HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-23, Page 1•• .4
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$5,00 A Year' Advance. .$2.00. ExtraTO 1)4
About 500 Attend Dedication On Sunday
. _ •
^ ^
• ,
• ••••••,:•••&/..:•;:.% •
Single copy'15c . 21 pawls
. .
Wawanosh Stay$:.
- TIME • With Original!.
iBEGiN$ .,New Arena Offer
With details on the.Luc 4,-)W arena
proposals changing from day to day
the Sentinel cias•in contact with
Reeve Robert Lyons of West Wawa
nosh and Reeve George joyrit of
Lucknow Tuesday at noon. •
The West Wawanosh council met • • ..
on 'Monday night to ,again consider
the arenaquestionbut made no •
changes from their original decision'
to contributetowards a'new build-
ing. That proposal is.pri Ited •
of • •
el€ewhere in this IssUe. Jest Wawa
This Sunday, April 27th, will .
see the commencement of Daylight
Saving time locally. Official
change over time is 2 a.m. SUB -
day Morning and you ate
advised 'tomove your clocks ahead
one hour before retiring1S,attuday
night. ' •
Elmer Foran Dies
Isifel.Wedow. of Hanover, ,on the ••,'
left., general contractor for the
construction of the new $70-1000,
,Christian Education Wing and :" •
Manse at Lucknow United Church:.
is ,shown passing the keys of Ole.
new addition to Rayn,ard Ackert of
liolyrood, chairman of the building
cOmmittee. On the right is Rev.
• ,
Laird ;Stirling.of.Lucknotv United •
Church. The official opening' and' •
dedication of the new facilities.
weie,held on•SundaYand about '500.
people attended the service,
. . .
Sudden y Monday.'
. nosh indicated that if they did con-.
..I.S4cler a 'renovation and'restoratibn
plan they would not Wish to con- • •:
Elmer Forah:, 47,tycar_old: West tribute a 2K., figure as suggested by. .
Wawanosh Township fattner,(Oied .; Ashfield. and kinloss. They did not,
suddenly early monday..rhorning however, ndicate on Tuesday what
at his home. He was found dead'i.h figure or percentage they would bebed about the supper hour ° .
Dlounng:ayn'willing tO accept
evening by his son Mike of l was presentedl, by: •
nbn. ' ; . • • Reeve Lyons to Reeve.Joynt at
The body is resting at the Mac-.... noon hour on Tuesday.. .
Kenzie Memorial Chapel in Luck -„:21111111.1R411111111111111,1111111111)111111111111311 s,
now until Thursday morning, April I• •
f; Passes In - Hospital.'
24th when Mast be. held it., • '
11;30 a . thp at St. Auglistint • . • • •
Catholic Church.... Interment will bc1.. Mrs
at St' A
Frank Pentland whose hoMe'
usustine•Ce—etery, , •
; was just South of Dungannon, died
on Monday at the .Wingharn and ; •.
A Distriot*HOspital.Mri!. Pentland,
who was 59 years of age, had stiff-
!'ered a„ long iljness". • •
. . •
The faneralwas held toda'is,'Wed,•:
nesday :at .purOrinOrt Unitecl•••••.,.
Church with Stilts Funeral Horne.. '
, • Auburn in charge . :Burial was in
Dunganriory Cern etery. . •'
, .
On Wednesday eVening of last, •.
week, Lucknow village council in
vitedcOuncils from the Townships,
of Ashfield',. West Wawanosh. and
Kinloss to once again discuss the
Lucknow arena qUettion.
. ,
Since the new Lucknow council.
took office in early January, :they'
have investigated both. te,novatiOn
projects to the exiiting arena,"
after bringing it up to National
Building Code standards; and new
arena proposals..
that the first•order of buiiness`w,as•
to 'determine if, the rural councils .
felt that an arena in Lucknow, to ••
accOmMOdate hockey; skating, the
• • George JOynt Lucknow village Agricuirurai Society .and. other
Reeve, chaired last Week's meeting' events, was a necessity ,„ • . • •
Present at therneeting.were Reeve•.. A 'rriotiOn.by Leo /vlurray of Kin-
JoyntouticillorS Harold. Greer.,. losi...and..GOrdon Boyd Of 'Ashfieid
ElclonWraith, George. ewb Id n vour ng ce y,
f L k ". • " was carried'urianirnOnsl*
Reeve Gordon. -Boyd, Deputy Reeve
•Girvin Reed:; Councillors Lorne •
Cook, Eugene Frayne;'•Warren Zinn
and Clerk Donald Simpson from
Ashfielc1; ReeveRobert Lyons and
Councillors Leo Foran and John . •
•Rutherford from West Wawanosh,
Councillors Leo•Murray;•WIlliam • .
Halderiby.; lliott and Dun-
can Carripbell from KinloSs. . •
Mr . joynt, thanked the:eiji..-arfepre-:
Sentatives for their attendance and..
stated .tht the :Luoknow Council felt
4÷1-44,1-11.44-I.' • Of ' Gordon • o nigornety rend Re,/... Howard . 8t1pp
_ „ _ • ,
and Mrs
• "•• s' • . • ered. an anthem with •Miss,•He'len
an early agteernent could be made.
and it.was not the intention.of-his
This Sciturday
council to hold many meetings on
the proposal. He said•that the pre-.•
sent Lucknow council hao=tatc'en•
office on January 14th an.dk,that the
people •of Lucknow,-had clearly ind-
icated that they wanted to know ,
what was wrong with the present
Lucknow arenalMiflthngllrthls
:Sunday was a historic day,in the
life.of ucknow United Church ;Stirling in theservice wasRev.. •
Assistir,' the minister ev Laird
when th
Wing and
, . , •
ew Cbrjstian. Education V A. Wilkinson o • 'near ine as
lanse at the church were representative of Bruce Presbytery.
edicated. The new •Mr, Wilkinson is presently
70',000 addition has been in use ; ary of Presbytery arid will assurne
fjor, several mbriths with' Sunday, '; a two year chairrn:anshi corniben&-
April 20th being Set aside as a ing this Fall. • .
special day when the project woUldwelcome was extended by Re
bededicated and open for all fron-F Stirling to all those present. All
thec6Intnunityto see. ..." • faiths in'the community were rep- :
A bout-5-60--peo-ple attended,..th_e___:_-_L'resenteil_as well as many' fbrinex
afternoon servLce at •p rae'solidste.anntsc.eall. d9btircb -7embeits froth',
. ,
• • The choir, under the direction. Introduced from the pulplt were.
Thompson taking the solo part. . ''CONTINUED ON PAGE 19
" • •
Sandra M. Percy, datighter of Mr.,
and Mrs. Alex Percy Of Xinlough,
gra uate t is Satur
26th from theOntario Bible College
in Toronto She Will receive her •
dipoma in the General Bible
Course , The graduation' exercises
Will be .hld'at the Varsity Arena
, . .
. Barry .1y1cDonagh of A shfield
Township was the sUcceisfulbidd-.,
dr on the Lucknow Public School
prOperty recently put up for ten
ger by the Lucknow village coun-
cil. Mr. McDOnagh's tender of
$1500 was the highest of four rec-
eived for the school property tupn-
ing from Havelock to Outran.)
streets and•containing the fire.
wins of the LOCknOwPublic School
he.1 west tender was- fot•$200.
'It is Barry's intention to remove
the ruins of the fire as quickly' as
possible. and subdivide the property
into about seven residential build -i
ing lots which will be for sale,
Meeting:to Open the tenders' on
' r •
. • 1
Wednefsday night of last week;
Lucknow council also discussed the
possibility of locating a seniOi'Oit-
zens apartment builslirig on; the
'I site. Provincial regiilationsrequire
that a municipality have sewerage
before.a project of this nature
would be approved:
Two invited tenders were receiv-
ed for the" removal of the fire ruins.
• e
, •
had- a price of about $5000 for this
wbrk. Syrhes Bros, Holyrbod sub-
mtted a price. of $5600.. This in
cluded the removal of the rums and
the batemetit area Of the Old school
building. Council, however, deid,
ed to s.ell the popero; , . ,
• A.$48,000 renovation and res- West Wawanosh agrees to come in
toration Program at the Lucknow on the scheme, the shars would
arena is now definite folidWirig, a reVert to thefortner ac,teement of
meeting between ASlifield; kinlost Luchnow46,.Kinloss Ash-
nd. Lucknow Councils on•Tuesda S; field 20'7;4" and West Wawanosh
The f 1
e owing rnotion came this agreetillent to take effeci.on
April 2Sth. •
from the meeting proposed by Wrn..•
The proposal Wodict include
Eang; Reeve kinlost and-second-
.e'd by ‘Girvin Reed, Deputy -Reeve .participation in future.'
Of Ast-ifierd. adrninistration and .Maintenane
• •
the villa e of Lucknow of the building. •
4 • • •
.,"That .• • •
enters into agreettent with the town
ships of Kinloss and Ashfield cd,,
proceed with renovation to the
Luc now arena at an estimated cost
of $48.,0,0 Lucknow toassurne
5.05o. the cost, Kinloss nd'
Ashfiel 255e. If the township Of'
,Appointments were ma e ro I
bUilding COMIttitteel Li.1612nOW,
S010MOn, Harold .6reet;
Ash field ; rn Col\ Eu.ene •
Frayne;Kirilos, Le O Miirray;
Orville Elliott• .
. • Further' details next wee „ •