs.... Two
additional dressing, rooms; would be
located 'upstairs as well as a large'
(community roomandstorage area.
-I The upstairs viewing area, would
•also be glassed in. " The area would,
be -electrically` heated
Yvlr.. Joynt pointed out that' in ;est=
I imating; the repairs necessary in
suggestion '
been 'built in.. would give their answer by Monda'r
• George Newbold of Lucknow 'said
.that continuing maintenance, on
the building is necessary: '
-Duncan C.ampbell'of Kinldss '
questioned how :the people of Luck-
now felt about the arena
George Joynt of Lucknow said
that,he felt that_the greater numb-
er -Of people; in the vi -1 erc • -
interested in" restoring the present '•
,building if satisfactory. facilities.
can be provided.
.°Harold Greer'of.Lucknow said.
that he -felt" the. present, ice surface
size -was adequate for the:hockey.
program in : the village.:
George Joynt,of..Lucknow , said'
that Lucknow 'Council , 'from'•the'
( bringing the .truss, work up to nation,, 'beginning., had put a $50',()60 cell
in •rice on a renovation pro ram
-1al-building-code-stadaids' land he 'felt t`at'council was saris-
needed repair'. ured every truss as if it.
'. Gosling .g feed .with the proposal submitted;
p Further investi at= '
ion ,Gordon Boyd of Ashfield said '
'.was overestimated. but council that he felt felt the Township of Ash
wanted to have' a maximum figure ( field f
.g for•restoration.and renovation.
:could reveal that,the work '
! pr s n rather than find unexpec• •
toy" e 'e t at ie would be more• in favour o _.
ted work after the project -began.'
In his remarks, Mr`; Joynt suggest-
ed an area- board to operate the
arena .and share in the future ad-
ministration and maintenance.
the renovation 'progr.ani . • •
Robert,Lyons of West' Wawanosli
was non=cormittal and said that
he "didn't know what °to' make of
said that' .felt that an area rec.:' Ceorge Joynt sai.dthat he felt,
rection `board wiih. representatives
that if rural people had a say in the
from.all municipalities, could: operation of the arena there'wouid
-operate more, effectively and thatbe a better feeling by all concern -
:and the other two townships
Verbally committed themselves
at the .meeting
in closing Mr. Joynt. said that
,the ,village council'was pleased:
with the. offer and providing. West
Wawanosh agreed,; :there was no
reason: why they could not proe eed
at once' •
Mr. Joynt said that the ;reno.vat
ion can be'.done:in two months. -
The strengthening will,'te•done ..: •:
first - so that if the renovation is • not •
eoniplete-l-y-finished by-.Fa11• Fair •
time, the' will at least he. '
usable for the Fair Board
Mr'., Joynt:'said that he hoped: that
appointments:can'':be'made to the
building committee so that work
can ••proceed- at once
In the proposal, t e tura coon
oils stipulated that the engineertns
fees of Gosling and Co: to date,;:.
$960. , be,paid by the village of .
Lucknow and that future engineer-
ing fees,would be shared on the
percentage breakdown agreed tt..
The answer fro'n West Wa:WatTCtslt,
more grant assistance might be C" '
made use of in the'operation of • ' • Harold Greer said that the Luck -
various ,Sports in the area. now,arena committeehad been
It was `pointed out by Mr, Joynt very inactive over the years and
that estimates on new arenas had 'tha't he had spent a short time on it,
been received from Stra idsteel • but after being unable to'get the
Butler Bcild n 4 and
Cc.„ Butler Wondergroup together, resigned,.
uild n s, Council had felt that Bots `Lyons said that the arena
ailli64 10'4 -4 athi
Township. came by Friday afternoon.:'
They indicated that they did not
wish top P artici .ate in ,the, retiovat-,
ion program •on the basis agreed to
by Lucknow,, 'Ashfield•ai d Kinloss,
would support a new arena at an.
estimated .cost of $140,000. ' They:'
would contribute 15'e ,of the rose
which amounts to -$21;0'00
would,reduc ,this cost but st w:itinr
time we did not have officia .